#all the Chen fhe Cheerleader x Lloyd ship names have already been taken T-T
likeapro42 · 1 year
Aka: Lloyd x Brad x Chen Jr (the Cheerleader)
(Or the time I combined two of my OTPs and created my new OT3 …whoops?)
(Before we get into this: this is an AU where Darkley’s never went good)
Basically, Junior is Skylar’s younger brother and was sent to Darkley’s by Chen so that he could take up the mantle of being evil and whatnot. Junior is not really into it, but it’s Darkley’s (you’re either the bully or the bullied) and his father’s expectation
When Lloyd shows up (the 2nd time) and gives the speech about how there’s good in everyone, that resonated with Junior
Too bad Junior couldn’t doing anything about it until Master Chen was defeated
That’s when Junior and his friends (Sally, Gene, and Brad) all drop out and go to NCM (Ninjago City Middle) and eventually NCH (Ninjago City High)
They affectionately call themselves Darkley’s Dropouts. They eventually reunite and catch up with Lloyd who slots in quite nicely to their dynamics as a friend group
Eventually Brad and Junior start falling for Lloyd. When they figure out that the other is “competition” the two become each other’s wingman because Lloyd is super oblivious
Eventually the two sorta give up, and (after also falling for each other because of all the bonding and technical dates the two went on) start dating each other, hoping to one day open up for Lloyd.
Meanwhile, Lloyd starts getting more snappy when he finds out that Brad and Junior are now dating, especially at any form of PDA. It’s not until being confronted by Gene and Sally about being a asshole, that he realizes that he’s uber jealous and of both of them.
The last part of the story is all of these gay disasters’ friends working together to manipulate a date with the three of them which is where awkward confessions will be had and a duo becomes a trio
(I have more details so please ask me anything about this AU or this trio)
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