#deposing nathan
lonesomedotmp3 · 11 months
all the women in gay male media are always extremely cool and fun and slay like sorry to gay guys but hooray feminism!!!!
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peachy-panic · 10 months
What are your top ten whumpy book recommendations?
Top 10, you say? How about a comprehensive list of every half decent whumpy book I've read in the last 3 years? (I tried to balance the order between my overall love for the book and the whumpiness level)
BLANKET TW FOR THESE BOOKS: noncon, abuse, domestic violence, med whump, lab whump religious trauma, institutionalized abuse
TOP 10
The Tarot Sequence - K.D. Edwards (series, ongoing)
Winter’s Orbit - Everina Maxwell
How To Bang A Billionaire - Alexis Hall (trilogy, complete)
The Darkness Outside Us - Eliot Schrefer (will rip your heart out)
All For The Game - Nora Sakavic (trilogy, complete)
Dark Room Etiquette - Robin Roe
HappyHead - Josh Silver (sequel in progress)
All That’s Left in the World - Erik J. Brown
The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice & Virtue - Mackenzi Lee
Stars in Your Eyes - Kacen Callender (releases in October 2023)
- We Are The Ants - Shaun David Hutchinson
- Tonight We Rule the World - Zack Smedley
- The Lookback Window - Kyle Dillon Hertz (just finished!)
- Dark Space - Lisa Henry (trilogy, currently reading)
- First, Become Ashes - K.M. Sparza
- Parker - Jack Harbon
- A Strange and Stubborn Endurance - Foz Meadows
- Docile - K.M. Sparza (BBU vibes)
- Into the Light - Mark Oshiro
- Young Mungo - Douglas Stuart
- A List of Cages - Robin Roe (minor main character)
- Deposing Nathan - Zack Smedley (minor main character)
- How to Bite Your Neighbor and Win a Wager - D.N. Bryn
- Mysterious Skin - Scott Heim
- Surrender Your Sons - Adam Sass
- Yes, Daddy - Jonathan Parks-Ramage
- Not Quite Out - Louise Willingham
- Runner - Parker Williams
- Fraternity - Andy Mientus
- A Little Life - Hanya Yanagihara (honestly… maybe don't read this)
- They Never Learn - Layne Fargo
- The Girls I’ve Been - Tess Sharpe
- I’m The Girl - Courtney Summers
- Girls of Paper and Fire - Natasha Ngan
- We Set the Dark on Fire - Tehlor Kay Mejia (there’s a sequel)
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richmond-rex · 4 months
Hi there
So I follow the Tudor Trio and Nicola Tallis, Matthew Lewis and Nathan Amin were doing a debate today on the Princes in the Tower with the quote on quote new evidence that has been revealed from Philippa Langley.
I still firmly believe Richard III killed the Princes and find many of Matthew Lewis' arguments bizarre. I'm not sure why he thinks the Princes weren't a threat to Richard but were to Henry VII. If the Princes weren't a threat to Richard then why would they have been a threat to Henry VII? I can't understand why Richard would ever let them escape England of his own free Will. There is almost no chance they could have escaped without him knowing about it.
Also he claimed that Henry VII sent Elizabeth Woodville to Bermondsey Abbey and that she was supporting the Lambert Simnel Rebellion. Is there any truth to that? Thanks!
Hi, sorry for taking so long to reply! Lewis' arguments are so incredibly ridiculous — they largely rest on accepting at face value people's signatures and on the claim that Maximilian and Margaret of York were too blue-blooded to ever lie for political ends: essentially, he claims lying was for peasants. And yes, the princes would absolutely be a threat to Richard III as he found out as soon as he left London after his coronation — there happened a rebellion made by former Edwardian servants that aimed to free the princes from the Tower, very possibly to restore them to the throne. The princes had been raised all their lives to regard the English throne as their birthright — you're telling me they would grow up abroad and would neve try a restoration aided by one of England's political enemies such as France?
The ricardian claim that Richard III sent them to Burgundy is incredibly ridiculous to me as well: even if they stayed with Richard's sister, she wasn't the one ruling Burgundy — Maximilian of Austria, the husband of Margaret's deceased daughter-in-law, was. How could Richard be sure Maximilian wouldn't take the princes the minute Richard did something that went against Maximilian's interests and use them to either blackmail him or depose him so Maximilian could have his own English king? Burgundy had displayed lancastrian loyalties not so long ago in the past and the political game in Europe changed constantly.
It would have been absolutely STUPID of Richard III to deliver the strongest weapon anyone could use against him to a foreign power. Let's also mention that Maximilian at the time was struggling with controlling his own children, the actual Burgundian heirs, because some Flemish cities had rebelled against him and had his heir (Philip of Burgundy) in their power and were up in arms against his regency. From June 1483 to July 1485 Maximilian couldn't have control of his own son. You're telling me Richard would have sent the biggest assets anyone could use against him to that unstable scenario?
