#sudi speaks
fake-protagonist · 3 months
Jika apa yang kau impikan tak terjadi sesuai keinginan kau, maka senangilah setiap yang terjadi, barangkali takdir itulah yang terbaik menurutNya.
Lambat belum tentu buruk, gagal dalam percubaan juga tak bermakna gagal selama-lamanya, so what if you came last in the run? At the end of the day, kau sampai juga pada titik penamat.
You go according to your own pace, not your peers, jalan hidup kita tak sama, kalau rumah kita dibuat dari kaca jangan sesekali bandingkan rumah kita dengan rumah yang diperbuat oleh bata.
Bersyukur is the keyword. Percayalah bila kau sampai pada titik Qana’ah, kau akan rasa yang apa kau kejar selama ni, sebenarnya tak bawa kau kemana pun selagi dalam hati kau tak kenal rasa syukur.
And speaking of a parents doa, tak semua anak seberuntung itu, nama je ada mak ayah, tapi belum tentu keduanya ataupun satu diantara dua yang benar-benar melangitkan doa untuk anak-anaknya, maka beruntunglah kalian, yang masih ada mak-ayah, yang selalu sudi melantunkan doa tanpa kenal erti jemu.
Kerana diluar sana, masih ramai yang mencari arah tuju hidup ini, tanpa doa mak-ayah.
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payphoneangel · 9 months
Vinny's Fic Recs
I love reading it, I love writing it, I love talking about it! So, I thought I'd put a few fics here that never leave my brain so they might infect others <3.
my lead to blow by amidsizedfrog A 9x07 coda where we follow Dean's journey as he makes his first friend and joins the wrestling team. This fic is deliciously bittersweet. It rides the line of joy and fear that comes from being young, having a connection with someone, but being unsure if they're a friend... or something more.
well everybody's got a secret, sonny by luminoussbeings Short and sweet, a s1 ficlet in which Dean and Sam have an argument where they each think the other is being homophobic, only to realize they're both queer.
not with a bang but with a yelp by strange_estrangement What if the brothers used Yelp? More of a multi-media project, this is a look at some of the motels throughout the series showcased by the brothers (along with a few guests) leaving yelp reviews. It's imaginative and out-of-the-box, and features some fun tfw teasing!
iCarlynatural by Sequesters The title speaks for itself.
ad astra per aspera by jeremycarver THEE Stanford Era Dean one-shot. This fic scooped out my insides, painfully and lovingly. It's understated, atmospheric, and just brimming with heart. If you've ever wondered what it feels like to get swallowed up the the vast, aching loneliness of the US Midwest, this is it.
Until the Breaking of the Day by Dira Sudis (dsudis) A destiel fic from the classical era (2009). Intimate, electric, and theological, this fic finds Dean and Cas postulating the age-old question: If you're resurrected from the dead... do you stay circumcised?
John Dies at the End by Kalliel An exploration of an alternate season 2 timeline. This fic is psychological, intense, and heartbreaking. Here's my favorite three lines, which make up the entirety of chapter 6: "Here's a secret: Sam knows Dean's always been a little afraid of him. Sam, after all, had the power to leave him.
Dean's not even a ghost, and his absence still feels vengeful."
Go check them out! Leave a kudos! Leave a comment! Make a fic rec yourself!! Happy reading <3
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a-fantastic-time · 3 months
*sudy see mercy in her bedroom and see angel cock is touching against her own cock for now submissive futa don't know what to say at her*
The red headed arc angel smiled down at the blonde woman. Her desire evident, even if she had yet to speak a work. "No worries my savior. I shall fulfill every desire you have, even if they are sinfully lustful." She giggled and leaned down to gently kiss Sudy, her full lips tingling against her own as divine power flows through both of them.
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old-fic-recs · 2 years
To the One I've Sinned Against by Dira Sudis
He knelt, touched his fingers to forehead, chest, left shoulder, right, and said more words than the soldier could ever remember speaking together. They came in a well-worn fluent rush, easier than any post-mission report: "Bless me Father, for I have sinned. It has been a long time since my last confession."
