#all of the staff members like Merlin more than Arther
I know how the Merlin fandom makes jokes about George, like how Merlin doesn’t like him, and he doesn’t like Merlin, especially how they dressed him to look like Merlin but picture this:
George dressed like that because because he actually likes Merlin. He thinks Merlin is an Icon. He saw Merlin talk shit about Arthur and was like “I’m going to worship this man until I die”
I just think it would be funny in fics if he and Merlin were friends. George straight up lying to Arthur, covering for Merlin when he need to do magic things.
Arthur: “MER LIN — George have you seen my manservant anywhere”
*cue explosion in the background”
George, who help Merlin sneak out: who is Merlin, never heard of a Merlin
I just think it would be funny
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