#all too royal $2.30
mitchfenton1988 · 6 years
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hisfearlesshaz · 3 years
Hey hey heyyyy! Don't be sorry. I don't mind if you answer late.
Take a painkiller after the vax maybe. My nurse said it'd be better to take it. Of course, i can answer!! I got biontech (pfzier). Okayyy, when you have time and desire to watch, then watch🤷‍♀️ What are you doing on insta for like 2.30 hours?? I forget that i even have an acc if i don't get the notifs now hahhahah. 8 hours is pretty normal for me. We live in phones, after all.😬
Ohhh, kolay gelsin! (good luck, may it be easy (according to tureng, this phrase using in speaking but feels weird ahahaa) in Turkish) I think this (the embrace one) looks good, but i can't see it from your artist perspective🥲🥲🥲 I can understand your conflict 😣. My thought on the accolade is the same hahahags.
Thanks for the flowers, i love them. Love you too!!! Byeee!!🧡 What's your fave colour? I can't decide when choosing a heart for u😋😋😋
Heeeeeeelllllloooooooo my dear!!
They told me too to take a painkiller after the first dose but in the end I didn't need it, so we'll see how it goes this time. I'm not used to take medicines?? So it would probably make me a bit, idk, slow?? Sleepy?? Maybe?? Who knows hahahaha
I downloaded all the episodes of young royals, actually, but I keep pushing it aside 😭😭😭 I just know that since it is short I *need* to watch it all in one sitting but at the same time finishing work at 10 means 4 hours to watch it before sleeping, and it's not enough. Maybe next week when I'll get my free day??????? Hopefully.
And yeah I used to ignore instagram too but 1) I uninstalled it so now notifs work and 2) I started my art acc so I got used to using it and 3) I started working and living in a little village with 70 inhabitants and there's NOTHING to do so instagram is entertaining (also I'm pretty sure I just made 6373828 spelling/grammar mistakes but I'm too lazy to check and it's also almost 2am so)
Thank you!! Sleep well and have a nice week darling 💕 and my fav colour is black because I'm a basic bitch lol
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I think having a lot of interest is actually really cool and healthy. I find a lot of hobbies and interest I have are cyclical, they depend on the weather, on my health, on my day to day context.
And one of the things I really love about following you is that you do have so many interests and fandoms. I don’t buy into this whole “1 passion thing” to me the multitude of interests means that u are curious and that you like to learn, both of which are qualities that I think are lovely and I hope you have people around you that help you nourish this.
Anyhow now I’m curious what historical fashion. You do not rant about this enough!! 👀
awww thank you!! I do usually really like it about myself too, but it also gets frustrating when you live in a Society and are expected to pick a single thing to focus on. I’ve always been that person that just kind of took as many subjects as possible in school too, just because I couldn’t choose because I wanted to do them all. (And yes I did overwork myself immensely.)
historical fashion!!! yes!! I’m not super well versed in it yet, definitely still beginner level BUT a couple of specific things I really like/really want to know more about: 
-I’m really interested in the influence of the french revolution on western fashion. this is apparently a well known topic within the circles of historical fashion nerds, but not at all well known outside of it. Basically the french revolution was one of the first times where clothes were used to show what political side you were on, and it defined fashion - especially men’s wear - so much we’re still influenced by it today. also, you know. marie antoinette. massive influence on fashion there too. there’s a whole book on how marie antoinette’s interest in fashion influenced the french revolution. I gave it to a friend for her birthday and still need to get my hands on a copy for myself hkfhdklf
-me and an irl friend were talking about the dress history of our local area. we’re considering doing proper research and maybe writing a book, because it’s near impossible to find information on what people wore day to day, or how it developed, and even more impossible to figure out what kind of structures were worn underneath it all. did people here wear corsets? underskirts? shifts? if so what fabric? we know they wore black to church on sundays, but what was everyday fashion like, what kind of colours and patterns were worn here? we don’t know! by far most of the information on dutch traditional dress is from fishermen’s towns in the north and west of the country, and the rest of the information there is is from the big cities where they wore largely the same as what was on trend in the UK/France/Germany, except usually a few years later (depending also on social status and money). I’ve been digging around online, but my friend and I are talking about how we’re going to move this combined research of ours into offline sources too
-I also really like hanfu. blame the untamed for this one. but I love different asian traditional dress and seeing how it all influenced each other and developed further. like kimono (japan) and hanbok (korea) are very probably descendants from the chinese hanfu, and I suspect??? some other countries still have a lot of influences from other chinese dynasties. thailand is a story all of its own: their royal family purposefully steered the country away from traditional dress and encouraged western dress in a  - succesfull! - attempt at avoiding being colonized. It probably wasn’t the only thing they did, but thailand is legit pretty much the only country in the entire area that never got colonized by a western country and just wow. kudos to them for that one. 
-somewhat related to asia: chintz fabric. I have so many questions about this. it’s 2.30 am and I don’t know if I’m going to make any sense at all or if I have my facts straight BUT basically I know that chintz cotton originated in india. the dutch brought it to the japanese, who loved it. there was a whole market there, with a lot of kimono made from chintz cotton with traditional indian patterns on it. the dutch also brought it back to europe, where it was sold all over. (the british think it was theirs - it wasn’t. it was the dutch who traded in it and sold it to the brits. they did have a preference for a particular style - white background with soft patterns - but we sold it to them. the dutch preferred much bolder colors like bright red backgrounds). now the question is: I ALSO know the dutch were trying to get into a specific cotton market in indonesia too, but failed there because they used a specific kind of printing technique that made the wax layer on top kind of ‘crack’ and the indonesians hated it. on the way back though, they found out that some african cultures LOVED these fabrics, and happily bought it all from us, giving us a whole new unexpected trading market. this fabric is now known as ankara fabric, and has developed into a very recognizable and typical african pattern. what I still don’t know is if ankara fabric, the indonesian fabrics, and indian chintz, are actually related to each other too. (I would also love to tie this into discussions on cultural appropriation but it’s definitely too late at night to get into that now)
-men’s fashion & tailoring. men’s fashion often gets kind of pushed aside as boring and plain, which I get, but there are reasons for that and also it’s more interesting than you’d think. I also just love a good, well-fitting suit, and I love it when people really play with suits and use different fabrics and stuff. (yes I did drool over tang yi’s suits in trapped. beautiful boy in beautiful suits, love it. do NOT talk to me about shaofei’s green suit, that thing is an atrocity and I hate it. I can only assume tang yi gave it to him for the sole purpose of getting to rip it off him later.)
I also just like clothing in general. a lot of clothing - both historical and current - is incredibly sociopolitical and influential, and it always bugs me when people dismiss it as superficial or “I just wear what’s comfortable, I don’t care otherwise”. not to go all devil wears prada but even then you’re probably still wearing a specific style determined for you by other people. like who do you think designs those unfashionable-but-comfortable clothes you buy in discount or camping stores or wherever people go to who don’t care. those clothes also have thought and research put into them, and they also follow trends and new developments. there’s no escaping the Fashion, you might as well lean into it and have fun with it, you know?
I will also very often comment on kpop outfits lmao. I have major beef with stray kids’ stylists, and also lately with some of bts’ stylists. seventeen, however, often does really great. 
anyway I hope some of this made some sense! I’m very tired. I should be in bed. but thanks for letting me rant about clothes for a bit! 
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hiddlesfashion · 7 years
For those of us not fortunate enough to see #RADAHamlet in person - VocalEyes has an audio described version of the play available. It doesn’t have audio from the actual actors but it does give a lot of information about the scenes and characters.
You can listen to the audio description here
or read the text below
Hamlet - Introduction
Welcome to this introduction to Hamlet by William Shakespeare, directed by Sir Kenneth Branagh in a co-production between the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA) and the Kenneth Branagh Theatre company.
The VocalEyes audio-described performance at the Jerwood Vanbrugh Theatre in the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art will be on Saturday September 16th.  There will be a touch tour at a time to be confirmed. The introductory notes will start at
2.15 and the performance itself at 2.30. The production lasts for just under three hours, including one 15-minute interval. The live audio description will be given for VocalEyes by Veronika Hyks and Jane Brambley.
The following introduction includes information about Hamlet, descriptions of the set, characters and costumes.  All VocalEyes show introductions are available as an audio mp3 file in the 'What's On' section. For access information for the Theatre, please click on the theatre name, on the ‘What’s On’ page.
In an interview with The Stage before the production opened, Kenneth Branagh said
‘I purposefully want the whole thing to be lean and clean….so the audience is invited to feel and concentrate with the characters, human to human.’  
The resulting production is set in the present and drives forward swiftly, with the cast of 10 playing 17 parts with unwavering energy and focus.
Hamlet, played by Tom Hiddleston, sets the pace. He’s in his mid-thirties. His lean figure is dressed entirely in black, which highlights his pale face. His brown hair is slicked back off his brow, and his narrow chin is outlined by a small beard.