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe; Captain America (Movies)
Relationship: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes; Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Catholic; Priests; Confessions; Kneeling
Published: 2014-06-13
Completed: 2014-06-12
Words: 20802
Chapters: 5/5
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priyaarorra · 6 months
Smoking During Pregnancy | Dr Elsa
Pregnancy and smoking
Smoking during pregnancy increases your and your unborn child’s chance of significant health problems. Passive smoking can harm you and your unborn kid. According to Australian studies, approximately 9% of pregnant mothers smoked in 2019.
If you smoke while pregnant, you are more likely to have a miscarriage or have premature labor. You are also twice as likely to have a low birth weight kid than a nonsmoking mother. Low birth weight newborns have a higher risk of death and are more susceptible to infection, respiratory difficulties, and long-term health problems in adulthood.
The more cigarettes you smoke while pregnant, the higher your chances of problems and having a low birth weight baby. However, reducing the quantity of cigarettes you smoke will not lower the majority of the risks to you and your kid. Stopping smoking totally early in your pregnancy is the greatest way to preserve your and your baby’s health. However, quitting at any time reduces harm.
Pregnancy complications from smoking
Women who do smoking some of the pregnancy complication are facing by then are the same
ectopic pregnancy — This is pregnancy outside the uterus, typically in the fallopian tube.
fetal death — death of the baby in your uterus (stillbirth)
spontaneous abortion — known as miscarriage
premature rupture of the membranes
problems with the placenta, including early detachment from the uterine wall and blocking the cervical opening (placenta praevia)
premature labour.
Smoking during pregnancy — effects on your unborn baby
If you are pregnant, each cigarette you smoke decreases oxygen to your unborn child and exposes them to a variety of hazardous toxins.
Cigarette smoke has numerous harmful impacts on your unborn baby, including:
Tobacco smoke causes reduced oxygen supply and nutrients
slows growth and development
Increases the risk of birth defects like cleft lip and cleft palate
weakens fetal movements for at least an hour
impairs placental development
harms brain and lung development.
Smoking and breastfeeding
Breastfeeding provides numerous benefits, including protecting your infant against chest and ear infections, as well as gut and lung ailments. Quitting smoking during breastfeeding is really beneficial.
Smoking while breastfeeding can create the following problems:
Nicotine and other toxins found in cigarette smoke can travel from you to your baby via breastfeeding.
Smoking can affect both milk output and breast milk quality.
Smoking during breastfeeding puts your infant at risk of a variety of health issues, including colic and interrupted sleep habits.
Women who smoke are less likely to breastfeed and wean their children earlier than nonsmokers.
If you are thinking that it is difficult to quit smoking:
Try not to smoke before or during meals. To give your body as much time as possible to eliminate nicotine from your breastmilk, breastfeed your baby first, then smoke your cigarette shortly afterward. If you’re quitting with a nicotine lozenge, mouth spray, gum, or inhalator, follow the same steps.
Don’t smoke around your baby; go outside to smoke.
Smoking during pregnancy can cause problems for your child in later life
Smoking during pregnancy can have long-term negative consequences for your child’s health. Health impacts could include:
weaker lungs
higher risk of asthma
risk of being overweight and obese in childhood in increased
increased risk of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
low birth weight, which is linked to heart disease, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure in adulthood
The risk of sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI) can be three times higher.
Pregnancy and stopping smoking
Speak with your maternity care team about how they can assist you. You may design a quit plan together.You can also contact the Quitline (Tel. +971 4 554 7273). Quitline counsellors will provide free assistance during your pregnancy and for some time afterward to help you stay quit. Aboriginal Quitline Counsellors are also accessible.
If you’re struggling to quit smoking, don’t give up. It’s never too late to stop smoking. Quitting smoking by the fourth month of pregnancy can lower some of the risks, including low birth weight and early birth. Stopping smoking at any moment improves oxygen flow to your kid.
Nicotine replacement therapy during pregnancy
It is recommended that you initially try to quit smoking without medicines. If you are unable to quit smoking then you can utilize nicotine replacement therapy (gum, lozenges, mouth spray, inhalator, or 16-hour patches) to assist you. While these products are thought to be safer than smoking, even the lower dose of nicotine may pose a risk to your kid.
