#all the dialogue here with it is soooooooo chefs kiss
mintcrows · 8 months
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ansur encounter interactions that i find a bit funny
also this because i feel its important to distinguish fundamentally this is not balduran:
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miraculouslycool · 3 years
Mlb fix recs???
I gotchu ;D
Dug all these in my AO3 bookmarks.And I don’t know everyone’s tumblr handles so sorry I can’t tag them!
With every heartbeat I have left (I’ll defend your every breath) - by lalaunaoscura (Adrienette - Post Reveal, they’re married in this one, super fluffy, pregnancy reveal in the funniest way ever)
The A Brand New Dawn series by whitebear_ofthe_tribe (3 Parts, still ongoing. Future College AU, but not really lol. Canon divergent from Season 1.)
i think it’s time i told you (i’m a fan of your universe) by a_miiraculer, @clairelutra (Aged up Ladynoir, Pre-reveal, marriage proposal but angsty angsty angsty)
The Other You by @chocoluckchipz and maerynn (Aged up, fashion designer Marinette, Teacher/CEO Adrien, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, the angst and fluff is chef’s kiss)
Smoulder by @midnightstarlightwrites (Canon divergent from season 1 but it’s one of the best older fanfics I have ever read!! Identity shenanigans, super fluffy, super angsty, mutual pining on all sides but extra stupid and dumb and sweet in the best way)
Two Hundred Seventeen Days by @mostlovedgirl-writes and @zenmisery (Made for LoveSquareFluffWeek2020, Aged up Characters, Adrienette fluffy goodness, hella underrated fic, they get fake engaged in this lol) 
Puppy Love by @coccinellesroses (Aged up Adrienette, No Miraculous AU, Fashion designer Marinette adopts a dog named Tikki and needs Dog Trainer Adrien’s help in obidience training ;) )
Makings of a Marriage by @thenovelartist (three-shot of married, post reveal love square, lots of domestic fluff) 
The Open Line by @sariahsue (LET ME TELL YOU HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS FIC AND HAVE CRIED ALL THE 40000 SOMETHING TIMES I’VE READ IT OK- made for Ladynoir July 2019, post-Oblivio, Ladybug falls HEAD OVER HEELS for Chat Noir and he is SO confused as to why and they just love and care and respect and just would jump off cliffs for each other AND IT’S JUST SO GOOD HAHA kill me pls)
Lucky Us by PrincessKitty1 / @geek-fashionista on Tumblr (Email AU, No Miraculous AU, Aspiring designer Marinette and Model Adrien, Mutual Pining on all sides, best slow burn EVER, and the dialogue is so witty and well-written and the PLOT ugggghhhh its amazing give it a read)
Second Chances by @thenovelartist (Single Dad Adrien employs Marinette as his daughter Emma’s nanny, so sweet and cute and Dadrien makes me weak I cri)
For This, We Are Partners by BreG21 (Made for Ladynoir July 2019, post-dating, pre-reveal Ladynoir, and might I just add i’m so grateful for fics like this one and The Open Line that have pre-reveal Ladynoir who are so gaga for each other even though they don’t know WHO the heck the other person is and just don’t care no matter what comes their way, they’ll face it together) 
A Bride for The Prince by @chocoluckchipz and @thenovelartist (is it that obvious that I love both their works so much? lol. Royalty AU, Middle Ages, Prince-Adrien-who-moonlights-as-Guard-called-Chat-Noir and Maid Marinette who is pretending to be a Lady to court the prince, it’s so fluffy and cute and I’m a sucker for Royalty AUs)
Bound to Be by @crystaljins (Another Royalty AU ft. Arranged Marriage!! The best combo!! Marinette is the long-lost princess and future queen of a kingdom and she agrees to marry some dude named Adrien who is the prince of the neighbouring kingdom so that she can save her dying adoptive father - it’s soooooooo good)
Discordant Sonata by @edendaphne (BOTH THIS FIC AND ITS AUTHOR ARE ICONIC!!! Enemies AU but they both secretly have a Thing for each other and Chat’s father is Evil and he is forced to be Evil too but this Beetle girl who calls herself Ladybug has melted his heart with her kindness - features Marichat as roommates Who Are Totally Not Falling Asleep In The Same Bed hahahahaha. And Eden is not just a great writer, she’s a fantastic artist too!! I’m dying at how beautiful her DS redesigns for Ladybug and Chat are omg)
(Also is it cheating if I do some self-promo here?)
