#all i remeber is i wrote it in 1st person so i can see why old me deleted it
lolabearwrites · 1 year
Just found a zutara long fic in my docs
It was completed and everything and I decided to read it-it's so so bad jagaksjksbsmj
Kinda want to delete it, but also don't because I'm nostalgic?
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tslyricx · 6 years
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Let’s continuing with one of the most heartbreaking, saddest and complex of the entire record of RED. This song finds Taylor reminiscing on the memories of a past relationship from start to finish. The track was written by Taylor and Liz Rose, who was also a collaborator in her previous albums.
The song starts the story - telling with:  “I walked through the door with you The air was cold But something ‘bout it felt like home somehow”
Walking through a door can be used as a metaphor to indicate the start of something new like a love story. Taylor compares their relationship to a house, at the beginning it was cold since the two just met, but at the same time she felt at home with him and she knew that it could be the start of something important.
After all these days, we can see that he still has her scarf, which she left at his sister’s house. Despite the ending of their relationship, his memento proves he still cares about her, and the scarf acts as a token of his continued passion: “ And I left my scarf there, at your sister’s house And you’ve still got it  In your drawer, even now” The fact that it’s in the drawer highlights that although she will continue to be a part of him, she isn’t relevant to his life in the same way she used to be. 
In the firt verse, we realize that she fell for him initially because he had a warm, kind feel about him and she was a bit naïve. The two went on road trips together, singing songs and enjoying their time together: “Oh, your sweet disposition And my wide-eyed glaze  We’re singing in the car getting lost upstate Autumn leaves falling dow like pieces into place And I can picture it after all these days” Leaves randomly falling off trees in autumn is a natural part of the season cycle, but the occurrence was so appropriate for the moment that it seemed each leaf was falling artistically in the right place. This also accents on how detailed Taylor’s memory is. Even though she wants to forget about the relationship, she can still visualize all the moments they spend together; even the way the leaves fell on the ground. The phrase “pieces into place” also insinuates coming together. What I mean is that love is like a puzzle put together; as their relationship was growing tighter in that moment.
The pre-chorus describes perfectly how she really felt when the relationship came into an end: “And I know it’s long gone And that magic is not here no more And I might be okay, but I’m not fine at all” She knows that they are not together anymore, but she doesn’t want to accept it. The relationship had such a strong emotional commitment to it that it’s hard to separate herself. While on the surface she acts unaffected by the breakup, it leaves her shaken and sad.
As the song goes on, in the chorus we figure out that this song blurs the line between memory and reality. One of Taylor’s major song-writing tropes is to privilege the past on equal grounds to the present and here she state explicitily that the past is “here” “again.”: “’Cause there we are again on that little town street”
The next line in the chorus, is probably one of the most romatic lines in songwriting history: “You almost ran the red ‘cause you were looking over me” The idea is so simple: her lover was so swooned by her that he nearly killed them. Moreover, the idea of trysting lovers risking it all for their passion is a major theme in literature and song. As an example we have the well-known Shakespeare’s work: “Romeo and Juliet”. Also, this isn’t the first time Taylor has used traffic light metaphors. She also uses it in the 1st and 11th track on the red album. In an interview for Wonderland magazine’s “Outspoken Issue,” Taylor talked about this: “Relationships are like traffic lights. And I just have this theory that I can only exist in a relationship if it’s a green light.”
It continues saying: “Wind in my hair, I was there, I remeber it all too well” The idea of wind in her hair reminisces on times that were carefree and fun. It’s a blur between Taylor’s reality and what she wants to remember the relationship as. Taylor believes it was perfect the whole time; it was almost like living in a dreamed state that she can’t shake the rushes of feelings she gets back as time progresses even after the relationship: she remembers it all too well. Because the feelings were so strong and intense, she can’t just forget it. .