If you are pregnant, you should consult your doctor about the risks and advantages of undergoing nicotine replacement therapy. Counsellors at the Quitline can also assist you in determining the appropriate type of support for you.
Where to get help
Your GP (doctor)
Your obstetrician
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Social Sudies , Education & Psychology Oct 12 , Oct 11 & Oct 10 2021
By Najeh Benlahmad Zion
Ph 21693300371 USSS# 333-98-6973
Oct 12 Post A
Because I am a Law Abiding Citizen.
Intellectual Status, Rationality of Ways of Decisions Making, Reasonability of Goals and Accomplishments.
Intellectual Status, Institutions, Facts and Truth
For the record in this example, the Equation :
Debates a * Service Quality * and not persons.
Includes Academics only sadly the results were catastrophic when I incerted the whole population into the Equation.
An Intellectual Status is composed out of many components like ( Religion, Constitutions, Penal Codes, Liberties and Education basics,,,,,Exct)
My records show that :
Due to Religion, Constitutional and Penal Codes Disregard: The Intellectual Status of High School Graduates is very " low ". In fact insulting to my concepts of Potential Evaluation, Education and Qualification Systems.
When it came to Universities Students: Intellectual Status was closer to a null.
For Supposedly Qualified Graduates : Intellectual Status was almost a null and that unfortunately included Academics of Highest Level or specialized in Religious Science, Socialogy, Political Science and Law.
In reality, most Academics_Qualifying_Producing_Systems did produce graduates and competencies of an ill-structured abnormal Intellectual Statuses that lack the essentials of Civility, *Humanitarianism*, Consistency, Consciousness, * Trustworthiness*, Responsibility and * Truthfulness*.
As mentioned this means there are no :
Commitments to Ethics nor Laws.
Idealogies of * Abiding by Ethics and Law Boundaries* forged intellectually or embraced as Individual's Convictions.
As a result ( Lying, Hypocrisy, Indifference ) were allowed to become acceptable normal behaviors in all Fields, Institutions, Levels and Authorities.
in other expression , the product is an Intellectual Status ( With an inclination toward), ( Indiferent to expose), ( Willing to coexist) or ( Willing to cover up) Lying, Hypocrisy, Nihilism, Narcissism, Selfishness and Ignorance.*In fact usually such Intellectual Status is too * Ignorant * to fathom how dangerous those behaviors are*.
Unfortunately those behaviors are behind the hideous Negligence, Injustice and Corruption known today and other astrocities hasn't been exposed to light yet.
Personal notes : * Astrocities beyond imagination , that level*.
Logically, Negligence, Indifference and Corruption can't coexist with Honor and Revolutionary Restoring Orders regardless of Political Promises and Speeches.
Logically, Reforms and Revolutionary Restoring Reforming Orders can't emerge out of an Abnormal Irrational Invalid Immature Incomplete or even a simple average Intellectual Status.
Simply, because such ( Basics of Social and Civil Codes like Truthfulness and Trustworthiness) Ignorant Intellectual Status ll either become :
First to violate Ethics and Law.
Corruption and Negligence tolerant or shield.
Unfortunately * Facts and the Yruth* say : There are must be thousands of Negligent officials behind those thousands of Negligence and Corruption cases and Human Rights Violations reported each year.
Personal notes : * For the record : some of the world most dangerous Criminal Organizations are composed out of less than ten members.
It doesn't need a genius in Socialogy, Counter_Terrorism or a OC specialist to fathom or note this threat and catastrophy here*.
Logically speaking those officials share two common patterns:
Abnormal Ill-Structured Invalid Intellectual Status.
Unqualified Irrational ( Potential Assessing and Evaluating Education Systems) that * constructed, tested, trained, qualified or approved* such Intellectual Status.
In my analysis, I sadly saw such Intellectual Status as a Machine with Virus Infected Programs therefore :
It ll never decently execute its duties due to Ill_Qualification as an Intellectual Status.
It can't be maintained due its selfishness an ill_Structure as an Intellectual Status.