The truth is that Ricardians like Matthew Lewis benefit from the fact that people study/know about the Wars of the Roses from an impossibly anglocentric lens, ignoring that the conflict was also the outcome of the multiple iterations of power play between Western European powers: 'the Wars of the Roses were an extended episode in a European conflict, not just a murderous private dispute'. It really is inconceivable, when it comes down to logic, how Richard was one step ahead of everyone during the mounting off to his takeover of the throne (bamboozling and imprisoning the Woodvilles, executing and imprisoning Edward V's strongest supporters such as Hastings) but would commit such a basic political error as sending other claimants to his own crown to a foreign power.
As to Elizabeth Woodville going to Bermondsey Abbey as a way of punishment for her supporting a rebellion against Henry VII, it makes little sense as well. Henry VII carried on with the marriage negotiations with Scotland that involved Elizabeth and two of her daughters until James III's death in 1488. Again, it would make little sense for Henry VII to have found out Elizabeth was conspiring against him but keep wanting to send her north as an ally to Scotland, a country that could easily make war on him and create problems. Why would he deliver an enemy into the hands of another possible enemy, if Elizabeth truly conspired against him? Again, it's the lack of perspective into Europe and international politics that jump out in Lewis' logic.
Do my words make sense to you? I truly cannot comprehend how Lewis can say the stuff he says and no one really contradicts him in his logic.
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lgbtqreads · 9 months
Do you have any recs where the protagonist believes they are straight but then discover their bisexuality after falling in love with the same gender person?
I wrote one, even! https://bookshop.org/a/2228/9781250888471
A few others I love: Imogen, Obviously by Becky Albertalli, Deposing Nathan by Zack Smedley, and Red, White & Royal Blue, by Casey McQuiston
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aledethanlast · 1 year
Okay but like if you think about it, Neil's surviving Baltimore isn't all pure luck. That is to say, it's only 30% luck. The other 70% is everyone else involved in that catastrophe royally fucking up, jumping the gun, or being generally bad at their jobs.
Like, Nathan gets out of prison, and priority 1 is to reestablish his presence as fast as possible. He needs to prove to Kengo that he's still in the game and doesn't need to be replaced with someone who doesn't get caught.
Except Kengo is dying. Hiding it, but definitely dying. Meaning his comeback has a VERY short deadline.
And then Riko, who has been running around using yakuza resources for personal grudges unchecked, hands him his son on a silver platter. Christmas come late.
And then...he waits? I can only assume Nathan spends two months tormenting Neil with that countdown because that was the earliest he could orchestrate a meeting with both Kengo and Ichirou, where he intended to present Nathaniel's severed head on a literal silver platter, and thus prove his worth to his old boss, and secure his favor with the incoming.
Except knowing that the feds were watching the house apparently didn't extend to knowing that they HIRED HIS BROTHER IN LAW TO KILL HIM CIA STYLE.
(Which also??? Hello???)
Well they do that, and don't even realize that Nathan didn't put up a fight because he was busy trying to kill the best witness against him until the guy physically walks up to them and says so. And then the gjy starts being contrarian and they guy huffy but whatever. That's a minor problem for them. Their big concern is closing this case in a nice bow without the DoJ ever finding out what they did. Or worse, the press.
Meanwhile...the Moriyamas. We have only the tiniest glimpse of what was happening inside that family, but I am sure of one thing: Ichirou's ascension to the throne was NOT a peaceful transition of power. Kengo refusing to step away gracefully, covering up hospitalizations, he likely held on to power until the very last second, denying his son the time and space to secure the loyalty of their generals in advance.
So now Kengo is dead, right-hand man not only gone but his network ripped apart by carrion, and he needs to cauterize every bleeding limb before he's caught, challenged, or deposed. He is PANICKING.
By the time he gets to Palmetto, and Neil says "Don't look at me, I'm the one person in this fiasco who knows their place", Ichirous internal response is little more than "Oh thank God."
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bensbooks · 6 months
Hello ♡ Do you have any underrated bisexual books you'd recommend?
I'm incredibly bad at remembering/noting down the specific queer rep in the books I read, however I have gone through my spreadsheet and tried to find ones that people have tagged 'bi' on goodreads. These are all books I've read and enjoyed (given a 3.5 rating or higher).
A Light Amongst Shadows by Kelley York and Rowan Altwood (~1000 ratings)
Deposing Nathan by Zack Smedley (~1900 ratings)
Lighter by A. Aduma (~30 ratings)
The Law of Inertia by Sophie Gonzales (~400 ratings)
Hold by Rachel Davidson Leigh (~150 ratings)
The Edge of Being by James Brandon (~150 ratings)
There Is a Light by Ban Gilmartin (~350 ratings)
Boomerang by Helene Dunbar (~130 ratings)
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wawamouse · 4 months
Oz Rewatch 3: S2E06: Strange Bedfellows
Happy Chinese New Year/Lunar New Year! Haha, Sister and I watched a movie and ate hotpot and then for “dessert”, watched Oz. There was a lot of action in this episode. In the words of Sister, “Two guys got dethroned, another guy learned that boys can love boys, and LL Cool J was there too for some reason”. I don't really have too much to say about this episode. All things considered, it's an fun watch! Well, "fun" probably isn't the right word to use, but I didn't feel that much frustration with anything that happens here. There were less short story beats this episode and more longer stories, which is nice when the stories are actually intriguing (GILES...).