    Hamlet exudes nervous energy, whether standing alert, every muscle tense, or at one point erupting into frustrated pacing. Only when alone does he seem to relax, often spotlit in dim surroundings as he shares his thoughts with us. We first meet him in black trousers with a fitted hip length jacket with a high collar, won with soft dark ankle boots.
As the story proceeds he rings the changes with a tee shirt and hoodie, both black.
His mother Queen Gertrude is played by Lolita Chakrabarti and has a regal bearing befitting her status. Tall and statuesque, she favours silky draped outfits that flatter her substantial figure. Gertrude first appears in a sleeveless dark mauve bodysuit with a scoop neck, draped top and wide trousers, with black stiletto heels. A gold brooch gleams at her left shoulder, and two broad strips of mauve material fall down from it and soften the outline of her costume, fluttering as she moves. Her black hair is worn in a neat bun at the nape of her neck, but two ringlets escape to frame her handsome face. Her lustrous dark skin sets off her earrings and the slim gold bracelets which encircle her wrists.  Later she appears in a peppermint green evening dress of similar style, but with a long skirt flowing to her ankles. .
Her husband, King Claudius, played by Nicholas Farrell looks skinny and aged by comparison.  His long face is florid and lined and he often has a guarded expression, his eyes observing everything while his expression stays neutral. His thinning grey hair is swept back off his face and his jaw is outlined by a narrow beard. Claudius is plainly dressed in a dark suit, white shirt, and narrow wine-coloured tie. He moves deliberately, as if very aware of his effect on others. .  
His right-hand man is Polonius, a bustling counsellor given to gestures as he takes off into flights of verbiage. Slim and dapper in a blue suit, Polonius has a pale face, a shaved head and a little reddish beard in his master’s style. Polonius is played by Sean Foley – and the same actor plays the courtier Osric, stamping on in a ridiculous march, his blue suit matched by a small trilby hat, his head poked forward, his gestures flowery and extravagant as he relays a message from the King.
Polonius has two children. Laertes is the elder, and about the same age as Hamlet, but completely different in manner and appearance. He’s a bulky young man who stands out among the others for his relatively messy style – white tee-shirt, loose blue work shirt, jeans and suede shoes. Initially he’s relaxed and cheerful, like a man who doesn’t take life too seriously. Laertes has olive skin, bushy black hair and a small beard. He is played by Irfan Shamji. The same actor becomes the Player Queen when a troupe of travelling actors visit the court. He makes no attempt to wear female dress for this: instead he wears black trousers and grey hoodie, with a beanie hat adding an informal touch.
Laertes has a young sister, Ophelia.  Her wide eyes and shy smile make her seem very young, no more than a schoolgirl as she hurries eagerly in with little steps. Her slight frame is clad in indigo cropped jeans, black flat slippers, and a black camisole with a lacy neck and sleeves. Her strawberry blonde hair is carefully plaited, and swings down her back in a thick rope, revealing an eager face, with flawless ivory skin. Later she appears in a neat white dress with a curiously institutional look. Ophelia is played by Kathryn Wilder.
Hamlet’s confidante and close companion is Horatia, a slender young woman who strides on boy-like, in a loose silky grey shirt over black skinny trousers and sturdy Cuban heeled boots. Her brown hair is cut with a fringe and falls in a sheet to her shoulders, framing an oval face with wide mouth and big expressive eyes.  Horatia and Hamlet feed off each other’s energy as she meets him halfway in every exchange:  there’s an almost electric connection between them as she raises her pale face to meet his eyes.  Horatia is played by Caroline Martin.
As the story unfolds, two eager young women hover on the edge of the action. These are Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, spick and span in fashionable business wear and swift to scamper to do the King’s bidding.  Guildenstern is tall with very blonde straight hair and alabaster skin, Rosencrantz petite and darker with her long brown hair in cornrows that frame her face and almost match her skin.   Both sport office wear in black, white and grey – Guildenstern with a long black coat over white shirt and black trousers split to the knee, and Rosencrantz in a black and grey striped shirt over narrow dark trousers. Both favour very high heeled black shoes.
This duo also appear as soldiers, standing stiffly to attention in black shirts and belted trousers, with black baseball caps on their heads. Eleanor de Rohan, who plays Guildenstern, also appears as a priest in black robe and broad brimmed hat. Rozencrantz is played by Ayesha Antoine.
As the story unfolds, one character is hugely influential but rarely seen. This is the Ghost of Hamlet’s father, King Hamlet.   First appearing in a swirling mist, he stands foursquare, appearing to fill the space – a tall imposing presence with ebony skin and white hair and narrow beard, he moves stiffly with the suggestion of a limp, his blazing eyes fixed on his son. Like his brother Claudius, King Hamlet is plainly dressed in dark suit and tie with a white shirt.  He is played by Ansu Kabia.
The same actor plays the Player King, with no change of costume, but fluid and eloquent where the dead King Hamlet is stiff, and a cheery shirtsleeve Gravedigger who pops out of a grave-shaped trapdoor and then spends much of his time hidden in the grave, rapping and joking with the people above.  
The story unfolds with a minimal set, its elements changed at a run by the cast and backstage crew. Initially the stage is almost bare and the auditorium dimly lit, with pools of light on the grey tip-up seats that surround the performance space in a horseshoe.  An old upright piano stands alone in the middle of the light wooden floor, to be used in a brief introductory sequence.  
When the lights rise, they reveal a tall back wall. The wall has two tall sash windows, one at each end, and a matching glass door in the centre, its expanse broken up into panes. The wall is duck egg blue, and the architraves are painted rich cream. Cream panelling covers the wall to hip height, and an elaborate cream cornice decorates the top. Two large framed portraits hang on the wall - one of King Hamlet, high on the left, and other, of King Claudius, at head height on the right.
A large wooden desk is placed in front of the wall, in the centre, a chair behind it. The setting is at once plush and anonymous, like a state room.
At the other end of the performance space, near the curve of the horseshoe of seats, the wooden floor is covered by a large white carpet, about 3 metres square. In the centre is the Danish Royal Crest – a golden shield with three blue lions rampant, their red tongues matched by the red infill of a golden crown above the crest. A dark grey border round the carpet sports Danish words in blood red capital letters Some are recognizably Danish, possibly mixed with English in places: KAN IKKE REBBE, DO MEN DODDEN, DERES NAVONE.
Against this background, scenes flow quickly from one to another. Exteriors are simply suggested by dappled light, and the castle battlements by swirling mist outside the windows.  The addition of a white sofa and two grey chairs transform the carpeted area into a sitting room at one point. The carpet is swiftly removed or rolled out as required.
Just before the interval, the wall is lifted away, and a projected cloudy sky covers the space behind. From this point on, as the pace of the action increases, the story unfolds on a bare stage, with only one or two essential   items – a cross of light on the desk creates a chapel, and a quilted throw and a scatter of blue and cream cushions turn the desk instantly into a bed.
Cast and Production credits
Hamlet is played by Tom Hiddleston
His mother Gertrude is Lolita Chakrabarti, and her husband Claudius is Nicholas Farrell
Polonius is Sean Foley who also plays Osric
Polonius’s son Laertes is played by Irfan Shamji, and his daughter Ophelia by Kathryn Wilder.
Horatia is Caroline Martin
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are played by Ayesha Antoine and Eleanor de Rohan
The Ghost of King Hamlet is played by Ansu Kabia.
Other parts are played by members of the cast.
The fight director is Bret Yount
The sound is designed by Paul Arditti, and the lighting by Paul Pyant.
The set and costumes are designed by James Cotterill
The director is Kenneth Branagh
Further Useful Information and Contact Details
If you are bringing a guide dog, please let us know when you book or by  calling the Box Office  between the hours of 11am and 5pm on  020 7908 4800. You can also email [email protected].
To contact VocalEyes, call us on 020 7375 1043. You can receive a copy of the free VocalEyes Newsletter with full details on all our work by calling us or by following the links on the VocalEyes accessible website. The Newsletter is available in print, Braille, on CD or via e-mail.  The website address is www.vocaleyes.co.uk.
VocalEyes is a charity funded by Arts Council England.
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fuckyeahlara · 6 years
7 Spectacular Details About Royal Ascot Ladies Day
The Royal Ascot horse race is entering its third day, with all eyes on the lavish hats, attractive attires, of course, the royals. Day Three of the five-day event is likewise the day of the historical Gold Cup. The Gold Cup is Ascot's longest making it through race, and what is now referred to as Royal Ascot began to take shape when The Gold Cup was first run in 1807. The Gold Cup coincides with what is informally referred to as "Ladies' Day," a term first used in 1823. A confidential poet explained the day as "Ladies' Day ... when the women, like angels, look sweetly divine." However the Ascot doesn't officially recognize the day as Ladies' Day. As the Ascot's director of racing, Nick Smith, described to The Telegraph, they have not described Ladies' Day in any marketing or promotions products. "We are comfortable with the public calling it that, however to market it as such would trigger confusion as ladies' days far from Royal Ascot 2019 are totally various," he said. "We don't have best dressed competitors-- for either sex-- and we don't believe catwalks and such like is what it is about."