It can't be fixed nor restored due to Ignorance, Indoctrination and Unconsciousness embraced by such Intellectual Status.
*Personal notes : Under the guidance of an Invalid Intellectual Status ; Majority or even the whole Population's Decision won't really matter and won't make a difference because there are no Consciousness nor Rationality.
Even if the Richest most Intelligent Sophisticated Approved Leader is elected to power : Such leader won't be able to change the reality of Poverty, Crimes and Social Disasters because Society's Intellectual Status is the one needs to be changed.*.
For more info see Najeh Benlahmadi Naoui theories :
Concept of Competency in Third World Nations.
Qualifing Academic, Qualifying Institutions and the Third World Nations Reality of Economy, HR and Crime.
Governmental Reforms and Illegalizing and Oulawing Lying.
Clerics Re_Qualification.
Judges Re_Qualification.
Education, Economy and Taxation Age.
Najeh Benlahmadi Naoui.
Oct 11 Post B
Because I am a Law Abiding Citizen
Intellectual Status, Rationality of the Ways of Decisions Making, Reasonability of Goals and Accomplishments.
Intellectual Status's Validity and National's Goals.
My Equation of * Intellectual Status* defines the community in which the rate of ( Its members aware of the basics of its * Voluntarily Declared* Religion, Penal Law, Constitutional Rights.....Exct) is less than fourty percent as a Religiously and Constitutionally Ignorant Society.
* In this case such Society's Intellectual Status is Limited, Invalid, Unhealthy, Incorrect, Abnormal, Unreasonable.
As well as Such Society's Rationality in particular , as noted , in fathoming :
The contradictions between ( Descriptions of Declared Entities) and ( Descriptions of Practiced Entities ).
The need to make a change*.
In this situation regardless of Education level such Intellectual Status undeniably ll lack :
Ethics and Laws as guidelines.
*Commitment to Laws and Ethics*.
* ( Pledged) to respect and to sincerely abide by all Virtues and Ethics ( only because and out of) being a Civilized Organized Curteous Society*.
* ( Having ) faith in Law and the Order of the land ( only because and out of) being a Society of Faith and Virtues*.
Logically Ways of Decisions Making ll also lack :
Sincerity to, Commitment to and Guidance of Laws and Ethics as in ( Society or Godly) Instructions.
* Leaderships of Values*.
And even * Legal Civil and Virtuous Ethical* Standards.
*Most important, Logically Made Decisions inevitably shld be so as well*.
The truth is : Individual's Intellectual Status represents the Initial Fundamental Basic Coordinates and Datas which any being shld and must use to Process Thoughts, Construct a list of Decisions and Choose a Decision.
In other expression : Even if such individual shld use ( Most Sophisticated Scientific and Logical Analysis) through "such Incomplete Incorrect Invalid Unhealthy Inconsistent_with_required_descriptions" Datas in order to Process Thoughts, such Individual ll inevitably reach " Invalid Incomplete Incorrect Unhealthy Inconsistent_with_required_descriptions" Decisions and Goals.
And so such individual's * accomplishments * inevitably ll be as well.
Logically same analysis applies on a community then society as groups made of Individuals.
*Personal note : In my words an Invalid Abnormal Intellectual Status ll and shld produce an Invalid Abnormal National's Goals*.
( Whether as an Individual's matters, Society's matter as in Election or an Elected Government's matter as in Political Reforms ): The Visions, Dreams, Goals, Decisions and Quests of such Society ll not reach beyond few Religious or Constitutional verses.
Personal notes: *Unfortunately Society's Rationality or Governments's Strategies complacently lacked any plan to improve its Intellectual Status not even indiscriminately teaching few more verses or a set of Constitutional Rights*.
*And This can't be good as in Rationality speaking*.
Whether Religion or Quest for Liberty both do compose * Boundaries and Guidance* of a Civil System and Civility.
Such Boundaries do compose * Security and Safety* Boundaries Socially, Economically, Politically and Scientifically.
* To abide by Laws or Virtues out of Curtesy and Decency means Honor in civil context.
Anything can become a threat if put in Dishonorable Hands*.