Said continues to help Schillinger with his case; Diane and McManus are deposed by Said, during which they both lie. Afterwards, Said steps off the case
Mini: Adebisi and Bellinger communicate through notes
Peter Schibetta recovers from his poisoning and tries to get revenge, failing notably
El Norte starts to waver under Miguel’s hesitance to go to war; El Cid arrives
Jiggy Walker arrives at Em City, spinning tall tales; having abandoned Schillinger, Said adopts his fourth project for season 2 (which also ends in failure lol)
Giles -_- (he gets some toothpaste, and we can finally say we’ve seen the last of him for a bit)
Cyril O’Reily is caught for the murder of Preston Nathan
Beecher realises he’s in love with Keller; they kiss; Beecher’s alcoholism relapses
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Sister: She’s been hanging out with the Sopranos too much! Me: ??? Sister: [shrugging] I saw a clip...
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Sister: And that’s your favorite? The guy who gets punched and wants to go to war with everyone and looks like the chihuahua from Lady and the Tramp? Me: 😭 He's funny...
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Sister: Shannon!!! [proceeds to talk for 5 minutes about how O'Reily doesn't deserve Shannon]
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Sister: Hmm… what would you change a swastika into? A cross with a little box around it? Me: Like a window?
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Sister: I’m surprised he’s such an educated guy and yet doesn’t know the ways of the Greek…? I thought lawyer people loved the Classics… Has he never read The Symposium?
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Me: Is that what you were thinking about?! Sister: I MEAN... I was thinking something a little more decorative… Maybe like a little windmill or something.
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Sister: EEEE! What did he say?! Me: He said it’s so cute. Sister: What did he say?! Me: He said it’s so cute.
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Sister: Hm. He shaved off his face-defining facial hair. Hm.
Stray Thoughts:
Sister (once again failing to realize a Schibetta is basically out of the picture): … Maybe Little Nino and Miguel work together now that they’ve both been dethroned?
Peter asking Burrano not to tell Nino about his rape is always so sad to me. It's interesting, though, that Nino's influence continues on for so long in the show. I seem to recall in later seasons when Pancamo is in the hospital, he also apologises to Nino in his delirium, presumably for failing to protect Peter in Oz.
It’s so disappointing that Jiggy Walker turns out to be lying lol… you want to see Devlin go down soooo bad, and then he doesn’t.
Giles time weirdness: they make it seem like Giles has been insane in solitary for years, but then it turns out he had the cell next to Augustus Hill’s in Unit B before Emerald City opened, which means Giles has been in Solitary for at most 3 years. Or maybe I'm misremembering something.
Dr Prestopnik is so funny. I wish we got more of him throughout the show.
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I really like the floating bunk bed set pieces from Hill's monologues this episode
They do an interesting "freeze frame" kind of thing with the crime flashbacks this episode where the actors freeze and the camera moves through the scene. I feel like this is new and that they don't really do it again in later episodes, but I'll have to pay attention in the future and see. There are also not really "crime flashbacks" in this episode so much as there are "crime intros".
Sister: They keep throwing moral lessons at Said like he’s in a children’s show…. This episode it was “Oh, don’t trust gossip without proof; you’ll get egg on your face!”, and before that, it was “sometimes you’re going to help someone and they’re still going to do drugs” and before that, “some battles you just can’t win; you gotta know the law to use the law”. And then before that it was “sometimes you just gotta take your blood pressure medication”....
Final Thoughts:
Sister: Oh NO… They (Beecher and Keller) still have to do their Liar Reveal scene!!! [rolls around in despair]
Me: Any thoughts on Miguel this episode? Sister: -_- Me: ...What could he have done to avoid this fate? Sister: [cackling] Well, the first mistake he made was that he didn’t have a plan. He should’ve given the other guys an outline for his criteria on what a worthy cause for going to war was, because his problem is basically that he isn’t really explaining why he won’t go to war, and that's hurting the other guy's (Chico's) feelings. So he needs to get a bullet point list or something to hand out and make sure they’re all on the same page. And then he needs to get a spray tan. Me: ??? Sister: Because that guy said he was too white.
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still-single · 1 year
Heathen Disco updates
The most recent shows are as below. Maybe you'd like to listen.
Show #326 (Feb 12, 2023)
James Brown – Stone to the Bone
The Supremes – Stoned Love
The Chi-Lites – Stoned Out of My Mind
Clark-Hutchinson – Free to Be Stoned
Nathan Salsburg – XIV
Black Sabbath – A National Acrobat
Cheater Slicks – Fear
The Drin – Mozart on the Wing
Come – Recidivist
FACS – When You Say
Equipment Pointed Ankh – Paper Sink
Del the Funky Homosapien – Eye Examination
De La Soul – Held Down
Lyn Collins – Think About It (Live at the Apollo)
Quix*o*tic – Tell It Like It Is
Crushed – Coil
The Passions – Runaway
Mamitri Yulith Empress Yonagunisan – Gala Saver
Heavy Blanket – Danny
Miaow – Fate
Central Line – Walking Into Sunshine
Gina X Performance – No G.D.M.
