#all the faustus incarnations are unfortunately connected to the original
veeples-archive · 2 years
top 5 incarnations of faustus beloved :chinhands:
😐 erin.
5. twc faustus - bottom of the list because he’s a fucking c*p, we hate that for him
4. dnd5e tiefling faustus - a loose game that is very dead, never found his lover and their egg, supremely cursed
3. body count faustus - hot flirty summer sexy murder thriller - he can be the ultimate slut he was meant to be lets hope he and syd lives and that syd isn’t the killer 💖
2. og faustus - started off as an evil and vengeful god who got easily broken in by a mortal lover.
1. faustus in oc ships (multiple) - faustus has at least three oc ships (ferric, valingram, valinter) and it is the best version of him SKSKSKSKSKSKSK he is allowed to grow and fulfill dreams and change and be happy.
honorable mention: faisel, the atoc adaptation.
ask me for a list of top 5 things!
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