*Without such Safety Boundaries, Science ll be useless, a waste of resources, eventually ll backfire and become a threat to humanity*.
Logically all such Society's Decisions and Goals ll be Limited or Catastrophic in all contexts.
*Sadly, usually such Goals become a Population's illusion and a political trick*.
Logically regardless of how sophisticated and technological: Without Guidance, Rationality, Consciousness's Limits and Safety's Boundaries, such society ll never overcome the increasing of Social Disasters as in damages and as in number each year.
* I also believe an " Invalid " Society's Intellectual Status means an " Invalid" Society's Rationality and this is more dangerous than an " Invalid" National's Goal*.
For more info see Najeh Benlahmadi Naoui theories :
Individual and Society's Rationality.
Reforms, Restoration and Society's Rationality.
Civil_Safety's Boundaries.
Najeh Benlahmadi Naoui
Oct 10 Post C
Because I am a Law Abiding Citizen
Intellectual Status, Rationality of the Ways of Making Decisions, Reasonability of Goals and Accomplishments.
Individual's Rationality and Society's Rationality.
* For the record :First this Verified Scientific Equation can be applied on any society.
Second, This Equation doesn't debate the correctness of any Religion nor any Constitution*.
When I analysed Ignorance Rate ( Number of Quran Memorizers, Sunnah , Constitutional Rights and Penal Law Basics plus numbers of liars and hypocrites....Exct) in Islamic societies, in one ( Socialogy, Theology, Politic and Liberty) Equation I called Intellectual Status, I found the " Objections_Less" Decision of those societies to refuse to recognize Israel right to exist is actually an Honor.
In fact I believe Israel ll never acquire better than such recognition.
I don't mean insulting nor provoking but sadly Ignorant Objection-Less decisions and strategies approved and structured by this below average Intellectual Status don't stop at the Zionist Doctrine.
In fact such Intellectual Status was behind all Economic, Financial, Foreign Affair and other Governments's Institutions Decisions in most nations.
Which means it is behind the current reality of Poverty, Crime and Social Disasters.
*Personal notes : Such Intellectual Status level isn't even acceptable and can't be (good) as well as most of its products*.
I believe an Individual's level of Commitment to, Truthfulness to and Awareness of own Intellectual ( Religious and Constitutional) Consciousness's Limits is cabaple of giving an idea about :
Correctness and Validity of an Individual's Intellectual Status.
Rationality of Individuals's Ways of Making Decisions.
Reasonability of an Individual's Goals .
An Individual's Rationality in Comprehending the need to correct own mistakes or improve own personality.
Most vital Individual's Rationality as a member of a society.
Society is composed of communities, a Community is composed of Individuals :Therefore a Society's Intellectual Status is composed out of Individuals's Intellectual Statuses.
Logically the Rationality of a society is also composed out of Individuals's Rationalities.
Obviously this theory can reveal :
The truth and the level of any Society's Intellectual Status.
Correctness of such Society's Intellectual Status.
Rationality of such Society's awareness of its reasoning and goals.
* Society's Rationality as a nation*.
For the record Reasoning here doesn't mean the use of Logic and Science.
But the ability to remain constantly verifying Intellectual Status with the truth before being told about any contradictions.
In other expressions : I believe if an individual did comprehend the nature of Intellectual Status and Rationality of own person: Such individual won't need Decisions's results to discover the correctness of Decisions and * Ways of Decisions Making*.
The same applies on a Community or a Society's Decisions.
Generally Religion and Constitution, as the * Identity* of a Society, both represent :
Vital foundations.
( Virtues, Ethics, Civil and Legal) Guidance and Instructions.
Therefore both are the most important components of an Intellectual Status.
If one foundation is missing there won't be no:
* Consistency due to a foundation absence*.
Valid nor a Healthy Intellectual Status.
Intellectual Status of Guidance.
Commitments ( of) * Laws, Ethics, Liberties, Virtues*.
If a society failed to :
Notice or comprehend such Inconsistencies within Intellectual Status.
Correct such inconsistencies.
It means there is no Rationality and such Society does * lack Rationality*.