Goblin – Roller
Doom Flower – The Space
Yo La Tengo – Brain Capers
Oneida – Paralyzed
3rd Bass – 3rd Bass Theme A.K.A. Portrait of the Artist as a Hood
Casa Nostra – Insomnia (extended mix)
Detroit Emeralds – Feel the Need
Ramsey Lewis Trio – Opus #5 / Uhuru
Exploratorium – Number 09
Show #325 (Feb 5, 2023)
Art Ensemble of Chicago – Funky AECO
Mutamassik – Wishik
Lifted – Total Care Zero
Shizuka – Plan for Solitude
Beau Wanzer – A Burrowing Booboo
Nuovo Testamento – Heat
The Invincible Limit – Push (New Mix)
Experimental Products – Glowing in the Dark
Miss Nude – Taste My Acid Fruit
Syamese – Drum
Portion Control – Go Talk
Equipment Pointed Ankh – Port of Indiana
Echo & the Bunnymen – The Subject
Q Lazzarus – Goodbye Horses (Demo 2)
Nun – In Blood
Six Finger Satellite – Where Humans Go
Iggy Pop – Funtime
Terry – Gold Duck
SUSS – Ash Fork, AZ
Glyders – Maria’s Hunt
The House of Love – Road
The Loft – Your Door Shines Like Gold
Celibates – Coming Alone
Marcie’s Still Waiting – For You (Not For You)
Shinichi Atobe – First Plate 3
Th’ Blisks – A Salve
Dippers – Looking for a Sphere Pt. 1
Ulaan Passerine – Light of Lights
Adonis – No Way Back
Kraze – The Party (Original Mix)
Paul Johnson – After Dark
Tirzah – Sink In (Actress remix)
Om Unit – Pursuit
Show #324 (Jan 29, 2013)
Tom Verlaine – Souvenir from a Dream
Love Child – Stumbling Block
Love – Softly to Me
Owen Maercks – Intense Young Man
Television – Marquee Moon (1974 demo)
Peace Regime – untitled
Skull Practitioners – Intruder
Temple – Heathen
Rancid X – Old Sex Queen
X – I Don’t Wanna Go Out
Beau Wanzer – A Dead Person’s Monologue
The Real Kids – Nowadaze Kids
Holy Tongue – Spirit Mask
Sleaford Mods – UK Grim
Miss Lie – Depression
Exhaustion – Old Mickey
Midnight Mines – Hollow Sky
Primal Scream – All Fall Down
Virgin Prunes – Baby Turns Blue
The C.I.A. – Better
Exploded View – You Got a Problem, Son
Violet French and the Horrible – I Want the Sky to Be Crying
Dippers – Looking for a Sphere Pt. 2
Blatant Dissent – Eleven Days
Circus Lupus – New Cop Car
Lush – Nothing Natural
The Fall – Y.F.O.C. / Slippy Floor
Obe – untitled
Sightless Pit – Calcified Glass
The Ex – Evolution
Oozing Wound – Hypnic Jerk
Nitzer Ebb – Captivate
George Brigman & Split – Blowin’ Smoke
Meg Baird – Star Hill Song
Equipment Pointed Ankh – From Inside the House
Dalibor Cruz – Depose the Influencer
Manuel Göttsching – E2-E4 side A
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garudabluffs · 4 months
Trump ATTACK on Georgia Prosecutor NOW A MASSIVE FLOP
Jan 30, 2024 Champagne corks are popping across America: the nightmare that is the Fulton County special Trump prosecutor Nathan Wade’s divorce is finally over! Michael Popok of Legal AF reports on a settlement reached between Mr Wade which will prevent MAGA from getting to depose his boss Fulton County DA Fani Willis, and will likely lead to the criminal judge quickly denying the efforts by Trump and his co co conspirators to dismiss the Georgia indictment.
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mavrustheunskooled · 6 months
12 and 17!
12: any books that disappointed you?
I was going to do a couple but I actually can’t bc this book disappointed me So much. I heard So many good things about The Honeys, and I was so excited to get a galley of Beholder, but then it was Bad
17: did any books surprise you with how good they were?
Crying in H Mart - Michelle Zauner (two of my bookstore coworkers really didn’t like this one, but it made me Sob)
Deposing Nathan - Zack Smedley (I can’t believe this book is out of stock indefinitely rn— everyone go hunt down a copy bc it’s ridiculous)
The Only Girl in Town - Ally Condie (I didn’t know if the author of Matched could get me now that I’m no longer her target audience, but this book is Fantastic and I got it signed by her and Ughh it’s so good)
send me a book ask! if you want!
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jjjhree · 6 months
new fav author?
the anxiety I feel when reading Zach Smedley’s books is consuming me from the inside out but I love her books (I know he’s a man I just call her her cuz it’s a bit I had)
anyways if you want to read his books I think he only has two..?
