#all that work! aint it amazing how little teachers get paid???
cursedauxiliary · 1 year
I hate thinking about the future and my career bro, I just did bio and just went with the flow, no true passions in hs is really biting me in the ass
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triunfo-di-sablika · 3 years
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An interview with Fridi Clemencia, who sells newspapers in the morning at the Zegu roundabout and cleans rich dutch white people houses the rest of the day in Curaçao:
TdS: What is your view on the recent opening of the golden coach art exhibition at the Amsterdam museum in the netherlands? Have you heard about it?
FC: Yeah while working for one of these rich makambas at Jan Sofat they was watching it on the internets and harassingly questioned me why I was totally against this symbol of dutch hyper plunder. A carriage made of stolen gold gifted to a dutch queen who stole the wealth of all these Caribbean islands the dutch colonized and enslaved. It was Wilhelmina the one still standing in front of our parliament building in Punda who was forced by the United States to sprinkle some of that political decolonization on us. She wasn’t really feeling it, she rather had us in their colonial cages for as long as possible.
TdS: And now her great-grandson Willem Alexander inaugurated the art exhibition and the museum is organizing a so-called public debate to decide what must happen with the golden coach.
FC: That is just a façade. Like Club Facade at Saliña, you remember those days? Like seriously people have to do their history and understand who we are dealing with. Apeldoorn 2009 showed us a Beatrix the head monarch in charge celebrating Queens day and she had survived an assassination car attack. Black ancestral Caribbean musical rhythms expressed through dancing bodies saved a ‘queen’ and her ‘royal’ family from dying. One of the dancers that danced for the ‘queen’ was Wilfrido Plantijn an elder from Curaçao he died on the spot and several other dancers of Ekspreshon Kultural were severly hurt too. But the queen nor her son the predecessor unlawful heir to the throne of royal plunder paid the expenses for hospital costs of the injured dancers. They refused to pay insurance money, they refused to pay for the funeral of mister Plantijn, tickets for the family for the burial of their loved one in Curaçao. Big disgrace for a family of ‘royalty’ Oranje van Nassau the most greedy bloodsuckers of this diabolical kingdom refused to pay the family and friends of a Black Caribbean man that died and prevented basically saved their ‘royal’ ass from dying. These type of colonial kaka we dealing with. My grandma used to tell us all that “the devil is dutch, these white ‘royalties’ became rich because of Black genocide.” She never lied you know.
TdS: Weird thing is that everybody accepted it nobody made a big fuzz about it, it never got mainstream media attention.
FC: For the public the dutch monarchy has to show the fairytale face to lull the masses to sleep but that other face, the real one is a face of falseness, viciousness. That behavior, these characteristics of dutch coloniality is what the dutch king willem alexander is maintaining as a tradition but he also knows that honoring his tradition he has to act as if he is a progressive white ‘royalty’ and represents for all people in the ‘kingdom’. One of the deceptions styles he uses is art and via Amsterdam museum they blind the people by centralizing the dutch racism controversy evoked by the golden coach and act as if he is a Black Lives Matter ally. By the way there were no protests, not a whistle, no silent acts of disapproval of the exhibition or the ‘king’. Is that maybe how the crumbs of dutch capitalism crumble in the netherlands? Really? No statements made, no think pieces, no social media monologues, no symposium, conference of the Black vanguard. Such a big silence for something worthy of critique and deconstruction. I
TdS: True indeed it was a golden opportunity to chant down babylon in the media or just live in their faces. It seems the consistency in their words and deeds are mismatching at times. The panel painted with half naked Black and Brown people kneeling down, being submissive to this white woman is in a museum, everybody happy for the moment.
FC: The kitoki of gold was actually a trojan horse to trick the dutch white impoverished in the beginning of the 1900s to have celestial faith in the dutch ‘royal’ family and blindly support them as saviors of the nation. And in 2021 these white people still kept ignorant and believe they need a king, the mental programming is so deep even makambas in Curaçao see them as holy figures. And kings day is one hot colonial mess too and on top of it indoctrinating these little kids in schools to believe he a saint or whatever, it’s makamba madness.