Personal Notes : * Such society must be still trapped within Consciousness's Boundaries*.
For the record Rationality mentioned here in this Equation isn't Mental Health Related.
Also sadly this Equation doesn't debate the level of indoctrination of a society.
For more info see Najeh Benlahmadi Naoui theories :
Intellectual Status.
Consciousness's Boundaries and Intellectual Status.
Convictions of Irrationality.
Convictions of Consistent Value.
Najeh Benlahmadi Naoui.
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seeklovenet · 2 years
Tips On How To Find A Sugar Momma: One Of The Best 10 Sites & Apps
Tips On How To Find A Sugar Momma: One Of The Best 10 Sites & Apps
Sugar momma relationship just isn't as frequent as regular sugar dating, but there are still many sugar mamas who are wealthy and want to take pleasure in all the advantages of sugar dating. Sugar momma, on average, provides a $ 2,800 month-to-month allowance and showers her male sugar baby with presents, purchasing sprees, and different forms of monetary assist. Tinder is maybe the most well-liked courting app, which makes it a great resolution for any sugar child.
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Sugar Daddy Meet is the very platform the place you'll find each a generous sugar daddy and an attractive sugar mama. The platform is among the many most legit ones since it has a lot of verified users. Plus, the app provides plenty of nice features such as superior search, verified users, smart cellular design, and a lot of more.
How To Begin Sugar Momma Courting On-line
Register right now and change your life for the higher, get new experiences, impressions, and a fantastic partner. A sugar momma could ask in your credit card info to pay off the steadiness. Say “no” and determine a new, secure approach to transfer funds, like utilizing a cash change app or physical cash. No matter how old a sugar mama is, she still needs a associate who will really love her. Therefore, ensure to make her feel beloved and particular, and you’ll shortly see the outcomes.
This consists of placing the right data in your profile and within the messages you send on a sugar momma web site or another web site you’re using to serve that objective. If you are interested in a cougar/cub relationship however aren’t certain if you want to simply be friends, pals with benefits, or something more – Cougar Life is a great choice. It is likely considered one of the greatest courting apps for sugar mamas as a result of it allows you to find an attractive, skilled lady whether or not you need a non-sexual partnership or more. Sign up is quick and easy and you could get a feel for the app without spending a dime.
What's A Cougar?
As you might have already guessed, being a sugar baby is not that easy and, if you do one thing mistaken, your sugar mama will quickly discover another person. The app offers a decent variety of sugar daddies and mommies, so you will absolutely discover the very one that will make you happy. In addition to that, Sudy Les is free to download in addition to easy in use, which is also pretty cool. Sugar mama refers to a lady, usually one who is married, who offers monetary support to a sometimes younger lover. Arthur Smith has spent over 10 years working as a contributor to each on-line and offline psychology publications, however sugar relationship has at all times been his special curiosity.
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It’s necessary to level out that Elite Singles is not a sugar dating website. However, if your objective is to find successful women who are in all probability doing just nice in the checking account division, this is a good possibility. Sudy Cougar is likely one of the greatest platforms to fulfill a sugar mama. The service is generally used by young men who try to find a wealthy older girlfriend. If you have already began to speak in regards to the phrases of the relationship, ask for the main points. The small details will show how serious your sugar mommy’s words are.
Dating Apps For Sugar Momma Dating
At the same time, it’s not used by sugar mommas only, which is why discovering such a companion goes to be fairly challenging. Sudy Les is likely considered one of the best lesbian sugar momma relationship apps. Although the service is not totally LGBTG, it is nonetheless a great platform to meet a homosexual companion.
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SugarBook is a wonderful sugar momma relationship site for long-term and short-term goals. One of the main advantages is that you could look for companions worldwide. Users also notice sugar mummy glasgow the unbelievable design and ease of use for sugar moms. This website might be a good choice if you need to begin sugar dating and are very picky and selective.
Am I Able To Meet A Cougar Or An Older Lady On A Dating App?