Deposing Nathan (idk two friends now friends anymore because one’s going to jail. Just started reading this one btw)
Tonight We Rule the World (boy goes to front office for an assault report. Lots of twists and turns and trust me you will want to burn the book while putting it on a pedestal at the same time)
good luck
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cerimonials · 1 year
rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better. I was tagged by @ripdragonbeans We'll see how this goes!
Last Song: Why Stay/A Promise from Next to Normal (I was revisiting the album on the bus ride home.
last show: Rupaul's Drag Race Season 12 (I'd already seen it but I was binging it the other week. I forgot how funny Jaida really is! Nothing but respect for my queen)
Last movie: Puss in Boots: The Last Wish
currently watching: Nothing, but ask me again in a few months when I finally cave and watch Abbott Elementary
currently reading: Deposing Nathan by Zack Smedley
current obsession: As much as my friends might expect me to say Puss in Boots, my actual obsession is Unprepared Casters. It's a fantastic D&D podcast with a revolving cast and revolving characters, all designed for the listener to be able to jump into any arc without feeling lost or getting overwhelmed. AND they're starting to make video episodes on their lowest patreon tier starting with the newest arc! Arc 12 is just about to start and they're bringing back the lesbian cat burglars, and I audibly gasped at my good fortune when I saw the announcement trailer. Now's the perfect time to get into it if I've peaked your fancy, wink wink, nudge nudge.
No pressure tags, and I'm definitely not going to be tagging 9 people, sorry "rules" : @talkabout-the-weather @ranubis
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packedwithpackards · 2 years
Zachariah Packard: the slaveowner
On this blog before, I've written about Zachariah Packard, my ancestor, whom married "Abigail, daughter of Richard Davenport, of South Bridgewater, in 1724," and had "three sons and one daughter...Elijah, Abigail, Nathaniel, and Nathan, all of whom had families." He was one of the few Packards whom was a slaveowner, unlike others.I noted exactly this last August when I wrote that "while the Packards did not own enslaved people...they participated in the system of slavery in British America through interconnected trade networks," while others were stout abolitionists! Getting back to Zachariah, he did not, however, go as far as Captain Samuel Packard whom "sailed a ship to the coast of Africa looking for Black Africans to enslave in 1797 contrary to Rhode Island law"! It is worth quoting what I wrote about Zachariah exclusively this past July:
The following year, Nathaniel, one of Samuel [Packard Sr]’s sons, would marry a woman named Lydia Smith, if existing genealogical records are right. Nathaniel and Lydia would have two children before each of them died in the 18th century: Zachariah (1697-1771) and Mary (1695-1770)...As for Zachariah, he would marry a woman named Abigail Davenport, and have four children: Elijah (b. 1725), Nathan (1733-1798) who was a captain in the Revolutionary War, Abigail (1728-1768) and Nathaniel (1730-1814). When Zachariah died in 1771, he would have a will and inventory that were in keeping with the agricultural lifestyle of many of the Packards. Within his will, he would give his sons Nathan and Nathaniel a “servant” named Peter, his daughter Abigail a “servant boy” named America, and said that a “servant maid” named Ann would be given to his wife Abigail, only set free after her death. The reality of this will seems evident: he is a Christian with “sound and deposing mind” who divides his "quick stock" between his wife and two sons which are above mentioned, along with giving his son Nathaniel his “Smith's shop” with related tools, cider mill, and his gun, and his wife Abigail his personal estate after debt with funeral charges and legacies subtracted. In his inventory, he is listed as owning 214 pounds, 17 shillings, 2 pence of property, which includes a bed & furniture, roundtable, a wooden box, six chairs, warming pan, 3 wash tubs, 12 tinning sheets, old casks, a cheese press, 13 barrels and two hogshead. He also owns an iron kettle, skillet, eight swine (pigs), nine sheep, three cows, tobacco, Indian corn, a gun, cart rope, old scythes, side saddle, and hand saw. This seems to be “normal” by the standards of the Packard family until you get to the last three items... Hence, he is clearly a slaveowner which was not explicitly stated in his will, except for calling the enslaved people listed above “servants” who are “worth” to him (as “quick stock”) a total of 69 pounds, 4 shillings, 9 pence. Using this measurement, it means that these people constitute almost 33% or one-third of his total property! Through his distribution of enslaved people to his sons Nathan and Nathaniel, daughter Abigail, and wife of the same name, it makes all of these individuals slaveowners as well. No other enslaved people are believed to be owned by other members of the Packard family noted in this book. It is worth discussing this issue at length since stands against the religious convictions which brought over the Packards to New England in the first place...The British government stood behind slaveowners, like Zachariah Packard, refusing to engage in any measures that would impede the slave trade, while courts slowly moved toward granting freedom to enslaved laborers...To sum up this information, with Zachariah as a slaveowner, he was part of a well-off White minority that owned human beings in Massachusetts.
Last year, Michael on Find A Grave noted, in Zachariah's will, there is a word: Mistress (undoubtedly referring to his wife Abigail), which comes from the cursive writing style of the time, when lower-case "s" were written "almost the way we would today write "f" except in the final position or after another "s." Hence "history" would look a bit like "hiftory" and "mistress" would look a bit like "miftrefs." Compare the German letter "ß" (Eszett), which is a ligature double "s." The line [then] reads, "The Service of the Negro woman Ann during her Mistress [sic, should be Mistress's] Life."" This brings us to an improved image from the Massachusetts probate showing Zachariah's enslaved Blacks.