What is the Royal Ascot?
Among Britain's most widely known racecourses, Ascot holds an unique week of races in June each year called Royal Ascot, attended by The Queen and other Royals At other horse races in the U.K., Ladies' Days are synonymous with style competitions. At the Kelso Racecourse, which stages fifteen dives components during the season from September through May, there are competitors for categories such as Best Dressed Lady, Best Dressed Couple, and Finest Hat. While there are no competitions at Ascot, according to The Evening Requirement, ladies still take care to dress in an extra attractive look on Ladies' Day to celebrate. Princess Eugenie wore a beautiful floral-print Erdem gown teamed with a boater hat, while vocalist Ciara went with a stylish white Edeline Lee gown. Royal Ascot's spectacular heritage, unlike any other, has made the event the most anticipated and revered the world over. From the arrival of the Royal Procession at 2pm sharp to common singing around the bandstand, with 6 impressive top-class races between, each of the 5 days is unforgettable.
It's a social highlight of the summer, not just for the racing and royalty but also because of the style, style and breadth of entertainment on offer. An option of 4 enclosures, each with an individual character and numerous food and drink alternatives, enable you to curate your own genuinely special event. From exotic street food, gourmet hamburgers and traditional afternoon tea to bring-your-own picnics on the spotless yards and dining from Michelin-starred chefs, the choices for an elegant food experience alone are endless. It's a chance to dress up and enjoy yourself while attempting to break bookies' hearts. To experience it to its maximum, a little preparation will pay huge dividends. Tuesday 19 If you're aiming to experience Royal Ascot at its most royal, the opening day is a must. When the clock strikes 2 the Royal Procession starts and the landaus, led by four Windsor greys, make their way along the Straight Mile, enacting a British custom that extends back to when Queen Victoria was a woman. There is no equivalent event in the racing calendar or certainly the sporting world and, while the spectacle is duplicated every day of the meeting, Royal Ascot's opening day is justifiably renowned as awesome.
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For flat racing fans too, this is a day not to miss. 3 Group One races-- the sport's greatest category, with the most significant prize money and the very best horses-- are run: the Queen Anne Stakes, the King's Stand Stakes and the St James's Palace Stakes. Wednesday 20 A more carefully paced day however no less interesting, as it includes the Group One Prince of Wales's Stakes. This is held by lots of to be Royal Ascot's crucial race of the modern-day age: the wealthiest race of the whole meeting with a handbag of ₤ 750,000. And where much better to enjoy it than in the Queen Anne Enclosure? Not as official but just as magnificently composed as the members-only Royal Enclosure-- no stovepipe hats and tails required-- this enclosure uses the perfect and up-close views of the stunning horses, both in the Pre-Parade Ring and the Parade Ring. With Wednesday being a slightly calmer day, maybe look for the different sculpture installations spread around the racecourse, some long-term and depicting past stars of Ascot in their most regal states while others include exclusively for the royal meeting. Home entertainment is omnipresent at Royal Ascot with every day waning around the renowned bandstand, situated in the Queen Anne Enclosure, for triumphant and traditionally British communal singing at 6pm. Thursday 21 One of Royal Ascot's charming eccentricities is that Thursday is not officially called Ladies' Day however Gold Cup Day. However this is unquestionably the day when all eyes are concentrated on the hats, and both traditional and modern display screens of magnificent millinery are most on show. Queen Anne Enclosure guests can display their headwear while enjoying a grilled lobster or champagne afternoon tea at 1768 Grill and Tea Rooms. A best Ascot Events experience to boost your big day, this restaurant was one of several outlets introduced in 2017 to use racegoers a choice for lunch and afternoon tea that does not need reservation ahead of time.
Gold Cup Day is likewise when Ascot's a lot of prestigious race is run-- always a source of high drama as it unfolds over two and a half miles. You can get a fresh perspective on this by enjoying from Royal Ascot's most recent enclosure, The Village, which is open from Thursday to Saturday. Located on the within the track, with the Grandstand providing a background to the day, the Village Enclosure has already ended up being popular with a more youthful, fashion-conscious group of racegoers looking for a modern Royal Ascot experience. 3 phases offer a series of music all the time and, once the racing surfaces, the live entertainment continues until 9pm with a varied collection of shop restaurants and champagne bars to keep the party going and develop a dream of a summer night. Friday 22 The racing stays of the highest quality all week with Friday peaking once again as viewers witness 2 Group One races-- The Commonwealth Cup and The Crowning Stakes. As the weekend nears, racegoers can take pleasure in the glorious environment in the Queen Anne Enclosure and sample from the most splendid range of food and beverage with a last-minute dining experience at James Tanner's Queen Anne Cooking area or by indulging in a Royal Ascot Blush Mixed drink from one of the quintessential bars located in the location. There are numerous artisan food stalls and champagne bars in The Town and Windsor Enclosures, but equally numerous visitors delight in bringing their own picnics. There are, nevertheless, particular constraints that use and the only alcohol that guests may bring with them is champagne or champagne (and a maximum of one bottle per person). Saturday 23 There is no stopping the magnificent racing and the final day is no exception. Its format is a recognisable six-race card staged between 2.30 pm and 5.35 pm. Saturday's emphasize is certainly The Diamond Jubilee Stakes. Its size of field and strong pace offer a thrilling race for all and contribute to the finale of the five-day yearly celebration. Saturday is also an excellent day for children to experience the distinct Royal Ascot atmosphere and enjoyment. Children's tickets can only be bought on the day, with all cash going to Ascot's annual charitable providing.
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Booking ahead is advised if you are thinking about a great dining experience in the Royal Enclosure or Queen Anne Enclosure, with a number of restaurants already sold out throughout all days.
What is Ascot ladies day?
The world's most attractive race day. Ladies Day at Royal Ascot is renowned as the greatest day on the British social and sporting calendar. It is worth remembering that lots of days throughout the four enclosures sell out well ahead of time. So strategy early-- and enjoy. Whatever day you choose, Royal Ascot really is like no place else. Each day offers a different experience but always with the exact same style and sophistication that the racecourse is renowned for. Exceptional racing, exhilarating entertainment, splendid food and sartorial beauty can constantly be anticipated. Be sure to inspect the official gown code for your enclosure before you go, look at possible upgrades you can choose to improve the occasion and prepare yourself for among the most remarkable days in the British social-- and horse racing-- calendar. The Royal Ascot definitely measures up to its main motto," Like no place else." A significant event on the British social calendar since its starting by Queen Anne in 1711, the annual race conference, which occurs each June at the Ascot Racecourse in Berkshire, England, stays a heady mix of pomp, custom, fashion, class distinction and, naturally, sport. Formally opened every day by the Queen, in addition to various royals, the most apt way to explain the experience to Americans would be to think of a cross between a royal wedding and the Kentucky Derby, except boozier, if that's humanly possible (by means of champagne rather than bourbon). Though each of the five days has its highlights, Opening Day stays special simply because it attracts a full enhance of royals while also restricting admission to the Royal Enclosure, the most prominent level of participation, to members only. How does one end up being a member of this swank pack? The response is purposely left vague, including a secret recipe of social stature, connections, letters of reference, and, above all, aspiration. On the staying four days, members are permitted to acquire 2 guest badges each per day. Ascot Opening Day was commemorated by the Lerner and Loewe musical, "My Fair Lady," which opened on Broadway in 1956 starring Rex Harrison and Julie Andrews, and later made into a big-budget Hollywood extravaganza, again with Rex Harrison however with Audrey Hepburn changing Andrews. (It's running yet again this season on Broadway at Lincoln Center Theater.).
Both the stage production and the movie featured spectacular depictions of Royal Ascot with sets and costumes by Cecil Beaton, the iconic professional photographer, designer, diarist and royal elbow-rubber. Intensely developed in black and white, the number, particularly in the movie variation, practically stands on its own as a pill of choreography and couture. Today, Ascot Opening Day is a far less mannerist affair, but similarly fashion-aligned. In the rarified air of the Royal Enclosure, tradition reigns supreme in all manners of gown throughout the five-day duration. Men are required to wear a complete morning match with waistcoat and either a black or grey stovepipe hat at all times. Just black shoes are enabled and in an affront to the current vogue for bare ankles, socks are compulsory. Only in 2015, for the extremely very first time in Royal Ascot's history, when the temperature skyrocketed into the 90s, were guys allowed to remove their coats and hats. Otherwise, hats must stay on heads except within a dining establishment, a private box, an enclosed balcony, and a few other designated areas. Ladies must wear a hat with a minimum base of four inches (i.e. no fascinators) and dresses with a modest cut. Pants and one-piece suits are allowed, however again with a caution: pants should be worn with a coat or top "in a matching material." There is a large range of stylish to saucy, but Brits do the "garden party" look quite well, with a mix of bright colors, flower prints and the recent appearance of long, streaming dresses that undoubtedly take their treatments from the younger members of the Royal Household.