The idea of an impartial lady doing nice and choosing who to be with doesn’t align with the majority of sugaring websites. But fortunately, previous few years, it has become more accepted. When you go on actual dates make certain to negotiate the situations of your relationship and be sure that a lady is on the identical web page and isn't looking for conventional relationship. Be direct enough about money and intimacy, but don’t kill the fun. If that makes you uncomfortable, regulate your information to search out matches from outside your house city. If you do happen to see a well-known face, don’t be embarrassed.
This is a huge red flag, and credit card data ought to never be launched. Moreover, some ladies choose open relationships and allow their boyfriends to have other companions. At the identical time, there are additionally sugar mamas who want their companions to be loyal, which is why they typically end up marrying their youthful boyfriends. Therefore, there are two main methods how you have to use a sugar mummy—to get some cash and presents for sexual favors and to improve your social status via marriage. But using social media platforms for sugaring just isn't the same as a specialised sugar courting app or site. Let’s explore what are the benefits and downsides of in search of future sugar mummies by way of social networks.
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theyoungturks · 2 years
Joe Biden was caught on camera saying the Iran nuclear deal is "dead". Ana Kasparian discusses on The Young Turks. Watch TYT LIVE on weekdays 6-8 pm ET. http://youtube.com/theyoungturks/live Read more HERE: https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/12/20/video-shows-biden-saying-iran-nuclear-deal-dead-were-not-gonna-announce-it "U.S. President Joe Biden said in a November exchange caught on camera and now circulating on social media that the Iran nuclear deal "is dead." Damon Maghsoudi, who published the video on Twitter, told The Hill that it was filmed by Sudi Farokhnia, acting president of Iranian-American Democrats of California, on the sidelines of a November 4 campaign event in the state. Referring to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) negotiated in 2015 under then-President Barack Obama and then ditched three years later by former President Donald Trump, Farokhnia asked Biden—who campaigned on reviving the deal and whose administration has engaged in talks to do so—if he would announce that it is dead." *** The largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Help support our mission and get perks. Membership protects TYT's independence from corporate ownership and allows us to provide free live shows that speak truth to power for people around the world. See Perks: ▶ https://www.youtube.com/TheYoungTurks/join SUBSCRIBE on YOUTUBE: ☞ http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks FACEBOOK: ☞ http://www.facebook.com/TheYoungTurks TWITTER: ☞ http://www.twitter.com/TheYoungTurks INSTAGRAM: ☞ http://www.instagram.com/TheYoungTurks TWITCH: ☞ http://www.twitch.com/tyt 👕 Merch: http://shoptyt.com ❤ Donate: http://www.tyt.com/go 🔗 Website: https://www.tyt.com 📱App: http://www.tyt.com/app 📬 Newsletters: https://www.tyt.com/newsletters/ If you want to watch more videos from TYT, consider subscribing to other channels in our network: The Watchlist https://www.youtube.com/watchlisttyt Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey https://www.youtube.com/indisputabletyt Unbossed with Nina Turner https://www.youtube.com/unbossedtyt The Damage Report ▶ https://www.youtube.com/thedamagereport TYT Sports ▶ https://www.youtube.com/tytsports The Conversation ▶ https://www.youtube.com/tytconversation Rebel HQ ▶ https://www.youtube.com/rebelhq TYT Investigates ▶ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwNJt9PYyN1uyw2XhNIQMMA #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews 221221__TA02_Biden_Says_Iran_Deal by The Young Turks
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breadhyunn · 6 years
A guide to vixx
N: The sexy guy
Leo: The other sexy guy
Ken: That dude who’s sexy
Ravi: The sexy man
Hongbin: The other dude who’s sexy
Hyuk: the sexy one
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br-ace-yourself · 7 years
Okay but just imagine this: A wowjun subunit. Imagine the dancing. Imagine the vocals. Imagine the rapping.
Imagine the choice destruction.
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velvets-dream · 7 years
Hi! I'm looking for more Red Velvet and Dreamcatcher blogs to follow, so like/reblog if you post about em and tag with a passion ^^
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baekihyuns · 7 years
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utilitycaster · 2 years
I say this as an English teacher dedicated to teaching this shit, narrative and pacing are concepts that most people don't fully understand if they haven't sudied it beyond high school. You can share opinions that people disagree with and they'll continue to engage as long as they feel competent in their understanding of what you're talking about. But bring up concepts that they struggle to grasp, that they don't understand well enough to even know if they agree or disagree, a lot of people react more negatively than if you'd insulted them. It makes them feel dumb, because they don't get it. So they bounce. That's not on you. That's a cultural problem bigger than any of us.