First is the whole two pages, showing Zachariah's complete inventory:
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Courtesy of Probate records, 1686-1903; with index and docket, 1685-1967, Probates v. 21-23 1771-1778
Next is the specific focus on enslaved Blacks:
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Most interesting is what I discovered when I wrote about Abiel Packard: a page from original records showing the division of Zachariah's probate:
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Yellow underlining is my emphasis. This page shows that Deliverance, Abiel's wife, gave him the estate on which he currently lives! It also names his son, Josiah.
Let's focus on the page on the left, specifically a line relating to "America Pierce," as he is called, an enslaved Black man who is "owned" by Zachariah Packard:
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Not sure why he is now described as a "man" instead of "boy" It is not known whom "Pierce" is.
Now, he is the only one of the three enslaved individuals (the others being Ann and Peter) whom is paid money. This may seem great, but consider that it does NOT say he was freed. Not at all. So we know that "America" was, after Zachariah's death, enslaved to his daughter Abigail, "Peter" was enslaved to his sons Nathan (1733-1798) and Nathaniel (d. 1721), and "Ann" enslaved to his wife Abigail, only set free after her death, which was some time after 1771.
Let's start with America. On Find A Grave, the following dates of death of Zachariah and Abigail's children is listed:
1.Elijah Packard-23 Mar 1726-Rev. War Veteran-Mary Rider 2.Abigail Packard-1728-1768-Daniel Snell Jr. 3.Nathaniel Packard-2 Aug 1730-1814-Sarah Snow/Anna Sloan 4.Nathan Packard-17 Jun 1733-17 Feb 1798-Rev War Veteran-Lydia Jackson
However, we know that the date of Abigail's death is off based on Zachariah's will.
Looking in the probate, there is one entry for Abigail:
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It makes it clear that this Abigail, Zachariah's wife, was born in at least 1694 (belaying her Find A Grave entry), is incapable of improving her estate, meaning that a guardian will be appointed, in 1774:
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Courtesy of Probate records, 1686-1903; with index and docket, 1685-1967, Probates v. 21-23 1771-1778. The word "superannuated" used in this document means "retired because of age or infirmity," "too old for use, work, service, or a position" or "antiquated or obsolete" as noted by dictionary.com.
What does this mean for America, you may ask? Well, from volume 22 of the probate, it is clear that Nathaniel Packard is her guardian. This would seem to mean that all two of the three enslaved Blacks owned by Zachariah ("Peter" and "Ann") are now under Nathaniel's control. Nathan is mentioned in the document too, but he is not the guardian. This brings us to "America" again. Clearly, in Zachariah's will, "America" was given to the daughter, Abigail, not to the wife, Abigail. But, interestingly, Nathaniel is the executor of Zachariah's estate:
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Courtesy of Probate records, 1686-1903; with index and docket, 1685-1967, Probates v. 21-23 1771-1778.
There is a Nathaniel, but only one in 1721, nine years before Nathaniel (son of Zachariah and Abigail) is born. However, I did find a entry for Nathan Packard in 1798 which aligns with the dates on Find A Grave:
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Using this as a guide. I found Nathan's four-page will, written on June 5, 1794, despite what the index says above. The will begins:
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Courtesy of Probate records, 1686-1903; with index and docket, 1685-1967, Probates v. 36-37 1796-1802.
Then there's the next two pages, he lists his wife Lydia, sons Nathan, Ransum, Perez, Sullivan, Elijah, and Oliver, along with daughters Olive and Roxey (a derivative of "Roxana"),  but no mention of enslaved peoples:
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The next page mentions his sons Jonas, executor (his son Nathan), his daughter Sarah (who had then married the late Zepheniah Lathrop), his daughter Abigail (who had married Jonas Howard), and his daughter Lydia (who had married Bernard Clapp). Again, enslaved peoples are not mentioned:
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Then, later on, is report of Nathan, whom was executor of his father's estate:
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Then we get to pages 376 and 377:
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No enslaved people are mentioned. That means we don't know what happened to "Peter", "Ann" or "America," whom vanished from the records.  It should by obvious why this happened: after 1781, slavery was phased out in the state. So by 1798, it was gone. Hence, all of these enslaved Blacks were set free! The Massachusetts Historical Society writes about this:
Freed slaves in Massachusetts continued in an inferior social position, legally free but with fewer civil rights than whites.  They were treated equally by the legal system, but they could not serve on juries.  They paid taxes, but could not vote, and, in most cases, their children did not attend public schools, prohibited at least by custom and tradition, if not by law.  It was sometimes more difficult to find work as freedmen than as slaves, since slaves were provided the means of employment by their masters.  Domestic service remained a viable employment, along with common labor and the professions associated with the sea.  However, fear of kidnapping (and a forced return to slavery elsewhere) was a bar to working on the waterfront or at sea.  Indentured servitude also remained in force after the abolition of slavery, and African American children such as Dick Morey were commonly indentured out until they reached the age of 21.  Free blacks in the north were continually organizing their communities in hopes of winning freedom for slaves elsewhere, and for bringing the benefits of full citizenship to all African Americans.  They built community associations that provided mutual support and a foundation for political action, such as the African Society  in Boston, and the African Lodge of Masons.