How long does Royal Ascot last?
Over 300,000 people make the annual check out to Berkshire during Royal Ascot week, making this Europe's best-attended race meeting. There are eighteen group races available, with at least one Group One event on each of the 5 days. Beyond the Royal Enclosure, each area has its own set of sartorial standards. If the Royal Enclosure is First Class, Service Class would be the Queen Anne Enclosure. There, men must wear a suit and tie and ladies are asked to wear tasteful gowns and a hat. Premium Economy would be The Town Enclosure, with the same gown code as the Queen Anne Enclosure. The Windsor Enclosure is the most unwinded, without any dress code at all. The main website states "lively, interesting and fun" which translates to party main, sometimes rather rowdy. Indeed, every level of Ascot UK is party hearty, no matter whether sustained by Bollinger, Pimm's, or Guinness. The numbers speak volumes. Throughout 5 days, 300,000 participants will have consumed 56,000 bottles of champagne, 44,000 bottles of wine, 21,000 jugs of Pimm's and 60,000 finger sandwiches. For those who do not imbibe, fear not. Likewise taken in are 80,000 cups of tea and 128,500 bottles of mineral water.
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No matter which section one is in or what is in one's glass, the mood is extremely buoyant, sparked by the arrival of the Queen and various members of her family in a line of horse drawn carriages. This year, as usual, the Royal Procession entered the park through the Royal Gates noticeable to all off in the distance. The closer the carriages got to the stands, the louder the buzz from the crowd. All at once, the Band of Her Majesty's Irish Guards marched into place to play the national anthem, "God Save the Queen." Thousands of top hats were gotten rid of en masse and the crowd sang, followed by spontaneous applause and cheers that became a cacophony as the Queen's carriage passed, accompanied by nonstop "Hip, Hip, Hoorays!" Resplendent in a jonquil yellow coat and hat, she was accompanied by her kid, Andrew, daughter Anne, and Lord Vestey, Master of the Horse to the Royal Household. Next came Prince Charles with Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall and the Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie. But the loudest cheers this go round were for the occupants of the third carriage, Prince Harry and his new bride-to-be Meghan with Prince Edward and his partner, Sophie. Following the royal arrival, just like halftime at a football game, there's a mad rush for the bars and the washrooms. But instead of beers and brats, it's Bollinger and lobster rolls. Yes, there are a few awesome horse races, accompanied by a remarkable quantity of drinking. But the real show remains in the garden of the Royal Enclosure, which becomes one big celebration, and, naturally, the Royal Box, which hovers over the stands like the bridge of a massive ocean liner. One can easily see the comings and goings through its set of double doors, with riding crop deals with, from a number of viewpoint within the clubhouse, which feels precisely like a shopping center, although it has bars and betting stations instead of stores. One can apparently make a bet pretty much anywhere. In addition to the fixed desks, there are mobile kiosks spread inside the clubhouse and throughout the park. One can even position a bet, albeit prior to 2 p.m. on what color the Queen will use. (In 2015, I won ₤ 15 on pink.) And if one is in the right location at the correct time, the doors to the Royal Box will swing open and a tiny little figure in a vibrantly colored coat and hat will emerge, and walk unaccompanied to the parade ring to present a prize, sometimes a number of times a day. This is why one attends Royal Ascot: to witness firsthand the gravitas, the splendour, the adulation and a little bit of the isolation that accompanies what the existing occupant of Buckingham Palace refers to, sometimes wearily, "this job for life." It's a thrilling and strangely moving thing to see. After all, who requires to binge watch The Crown when one can just binge watch the Queen?
0 notes
aprilpillkington · 6 years
Seven Amazing Details About Ladies Day
The Ascot Events horse race is entering its third day, with all eyes on the elegant hats, attractive clothing, naturally, the royals. Day 3 of the five-day event is also the day of the historic Gold Cup. The Gold Cup is Ascot’s longest making it through race, and what is now called Royal Ascot started to take shape when The Gold Cup was first run in 1807. The Gold Cup coincides with what is colloquially referred to as “Ladies’ Day,” a term first used in 1823. An anonymous poet explained the day as “Ladies’ Day … when the women, like angels, look sweetly divine.” But the Ascot doesn’t officially recognize the day as Ladies’ Day. As the Ascot’s director of racing, Nick Smith, discussed to The Telegraph, they have not referred to Ladies’ Day in any marketing or promos products. “We are comfortable with the general public calling it that, but to market it as such would cause confusion as ladies’ days far from Ascot are entirely different,” he said. “We don’t have actually best dressed competitions– for either sex– and we do not believe catwalks and such like is what it is about.”
What is the Royal Ascot?
One of Britain’s the majority of well-known racecourses, Ascot holds a special week of races in June each year called Royal Ascot, went to by The Queen and other Royals At other horse races in the U.K., Ladies’ Days are associated with fashion competitors. At the Kelso Racecourse, which phases fifteen dives components during the season from September through Might, there are competitions for classifications such as Best Dressed Lady, Finest Dressed Couple, and Best Hat. While there are no competitors at Ascot, according to The Night Requirement, ladies still take care to dress in an extra glamorous look on Ladies’ Day to commemorate. Princess Eugenie wore a stunning floral-print Erdem dress teamed with a boater hat, while vocalist Ciara chose a chic white Edeline Lee dress. Royal Ascot’s spectacular heritage, unlike any other, has actually made the event the most awaited and revered the world over. From the arrival of the Royal Procession at 2pm sharp to communal singing around the bandstand, with six exceptional top-class races in between, each of the 5 days is extraordinary.
It’s a social highlight of the summer season, not just for the racing and royalty but also because of the style, style and breadth of entertainment available. A choice of four enclosures, each with a private character and many food and beverage alternatives, permit you to curate your own genuinely unique celebration. From exotic street food, gourmet hamburgers and timeless afternoon tea to bring-your-own picnics on the spotless yards and dining from Michelin-starred chefs, the choices for a splendid food experience alone are endless. It’s an opportunity to dress up and enjoy yourself while attempting to break bookies’ hearts. To experience it to its fullest, a little preparation will pay big dividends. Tuesday 19 If you’re looking to experience Ascot UK at its most regal, the opening day is a must. When the clock strikes 2 the Royal Procession begins and the landaus, led by 4 Windsor greys, make their way along the Straight Mile, enacting a British custom that stretches back to when Queen Victoria was a woman. There is no similar event in the racing calendar or indeed the sporting world and, while the spectacle is repeated every day of the conference, Royal Ascot’s opening day is justifiably renowned as breathtaking.
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For flat racing fans too, this is a day not to miss. Three Group One races– the sport’s highest category, with the most significant cash prize and the very best horses– are run: the Queen Anne Stakes, the King’s Stand Stakes and the St James’s Palace Stakes. Wednesday 20 A more carefully paced day but no less exciting, as it includes the Group One Prince of Wales’s Stakes. This is held by lots of to be Royal Ascot’s essential race of the modern era: the wealthiest race of the whole meeting with a purse of ₤ 750,000. And where better to view it than in the Queen Anne Enclosure? Not as formal however just as beautifully composed as the members-only Royal Enclosure– no top hats and tails required– this enclosure uses the best and up-close views of the spectacular horses, both in the Pre-Parade Ring and the Parade Ring. With Wednesday being a slightly calmer day, perhaps seek out the numerous sculpture installations spread around the racecourse, some long-term and illustrating previous stars of Ascot in their most royal states while others feature exclusively for the royal conference. Entertainment is universal at Royal Ascot with every day waning around the renowned bandstand, located in the Queen Anne Enclosure, for triumphant and generally British communal singing at 6pm. Thursday 21 One of Royal Ascot’s endearing eccentricities is that Thursday is not officially called Ladies’ Day but Gold Cup Day. However this is undoubtedly the day when all eyes are concentrated on the hats, and both conventional and contemporary displays of splendid millinery are most on show. Queen Anne Enclosure visitors can flaunt their headwear while enjoying a grilled lobster or champagne afternoon tea at 1768 Grill and Tea Rooms. A best Royal Ascot experience to enhance your wedding, this dining establishment was among a number of outlets presented in 2017 to use racegoers an option for lunch and afternoon tea that does not need reservation ahead of time.
