mousemash · 3 months
Guide to Bottom Harry Potter ship names
ALLHP = Top Everyone / Bottom Harry
LVHP = Top Voldemort / Bottom Harry
TMRHP = Top Tom Riddle / Bottom Harry
SSHP = Top Snape / Bottom Harry
CDHP = Top Cedric / Bottom Harry
DMHP = Top Draco / Bottom Harry
SBHP = Top Sirius / Bottom Harry
Unlike Western fandom who chooses their ship names based on popularity and what “sounds better”, eastern fandom is more strict as it creates an environment where finding specific content is easier. If you are to use eastern tags, please respect and follow their system.
Otherwise, if you only want to use western tags over the eastern ones (just tagging Drarry instead of tagging DMHP or HPDM), you are not required to look at this post. But it is very helpful when interacting with international / non-ENG fandom, and is just all around respectful to their shipping culture. Tumblr is a bit behind in terms of this, but it’s super prevalent in Twitter. They have these tags to avoid Top/Bottom drama and conflict with shippers who might not like their content. It is to also find content They like / filter content they don’t like easier, and overall better to easily know someone's preferences.
Regardless of if I ship some of these or not, these ships are included because they are seen as “popular” internationally, and are active.
In Eastern fandom, these abbreviations are what is mainly used, but for specific tags in other languages, see below.
Below the cut are the shipping names romanized, and written in Japanese, Korean, and Chinese, along with the emojis. There is also a more in depth explanation about the shipping / tagging etiquette to use with international fans explained after.
Romanized / Emojis
ALLHP = AllHari = All⚡️ LVHP = Voruhari = 🐍⚡️ TMRHP = Ridohari 🐍⚡️ SSHP = Snehari = 🧪⚡️ / 🦇⚡️ CDHP = Sedhari = 🦡⚡️ DMHP = Drehari = 🍏⚡️ SBHP = Sirihari = 🐾⚡️
ALLHP = ハリ受 (means bottom Harry, no translation for All/Harry but from what I’ve been told, it’s a good enough indicator for all/hp)
LVHP = ヴォルハリ
TMRHP = リドハリ
SSHP = スネハリ
CDHP = セドハリ
DMHP = ドラハリ
SBHP = シリハリ
Top position fixed = 左固定
Bottom position fixed = 右固定
Top & Bottom fixed = 左右固定
ALLHP = 해리른 = 해리텀
LVHP = 볼디해리
TMRHP = 리들해리
SSHP = 스네해리
CDHP = 세드해리
DMHP = 드레해리
SBHP = 시리해리
Pairing is not reversible = 논리버시블
Do not like characters in the couple to be paired with others (no multi-ship) = 왼오고정
Chinese (some have 2 versions for traditional and simplified.)
ALLHP = 凹哈 = all哈
LVHP = 伏哈 = 佛哈
TMRHP = 湯哈 = 瑞哈
SSHP = 石哈
CDHP = 塞哈
DMHP = 跩哈 = 德哈
SBHP = 犬哈
Fixed Pairing = 不拆
No Switch / Non-Reversible = 不逆
General Notes / Explanation:
First Name = Top ; Second Name = Bottom. Even if the content is not explicit, it is good to tag your content with the dynamic you prefer instead of tagging both, so your work will be easier to find by like minded people. Do not go into someone's post where they clearly tag an A/B dynamic and call it the B/A ship name: it is rude. A “Fixed Shipper” is someone who does not want their couple to switch or be reversed. A “Fixed Couple” is referred to a couple that does not switch. The opposite is called a “Switch Shipper” “Switch/Reversible Couple”.
If you are someone who does not mind switching, you repeat one of the names. Example: DMHPDM or HPDMHP. Do this instead of double tagging (EX: only tag dmhpdm instead of dmhp AND hpdm since those are Fixed tags). Double tagging is something common in western fandom, where they put two opposing tags together, as shown in the example. DMHP is the tag for Top Draco and Bottom Harry Only, but people will still include it in their HPDM posts and vice versa. People who only like DMHP will see HPDM in their tags, and the same goes for people who like the opposite. This is rude and heavily discouraged, since those tags are for the shipping dynamics that don’t include switching; it is considered mistagging. If you like switch / don’t mind t/b dynamics at all, you do as stated earlier with repeating a name. (DMHPDM, Sasunarusasu, kaeluckae, etc.).
Saying you like TMRHP (fixed ship name), when you actually prefer Top!HP / Bottom!TMR, is seen as being deceitful since you are misusing tags and “baiting” people. Just say HPTMR or TMRHPTMR. Do not use a ship name because it’s “popular” like tagging something as bakudeku (bakugou x deku) when all your nsfw and your preferred dynamic is dekubaku.
A lot of Eastern side fans prefer not to interact with Western side because of all the mistagging and differences in shipping culture, especially since a lot of people view it as “dumb” and, for some reason, “homophobic” (IRL people have stric t/b preferences too) , when it is all just for ease of filtering / finding things easier.
Hope this helps, this post was made just so I’d have a place to look at all the ship names and copy / past the translations into search engines to find content from International fans easier haha.
Thank you to all my friends who helped with translations 🥺
Twitter credits of People who helped
Japanese - @joouheika_LE
Korean - @eodumn & @Whatever_Ten
Chinese - @wyshieh007
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mousemash · 3 months
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mousemash · 10 months
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mousemash · 1 year
Im still confused with some functionalities of this app, but i will keep uploading my artworks here. Btw thanks for ur support❤️
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mousemash · 1 year
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mousemash · 1 year
Hi. Im new there. These are my fanartworks about hp. Hope u enjoy them☺️
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