TdS: Amsterdam museum seems pretty proud
FC: Amsterdam museum can put some art in their space that softly critiques the legacy of dutch slavery in the Caribbean Africa South East India but that’s really it. The institution of a museum like this dutch one is just like its cousin the Rijksmuseum upholding veneration of dutch royalty and that is never not to be discussed after all he the ‘king’ gave permission and lend the golden kitoki and made the whole show of whiteness and inclusiveness fallacy possible. Through art the museum and the ‘king’ and his political pawns in government, parliament, local administrations and corporate world are policing how Black people should feel about dutch white hyper plunder. The bodies of our ancestors painted on that golden piece of shit are still theirs in their minds. Dutch whiteness conditions them to believe they have ownership over Caribbean Black lives. And for the non-believers they should check how the dutch government is forcing and extorting neoliberal reform in exchange of illegal covid-19 loans to impoverish the islands of Aruba, St. Martin and Curaçao even more than they already did. These type of things are not part of the conversation.
TdS: That is colonial censorship which is needed to keep these islands in the realm of enslaveability. The same reason why Bonaire, Saba, Statia to this day are not getting the same social benefits and all the other state care arrangements to live a life as the dutch whites do in the Netherlands. The so-called Black/Caribbean decolonial/decolonizing/anti-colonial people let the dutch white savagery happen because maybe they think shutting it down would mean loss of income/speaking gigs/media performances/research work?
FC: The foundation of the dutch antiblack fuckery is that white people think they are the decision makers of what happens to these racist symbols that impact the lives of Black people in the netherlands and the Caribbean. Capitalism fucks up everybody head, even the Caribbean artist are all from the netherlands. Nobody really living on these islands or Suriname have been invited to think along or create an art piece. Nobody even demanded that artists and communities living in the Caribbean should also have a voice in this whole exhibition and pseudo debate. Its art apartheid pretending to be a decolonizing project. The ‘king, the government and Holland BV has blood on their hands though.
TdS: There is a big disconnect in communication with the Caribbean and both the diaspora and the makambas don’t seem to realize how the social deadening is speeding up around here.
FC: For real for real, people acting as if the islands aint going through colonial genocide and even Suriname is struggling real hard right now and in the netherlands, white people, the diaspora and Black people in general normalize that Suriname is independent and that every hardship they go through is their own fault since 1975 and not the fault of Holland BV. And these colonial art institutions with these exhibitions constructed to keep white hyper plunder systems in power are not intended to talk about that, they are tools to keep dutch capitalism plundering so their museums can profit off their savagery. It’s a art laundromat of royalty and institutionalized racism in the netherlands and the Caribbean. 90 to 95% of these exhibitions you will see dutch white people profit from it. It’s a colonial project where the souls of Black and Brown people get extracted and dutch companies get most of the monies.
TdS; This whole decolonize this and that movement leaves a fraudulent taste doesn’t it?
FC: Listen if the Caribbean really was connected to their own people in the Caribbean they would stand up for their people and demand spaces and structural funds for art if we keep it restricted to art for the moment. Right now as we speak Museo Tula in Bandabou Kenepa has been shut down for months by neoliberal policies from the last neocolonial PAR MAN government. They even tried to sell the art and artifacts of the museum to get money. These devils be wicked, i tell you. We talking about the blackest revolutionary landscape where freedom fighters shed blood for us in 1795. This museum had to feel the financial barbarities of dutch colonialism 2021 which by international law, treaties, kingdom law is a clear violation of Black Caribbean decolonization. Where the ‘Tula Taught Me’ t-shirt army at yo? On some real shit, have you heard the white art institutions or Black curators in the netherlands expressing any outrage, the white academics of colonial history, the constitutional law experts or just anyone that strutted down the colonized catwalk of decolonization or decoloniality?
TdS: The disrespectfulness has never stopped to amaze people down here. And this is a problem that could be easily fixed but people need to see the value of things and ancestors that have shaped our current lived reality. Maybe blood needs to flow before people in the netherlands start their journey to a new awakening.
FC: It’s similar to how the art community moves in the Caribbean. You depend on the crumbs of the ruling elite to live, that is if you desire recognition and some funds. I know people that do art, my sister make amazing shit but just like me she cleaning schools with broken ceilings and roofs that lack laptops and teachers equipped to educate Black emancipatory youth. How or why is art not being made to critique the fuckupness of the Caribbean not being able to eat from their artworks especially if its anticolonial decolonial and anti ruling elite on the islands? These are all human rights issues, this why Barryl Biekman one of the peoples we should bigup and give thanks to for fighting against the golden carriage and blackface 10 years ago. She was battling dutch white media on her own and telling the makambas that these symbols and systems of dutch antiblack racism are a crime against humanity.