Gold Cup Day is also when Ascot’s most distinguished race is run– constantly a source of high drama as it unfolds over two and a half miles. You can get a fresh viewpoint on this by viewing from Royal Ascot’s newest enclosure, The Village, which is open from Thursday to Saturday. Found on the within the track, with the Grandstand offering a background to the day, the Town Enclosure has already ended up being popular with a more youthful, fashion-conscious group of racegoers trying to find a contemporary Royal Ascot experience. 3 stages provide a range of music all day and, once the racing finishes, the live entertainment continues until 9pm with a varied collection of shop restaurants and champagne bars to keep the party going and create an imagine a summer night. Friday 22 The racing stays of the highest quality all week with Friday peaking again as viewers witness two Group One races– The Commonwealth Cup and The Coronation Stakes. As the weekend nears, racegoers can delight in the marvelous environment in the Queen Anne Enclosure and sample from the most splendid variety of food and beverage with a last-minute dining experience at James Tanner’s Queen Anne Kitchen area or by indulging in a Royal Ascot Blush Mixed drink from among the essential bars located in the area. There are numerous craftsmen food stalls and champagne bars in The Village and Windsor Enclosures, but similarly numerous visitors take pleasure in bringing their own picnics. There are, however, certain limitations that apply and the only alcohol that guests might bring with them is sparkling wine or champagne (and a maximum of one bottle per person). Saturday 23 There is no stopping the amazing racing and the final day is no exception. Its format is a recognisable six-race card staged in between 2.30 pm and 5.35 pm. Saturday’s emphasize is certainly The Diamond Jubilee Stakes. Its size of field and fierce speed provide a thrilling race for all and contribute to the finale of the five-day yearly occasion. Saturday is also a fantastic day for kids to experience the special Ascot Events environment and excitement. Kid’s tickets can only be bought on the day, with all cash going to Ascot’s yearly charitable providing.
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Scheduling ahead is recommended if you are thinking about a great dining experience in the Royal Enclosure or Queen Anne Enclosure, with numerous dining establishments currently sold out across all the times.
What is Ascot ladies day?
The world’s most attractive race day. Ladies Day at Royal Ascot is renowned as the greatest day on the British social and sporting calendar. It is worth keeping in mind that many days across the 4 enclosures sell out well in advance. So plan early– and take pleasure in. Whatever day you select, Royal Ascot actually is like no place else. Each day provides a various experience but always with the very same style and elegance that the racecourse is renowned for. Outstanding racing, exhilarating home entertainment, stunning food and sartorial beauty can constantly be anticipated. Be sure to check the official dress code for your enclosure prior to you go, take a look at possible upgrades you can pick to boost the occasion and prepare yourself for one of the most glorious days in the British social– and horse racing– calendar. The Royal Ascot certainly measures up to its main motto,“ Like no place else.” A significant event on the British social calendar considering that its founding by Queen Anne in 1711, the yearly race meeting, which happens each June at the Ascot Racecourse in Berkshire, England, remains a heady mix of pomp, custom, style, class difference and, obviously, sport. Formally opened each day by the Queen, in addition to various royals, the most apt way to describe the experience to Americans would be to envision a cross in between a royal wedding event and the Kentucky Derby, except boozier, if that’s humanly possible (via champagne rather than bourbon). Though each of the 5 days has its highlights, Opening Day remains special simply because it draws in a full complement of royals while also restricting admission to the Royal Enclosure, the most distinguished level of presence, to members just. How does one become a member of this swank pack? The response is purposely left vague, involving a secret recipe of social stature, connections, letters of reference, and, above all, ambition. On the staying four days, members are allowed to acquire two guest badges each per day. Ascot Opening Day was celebrated by the Lerner and Loewe musical, “My Fair Lady,” which opened on Broadway in 1956 starring Rex Harrison and Julie Andrews, and later on made into a big-budget Hollywood extravaganza, again with Rex Harrison but with Audrey Hepburn changing Andrews. (It’s running yet once again this season on Broadway at Lincoln Center Theater.).
Both the stage production and the movie featured spectacular representations of Royal Ascot with sets and outfits by Cecil Beaton, the renowned professional photographer, designer, diarist and royal elbow-rubber. Extremely developed in black and white, the number, particularly in the film variation, almost stands on its own as a pill of choreography and couture. Today, Ascot Opening Day is a far less mannerist affair, however similarly fashion-aligned. In the rarified air of the Royal Enclosure, custom reigns supreme in all manners of gown throughout the five-day period. Guys are required to use a complete morning match with waistcoat and either a black or grey stovepipe hat at all times. Just black shoes are enabled and in an affront to the present style for bare ankles, socks are obligatory. Just in 2015, for the very very first time in Ascot’s history, when the temperature soared into the 90s, were guys allowed to remove their coats and hats. Otherwise, hats must stay on heads except within a dining establishment, a private box, an enclosed balcony, and a few other designated locations. Ladies should wear a hat with a minimum base of 4 inches (i.e. no fascinators) and dresses with a modest cut. Trousers and jumpsuits are enabled, but again with a caveat: pants must be worn with a coat or top “in a coordinating material.” There is a wide range of elegant to cheeky, however Brits do the “garden celebration” look rather well, with a mix of intense colors, floral prints and the recent appearance of long, flowing gowns that clearly take their treatments from the younger members of the Royal Family.
How long does Royal Ascot last?
Over 300,000 individuals make the annual see to Berkshire throughout Royal Ascot week, making this Europe’s best-attended race conference. There are eighteen group races on offer, with at least one Group One event on each of the 5 days. Beyond the Royal Enclosure, each area has its own set of sartorial standards. If the Royal Enclosure is First Class, Company Class would be the Queen Anne Enclosure. There, males must use a match and tie and women are asked to use stylish dresses and a hat. Premium Economy would be The Village Enclosure, with the exact same gown code as the Queen Anne Enclosure. The Windsor Enclosure is the most unwinded, with no dress code at all. The main site says “vibrant, exciting and enjoyable” which translates to celebration main, sometimes rather rowdy. Certainly, every level of Royal Ascot Ladies Day is celebration hearty, regardless of whether fueled by Bollinger, Pimm’s, or Guinness. The numbers speak volumes. Throughout 5 days, 300,000 participants will have consumed 56,000 bottles of champagne, 44,000 bottles of red wine, 21,000 jugs of Pimm’s and 60,000 finger sandwiches. For those who do not imbibe, fear not. Likewise taken in are 80,000 cups of tea and 128,500 bottles of mineral water.
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No matter which area one remains in or what is in one’s glass, the mood is distinctly resilient, sparked by the arrival of the Queen and different members of her household in a line of horse drawn carriages. This year, as usual, the Royal Procession entered the park through the Royal Gates noticeable to all off in the distance. The closer the carriages got to the stands, the louder the buzz from the crowd. Concurrently, the Band of Her Majesty’s Irish Guards marched into place to play the nationwide anthem, “God Save the Queen.” Thousands of top hats were removed en masse and the crowd sang, followed by spontaneous applause and cheers that turned into a cacophony as the Queen’s carriage passed, accompanied by continuously “Hip, Hip, Hoorays!” Resplendent in a jonquil yellow coat and hat, she was accompanied by her son, Andrew, child Anne, and Lord Vestey, Master of the Horse to the Royal Household. Next came Prince Charles with Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall and the Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie. However the loudest cheers this go round were for the occupants of the 3rd carriage, Prince Harry and his new bride-to-be Meghan with Prince Edward and his partner, Sophie. Following the royal arrival, just like halftime at a football game, there’s a mad rush for the bars and the toilets. However instead of beers and brats, it’s Bollinger and lobster rolls. Yes, there are a couple of thrilling horse races, accompanied by an incredible amount of drinking. But the genuine program is in the garden of the Royal Enclosure, which becomes one big party, and, naturally, the Royal Box, which hovers over the stands like the bridge of a huge ocean liner. One can quickly see the comings and goings through its set of double doors, with riding crop manages, from a number of viewpoint within the clubhouse, which feels exactly like a mall, although it has bars and wagering stations instead of stores. One can apparently make a bet basically anywhere. In addition to the fixed desks, there are mobile kiosks scattered inside the clubhouse and throughout the park. One can even place a bet, albeit prior to 2 p.m. on what color the Queen will wear. (In 2015, I won ₤ 15 on pink.) And if one remains in the best location at the correct time, the doors to the Royal Box will swing open and a tiny little figure in a brilliantly colored coat and hat will emerge, and stroll unaccompanied to the parade ring to present a trophy, sometimes several times a day. This is why one participates in Royal Ascot 2019: to witness firsthand the gravitas, the magnificence, the adulation and a little the isolation that accompanies what the current resident of Buckingham Palace refers to, sometimes wearily, “this task for life.” It’s a thrilling and unusually moving thing to see. After all, who requires to binge watch The Crown when one can simply binge watch the Queen?
Seven Amazing Details About Ladies Day published first on https://the4th3rd.tumblr.com
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rosaginas · 6 years
Fifteen Spectacular Facts About Ascot UK
The Ladies Day horse race is entering its third day, with all eyes on the extravagant hats, glamorous outfits, naturally, the royals. Day Three of the five-day event is also the day of the historic Gold Cup. The Gold Cup is Ascot's longest surviving race, and what is now referred to as Royal Ascot began to take shape when The Gold Cup was first run in 1807. The Gold Cup coincides with what is informally referred to as "Ladies' Day," a term initially utilized in 1823. A confidential poet described the day as "Ladies' Day ... when the women, like angels, look sweetly magnificent." However the Ascot doesn't officially recognize the day as Ladies' Day. As the Ascot's director of racing, Nick Smith, described to The Telegraph, they haven't referred to Ladies' Day in any marketing or promotions materials. "We are comfortable with the public calling it that, but to market it as such would trigger confusion as ladies' days far from Ascot UK are totally different," he stated. "We do not have finest dressed competitions-- for either sex-- and we don't believe catwalks and such like is what it has to do with."