She keeps telling the story really detailed, recalling the good moments of the relationship: “Photo album on the counter, your cheeks were turning red You used to be a little kid with glasses in a twin-size bed And your mother’s telling stories about you on a tee ball team You tell me about your ast, thinking your futre was me”
When their relationship is finally over she’s trying to think about how she could’ve saved it, but isn’t coming up with anything: “And I know it’s long gone And there was nothing else I could do And I forget about you long enough To forget why I needed to” She makes the decision to move on from her relationship and attempts to forget about it completely. However, it’s the intricate memories detailed throughout the song which make it difficult for her to move on easily, as she remembers the good times of the relationship and clings onto that.
In the second chorus, Taylor exhibits her artistry with carefully picked wording: “’Cause there we are again in the middle of the night We are dancing around the kitchen in the refrigerator light Down the stairs, I was tgere, I remmber it all too well” The “middle of the night” and subtle “refrigerator light” uses imagery to point to the intimacy of the moment. She paints the picture of a quiet, sweet moment shared between the lovers which beautifully contrasts the more vivid, rushing emotions from the car ride in verse 1.
Afterwards, we realized that Taylor and her lover probably had two different ideas about the way their relationship should’ve proceeded; she wanted a serious and long lasting one while he didn’t want to commit yet and ran away from her, destroying all the good that they built together: “Maybe we got lost in translation Maybe I asked for too much But maybe this thing was a masterpiece  ‘Til you tore it all up Running scared, I was there, I rember it all too well” Fun fact: Lost in Translation was a 2003 comedy-drama film, considered to be one of the best films of the 2000’s. It revolved around two strangers who form a personal yet short-lived relationship. The reference was likely intentional.
She continues the song, saying: “I’m a crumpled up piece of paper lying here ‘Cause I remmber it all, all, all too well” Theatrically, when an artist scraps his work, he crumples the piece of paper he’s working on and throws it away. Taylor is essentially portraying herself as her ex’s “rough draft.” Even though she’s scrapped and forgotten, she still remembers everything as she has all of his “work” written on her. A key theme in this song is change. Take a clean sheet of paper, and crumple it up. No matter what you do to that crumpled up piece of paper, you can’t make that sheet into the clean, pure piece of paper that it originally was. Her relationship with him was so strong, that once they broke up, she was forever changed.
When they broke up, though, Taylor sadly lost her ability to enjoy a successful independence: “I’d like to be my old self again But I’m still trying to find it”. “After plaid shirt days and night when you made me tour own Now you mail back my things and I walk home alone” “Made me your own” in contrast to “walk home alone” are also important pieces here. The former seems to refer to an intense closeness between him and Taylor; likely both sexual and emotional in nature.
In the last lines of the bridge, she mentions again the scarf she was reffering earlier in the song: “But you keep my old scarf from that very first week ‘Cause it remainds you of innocence and it smells like me You can’t get rid of it, ‘cause you remember it all too well”
It means so much to him that, even after he’s returned all her other items, he’s kept the scarf. Again, the scarf symbolizes his longing and passion for the relationship. Taylor isn’t the only one hurting. There’s an element of nostalgia that goes beyond his relationship with Taylor, too. He misses the innocence of that time in his life, when even a kiss was exciting, before he got older and the kinds of things he did with Taylor became routine with other girls. She mentions specifically that it’s from “that very first week,” when their romance, and romance in general, was still fresh and new to them. In a way, the scarf is a symbol of his relationship with Taylor, and his relationship with Taylor is a symbol of his lost innocence.
To sum up, with the last three lines, Taylor recalls all the important moments she talked about in the song. She’s positive that he remembers these special times. The one difference? he may not have realized how special their love affair was, but she sure did. She knows their relationship is over, but she won’t forget it easily: “Wind in my hair, you were there, you rember it all Down the stair, you were there, you remmber it all It was rare, I was there, I remember it all too well”.