Right now these are the only three fics I have written that I can actually stand -
Her Light To His Darkness (Canon - Divergent from Season 3, Aged Up Characters. Ladybug is struggling and drowning from the stress that being a guardian offers and as a result hers and Chat’s relationship is strained, but don’t worry, it gets better! Mutual Pining on all sides, I wrote this in 2 months as a coping mechanism, whoopeee)
Laser Pointers (I was inspired by how trigger happy Adrien got in the New York special when it comes to catching Marinette.)
in the dead of night, your eyes so green (mutual pining Ladynoir, aged up, they go on a date as civilians but with their masks still on, very very very long one shot, about 12.6k words and I wrote it in like three days hahaha what was I thinking)
Anyways, I hope you enjoy these!! 
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jellybeanbeing · 3 years
Favorite Books of 2020
I read 50 books this year, here are my top favorites:
9. Chain of Gold by Cassandra Clare // One of my most anticipated books of 2020 and it did not disappoint. This wasn’t the first Shadowhunter book I’ve read and so I was aware going into this one that, with this being the first book to a new series, there was gonna be some info dump and A LOT of build up. I wasn’t mad at it though. Besides that, I can already tell that this series is going to be my favorite in TSC. The story is already so complex with such vibrant and interesting characters and character relationships. I cried my eyes out at the end of this book because I could just feel the pain in certain characters and I am so ready to be hurt with the two upcoming books.
TRIGGER/CONTENT WARNINGS: substance abuse, emotional manipulation
8. Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert // This was the first ever adult romance book that I read, and boy, did it make me fall in love. I had no idea what I was going into when picking this up because I had never read an adult romance novel, and I was soooooooo pleasantly surprised that it sent me into an adult romance book binge. This is still at the top because hot damn, the relationship was just fantastic. It was sooooo cute, and what I loved so so much was that the characters had lives outside of their relationships. They grew individually while still engaging in their relationship. It never felt boring or stilted. It was so refreshing to read that. The amount of communication and comprehension that was present was amazing. The smut scenes were just fucking perfection. I loved everything about this book! 
TRIGGER WARNING (provided in the author's note of Get a Life, Chloe Brown): "This story touches on the process of healing after an abusive relationship."
7. You Deserve Each Other by Sarah Hogle // Let me just say here that this is suuuuuuch a romantic book. There were so many lines that had my heart aching and crying. This was the first book I read where the lovers to enemies to lovers trope existed, and after this one, I want more. I looooved the regrowth of their relationship, seeing the two become friends again, and really really communicate with each other and listen to each other. It was so goddamn cute and wholesome and endearing. This book was also so humorous and I found myself actually laughing at certain parts. One thing that I really really appreciated was that though the book’s perspective was only from one side of the relationship, it never pinned all the blame on the other person. This was a story that could’ve easily turned into that, where the other person is the bad guy, but it was acknowledged that both sides were at fault for the falling out of the relationship. I had such a great time reading this one!
6. The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang // I fell absolutely in love with this one, especially after a brief reread. It is sooooo freaking cute and easy going and wholesome and romantic and perfect. I love the two main characters and how well they fit together. They understand each other and respect each other and care for each other so so deeply. The communication was so perfect, the smut scenes were top tier amazing, the growth of their affection towards each other was so cute, and everything was just great. I loved the family aspect of this one! It felt natural and genuine. This book was just everything good.
5. Kids of Appetite by David Arnold // One of the last books I read in the year, and here it is! This reread was well overdue. Anyway, I loved it! I loved it way more than my first read. The found family trope in this one was literally so perfect and felt like a warm hug. I LIVE for the friendships in this one. I absolutely loved how everything tied together at the end and how everything was connected. It made me so emotional, and yes, I did cry. A lot. The romance between Vic and Mad was also really cute and wholesome! The grief that was explored in this one was also so so good. It felt so personal and it made my heart ache. Yes, this book will still remain as one of my all time favorites. I loved it.