What is the Royal Ascot?
Among Britain's many well-known racecourses, Ascot holds a special week of races in June each year called Royal Ascot, participated in by The Queen and other Royals At other horse races in the U.K., Ladies' Days are associated with fashion competitors. At the Kelso Racecourse, which phases fifteen dives components throughout the season from September through May, there are competitors for classifications such as Finest Dressed Lady, Best Dressed Couple, and Finest Hat. While there are no competitions at Ascot, according to The Night Standard, women still make sure to dress in an additional attractive search Ladies' Day to celebrate. Princess Eugenie wore a beautiful floral-print Erdem dress teamed with a boater hat, while vocalist Ciara went with a stylish white Edeline Lee gown. Royal Ascot's incredible heritage, unlike any other, has actually made the event the most expected and revered the world over. From the arrival of the Royal Procession at 2pm sharp to common singing around the bandstand, with six impressive top-class races between, each of the five days is unforgettable.
It's a social emphasize of the summer, not just for the racing and royalty but likewise because of the style, style and breadth of home entertainment on offer. An option of 4 enclosures, each with a specific character and many food and drink options, allow you to curate your own genuinely special occasion. From exotic street food, premium hamburgers and classic afternoon tea to bring-your-own picnics on the spotless yards and dining from Michelin-starred chefs, the choices for an exquisite food experience alone are endless. It's a chance to dress up and enjoy yourself while trying to break bookmakers' hearts. To experience it to its maximum, a little preparation will pay big dividends. Tuesday 19 If you're seeking to experience Royal Ascot at its most regal, the opening day is a must. When the clock strikes 2 the Royal Procession starts and the landaus, led by four Windsor greys, make their method along the Straight Mile, enacting a British tradition that stretches back to when Queen Victoria was a girl. There is no equivalent event in the racing calendar or indeed the sporting world and, while the spectacle is repeated every day of the conference, Royal Ascot's opening day is justifiably renowned as spectacular.
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For flat racing fans too, this is a day not to miss out on. Three Group One races-- the sport's highest classification, with the greatest cash prize and the very best horses-- are run: the Queen Anne Stakes, the King's Stand Stakes and the St James's Palace Stakes. Wednesday 20 A more carefully paced day however no less interesting, as it includes the Group One Prince of Wales's Stakes. This is held by lots of to be Royal Ascot's crucial race of the contemporary era: the richest race of the whole meeting with a bag of ₤ 750,000. And where better to view it than in the Queen Anne Enclosure? Not as official but just as magnificently composed as the members-only Royal Enclosure-- no stovepipe hats and tails required-- this enclosure uses the ideal and up-close views of the sensational horses, both in the Pre-Parade Ring and the Parade Ring. With Wednesday being a somewhat calmer day, perhaps look for the different sculpture setups scattered around the racecourse, some permanent and depicting past stars of Ascot in their most royal states while others include solely for the royal conference. Entertainment is universal at Royal Ascot with every day drawing to a close around the iconic bandstand, located in the Queen Anne Enclosure, for victorious and generally British common singing at 6pm. Thursday 21 Among Royal Ascot's endearing eccentricities is that Thursday is not formally called Ladies' Day but Gold Cup Day. But this is unquestionably the day when all eyes are focused on the hats, and both traditional and modern display screens of spectacular millinery are most on show. Queen Anne Enclosure visitors can display their headwear while taking pleasure in a grilled lobster or champagne afternoon tea at 1768 Grill and Tea Rooms. A perfect Royal Ascot 2019 experience to boost your special day, this restaurant was one of several outlets introduced in 2017 to use racegoers an alternative for lunch and afternoon tea that does not need booking in advance.
Gold Cup Day is likewise when Ascot's the majority of prestigious race is run-- constantly a source of high drama as it unfolds over two and a half miles. You can get a fresh perspective on this by watching from Royal Ascot's newest enclosure, The Town, which is open from Thursday to Saturday. Found on the inside of the track, with the Grandstand providing a background to the day, the Town Enclosure has currently ended up being popular with a more youthful, fashion-conscious group of racegoers looking for a modern Royal Ascot experience. Three stages use a series of music throughout the day and, once the racing finishes, the live entertainment continues till 9pm with a diverse collection of shop restaurants and champagne bars to keep the party going and develop an imagine a midsummer night. Friday 22 The racing remains of the highest quality all week with Friday peaking again as spectators witness two Group One races-- The Commonwealth Cup and The Crowning Stakes. As the weekend nears, racegoers can delight in the marvelous environment in the Queen Anne Enclosure and sample from the most superb series of food and drink with a last-minute dining experience at James Tanner's Queen Anne Cooking area or by indulging in a Royal Ascot Blush Mixed drink from one of the quintessential bars located in the area. There are numerous craftsmen food stalls and champagne bars in The Town and Windsor Enclosures, however equally lots of visitors delight in bringing their own picnics. There are, nevertheless, certain limitations that use and the only alcohol that visitors may bring with them is sparkling wine or champagne (and an optimum of one bottle per person). Saturday 23 There is no stopping the spectacular racing and the final day is no exception. Its format is a recognisable six-race card staged between 2.30 pm and 5.35 pm. Saturday's emphasize is undoubtedly The Diamond Jubilee Stakes. Its size of field and fierce pace provide a thrilling race for all and add to the finale of the five-day annual event. Saturday is also a terrific day for kids to experience the special Ascot Events environment and enjoyment. Children's tickets can just be bought on the day, with all money going to Ascot's yearly charitable providing.
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Reserving ahead is recommended if you are considering a fine dining experience in the Royal Enclosure or Queen Anne Enclosure, with a number of dining establishments already sold out across all days.
What is Ascot ladies day?
The world's most attractive race day. Ladies Day at Royal Ascot is renowned as the most significant day on the British social and sporting calendar. It is worth bearing in mind that many days across the four enclosures sell out well in advance. So plan early-- and delight in. Whatever day you select, Ascot UK truly resembles no place else. Each day provides a different experience but always with the exact same design and elegance that the racecourse is renowned for. Impressive racing, thrilling home entertainment, spectacular food and sartorial elegance can constantly be expected. Make sure to examine the main gown code for your enclosure prior to you go, look at possible upgrades you can select to improve the event and prepare yourself for one of the most remarkable days in the British social-- and horse racing-- calendar. The Royal Ascot definitely measures up to its main motto," Like no place else." A significant event on the British social calendar considering that its founding by Queen Anne in 1711, the annual race conference, which takes place each June at the Ascot Racecourse in Berkshire, England, stays a heady mix of pomp, tradition, fashion, class distinction and, of course, sport. Formally opened each day by the Queen, along with assorted royals, the most apt method to describe the experience to Americans would be to imagine a cross between a royal wedding event and the Kentucky Derby, other than boozier, if that's humanly possible (by means of champagne instead of bourbon). Though each of the five days has its highlights, Opening Day remains unique merely due to the fact that it brings in a complete complement of royals while also limiting admission to the Royal Enclosure, the most prestigious level of presence, to members only. How does one end up being a member of this classy pack? The answer is intentionally left vague, involving a secret dish of social stature, connections, letters of reference, and, above all, ambition. On the staying four days, members are allowed to buy 2 guest badges each daily. Ascot Opening Day was celebrated by the Lerner and Loewe musical, "My Fair Lady," which opened on Broadway in 1956 starring Rex Harrison and Julie Andrews, and later made into a big-budget Hollywood extravaganza, once again with Rex Harrison however with Audrey Hepburn replacing Andrews. (It's running yet once again this season on Broadway at Lincoln Center Theater.).
Both the stage production and the film featured spectacular representations of Royal Ascot with sets and outfits by Cecil Beaton, the iconic photographer, designer, diarist and royal elbow-rubber. Extremely developed in black and white, the number, specifically in the film version, virtually bases on its own as a pill of choreography and couture. Today, Ascot Opening Day is a far less mannerist affair, but equally fashion-aligned. In the rarified air of the Royal Enclosure, custom reigns supreme in all manners of dress throughout the five-day period. Males are required to wear a full early morning fit with waistcoat and either a black or grey stovepipe hat at all times. Only black shoes are enabled and in an affront to the existing style for bare ankles, socks are mandatory. Only in 2015, for the really very first time in Ascot Events's history, when the temperature skyrocketed into the 90s, were guys enabled to eliminate their coats and hats. Otherwise, hats must remain on heads other than within a restaurant, a private box, an enclosed terrace, and a few other designated locations. Ladies should use a hat with a minimum base of 4 inches (i.e. no fascinators) and dresses with a modest cut. Pants and one-piece suits are enabled, but once again with a caution: pants need to be worn with a jacket or leading "in a coordinating fabric." There is a large range of elegant to cheeky, however Brits do the "garden party" look quite well, with a mix of brilliant colors, flower prints and the current look of long, streaming gowns that obviously take their remedies from the younger members of the Royal Family.
