#all my 10k+ bullshit wheeeze
paintedkinzy-88 · 2 years
Please tell me we'll get more Winged Multiverse content soon, like the Undertale crew finding out the specifics about the Resets, or some stuff involving Razz and King(they're so UNDERRATED!!!!), or Edge finding out about the Multiverse, or that Horror one shot you mentioned you wanted to write, or some more cute shippy stuff! Just give me more Winged Multi verse content, please, I'm begging! WE HAVE STARVED OF THIS CONTENT FOR TOO LONG, PEOPLE!! PLEASE GIVE US AT LEAST ONE THING!🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Idk if I can say soon, because school and life be kickin my ass rn and my only focus is wip chaps rather than starting something new, BUT.
I haven’t abandoned Winged, by any means! I have a lot of plans for it, it’s just that a lot of them are… pretty vague. Hence why starting anything is a little too overwhelming rn lmfao. I hope to get around to it again when summer break hits this next week (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜
Though, because it has been a long time… mayhaps I can spill some of the ideas I have written down for future fics, and also leave open an opportunity to throw more ideas at me! Some shorter fics might be nice to focus on for once while my brain wraps around Violet part 3 and LAN oof.
So if that interests anyone huehuehue:
- My main focus rn is fleshing out Lust’s story, actually. Lil fluffy LustBerry fic, probably, with a splash of hurt/comfort lmao.
- I do have a plan for the UT crew finding out about Resets, explained that here
- I would love to do something with Razz and King or other secondary characters of the series, ngl. I know I’ve been toying with how to get the Bad Time Trio together somehow (not like, for a fight or anything, just for funsies lmao), but idk! Kinda jumping all around there XD
- Past Dreamtale fic! Some Vantablack, maybe Dream angst huehue
- Also had a vague idea for Dream coming out of his stone prison but again, smol, not thought out much. I wasn’t sure if it would fit better as a stand alone or added to something so I’ve been holding off.
- … That Horror idea is very wonky but I really wanna do something with him. I might figure out some way to work it XD
- The most fleshed out plot I have rn is the main one with Nightmare’s reluctant scheming, but obviously, I cannot say much there. It’s more of an issue of actually writing it than it is of any planning. Cuz hoo boi have I got plans for him muhahahah. I have talked about it all to one friend on discord, so have the meme I tortured them with for now :D
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As you can see, most I have is a lot of puzzle pieces and nothing to attach them to lmao! Even so, I do love where this series has gone, and I do wanna continue it. I won’t make any promises, because it all depends on how my IRL stuff goes, but maybe I’ll make a little ficlet book for shorter takes on the winged bois! I will not promise that I’ll write every story idea everyone gives me, cuz I doubt I’ll write anything I just generally don’t vibe with, but hey, the options there, why not.
Maybe it’ll be nice, maybe I’ll regret everything I said by tomorrow morning, who knows! Guess we’ll find out later ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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