So in the spirit of not judging I'm going to leave some of the rest of this unaddressed but I do want to just say the following:
I have two post-grad degrees, but they are in hard STEM, as is my bachelor's, and I managed through a combination of "college without a fixed core corriculum" and AP scores and, well, majoring in physics, to take what is in retrospect frighteningly few English/Lit courses post (public magnet) high school. I cut out a really long personal bio section here and I don't want to downplay the fact that I grew up with pretty significant privileges in terms of like, middle class with two educated native English-speaking parents (in the US), nor do I want to step on the people in the fandom who do have degrees more relevant to narrative or who are just really smart and who often say way better things about it than I do, but I do think that understanding narrative is completely achievable with a high school education if you're willing to read a lot and let yourself be wrong and uncomfortable sometimes.
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bigskydreaming · 2 years
Okay, I loooooooved today’s X-Men Unlimited story, just for bringing back The Alchemist, Soudabeh Abadi, aka Sudi, aka my beloved obscure mutant of only three prior appearances!
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But also, I need more of this lineup in my life.
Venezuelan aerokinetic Wind Dancer, black trans plant-shaper Brutha Nature (Jacob was so adorably nervous in this, he’s like omg don’t let me embarrass myself, I love him so much), centuries old Arab mutant The Alchemist, and Triage, a black healer capable of speaking to the dead. Oh, and Birdy’s there too. Hi Birdy. Glad you’re not dead anymore.
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Their solo book dropping WHEN?
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a-pop-of-korean · 3 years
Advanced / Lesson 19: -(으)ㅁ Sentence Ending
안녕하세요 여러분! Hey everyone! Welcome to this long-awaited lesson about the -(으)ㅁ sentence ending! Let’s get into it!
What is the -(으)ㅁ Sentence Ending?
-(으)ㅁ is not used as a sentence ending too often. The first instance that comes to mind where you will see it is if your iPhone is in Korean and someone leaves your text on “read.” In English, it just says “read” below the text. But in Korean, is says 읽음. Why not 읽었어요 or 읽었다? 
The -(으)ㅁ ending is used in this context because no formality/politeness level is needed. There’s no conversation going on here -- your phone is simply noting something as “read.” It’s just labeling it. In that case, it doesn’t really make sense to try to assign it a formality. Thus, -(으)ㅁ is used! There’s this really great TTMIK video that uses the same 읽음 example -- I recommend checking it out if you want another explanation! 
According to this post by sudy-korean, you may see this ending in “memos, warnings, reports, dictionaries, laws, notices, etc.” So basically, in places that note something without really “speaking” to a person in particular and thus a formality level isn’t really necessary. 
Also, you’ll pretty much always see this sentence ending in written Korean. If you try to say it orally, it’s very informal and you’ll actually sound really childish, so I would advise against using it in conversation. You’ll probably also see it in places like a YouTube comments section, which is appropriate since the commenter isn’t really speaking to anyone and is just noting something, and also a comments section is pretty informal.
Before we get into some examples to better illustrate its usages, let’s look at a formula!
[verb / adjective stem] + (으)ㅁ
Attach -음 to stems ending in a consonant
Attach -ㅁ to stems ending in a vowel
My phone is in Korean, so here are some examples from my phone!
연결 안 됨 = Not connected
I see this when nothing is connected to my phone via bluetooth.
지금 업데이트됨 = Just updated
I see this right after I refresh my emails.
켬 = On
I see this when something is turned on, like my hotspot.
So those are just a few examples of this sentence ending! You don’t see it incredibly often, but it’s def good to know! I hope this  was useful! See you in the next lesson! 다음에 또 봐요!
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breadhyunn · 6 years
b.a.p isn't even an idol group its just a whole moon jongup fanclub
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