How long does Royal Ascot last?
Over 300,000 people make the yearly visit to Berkshire during Royal Ascot week, making this Europe's best-attended race conference. There are eighteen group races on offer, with at least one Group One event on each of the five days. Beyond the Royal Enclosure, each section has its own set of sartorial guidelines. If the Royal Enclosure is First Class, Company Class would be the Queen Anne Enclosure. There, guys should use a suit and tie and females are asked to use classy gowns and a hat. Premium Economy would be The Village Enclosure, with the same dress code as the Queen Anne Enclosure. The Windsor Enclosure is the most unwinded, with no dress code at all. The official website states "lively, amazing and fun" which translates to party main, sometimes rather rowdy. Certainly, every level of Ascot Events is celebration hearty, despite whether sustained by Bollinger, Pimm's, or Guinness. The numbers speak volumes. Throughout five days, 300,000 participants will have consumed 56,000 bottles of champagne, 44,000 bottles of wine, 21,000 containers of Pimm's and 60,000 finger sandwiches. For those who do not imbibe, fear not. Also taken in are 80,000 cups of tea and 128,500 bottles of mineral water.
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No matter which area one remains in or what is in one's glass, the mood is decidedly buoyant, fired up by the arrival of the Queen and numerous members of her family in a line of horse drawn carriages. This year, as usual, the Royal Procession went into the park through the Royal Gates visible to all off in the distance. The closer the carriages got to the stands, the louder the buzz from the crowd. Simultaneously, the Band of Her Majesty's Irish Guards marched into place to play the nationwide anthem, "God Conserve the Queen." Thousands of top hats were removed en masse and the crowd sang, followed by spontaneous applause and cheers that grew into a cacophony as the Queen's carriage passed, accompanied by continuously "Hip, Hip, Hoorays!" Resplendent in a jonquil yellow coat and hat, she was accompanied by her child, Andrew, daughter Anne, and Lord Vestey, Master of the Horse to the Royal Household. Next came Prince Charles with Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall and the Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie. However the loudest cheers this go round were for the residents of the third carriage, Prince Harry and his brand-new bride-to-be Meghan with Prince Edward and his partner, Sophie. Following the royal arrival, similar to halftime at a football game, there's a mad rush for the bars and the toilets. But instead of beers and brats, it's Bollinger and lobster rolls. Yes, there are a couple of thrilling horse races, accompanied by a remarkable quantity of drinking. But the real show is in the garden of the Royal Enclosure, which becomes one big party, and, naturally, the Royal Box, which hovers over the stands like the bridge of an enormous ocean liner. One can easily see the comings and goings through its set of double doors, with riding crop handles, from a number of perspective within the clubhouse, which feels precisely like a shopping center, although it has bars and betting stations instead of shops. One can relatively make a bet pretty much anywhere. In addition to the stationary desks, there are mobile kiosks scattered inside the clubhouse and throughout the park. One can even position a bet, albeit prior to 2 p.m. on what color the Queen will use. (Last year, I won ₤ 15 on pink.) And if one remains in the ideal location at the correct time, the doors to the Royal Box will swing open and a small little figure in a brilliantly colored coat and hat will emerge, and stroll unaccompanied to the parade ring to present a trophy, often several times a day. This is why one participates in Ascot UK: to witness firsthand the gravitas, the magnificence, the adulation and a little the seclusion that accompanies what the current occupant of Buckingham Palace refers to, at times wearily, "this task for life." It's a thrilling and oddly moving thing to see. After all, who needs to binge watch The Crown when one can simply binge enjoy the Queen?
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full0fwine-blog · 6 years
Nine Breathtaking Facts About Royal Ascot 2019
The Royal Ascot 2019 horse race is entering its 3rd day, with all eyes on the elegant hats, attractive outfits, obviously, the royals. Day Three of the five-day event is also the day of the historic Gold Cup. The Gold Cup is Ascot's longest making it through race, and what is now referred to as Royal Ascot started to take shape when The Gold Cup was first run in 1807. The Gold Cup coincides with what is colloquially known as "Ladies' Day," a term initially utilized in 1823. A confidential poet explained the day as "Ladies' Day ... when the women, like angels, look sweetly magnificent." But the Ascot doesn't officially recognize the day as Ladies' Day. As the Ascot's director of racing, Nick Smith, described to The Telegraph, they haven't described Ladies' Day in any marketing or promos materials. "We are comfortable with the public calling it that, but to market it as such would cause confusion as ladies' days far from Ascot Events are completely various," he stated. "We do not have finest dressed competitors-- for either sex-- and we don't believe catwalks and such like is what it has to do with."
What is the Royal Ascot?
One of Britain's a lot of widely known racecourses, Ascot holds a special week of races in June each year called Royal Ascot, attended by The Queen and other Royals At other horse races in the U.K., Ladies' Days are associated with style competitions. At the Kelso Racecourse, which stages fifteen dives fixtures throughout the season from September through May, there are competitors for categories such as Finest Dressed Lady, Best Dressed Couple, and Finest Hat. While there are no competitions at Ascot, according to The Evening Standard, ladies still take care to dress in an extra attractive search Ladies' Day to commemorate. Princess Eugenie wore a gorgeous floral-print Erdem dress teamed with a boater hat, while singer Ciara selected an elegant white Edeline Lee gown. Royal Ascot's spectacular heritage, unlike any other, has made the event the most anticipated and revered the world over. From the arrival of the Royal Procession at 2pm sharp to common singing around the bandstand, with six exceptional top-class races between, each of the five days is extraordinary.
It's a social emphasize of the summertime, not just for the racing and royalty but likewise because of the style, style and breadth of entertainment available. An option of 4 enclosures, each with an individual character and numerous food and drink alternatives, enable you to curate your own genuinely unique event. From unique street food, premium burgers and timeless afternoon tea to bring-your-own picnics on the immaculate yards and dining from Michelin-starred chefs, the options for an exquisite food experience alone are unlimited. It's an opportunity to dress up and enjoy yourself while trying to break bookmakers' hearts. To experience it to its maximum, a little preparation will pay huge dividends. Tuesday 19 If you're looking to experience Ascot Events at its most regal, the opening day is a must. When the clock strikes two the Royal Procession starts and the landaus, led by four Windsor greys, make their method along the Straight Mile, enacting a British custom that stretches back to when Queen Victoria was a lady. There is no similar event in the racing calendar or indeed the sporting world and, while the phenomenon is duplicated every day of the conference, Royal Ascot's opening day is justifiably renowned as awesome.
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For flat racing fans too, this is a day not to miss. Three Group One races-- the sport's greatest classification, with the greatest prize money and the best horses-- are run: the Queen Anne Stakes, the King's Stand Stakes and the St James's Palace Stakes. Wednesday 20 A more carefully paced day however no less amazing, as it includes the Group One Prince of Wales's Stakes. This is held by numerous to be Royal Ascot's crucial race of the modern age: the wealthiest race of the entire meeting with a bag of ₤ 750,000. And where better to view it than in the Queen Anne Enclosure? Not as formal but just as perfectly made up as the members-only Royal Enclosure-- no stovepipe hats and tails needed-- this enclosure provides the best and up-close views of the stunning horses, both in the Pre-Parade Ring and the Parade Ring. With Wednesday being a slightly calmer day, perhaps look for the various sculpture setups spread around the racecourse, some irreversible and illustrating previous stars of Ascot in their most regal states while others feature exclusively for the royal meeting. Entertainment is omnipresent at Royal Ascot with every day drawing to a close around the iconic bandstand, situated in the Queen Anne Enclosure, for triumphant and generally British communal singing at 6pm. Thursday 21 Among Royal Ascot's endearing eccentricities is that Thursday is not formally called Ladies' Day however Gold Cup Day. But this is certainly the day when all eyes are concentrated on the hats, and both traditional and modern screens of stunning millinery are most on show. Queen Anne Enclosure guests can show off their headwear while delighting in a grilled lobster or champagne afternoon tea at 1768 Grill and Tea Rooms. A best Ladies Day experience to boost your wedding, this dining establishment was among several outlets introduced in 2017 to use racegoers an option for lunch and afternoon tea that does not need reservation in advance.