TdS: 10 years it took the dutch to put the golden kitoki in the museum. That’s so backwards but typifies the super slow dutch savage capitalism influenced tempo of dismantling colonial racism in the netherlands.
FC: It may take a decade or more to defund the dutch monarchy take its stolen riches back and abolish that whole institution. The dishonesty and hypocrisy to invite a king to their exhibition but to only slightly critique, fake debating the golden vehicle of ceremonial modelling but refusing to scrutinize the plunder whiteness of the dutch monarchy and the dutch government. They could never take a stance against capitalism. That’s basically what’s going on. These people and institutions have generational blockages to understand and make the connection that where art and coloniality arises in spaces that the Caribbean has to be included and demanded to take a stance against the violence of racist genocidal policies that destroy the lives of the people on the islands. Once these colonial clouds capitalistic ignorance fades away they might start shifting attention to destroy the monarchy, to wreck wicked whiteness in the corporate world and government and in their own spheres of art and academia, intellectuality.
TdS: This national debate is a joke thing right?
FC: Both Rijksmuseum and Amsterdam Museum are being run like a business. They may have banned the word ‘golden age’ but the glorious memory of that era of coloniality is still vibrant in their bones and behavior. It’s still white people leading, funding these institutions. Their target audience is white people, the exhibition is made with that in mind. Even though some Black people were involved, they also know that Blackness could never reign supreme without consequences. They have to adjust to make white people not cry out their eyes. Because they are the majority that bring the coins and can keep their careers alive in the world of art. They don’t give a shit that right now the dutch are colonizing the islands to accelerated social death. That realization is not going to be made through nice non-threatening art or a dialogue while sipping a starbucks frappuccino. They have used the traumas and tribulations of us in the Caribbean so many times and most of these moments they always excluded us and silenced our sufferation. We were never part of their projects that use the lives of our ancestors to get that bag of money, fame, power whatever. It always comes back in a different shape and form but the fuckery stays the same.
TdS: So what besides the coloniality of dutch art curating, monarchy, capitalism, colonial genocide in the Caribbean is missing what needs to discussed and turned into action?
FC: reparations is deliberately structurally left out of the chatter even the thousands of rastas in the netherlands and on the islands quiet as fuck together with these movements, the voices and faces of Black whateverness. Amsterdam as a city and their council and movements led by Black people deepened the talks about apology. The council negotiated an apology for slavery but unsurprisingly without reparations also again without linking up with the communities living in the netherlands and the Caribbean. Reparative repercussions are very real, that’s Black economic and financial violence for dutch white people but to us it’s just a ancestral linkup to rectify the past and stop the ongoing genocide and plunder by dutch whiteness in the Caribbean and make sure it never happens again. No national security risk assessment, half ass decolonization elitist intellectual foolery or debates in art institutions cant escape their fate for all the savage white fuckery they have done and still are doing to us to this day in Statia in St.Martin in Curaçao in Aruba in Bonaire in Saba and in Suriname. Don’t ever think Maxima singing a few words from Marley's Redemption Song at Keti Koti will change our avenging hearts. Niki pabo makamba stinki, niki.
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I heard about the 64% of all lives matter wanting the blue lives matter to do the bottom breath exercise
Compared to the, especially much lower 41% of black lives matter positive response out of only 1/3 of the voters saying yes they would exercise. Thier 41% was for anyone else to, not just blue matters
These numbers are broken down from bigger numbers
I really like this. This anger and revenge and hate from all lives matter people
Remember the conversation was, "please stop killing us, our black lives matter"
"Shut up nigg** we will kill you all, blue lives matter"
Then all us went all lives matter. Some in shock and so on and what have you. Some to settle, some to continue the fight.
So I'm glad to see so many continue the fight.
And that is what I am saying.
I obviously am All Lives Matter. I prove that. But I took my time and watched the conversation and listened to myself and felt the arrogance. And i took sides.
