#all the love to youuuuu and i hope you guys have a great year ahead
breadhyunn · 7 years
Good Things that happened this year.
This year pretty much changed who I am as a person, and of course, it came with it’s good and bad. Having learnt from the bad, I think we should all just focus on the good that happened this year.
One of the best things that happened to me this year, was, surprisingly, people. This post is to remind you all of the impact you’ve had on me. Each of you, from your own little corner of the world has helped make my days and nights better. So these 2 words come from the depth of my heart, with all the emphasis I can place and all the gratitude I can muster: Thank you. I hope each one of you finds strength similar to, if not greater than what you’ve given me.
The Good Things of 2017:
@roses-for-jongup honestly no amount of words can fully convey what you mean to me, and this is a fantastically sub par attempt. I’m the most comfortable with you, and that should say a lot. we’re armed with absolutely ridiculous knowledge about each other, and your smallest words, deeds, and eDITS have made me so happy. as I always say, you’re my ‘all of the above’, my mvp, and the only annoying person I’d take a couple of bullets for. a honeybun.
@anna-something to the world you may be a stoic powerful gal with a thunderous ability to tear us all a new one, but to me, you’re also a soft socialist grandma who sends me lovely drunk texts. You’ve changed the way I look at so many aspects of the world. I could literally talk to you about anything and have the time of my life. Your words probably matter to me the most. Thank you for improving me. I owe so much to you.
@daehyuns-beautiful-golden-skin michael, nothing makes me happier than you angrily key smashing at everything I say. You’ve made me feel better about myself, raised my self confidence, and always, always supported me. You’ve given me a shoulder to lean on and an ear to constantly rant to. Just remember, be it your memes, your dancing or your life in general, suds shall always be in the audience cheering you on.
@doitforbangyongguk I’m always stunned by how soon I got so comfortable with you, It’s just your aura. You’re hilarious, kind, and you’ve helped me through so much. DOOT DOOT.
@zeloswaffles Ah my sweet pancake mother who constantly complains about my unnecessary rudeness. Thank you for checking up on me, for taking an interest in me, for the advice, for everything.
@daehnii MY LOVELIEST WIFE, I swear we have the best conversations, and I’ve never met anyone with such similar opinions to mine. You’re the softest bean and every single message from you cheers me up. Gosh I love talking to you sosososososoooo much i just love you lei bye.
@foxjae you’re pretty much the reason I got motivated to write more. You always listen, you always contribute and I always learn something when I talk to you. And it makes me very happy knowing that you’re proud of me. You’ve called me out on my mistakes and I genuinely do appreciate it. The realest, coolest, queer mom.
@dreamermoonchan you’ve been there since the absolute beginning and I treasure you so much? You’re up for any kind of conversation, and we bond over so many shared interests. Thank you for making me feel welcome in the fandom.
@onlystraightforjongup a severely underrated conversationalist, you send me big paragraphs, I send you big paragraphs, and it’s bloody brilliant. If I have to endlessly hypothesise about B.A.P in all sorts of universes, I’m glad it’s with you. one of my absolute favourite people.
@jongup-is-an-enigma the most approachable and open person I know. You’re so fun, and you’ve made me feel like I’m fun too, ya know? This gal knows how to cheer someone up. I hope you know that I’m always here for you, and so is my butt.
@zainbap my lovely unicorn dad, one of the defining aspects of my experience here is you sighing at every second thing I do. Your random bouts of affection, subsequently followed by utter exasperation are what I thrive for. You’re a beacon of light to not just me, but the fandom. i hope youre proud of how soft I’m being.
@jion-a my first mother, president of the mom squad and also one of the first people who gave me a sense of belonging in the fandom. You’ve been so kind to me. I almost feel like I don’t deserve you. Thank you for being a constant pillar of support for this smol child.
@7btobap6 ahhh my fight aunt, trust me I’ve never enjoyed fighting with anyone as much as I do with you. Beyond our external layer of hatred for each other, I hope you know that nobody probably has understood my problems better than you. I love you lots.
@fae-hyun I miss you like a hellofa lot okay. I genuinely don’t know what I’d have done without you. My everpresent daestan, we have shed tears of pain thanks to our goofball of a bias, but it’s all worth it because you’re you. God knows I’m still the koala to your tree.
@bapofficial you’ve borne my constant annoying callouts, the never ending puns, and all the general screaming and frankly, this is a big achievement. You’re so positive and motivating and your mere presence makes me feel a little brighter.
@bap-time ah my local mean dispenser, i will always be your fight child. Thank you for having my back, encouraging my content, and smothering me with all that soft. I love you even though you have poor taste in fashion.
