#all my homies hate Nala Se
direwolfrules · 2 years
3 Mandos and a Baby AU: The OCs Part 1
I have a bunch of Mando OCs that I’m just throwing into this AU willynilly because I firmly believe New Mando society wasn’t just a bunch of identical tall blondes and like 1 red head. I’m not letting Clone Wars budget constraints also constrain my imagination. Plus I need competent people to replace all the corrupt folks that get taken down and more characters to flesh out the world. A little disclaimer: only the human/near human OCs on this list have portraits because I can’t draw so I’m using Artbreeder.
Harik Vhen:
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I’ve finally given everyone’s favorite theater mando a name (okay, my favorite theater mando). Harik’s family were Haat Mando’ade from the planet Vanquo, which despite technically belonging to the Republic controlled Meerian sector, has a long history of being conquered by Mandalore. After the massacre at Galidraan his family integrated into New Mandalorian society so they could survive. What was left of his clan found work in the smuggling business.
Harik’s parents taught him the True Mandalorian way of life. They had to do it in secret, but they were adamant their people’s legacy, and the legacy of Mandalore the Reformer, would not die with them.
Though they weren’t important in the least, Harik’s folks managed to get him into the Royal Academy of Government on one of Duchess Satine’s culture scholarships. His obsession with musical theatre actually had a use, who knew?
Because the Academy’s administration is elitist as hell, all the kids from lesser clans seem to get grouped together. They get the crappiest dorm rooms, the worst class schedules, and depending on the professor, the harshest grading. Harik’s been passed over for staring roles since he was eight, and has to endure the mocking of his more “noble” peers. It’ll all be okay though once he graduates and gets a job in the Ministry of Culture. Then he’ll be able to afford a place in the Sundari mid-levels for his clan, and they won’t have to risk prision just to ensure the ad’ike won’t starve.
He’s a little betrayed when his friend and roommate Alrich Taldyn (Alrich needed a maiden name okay? It was bugging me not having a canon one) starts seeing the heiress to Clan Wren of Krownest, but what’s he gonna do? All his doubts about her vanish the moment the weirdly prescient heir to Kalevala introduces them properly and Harik gets drawn into the most mandokar plot ever.
Vel Batin:
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After Korkie and company purge the corrupt from Mandalore’s government, their sector needs a new Senator. Enter Vel Batin, veteran of the Great Clan Wars, former Captain of the Ordo system Protectors, and three-term Mayor of the city of Keldabe.
She’s a certified badass with an axe to grind against the Republic. She lost family on Galidraan, two siblings and six cousins gone within a day, all because the illustrious Republic Judiciary Forces couldn’t do more than two minutes of research. When Mand’alor Kryze announces they’re going to be running the elections for Senator a bit early this year, Batin applies immediately. She makes it clear when meeting with the young Mand’alor that should she get the job she will take every opportunity to throw mud at the Senate. Korkie is ecstatic to hear this and endorses her for the position.
The Clone Wars break out right when Senator Batin is elected, and she gets the pleasure of spending time with Korkie and his friends on the journey to Coruscant. His plan for a clone freedom trail is particularly interesting to her, and they spend much of the flight hashing out the details. Whatever reservations she may have had about swearing allegiance to a 16 year old are quickly washed away by how competent he seems.
The get to Coruscant, Senator Batin is sworn in, and then she turns the pod over to Korkie. Vel has plenty she wants to say, but she figures she’ll get plenty of chances to tear into the Senate. Let the Mand’alor have this one.
She becomes an active participant in the Mando-clone freedom trail, and before the first year of war is over she’s already adopted like seven clone sons. Three of them are fully grown clone troopers, while the other four range from physically 15-ish to freshly decanted tubies. All of them have a “defect” of some kind.
Her three adult clone sons are Rex’s original batch brothers. They were split up when they were four (equivalent to eight standard) due to all of them having minor defects (for fucks sake Nala Se blue eyes isn’t a defect). Despite the longnecks looking for any excuse to kill them, most of their batch makes it off Kamino. Except for Farr, whose only crime was having hair that was a bit too curly for the cloners. While the Coronet Kryze-Kenobi holodrama is going on her and Rex are swapping stories and commlinks so he can talk to his brothers.
Solus Bralor:
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The older of the two Bralor twins, Solus’s parents made the immensely creative decision to name her one, and her sister two. The twins have Barolian heritage, hence their offensively blue hair (well, hence Solus’s offensively blue hair. T’ad dyes hers).
She’s an angry edgelord of a kid. She’s totally bought into the propaganda that Duchess Satine is committing genocide against Mandalorian culture. She’s never even so much as spoken to a New Mando, but her buire used to say so, before they died in the 2nd battle of Concord Dawn. Now it’s just her, her twin, their older brother, and their little sibling.
Solus’s loyal to her family, Pre Vizsla, and the Nite Owls, in that order. In the last timeline, she was one of those who sided with Maul’s Shadow Collective. In this timeline, Bo-Katan manages to turn her against Pre with the help of foreknowledge.
In Bo’s last timeline the youngest Bralor, Tio, died because Pre ordered the younger cadets through a live fire exercise. Tio was only seven, and died because they were only seven. In this timeline Bo just happens to be drilling her Nite Owls near the range where Pre’s just straight up shooting children. A couple of daring jetpack maneuvers later and Tio’s being handed off to their shocked siblings while Bo-Katan throws every insult she knows at Pre.
Later, when Bo’s proudly wearing the shiner Pre gave her in response to her tearing him a new asshole (the Nite Owls know that’s not the only bruise she got, they all share a barracks), all four Bralor siblings basically consider her their new god.
T’ad Bralor:
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T’ad has spent her whole life following her sister. One and two, Solus and T’ad. It’s just who they are. T’ad even died her hair to better match her sister. When her sister set her mind to joining Lady Bo-Katan’s Nite Owls, T’ad joined her in the training yard. When Solus volunteered for a mission, T’ad would be next to raise her hand. And when Solus sided with Maul’s Shadow Collective over Lady Bo-Katan, T’ad followed her. Followed her right into the grave.
T’ad is smart. Capable. But she lacks any ambition outside of following her sister. Their brother Tracyn worries about that, but she always insists she’s fine. Honestly, she does have a hobby that’s seperate from Solus. Tracyn doesn’t think that setting up a bi-weekly karaoke night for her unit counts as a hobby, but he drops it for now.
When Korkie takes over Mandalore he needs a PR department and Harik recruits T’ad to his staff. She tries to turn it down, she really doesn’t like to do something without her sister, but Harik tells her no. She’s his only other department member and he needs someone to sort through the eighty billion videos of Korkie being an adorable dork. This position is an honor for her, her clan, and anyone else would be chomping at the bit to get this job, so just take it dammit! (She takes the job)
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lothcatthree · 4 months
jennifer corbett and brad rau you can try to get me to feel bad for nala se as much as you fucking want but it is never happening
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"ubububu I want Omega to be safe bc I care about her :(((" give up, Filoni. Nala Se could find the fricking cure to space cancer and I would still hate her with every fiber of my being, don't try redeeming this kaminoan bitch when you had her kill Fives
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