While the Massachusetts Historical Society's collections cannot help us here, I did find entries for an "America Pierce" in Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1790, who could be the same as the "America" [1] mentioned in this article:
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Courtesy of "United States Census, 1790," database with images, FamilySearch, America Pierce, Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States; citing p. 75, NARA microfilm publication M637, (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.), roll 4; FHL microfilm 568,144. Note how they are NOT considered White here.
Peter is also mentioned above, who could be the "Peter" mentioned earlier in this article. There is an "Ann Freeman" I found as well, but I can't find much for her, other than an entry of a woman also living in Massachusetts at the time, an "Anne Pierce." So, her residence is a bit shaky, at best.
Even with this disappointing conclusion, we learned a good deal about the Packard family along the way!
[1] I also found an "America Pierce" in Bridgewater in 1800, Plymouth in 1820, 1830, and 1840.
Note: This was originally posted on Jan. 25, 2019 on the main Packed with Packards WordPress blog (it can also be found on the Wayback Machine here). My research is still ongoing, so some conclusions in this piece may change in the future.
© 2019-2022 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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lgbtqreads · 11 months
i'm seeing way too much biphobia irl & online this pride month. i have a 2 part rec ask. can you recommend me 1) books with bi characters where biphobia is discussed? 2) books with bi4bi rep (any gender is fine).
(i'm looking for something like perfect on paper but where the biphobia is more at the center of the story. and i've read i'll be the one & xeni for bi4bi rep. i've also read hani & ishu, highly suspicious & unfairly cute & other popular books with bi characters so i wanted some underrated recs).
Sure, try Imogen, Obviously by Becky Albertalli, Deposing Nathan by Zack Smedley, Cool for the Summer by Dahlia Adler, Verona Comics by Jennifer Dugan (and Love at First Set, in adult), One Kiss With a Rock Star by Amber Lin and Shari Slade, and The Perfect Crimes of Marian Hayes by Cat Sebastian.
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bensbooks · 6 months
Underrated 2019: Deposing Nathan
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Nate never imagined that he would be attacked by his best friend, Cam. Now, Nate is being called to deliver a sworn statement that will get Cam convicted. The problem is, the real story isn’t that easy or convenient—just like Nate and Cam’s friendship. Cam challenged Nate on every level from the day the boys met. He pushed him to break the rules, to dream, and to accept himself. But Nate—armed with a fierce moral code and conflicted by his own beliefs—started to push back. With each push, Nate and Cam moved closer to each other—but also spiraled closer to their breaking points.
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jellybeanbeing · 3 years
Favorite Books of 2020
I read 50 books this year, here are my top favorites:
9. Chain of Gold by Cassandra Clare // One of my most anticipated books of 2020 and it did not disappoint. This wasn’t the first Shadowhunter book I’ve read and so I was aware going into this one that, with this being the first book to a new series, there was gonna be some info dump and A LOT of build up. I wasn’t mad at it though. Besides that, I can already tell that this series is going to be my favorite in TSC. The story is already so complex with such vibrant and interesting characters and character relationships. I cried my eyes out at the end of this book because I could just feel the pain in certain characters and I am so ready to be hurt with the two upcoming books.
TRIGGER/CONTENT WARNINGS: substance abuse, emotional manipulation
8. Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert // This was the first ever adult romance book that I read, and boy, did it make me fall in love. I had no idea what I was going into when picking this up because I had never read an adult romance novel, and I was soooooooo pleasantly surprised that it sent me into an adult romance book binge. This is still at the top because hot damn, the relationship was just fantastic. It was sooooo cute, and what I loved so so much was that the characters had lives outside of their relationships. They grew individually while still engaging in their relationship. It never felt boring or stilted. It was so refreshing to read that. The amount of communication and comprehension that was present was amazing. The smut scenes were just fucking perfection. I loved everything about this book! 
TRIGGER WARNING (provided in the author's note of Get a Life, Chloe Brown): "This story touches on the process of healing after an abusive relationship."
7. You Deserve Each Other by Sarah Hogle // Let me just say here that this is suuuuuuch a romantic book. There were so many lines that had my heart aching and crying. This was the first book I read where the lovers to enemies to lovers trope existed, and after this one, I want more. I looooved the regrowth of their relationship, seeing the two become friends again, and really really communicate with each other and listen to each other. It was so goddamn cute and wholesome and endearing. This book was also so humorous and I found myself actually laughing at certain parts. One thing that I really really appreciated was that though the book’s perspective was only from one side of the relationship, it never pinned all the blame on the other person. This was a story that could’ve easily turned into that, where the other person is the bad guy, but it was acknowledged that both sides were at fault for the falling out of the relationship. I had such a great time reading this one!