And i said Black Lives Matter. Because of what was said.
But I defend blue lives, criminal lives, illegal alien lives, all lives. Because all lives matter
I'm just black panther to the core.
And that's how they are:
a life is a life
A life paid is a life cost.
They taught me that.
My richest most developed understanding of the world was taught to me by negros
My most in depth acceptance of kindness and love and myself was taught by the Harringtons.
The world gave me the black Panthers
My mom directed me to the Harringtons.
They are what gave the black Panthers depth.
Not words. Not soldiers on the streets.
Like I said the other day, same as for with criminals and so the Harringtons allowed me to embrace what I hated myself most for. To give others a chance. Like,Jesse James. Others.
Unfortunately they've pushed me so far I can no longer
Love like what I got from the Harringtons has been pushed so far away
By criminals like Jesse James and i will say Jesse in particular m he also for by Malcolm.
So these movements and protests they help people get together and like Seattle's Mayor says, with love.
Its not about anti-others.
Black Lives Matter or all lives matter.
It's about being around love. Acceptance. Protection. No matter who you are or where you been or where you'll go.
It's like being with the Harringtons.
It creates calmer and happier people.
Sure the white supremacy are out with a vengeance and not y'alls business, but we relabeled our SMS to help our planet with that problem
Fun oddity... I saw a video of this guy randomly picked to check the system. Bec it's fairly new and it's not SMS: brightgady but another because of the limited people and rarity of people allowed to kill with permission.
Its called The Brightside of Hell. Because that's where it sends people. LoL.
And so.
This guy all skinny and in all black in an umbrella was breaking windows and he's been driving me nuts since day one i saw that guy. I wanted to kill him,but at the same time i knew i should not.
So, today they tell me he was checking the routing system of people dressed similar and people with big afro hair was the reason for the umbrella.
And they went into a group in a building. Left their bank and credit cards. Phones. All everything traceable. Some others had the same exact umbrella. All skin tones. Big afros also. Because that was a concern for me... An afro being thought of as something else. Just because i seriously seriously love afros
Only African Americans can wear an afro. True story.
So I really treasure it.
So they all left in a mass. Like in a line and then walked around. Some traded the umbrella off and so on. Changed clothes. They did anything possible to confuse the system. Changed gender type clothing and put on wigs. And did stuff they never ever did before.
So then the guy breaking windows was actually on my own shop front.
And turns out the system is perfect. Its God driven and I hear "hey! And tree!!" From tree himself.
So we have an amazing platform. And i wanted and I would assume the world would want it tested to an Extreme.
The guy that broke the Windows is a little nerd, to himself guy and would never ever do anything like,that and he said He thought he would go home and,cry but he,said instead he felt such a rush and enjoyed it
SMS put out a serious alarm on him and when the kill team went to "interrogate" him of his crimes the actual system screamed at them all rrrrrrl rrrrrl so they knew not to harm him. It has an override to override all sounds blocks so if its turned on vibrate it will do it still.
It said "warning warning. There is something wrong! This is not a normal criminal: proceed with caution, check computer before leaving!"
Obviously he was having a mental break and the internet history would say so. What has he been reading or watching? What kind of help does he need?
And/ OR someone is threatening their life to commit such crimes and the SMS hasnt seen or been notified of anyone.
And they actually had that alert after i attacked Denise and busted her head open.
And it auto downloaded my internet history and the phone numbers contacting me frequently and people from chat apps.
So i was chatting with someone new and so it could been presumed it was due to them telling me to or their influence.
He had been annoying me all fucking day and raging me. -.-
But she tried to throw me out the car in 100° heat. She deserved that shit.
But it also showed i blow up and can't tolerate her and will lose my shit every 4 to 6 months on her.
But it was more violent than usual. But its because of my younger brother. She's all scared of him and treats him wirh respect and shit and he told me how he pulled her hair when she was driving and so that is where it came from. More so than anything. That is exactly what was in my mind. I was all he did it. So can I.
Watch me now. Bitch.
So,fucking tired of her lies!! Fucking throw me out the car. Fuck you.
You think I'm not crippled? Well I'll show you what I can do Because walking ain't one.
Had i been in a happy loving relationship or even in my own house all clean with water and electric then I probably wouldn't done that because I would just been all. Well first take me back to my house. But i would been all I'm bout to get out the car and away from her so i can just ignore her till then.
