#all this being said I guess Amaryllis could technically count as an enemies to lovers fic?
Enemies to lovers
For this ask game
Ah enemies to lovers my beloved...
How likely am I to write it: Honestly not very. As much as I love this trope, in order to do it justice I feel that I'd have to write it into a long-fic and at the moment I just don't have the time to take on another big project (it may not necessarily seem that way but I am currently working on a lot of stuff in the background). If I ever get the chance, I would definitely like to have a proper go at it though ;-;
What character/ pairing would I be most likely to write it for: This part is a little tricky as I think if you're working with a human reader and the canon DL boys then being enemies with them is just going to result in a very unpleasant fate. I think you could get away with it if you made the reader another demon but I don't have any interest in doing that in a long fic as it would involve creating more of a backstory for the reader than I usually like to.
All of that being said, I think I could get away with writing something set in canon if I wrote a Kino x Reader story in which the reader is an extremely good gamer who streams some of their playthroughs and keeps beating Kino in the leader boards on his favourite mobile games. Kino is decidedly irritated by this and becomes convinced that you must be cheating somehow, it's the only way you could beat him as anything other than a one off. He starts leaving rude comments on your videos, which you do not take kindly to and call him out for it on one of your socials.
This starts a bit of back and forth that involves several childish insults and Kino starts to consider you a nemesis of sorts—which is ridiculous because you're human so it's not like you're even on the same level as him. Anyway, he ends up being incredibly thrown off guard when he actually runs into you at an event where they're giving away game codes, to the point where he points at you with narrowed eyes and cries "you!"
You mistake him for some sort of fan, which Kino initially tries to refute before realising that if he plays along, he can ask to play something with you in person and either catch you cheating and post it for the whole internet to see or he can show you up by beating you. So he acts nice and convinces you to have a drink with him in a nearby café where he then lies and says he has a small gaming channel and how cool it would be to record a video where you play against each other. You, unaware that he's actually the bastard who's been trolling you, agree.
Kino sets his phone up to film the pair of you and then accepts your phone and selects one of his favourite apps. He knows the level he chooses like the back of his hand, and even beats his own high score. As he hands the phone back to you, you comment that he's really good at playing, to which he smugly agrees, although he's a little irked that you don't seem to be even slightly intimidated by the thought of trying to match his score.
You start the level and he watches with a keen eye to and try and catch you doing something to mess with the game but... you don't. You play it exactly as it was meant to be played and actually—you're really good at it?! Kino absolutely cannot believe it when you just manage to top his score. He's a vampire prince, there's no way you can actually be better than him. As tempting as it is to drain you dry right then and there, he can't because that's basically admitting that the only way he can beat you is by killing you off. So instead he challenges you to a rematch, but you refuse saying you have to run as you have somewhere to be. Before you leave, however, you tell him that it's been a long time since you had to put in that much effort to best someone and you give him your number in case he wants to play again some time.
Naturally Kino takes it and then spends days grinding away at a game that was just released so he can challenge you to a rematch that he's sure to win. You meet at that same café. He does not win.
This results in several more meet ups and finally, eventually, he finds an arcade game that he's able to beat you at. He laughs in your face and proceeds to mock you for a solid five minutes, which you take in good humour and just ask if he wants to play again.
Kino freezes for a moment. He's beaten you now, he's won so he doesn't have anything to prove anymore, and you're not Eve so it's not like you have anything that's going to benefit him in the long run. He thinks of going home and sitting in his room by himself as he plays through the event that's currently running on one of his current favourite games.
He agrees to the rematch with you instead.
That being said I think you could do a very funny Reiji x Reader grad student AU where for some reason incredibly petty reason you started off on the wrong foot when you were introduced to each other and your relationship has only gotten more antagonistic from there. You're both working on similar projects but have different ideas about the systems your working with which results in lots of petty bickering whenever the professor supervising the pair of you has his back turned.
Reiji also likes to nit-pick all of your lab techniques and so you start doing the same to him and the whole thing escalates to point where he 'accidentally' throws away one of your samples while he was 'helping to clean your lab space'. So in retaliation you somehow hack into the university email server and change it so that he's now listed as "Shu Sakamaki" which drives him up the wall.
The whole thing culminates in a confrontation in the library when you both pick out the same textbook at the exact same time and then get into a disagreement over who needs it more and who's research is more important. It turns into some sort of scientific debate and for some reason you can't stop looking at his lips as you spout increasingly complex jargon at each other. You finally run out arguments and Reiji looks so infuriatingly smug at having at the last word that shove the book into his chest, knocking him into a set of shelves in the process, and kiss him just so he'll stop making that damn expression at you.
Thank you so much for the ask! As you might be able to tell, I got slightly carried away ^^;;
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