6. The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang // I fell absolutely in love with this one, especially after a brief reread. It is sooooo freaking cute and easy going and wholesome and romantic and perfect. I love the two main characters and how well they fit together. They understand each other and respect each other and care for each other so so deeply. The communication was so perfect, the smut scenes were top tier amazing, the growth of their affection towards each other was so cute, and everything was just great. I loved the family aspect of this one! It felt natural and genuine. This book was just everything good.
5. Kids of Appetite by David Arnold // One of the last books I read in the year, and here it is! This reread was well overdue. Anyway, I loved it! I loved it way more than my first read. The found family trope in this one was literally so perfect and felt like a warm hug. I LIVE for the friendships in this one. I absolutely loved how everything tied together at the end and how everything was connected. It made me so emotional, and yes, I did cry. A lot. The romance between Vic and Mad was also really cute and wholesome! The grief that was explored in this one was also so so good. It felt so personal and it made my heart ache. Yes, this book will still remain as one of my all time favorites. I loved it.
TRIGGER/CONTENT WARNINGS: PTSD, physical abuse, death of a loved one, murder, violence
4. The Right Swipe & 3. Girl Gone Viral by Alisha Rai // Okay, but these are top fucking tier romance books! I’m grouping them together because they are part of the same series (Modern Love). I’m usually not a fan of social media or modern day lingo in books because I do find it cringy but I don’t know, it fucking works in these two for me. The Right Swipe is a second chance romance, and I loved it! Rhi and Samson have such great chemistry and their banter was so good. Girl Gone Viral had me smiling like an idiot throughout the whole thing. It was so fucking cute! Also, it was my first bodyguard trope like book, and I like it? Anyway, what I love about both books is how great the communication and comprehension is between the couples. They understand the other person’s boundaries and have conversations like mature people. I also LOVE how the main characters are so well developed and intriguing individually. There’s enough about both characters and who they are and how they run their lives where I felt a connection with them. I found myself caring about each character outside of their relationship and rooting for them. They grow individually but they also grow within their relationship. Also, what perfect endings these two have. It’s not at all cheesy (though I’m not opposed to them) and/or dramatic. They were so realistic, intimate, and heartwarming. And lastly, the smut scenes were chef’s kiss. Great. Fantastic. These two books are the best romance books I’ve ever read, and I will die on this hill saying that.
The Right Swipe TRIGGER/CONTENT WARNINGS: sexual harrasment (the book discusses sexual harassment in the workplace), emotional and mental abuse, healing after the death of a loved one, anxiety, mentions of panic attacks
Girl Gone Viral TRIGGER/CONTENT WARNINGS: PTSD, mentions of unhealthy eating habits (restrictive), emotional and mental abuse, depictions of panic attacks, anxiety
2. Deposing Nathan by Zack Smedley // This was my first book of the year, and yes, it is up this high because it was so great and memorable. I read this at the most perfect time in my life. I was initially really exciting for it, and I was so happy that it matched my expectations. While the book’s main focus is on the events of what happened that led to the start of the book, it deals with such as topics about sexuality and religion. It was such an emotional and intense book for me, and I felt like this book poured out the thoughts that were swimming in my brain. I loved the characters and how certain things played out. None of it to me, felt unrealistic. It was genuine and heartbreaking while still a bit heartwarming. This book is truly a gem, and I will love it forever.
TRIGGER/CONTENT WARNINGS: child abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, mental manipulation, violence, homophobic slurs, homophobia
1. An Ember in the Ashes series by Sabaa Tahir // With how much I posted about this series, it’s no surprise that it’s numero uno on this list. I love this series with my entire soul, being, existence, it is literal perfection. Yes, I’ve had my fair share of complaints about this book series but fuck that, it is sooooo good. The characters are so amazing and complex, and their development over the course of the four books is so emotional and heart wrenching. I found a part of myself with each character and I was (and still am) so attached to them. The romantic relationship, the familial relationships, the friendships, all the relationships were so well done. I could feel the true connection in every dynamic. I love it so much that it hurts. The plot itself is so fucking good. The slow world building it has is one of my favorite things. It allows you to take in the world slowly and at a good pace. It continues to grow and evolve and reveal itself the further you go with each book. The dialogue is fucking fantastic. It’s flows so well and is well done. Yes, it gets fancy but it’s soooooo smooooooooth. The writing is just sooooo beautiful. Gorgeous. A beauty. I have different posts dedicated to my favorite lines in each book, and boy do they hit the emotional spot. This book series has had such a huge impact in my life and the fact that it’s over doesn’t even feel real. I have cried for five days straight because I won’t get to read this series or about these characters anymore, like I HAVE NEVER DONE THAT BEFORE. Not to mention that the tears are also because of book four and the bittersweetness it left me with. I could go on for days about how absolutely amazing and fantastic this book series is. I would highly recommend it. Get wrecked by it. Love it. It will hurt your soul.
TRIGGER/CONTENT WARNINGS: mentions of rape, mentions of sexual assault, violence (some scenes are graphic), murder, death of loved ones, depictions of grief, PTSD
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