Co-writer Liz Rose said to Rolling Stone Magazine: “When we wrote the song, I hadn’t heard from her in awhile. She hadn’t really been writing. I was in Nashville one day, slowly moving the last bits of junk out of my garage so I could move to Dallas. […] I was in my driveway and my phone rings, and it’s Taylor saying, ‘Man, I’ve got this thing and I really need you to help me with it. Can you write today? What are you doing today?’ [I later] drove over to Taylor’s. It was the first song she wrote for that record, I think. She had a story and she wanted to say something specific. She had a lot of information. I just let her go. She already had a melody and she started singing some words, and I started writing things down, saying, ‘Ok, let’s use this, let’s use that.’ She mentioned a plaid shirt, and I wrote that down in a corner, and when we got to the end, I said, ‘Let’s put the plaid shirt in there.’ That turned into one of the best lines. […] It was the most emotional, in-depth song we’ve ever written.”
Also, Taylor said: “All Too Well” was difficult to write emotionally because it took me a really long time to filter through everything I wanted to put in the song without it being a 10 minute song, which you can’t put on an album. I wanted a story that could work in the form of a song and I called my co-writer Liz Rose and said, ‘Come over, we’ve gotta filter this down,’ and it took me a really long time to get it.”
Favorite lyrics: All the freaking song.
 Album: Red released on October 22, 2012.
 Witten by: Taylor Swift and Liz Rose. 
 Hidden message: Maple latte. 
 Picture: Taylor performing “all too well” live in the RED tour in 2013.
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sweetlittlelie48 · 7 years
Noguchi Yume’s & Sakamoto Marin’s blogs
It’s interesting when you see some kids saying the member they like is not the one in Senbatsu, but the one who shines in theater. Yeah, these kids aren’t just ordinary kids who want to be an idol. They are true fans who want to be a part of something they long for...for me, these kids are so worth supporting. Sakamoto Marin is the kid I’m talking about. She said in her first Showroom for 8th gen audition that her oshi is Yumechi, one of the “theater goddess” of Team S.
As you all know, Yumechi will graduate soon. She wrote her blog to this important junior, Marin-chan, as she knows this girl is her fan and she’s thankful for her. This blog is so touching. Marin also wrote reply in her Kenkyusei blog. It’s good to see this kind of interaction between senior and junior, I can feel the warmth overflowing through their blogs. *tears*
So, that’s why I translated their blogs here.
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(*´▽`)ノ For you l Noguchi Yume l official blog
Since I can't directly contact her, I will right it here.
From the beginning till the end, there's only 1 junior who said "Senpai that I admire is Noguchi Yume-san"
She's really earnest. She also came to handshake events, I remeber her. Maybe, she also commented on my G+...?
I am happy that she entered as 8th gen. but on the other hand, I'm graduating. Since I already decided at that time, I feel sorry for her.
However, I always think that if there's a junior says 'Yume-san is Senpai whom I admire', I would be so happy. For making my dream comes true, I appreciate it. I'm sooooo happy (^^)
Thank you for always greeting me with nervous face.
Eventhough I start conversation, I wouldn't have much to talk. *laugh* But, I'm happy that there's a junior who adores me entered(SKE)
Ther's still 1 month left. Hope we can stand on the same stage.
SKE48 TeamS Noguchi Yume
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m(#a_r#)in Marin blog #10 l Sakamoto Marin l official blog
Good evening.
Born on the 2nd of February 2002, Was born in the winter? (Marin ー ー !!) ← Please say this! Yeah (* ^^) v I will make everyone smiles. Junior high third grade, 14 years old I'm Sakamoto Marin (* ^^ *)
On the date of 24th, it was Yosshi's (Kitagawa Yoshino) 16th birthday! Happy birthday!!
Since we went to Hazumisaki together, we began to talk quite often. From now on, let's be a close friend!!
I'm going to chang the topic here. The day before yesterday, Yakata Miki-san and Noguchi Yume-san announced graduation.
Miki-san taught me about theater rules and the points I should concern when I got to appear as backdancer. Thank you so much! During the time left, please take care of me.
And for Yume-san, congratulations on your acceptance to university!
Though I knew I will have to say it someday but...
Actually, when I was in junior high 1st grade, I didn't feel the school is fun.
However, the love for SKE wasn't changed. On the day off, I got energetic when going to stages and events.
Since spring of my 2nd grade, I started to have fun at school. (I'm not going to graduate now though I like school. Please don't worry. *laugh*)
As Yume-san could return to normal life, I got courage from that.
