#all their songs are very Funerary in tone if i may say so
trupowieszcz-moved · 7 months
hi, a few days ago you recommended some bands in the tags of a post and i wanted to listen to them, but can neither find that post nor the place where i had written down the names. could you tell me the names again? (and also more if you wanna, i'm always open for new recs)
oh sure! they were Nagrobki (post-punk) and Eat My Teeth (deathrock), here are some songs
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Headcanon that Karthus sounds like Nolwenn Monjarret ( Look up "Chieftains - A Breton Carol (1987)" ) when he sings his dirges
((Thank you for sending this! Very interesting track. I’m a little undecided about Karthus’ voice however- this feels a little high for me. I’m unsure if he was a tenor or a baritone with a very large range eeh. I’m very fond of the Karthus in the game and his voice- in spite of the fact that the Voice Actor was never named. But we never hear him sing! People sometimes send me voice headcanons funny or not and such and I am always amused and appreciative though I can’t make up my mind.
@hook-and-chains was an amazing little bean once and played with the tone of a song and thought it fit Karthus as a young child and I am inclined to agree- though that may be because it was one of the cutest things ever. Someone else who I am afraid I cannot recall once sent me this altered version of Come Little Children and I was touched. Daw.
I sort of mess around with this particular Version of Der Erlkonig sounding a little like the young mortal man Karthus once was. Especially when the tone shifts so easily from deeper, worried tones of the father to the lilting and threatening Elf-king. Not in a formal setting really oddly- perhaps if asked to sing something Noxian that has become more asked for more popular now amongst common people. I’ve always thought of him being able to pick up anything he hears though in practice with the order favors dirges and things that sound a little more like Orthodox funerary songs and chants etc. Things to comfort the mourning dead. This unusual version of Purcell’s Cold Song/ The Cold Genius What power art thou is good but similar to your example in that the tone is off. In this case, perhaps too throaty/deep.
I tend to send this to folks too. The german version of Blume from Einstürzende Neubauten- It rattles on something like the feeling I want to give with Karthus but leans a little more towards his undead side idk. So it’s one of the better voice headcanon things? I guess?
tl;dr it takes all my concentration to not just throw in the towel and say that he sounds like HIM from the Powerpuff girls lolol
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