But it ain't that way, I'm unhappy and im angry and she just wanted to fucking look at me like her stupid eyes were gonna mind control me.
Yeah sure if what you want is a beating.
Tired of people trying to control me.
So movements and protests
Yall stupid white supremacy you think you know shit, all you know is you.
When the rest of us get together in life, in the world, its church. Love and peace and shit.
You stupid ass white niggers don't know love. You know fear. Fear once they finish paying their debt to be shipped that no one will work for you.
Fear of African Americans doing what they want and living their dreams
Well there ain't plantations no more.
So you fucking white supremacy have a problem. And it's me. So you better stay in your fucking houses. You get out ane mix in with any other protests and cause shit and harm ill find you
You have another big ass KKK rally ... Your hoods will be removed.
I ain't gonna say all I'd fucking do to you ignorant white ass fools in need of a REAL NIGGER because i don't want you all doing shit to my people. The ones you don't think belong here.
When Venus joined our human race, we all changed skin color. To Negro. Black. Before we were pink, green. Halo (a shade of white) and blue. Few were purple. Those were mean ones. Like the ones I'm sending out with the Brightside.
So for us all to hide the Venetians because they were as Snoop Dogg shows and as the Egyptian pyramids show, they had dog heads. So we changed to human heads and we all hid in Negro skin.
It was a trick that worked
We told space invaders that had,came to attack us before that we had came and killed everyone and we were a totally different race.
Shit worked man.
So these white supremacy. They're afraid of that black skin.
They really are. And they hate it because they want to take over.
And then compound how the entire North America was fucking empty except for some invading settlers from outer space, they really feel that the Nigger have taken over
Cause they aint been to New Mexico. Because they dumb white trash and they ain't seen how black people aren't all over and didn't take over.
But guess whose fault is that? Plantation owners with the bright idea to get people from all over the world to visit or move to the "new world" and not worry about sea fare, just work for your food and you can explore.
So definitely not the Nigger's fault.
Most African American just came to visit
And some were rich but wanted to work for food doe the week or two to see the feeling
And a lot more paid half or more to do part work and part true vacation.
They never returned
So then they got more people to come search.
And it went on.
Like I said we went to Africa to stop it. Returned Africans and so on.
Shit by the time Harriet Tubman came along there was full blown families here. Ma and pa come to vacation. Brother comes to look for them. Then son then sister then their ma and pa and ya got 5 generations.
And we taught the word Nigger in Africa to be respect.
But we warned "if you hear a white man say nigger he may have your family"
Then they ask the Negro "do you know any niggers? Where they are?"
There was HUGE legendary lessons on how to use the word.
In Africa it meant teacher that was all.
On the long ship rides to America the truth was told about how the word was used. So they used it proper.
No ome trusted outsiders. So if a black boy with a thick accent said "nigger to a black slave asking for help in,secret to find his family, then he would know the boy was a slave and would protect him and hide him for wandering the streets as he was.
We're smart. Every thing was intuition. Few code words.
We knew a Negro slave. How far and much they would protect. How they would risk their own lives.
It would get the search party on the plantation. They could search then leave in secret, have food and rest.
Then off to the next plantation.
The word nigger is sacred. To people like Snoop Dogg and others that say nigga.
They continue to keep the word in use to show love as it was initially used.
As I said before it stemmed from,the word Negro the Spanish word for black.
You need to know the whole black skin culture... They called each other blackie and so on
Like i said we all were Negro once to protect the Earth from invaders. So,we were all happy to be black.
We were invaded and we worked a system to accept other planets 32 other races.
We got lax. We thought we were safe
The walls of Jericho? That is in the Bible. It was am alien sect we were observing to see if we could accept their style and way of life. We could not. We killed them and destroyed their village.
Some like Zulululu had observed us and lied during their observation period. To be perfect like us.
They aren't
Just like people in the white supremacy movement.
Like those in the walls of Jericho they will be killed.
They don't belong under the heading of all lives matter.
They don't fit our world and they are out numbered.
So I will say nigger but as you see I block it out when it's used harmfully against others
Except when I say white bigger because there ain't anything a white supremacist hates more. And there ain't much I hate more than a white supremacist.
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