If I didn't come to like SKE, If I didn't know Yume-san, I wouldn't have been able to have fun at school, I wouldn't have entered SKE.
So, I really have to thank Yume-san a lot.
I'm happy that she also wrote about me in her blog.
As Yume-san wrote in her blog, I did commented on her G+.
I always get nervous when I talk to her. I couldn't get the word right, I'm sorry.
That you feel sorry for me, it's great that I could help make your dream comes true! Thank you so much.
it may be difficult but I also want to stand on the same stage with you.
I will do as best as I can.
Only little time left but please take care of me!!
I love Yume-san (*^^*)
And the Senpai that I will admire forever is Noguchi Yume-san.
SKE48's 2nd album "Kakumei no oka" will be released on February 22!
And regular edition events were decided.
January 28 (Sat) and 29 (Sun) Port Messe Nagoya (it's tomorrow!)
February 11 (Sat) and 12 (Sun) Makuhari Messe
The activities is now decided. regular edition events will have;
・capricuous stage ・haunted house handshake ・badminton ・winter physical test ・2nd album special poster exchange ・strike out ・air soccer goal ・basketball
there are also attrations such as 2-shot and signing as winning prize! Personally, I want to be responsible for basketball because I'm in basketball club. I talk with Ishiguro Yuzuki-chan and Nomura Miyo-chan that I want to do it!
looking forward to it ( ̄∀ ̄*)
please come to play with us!! We will be waiting!
For details, please click here ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Http://avex.jp/ske48/news/detail.php?id=1045090
From February 1st The campaign 8th gen/ 8 members/ 8 days free mobile mail will start.
I'm so happy (*^^*)
Not only during campaign, but even after the campaign ends
I will collect even trivial things in order to send lots of mail to everyone. I promise!
Do my best!!
I will wait for everyone's reply. Please take care of me.
Thank you for reading today's blog, too. Can't wait for the next time.
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bfjooonie-archive · 7 years
... More ? Ok wait... I don't know what else to say. How about weird puns ? Quote what BTS just said in their songs ? You know Hakuna Matata from Boy in Love ? I guess they like Disney. Because they put Ratatouille in their new song. Which is cute, kinda, but mostly funny. Imagine Yoongi surrounded by Disney's stuffed toys characters ? How about Jimin ? I don't know what's more cute. A photo of it or his reactions with Kumamon... F.LWSAJt3rd
I really do hope you'll feel better soon... Don't think to much about things that stress you. Actually that's surprisingly one of the reasons people can get a cold. Stress. If you ever try to cook chicken soup, please be careful. Don't pull a Namjoon. Don't forget to drink water ! (again, not too cold). Do you have scented candles ? It can help you to relax. Or try to listen to BTS's remix, it helps me to sleep. And you need sleep.
I'm eating Big Hit right now... (you know those you can buy at Lidl ?) Sometimes I really think about why did Yoongi chose Father Louis Williams Suga Adams... Junior the 3rd. But then, he probably just put random foreigners names he had in mind. I'm going to keep writing the firsts things that pops in my mind... probably... I don't know you put pressure on me xD I'm really excited to see the stages for this comeback! The dance is great. There's Yoonmin too...
When you'll answer this (which you weren't supposed to apparently but that's ok), what is your favourite song of the album ? Would you like to be Kumamon and be hugged by Yoongi if you're sick or be Yoongi and be hugged by a Kumamon ? Mmh... Imagine Yoongi in a Kumamon costume hugging you and giving you chicken soup ? >
Staying true to the "Send in anon what you feel about me at first I was intimidated to even send something in anon because I'm actually really shy. So the 1st time I send you something truly was as Father Louis ! I never thought you would have answered and play with the game. Didn't even imagined you would remember(or maybe it's the fact there's not many anons going by Father Louis Williams Suga Adams Junior the 3rd ? It is mouthfull...)and that's just another reason why you're an amazing person
Can we talk about how cute Yoongi is with blue hair ? May his hair rest in peace later. Amen. But he looks so soft !! Your gif of it killed me, I blinked more than usual (I'm one of those persons who blinks a lot). I'm sorry I don't know what to write, in one hand I may come as a mother. At the other hand... I'm annoying. (I hope you're laying on a bed by now. Sleeping. Where I am it's 23:15 and Germany must be +1h if I'm not wrong.)
