#all the underground faction leaders will come together like the pirates in pirates of the Caribbean and be like ''what now?''
bluesunsdusk · 1 year
--// I should have probably added a summary of what the omnic underground actually is rather than just more backstory... ))
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kazephantom · 7 years
My DnD campaign (rough ideas)
Currency goes like this: Gold Standard (GS) is worth 1 of itself and is the thing other currency is measured against. It is valued because of it’s ability to be easily enchanted and use in advanced Dwarven technology. GS is usually coins forged in Dwarven cities. Bone Shards and Pelts (BP) is worth 0.2 of GS and is generally only accepted in Orcish and other primitive villages. Any bone or pelt can be turned into it, it is not government regulated or accepted by banks. Bronze/Copper coins (BC) are worth 0.5 GS and is valued since it can be used in forging and plating weapons. It can be forged by any blacksmith with government permission Elven Silver (ES) is silver coins. Worth 0.8 GS, valued since silver is highly enchantable and is used to fend off numerous mystical beasts. ES is forged only by Elves and is highly detailed coins. Platinum (P) is worth 2 GS, is extremely rare, and is valued because it has the mystical properties of silver to fend off beast, is highly enchantable, and is used in advanced Dwarven tech. It’s usually just found and traded in it’s raw state since it’s so rare people don’t waste time forging it into coins for trade just to forge the coins into something else. (Look into other systems of Currency in DnD)
The small continent of _______.   A new continent discovered 30 years ago.  For 20 years of that time the continent has been a site of continuous warfare between three colonial factions. The Humans, The Elves, and The Dwarves.  However, 10 years ago from campaign start these three factions decided to develop the New World together, forming The United Parliament.  But not all is perfect, as to do this, many Generals had to bury past grudges.
There are three Rebellious factions against the United Parliament.  The two primitive native factions of the New World are Orc Villages on the ground, and Merfolk in the surrounding sea.  There are also various pirate crews that do not follow the laws of the United Parliament, but are also not interested in helping the native Orc and Merfolk overthrow the United Parliament.  Pirates just do what they want.
The capital of the United Parliament is an island off the southeastern coast of the continent.  It is the largest island and through the combination of Human, Elven, and Dwarven ability it has been turned into one gigantic fortress.  Two significant rooms in the fortress are a vault with mysterious contents, and the titular United Parliament where the Human, Dwarven, and Elven leaders meet.
The second largest island is Whiskey Cove, a town that was founded by a pirate named Captain Rum and is usually the first stopping place for travelers coming to the New World (located to the southwest).  Due to the sheer size of it, and the fact it is the first stop, the United Parliament has reluctantly accepted an agreement to not attack it, but it has no seat in the Parliament.  Captain Rum is the Pirate King of the New World, he leads Whiskey Cove and the original members of his crew all have significant posts in the town.  The town itself is large, populace, and very racially tolerant, overall a nearly ideal place.  Captain Rum’s dream for the town is for it to become so large and powerful that the United Parliament is forced to give him a seat in the Parliament, and from there he wants to spread the ideal of Whiskey Cove throughout the New World.  But is Whiskey Cove really the grand ideal Captain Rum wants it to be?
The Western region is controlled by the Elves.  They are highly Mystical in nature.  The West is comprised of very dense forest, with unique flora and fauna found only on this continent.  Because of the unfamiliarity with the wildlife, the Elves were forced to built their villages away from the forest, and on the ground.  Being in an unfamiliar situation, most Elves are on edge, not knowing how to handle the challenges of the New World.
The Middle region is controlled by the Dwarves.  They are highly Technological. The Middle is mountainous, with a extremely large volcano in the center, it is thought that this volcano created the continent. The Dwarves built their fortresses by hollowing out the smaller mountains.  Dwarves are ruled by a Warrior King.
The Eastern region is controlled by the Humans.  They are both Mystical and Technological, but not to the extent of either Elves or Dwarves, however they are the most populace.  The East used to be forest like the West, but the Humans have chopped down most the forest and now it is full of small to medium sized, Renaissance-type developed townships.
(Look into Elven, Dwarven, and Human governments in DnD)
The Native Orcs are primitive, with walled villages all over the continent.  Where once they ruled this continent as nomadic hunters, they are now forcibly confined to these villages, being unable to fight back the magic of the Elves, the technology of the Dwarves, or the sheer numbers of the humans.  They pride themselves on being warriors and hunters.
The Native Orcs keep Ratfolk as slaves.  The Ratfolk are underground dwellers, previously living in the caves of the mountains before the Dwarves forced them out.  There are some Ratfolk who have been slaves to the Orcs for generations, and there are some who became slaves when the Dwarves forced them from their homes into the arms of the Orcs.  The Ratfolk have a unique kind of magic that focuses around curses, but to cast them they must speak, so all slave Ratfolk are forced to wear mask-like muzzles. Only allowed to take them off to eat when confined to their quarters. (Might nix the Ratfolk)
The Merfolk are native to the dozens of islands that are around the continent.  They are reclusive, yet friendly towards the United Parliament.  They seek a seat in the Parliament, being interested in the colonist’s magic and technology.  Native Orcs and Merfolk have never gotten along, and that remains true even in the face of the shared oppression the two experience from the Parliament. (Look up more on Merfolk)
Pirates are outlaws, there are various pirate crews sailing the seas around the island, going from island to island.  The pirates are numerous, with dozens to hundreds of ships and crews.  Crews themselves range from people coming to the New World for adventure and don’t care to follow the United Parliament’s laws, to malicious criminals who where criminals in the old world and are coming to the New World to avoid judgement for their crimes.  Racially Pirate crews range from being the most racially diverse to extremely racist.
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