@thediebutterfly my timezone sharing niece, you’re a blessing to the fandom. I love that we’re on the same wavelength about a lot of things *cough*bangdae*cough* and I love freaking out with you. Thank you for tagging me in cute/rude/all kinds of posts, it makes me wonderfully happy.
@aegyo-chan you have such a calming air about you, It’s so pleasant, and feels like home. I love that I finally have someone to cry to about the exploits of Kim Himchan while simultaneously torturing you with Daehyun. I love how we bond over our similar cultures. And I’m so thankful for how lovely you’ve been to me.
@moondance-mp3 MY ONION I DON’T EVEN REMEMBER HOW WE STARTED TALKING but I’m so glad we did. You never fail to make me laugh. We’re the queens of discourse now and no one can take that away from us. I love you as much as you love dae’s nose.
@bangedhim it’s all thanks to my lucky fate that I found you (see what i did there). weve been talking for longer than I can remember, wow. And you’re so goddamn entertaining. My cheeks hurt because of everything you send to me, the smiles just won’t stop. ily.
@daehdream remember that time I tried to adopt you and failed. Gosh golly everyone’s come a long way. I hope you know how much I and the fandom love and treasure you. an A+ fellow daestan and one of the strongest people I know.
@happy-daes my sweet billie bean, you’re very loved, and very strong and I’m always proud of you. All of your tags and all the sweet things you’ve said about me have made me feel loved too. Thank you.
@mooncakesjongup MY FIGHT ADI AUNTY, it was honestly the best thing for me to find out about how close we lived. Let the bollywood memes and b.a.p connections, and calling out each other’s kinks never stop.
@daesperado G IS THE MOST ADORABLE PERSON ON EARTH AND THAT’S THE COLD HARD TRUTH. You randomly popped into my dms and I’m hella happy you did because I got to know the wildest and cutest daestan ever. Bless your entire cute soul. Love blonde dae.
@brainboxercheetos pufffyyyyyy I always say this, but thank you so much for your unadulterated kindness. You’re true sunshine and you always send such supportive things to me, it’s heart warming. Keep being the lovely flower that you are.
@seren4moonjongup tezzy always leaves me tazed. From practically killing me with all those jongup stories to saving my life with brilliant words of advice. You’ve done it all, and I’m grateful.
@merlionmen we freakishly have a lot of common things between us, and it’s amazing. Thank you for calming me down, for bringing me face to face with reality, and generally agreeing that Leo is a loser. Romba Romba Nandri.
@feelsogukk you’ve always been so supportive of me and giving me motivation. Every time you call me your fav child my lifespan increases by 7 years. Thank you for all the giggles.
@daespacito you’re such a sweet soul, calling me out on my tags, complimenting my puns. I love seeing you in my activity AND YOU’RE DRAWINGS ARE MAGNIFICENT OKAY SHARE THEM WITH THE WORLD.
@sera-chyeah I truly adore how much you feed all babyz by tagging us in rude and soft content. You’re so lovely, and the fandom’s a better and more united place with you in it.
@talentedrice MY SMOL MY FIRST EVER CHILD you’re so cute, and your asks have never failed to make me happy. Thank you my bun, I’m very glad we’re talking more now.
@lulumonnie You’re a lovely hyper fluffy and wonderfully weird human and I couldn’t be happier that you’re in my life. Keep spreading the positivity in the fandom my lulu.
@blurrredpages there are so few people who genuinely have a heart of gold, and you are one of them. Thank you for being so radiant and giving. I’m sure you’ve helped not just me, but so many other babyz.
@baprice ari I’m still mad you don’t have asks open. I always thought your tags were hilarious and I’m so glad I bombarded you with messages. Some truly great content has come from conversations you. You’re wonderful. Plus all blonde dae enthusiasts are my best friends so you’re stuck with me.
@chenchenthedancingmachine the self proclaimed rejection inflicting daehyun to my love deprived himchan, my chair overlord, you’re legit one of the funniest people I know. Here’s to Jongdae, Jongup, tears and more. (ha)
@daefluffs @kitty-dae @daehoneyy @daehyunsgiggle @daehyunsbabyelf y'all are the most wonderful bunch of dae stans and I’m so glad that soft boy has fans like you all. We’re never going to have peace thanks to his extra ass and y'all are the best wartime soldiers I could’ve asked for. P.s, Stella, your tags on my posts make me cry bless you.
@sierahrt I know we don't talk much at all, but I really do appreciate you so much. From your amazing reviews of my fics (which are so motivating, believe me) to those lovely little asks you leave me. Thank you thank you thank you.
@soooldout @lightning-loving @b-ap @b-124a-p-224 @bbangmijae @shen-anakins you are lovely wonderful people, here’s to more screaming over B.A.P
Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year everyone! Sudi loves all of you a whole lot.
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