TRIGGER/CONTENT WARNINGS: PTSD, physical abuse, death of a loved one, murder, violence
4. The Right Swipe & 3. Girl Gone Viral by Alisha Rai // Okay, but these are top fucking tier romance books! I’m grouping them together because they are part of the same series (Modern Love). I’m usually not a fan of social media or modern day lingo in books because I do find it cringy but I don’t know, it fucking works in these two for me. The Right Swipe is a second chance romance, and I loved it! Rhi and Samson have such great chemistry and their banter was so good. Girl Gone Viral had me smiling like an idiot throughout the whole thing. It was so fucking cute! Also, it was my first bodyguard trope like book, and I like it? Anyway, what I love about both books is how great the communication and comprehension is between the couples. They understand the other person’s boundaries and have conversations like mature people. I also LOVE how the main characters are so well developed and intriguing individually. There’s enough about both characters and who they are and how they run their lives where I felt a connection with them. I found myself caring about each character outside of their relationship and rooting for them. They grow individually but they also grow within their relationship. Also, what perfect endings these two have. It’s not at all cheesy (though I’m not opposed to them) and/or dramatic. They were so realistic, intimate, and heartwarming. And lastly, the smut scenes were chef’s kiss. Great. Fantastic. These two books are the best romance books I’ve ever read, and I will die on this hill saying that.
The Right Swipe TRIGGER/CONTENT WARNINGS: sexual harrasment (the book discusses sexual harassment in the workplace), emotional and mental abuse, healing after the death of a loved one, anxiety, mentions of panic attacks
Girl Gone Viral TRIGGER/CONTENT WARNINGS: PTSD, mentions of unhealthy eating habits (restrictive), emotional and mental abuse, depictions of panic attacks, anxiety
2. Deposing Nathan by Zack Smedley // This was my first book of the year, and yes, it is up this high because it was so great and memorable. I read this at the most perfect time in my life. I was initially really exciting for it, and I was so happy that it matched my expectations. While the book’s main focus is on the events of what happened that led to the start of the book, it deals with such as topics about sexuality and religion. It was such an emotional and intense book for me, and I felt like this book poured out the thoughts that were swimming in my brain. I loved the characters and how certain things played out. None of it to me, felt unrealistic. It was genuine and heartbreaking while still a bit heartwarming. This book is truly a gem, and I will love it forever.
TRIGGER/CONTENT WARNINGS: child abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, mental manipulation, violence, homophobic slurs, homophobia
1. An Ember in the Ashes series by Sabaa Tahir // With how much I posted about this series, it’s no surprise that it’s numero uno on this list. I love this series with my entire soul, being, existence, it is literal perfection. Yes, I’ve had my fair share of complaints about this book series but fuck that, it is sooooo good. The characters are so amazing and complex, and their development over the course of the four books is so emotional and heart wrenching. I found a part of myself with each character and I was (and still am) so attached to them. The romantic relationship, the familial relationships, the friendships, all the relationships were so well done. I could feel the true connection in every dynamic. I love it so much that it hurts. The plot itself is so fucking good. The slow world building it has is one of my favorite things. It allows you to take in the world slowly and at a good pace. It continues to grow and evolve and reveal itself the further you go with each book. The dialogue is fucking fantastic. It’s flows so well and is well done. Yes, it gets fancy but it’s soooooo smooooooooth. The writing is just sooooo beautiful. Gorgeous. A beauty. I have different posts dedicated to my favorite lines in each book, and boy do they hit the emotional spot. This book series has had such a huge impact in my life and the fact that it’s over doesn’t even feel real. I have cried for five days straight because I won’t get to read this series or about these characters anymore, like I HAVE NEVER DONE THAT BEFORE. Not to mention that the tears are also because of book four and the bittersweetness it left me with. I could go on for days about how absolutely amazing and fantastic this book series is. I would highly recommend it. Get wrecked by it. Love it. It will hurt your soul.
TRIGGER/CONTENT WARNINGS: mentions of rape, mentions of sexual assault, violence (some scenes are graphic), murder, death of loved ones, depictions of grief, PTSD
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