And so, as the sky started to darken, he closed his eyes slowly. Taking a deep breath, he focused on his other senses. How the grass was feeling ticklish, like a brush; the males crickets playing their cello in hope to find a female, and mate with them; the scent of the night surrounding him, a scent which can't be easily describe it. His shoulders drop, his face soften. Slowly breathing out, he opens his eyes... ah there it is. Peace. -Father Louis Williams Suga Adams Junior the 3rd.
I hope my last ask will make you feel more relaxed ^^ English is my 3rd language and I'm self-taught so I did a poor job at "Show, don't tell" + the fact there's a limit of characters we can put. I was going to write a small yoonmin scene but it just makes me remember Jimin in Serendipity instead. Anyway, hope you get better !!! 💛💙 - Father Louis Williams Suga Adams Junior the 3rd, living in the 2nd house of BTS Hell.
Okay you wrote me a freaking essay! hahah ♥
I think Jungkook, Taehyung and Namjoon might watch a lot of Disney movies? I dont know. Correct me if I am wrong :’) I could totally see Yoongi with lots of Animal + Stitch stuffed toys! That would be so cute :o Thank you for your getting well wishes! I really hope so too! It is most likely stress. I have a lot on my mind recently. I dotn even sleep well because of it so yeah. It will all be good in 2/3 months though. I think might make me soup. He is a really good cook! I am more of a baker :) Even my co-workers ask me why i am not making the lemon cake again lmao. They love that cake so much. I only had some colder/luke warm water so dont worry. As I said, I am mostly drinking tea! I have sweet scented candles! I would like some minty scented candles though. Just so I could feel like I am breathing. I am listening to the new album  on repeat. It makes me wanna be active! Which is good I guess. I dont want to mope around being sick. I havent sleept very well last night, i kept waking up, because of my throat. (I kept breathing through my mouth because my nose got stuffed during the night) 
I LOVE BIG HIT! Tbh i like them more than M&Ms. Also they are way cheaper. Thank god for that. And you have Lidl? That means you must be in a European Country! And you said Germany is +1 hour from you? You must be from a warmer country if English is self taught! That is so cool! 
I am sorry that I put pressure on you. Just wrtie to me whenever and however much you want! I love seeing your messages! I am really excited about the comeback stages too! I think it got leaked that they would promote Mic Drop too? I might be in my cold haze though. :’)  The dance is so cool! I am in awe! That choreo must be so difficult! It is so fast paced sometimes. 
My fav song would be: Serendipity, Best Of Me and Pied Piper maybe? I am not too sure yet.  What are yours?I’d rather be hugged by Yoongi! I just want to hug all of them. hajsdgfljkh That image made me laugh! I wouldnt be able to take him seriously if he tried to feed me wiht a Kumamon costume on! 
Yoongi is such a tsunderer. It is adorable and endearing. I wouldnt be able to imagine him any other way tbh. Jimin, yes! He would even post those pics of yoongi on twitter :’) 
Of course I would have remebered you! Your ask was so funny and nice! I love those little games to get over the awkwardness. It doesnt expose one completely at first which is totally okay! Getting used/warmed up to somebody takes courage and time! Youre amazing too, my dear anon! 
I loved minty yoongi and pastel blue is very close to that so i am all *heart eyes* His hair would have been all healthy again at this point. Bleaching all of that is such a shame. I hope he thought it was okay to dye it again. 
Thank you for loving my gifs! youre NOT annoying! Dont say that! youre fun to talk to! Mother me all you want :D Your little calming story is so realxing! Thank you! It makes me want to cuddle up in my blanket and forget the real world. 
I hope you had a good nights rest and a good day at wherever you are! School/college/work! 
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