Gold Cup Day is also when Ascot's most prestigious race is run-- always a source of high drama as it unfolds over 2 and a half miles. You can get a fresh point of view on this by watching from Royal Ascot's latest enclosure, The Town, which is open from Thursday to Saturday. Found on the within the track, with the Grandstand providing a background to the day, the Village Enclosure has actually currently ended up being popular with a more youthful, fashion-conscious group of racegoers looking for a contemporary Royal Ascot experience. Three phases use a series of music all day and, once the racing surfaces, the live entertainment continues till 9pm with a varied collection of store restaurants and champagne bars to keep the party going and produce an imagine a summer night. Friday 22 The racing remains of the highest quality all week with Friday peaking once more as spectators witness 2 Group One races-- The Commonwealth Cup and The Coronation Stakes. As the weekend nears, racegoers can enjoy the marvelous atmosphere in the Queen Anne Enclosure and sample from the most splendid series of food and drink with a last-minute dining experience at James Tanner's Queen Anne Kitchen area or by delighting in a Royal Ascot Blush Cocktail from among the quintessential bars found in the location. There are numerous artisan food stalls and champagne bars in The Town and Windsor Enclosures, however equally lots of visitors take pleasure in bringing their own picnics. There are, however, specific constraints that use and the only alcohol that visitors might bring with them is sparkling wine or champagne (and a maximum of one bottle per person). Saturday 23 There is no stopping the spectacular racing and the last day is no exception. Its format is a recognisable six-race card staged between 2.30 pm and 5.35 pm. Saturday's emphasize is certainly The Diamond Jubilee Stakes. Its size of field and fierce pace provide a thrilling race for all and contribute to the finale of the five-day yearly occasion. Saturday is likewise an excellent day for children to experience the unique Royal Ascot Ladies Day environment and enjoyment. Children's tickets can only be purchased on the day, with all loan going to Ascot's annual charitable giving.
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Booking ahead is advised if you are considering a great dining experience in the Royal Enclosure or Queen Anne Enclosure, with a number of dining establishments currently sold out throughout all the times.
What is Ascot ladies day?
The world's most glamorous race day. Ladies Day at Royal Ascot is renowned as the biggest day on the British social and sporting calendar. It is worth remembering that lots of days throughout the 4 enclosures sell out well in advance. So plan early-- and take pleasure in. Whatever day you pick, Royal Ascot 2019 really is like no place else. Every day offers a various experience however constantly with the same design and elegance that the racecourse is renowned for. Exceptional racing, exciting entertainment, magnificent food and sartorial sophistication can constantly be anticipated. Make sure to check the main gown code for your enclosure before you go, look at possible upgrades you can pick to boost the celebration and prepare yourself for among the most marvelous days in the British social-- and horse racing-- calendar. The Royal Ascot definitely measures up to its main motto," Like no place else." A significant event on the British social calendar considering that its founding by Queen Anne in 1711, the annual race meeting, which occurs each June at the Ascot Racecourse in Berkshire, England, remains a heady mix of pomp, tradition, fashion, class difference and, of course, sport. Formally opened every day by the Queen, together with assorted royals, the most apt way to describe the experience to Americans would be to envision a cross between a royal wedding and the Kentucky Derby, other than boozier, if that's humanly possible (via champagne rather than bourbon). Though each of the five days has its highlights, Opening Day remains unique just since it brings in a full complement of royals while also restricting admission to the Royal Enclosure, the most distinguished level of attendance, to members only. How does one end up being a member of this chic pack? The answer is intentionally left unclear, including a secret dish of social stature, connections, letters of reference, and, above all, aspiration. On the remaining 4 days, members are allowed to acquire two guest badges each each day. Ascot Opening Day was commemorated by the Lerner and Loewe musical, "My Fair Lady," which opened on Broadway in 1956 starring Rex Harrison and Julie Andrews, and later made into a big-budget Hollywood extravaganza, once again with Rex Harrison but with Audrey Hepburn replacing Andrews. (It's running yet once again this season on Broadway at Lincoln Center Theater.).
Both the stage production and the movie featured incredible depictions of Royal Ascot with sets and costumes by Cecil Beaton, the iconic photographer, designer, diarist and royal elbow-rubber. Extremely developed in black and white, the number, particularly in the movie version, practically stands on its own as a capsule of choreography and couture. Today, Ascot Opening Day is a far less mannerist affair, however similarly fashion-aligned. In the rarified air of the Royal Enclosure, tradition reigns supreme in all good manners of gown throughout the five-day duration. Men are required to use a full morning suit with waistcoat and either a black or grey top hat at all times. Just black shoes are permitted and in an affront to the current vogue for bare ankles, socks are compulsory. Only last year, for the extremely very first time in Royal Ascot's history, when the temperature soared into the 90s, were guys enabled to eliminate their coats and hats. Otherwise, hats must remain on heads except within a dining establishment, a private box, an enclosed terrace, and a few other designated areas. Ladies must wear a hat with a minimum base of 4 inches (i.e. no fascinators) and dresses with a modest cut. Trousers and one-piece suits are enabled, however again with a caution: trousers should be used with a jacket or top "in a coordinating fabric." There is a vast array of chic to cheeky, however Brits do the "garden celebration" look quite well, with a mix of intense colors, floral prints and the current appearance of long, streaming dresses that clearly take their cures from the younger members of the Royal Family.
How long does Royal Ascot last?
Over 300,000 individuals make the annual visit to Berkshire throughout Royal Ascot week, making this Europe's best-attended race meeting. There are eighteen group races on offer, with at least one Group One event on each of the 5 days. Beyond the Royal Enclosure, each section has its own set of sartorial guidelines. If the Royal Enclosure is First Class, Company Class would be the Queen Anne Enclosure. There, males need to use a fit and tie and ladies are asked to wear stylish gowns and a hat. Premium Economy would be The Village Enclosure, with the same gown code as the Queen Anne Enclosure. The Windsor Enclosure is the most unwinded, with no gown code at all. The main website says "vibrant, interesting and fun" which translates to celebration central, sometimes rather rowdy. Indeed, every level of Ascot UK is party hearty, despite whether sustained by Bollinger, Pimm's, or Guinness. The numbers speak volumes. Throughout 5 days, 300,000 attendees will have taken in 56,000 bottles of champagne, 44,000 bottles of wine, 21,000 containers of Pimm's and 60,000 finger sandwiches. For those who do not imbibe, fear not. Likewise taken in are 80,000 cups of tea and 128,500 bottles of mineral water.
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No matter which area one remains in or what is in one's glass, the state of mind is extremely resilient, ignited by the arrival of the Queen and various members of her family in a line of horse drawn carriages. This year, as usual, the Royal Procession entered the park through the Royal Gates noticeable to all off in the distance. The closer the carriages got to the stands, the louder the buzz from the crowd. Simultaneously, the Band of Her Majesty's Irish Guards marched into place to play the national anthem, "God Save the Queen." Countless top hats were eliminated en masse and the crowd sang, followed by spontaneous applause and cheers that grew into a cacophony as the Queen's carriage passed, accompanied by nonstop "Hip, Hip, Hoorays!" Resplendent in a jonquil yellow coat and hat, she was accompanied by her boy, Andrew, daughter Anne, and Lord Vestey, Master of the Horse to the Royal Household. Next came Prince Charles with Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall and the Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie. However the loudest cheers this go round were for the residents of the 3rd carriage, Prince Harry and his brand-new bride-to-be Meghan with Prince Edward and his partner, Sophie. Following the royal arrival, just like halftime at a football game, there's a mad rush for the bars and the toilets. However instead of beers and brats, it's Bollinger and lobster rolls. Yes, there are a couple of thrilling horse races, accompanied by a tremendous amount of drinking. However the real program is in the garden of the Royal Enclosure, which turns into one big celebration, and, naturally, the Royal Box, which hovers over the stands like the bridge of a massive ocean liner. One can easily see the comings and goings through its set of double doors, with riding crop manages, from numerous perspective within the clubhouse, which feels exactly like a shopping mall, although it has bars and wagering stations instead of boutiques. One can apparently make a bet practically anywhere. In addition to the stationary desks, there are mobile kiosks spread inside the clubhouse and throughout the park. One can even position a bet, albeit prior to 2 p.m. on what color the Queen will use. (Last year, I won ₤ 15 on pink.) And if one remains in the right location at the right time, the doors to the Royal Box will swing open and a small little figure in a brilliantly colored coat and hat will emerge, and walk unaccompanied to the parade ring to provide a trophy, in some cases numerous times a day. This is why one attends Ladies Day: to witness firsthand the gravitas, the magnificence, the adulation and a little bit of the seclusion that accompanies what the existing resident of Buckingham Palace refers to, sometimes wearily, "this job for life." It's a thrilling and unusually moving thing to see. After all, who needs to binge watch The Crown when one can merely binge enjoy the Queen?
0 notes
Seven Amazing Details About Ladies Day
The Royal Ascot 2019 horse race is entering its third day, with all eyes on the elegant hats, glamorous clothing, naturally, the royals. Day Three of the five-day event is likewise the day of the historic Gold Cup. The Gold Cup is Ascot's longest making it through race, and what is now called Royal Ascot began to take shape when The Gold Cup was first run in 1807. The Gold Cup accompanies what is colloquially referred to as "Ladies' Day," a term first used in 1823. An anonymous poet described the day as "Ladies' Day ... when the ladies, like angels, look sweetly divine." However the Ascot doesn't officially acknowledge the day as Ladies' Day. As the Ascot's director of racing, Nick Smith, explained to The Telegraph, they have not described Ladies' Day in any marketing or promotions materials. "We are comfortable with the general public calling it that, but to market it as such would trigger confusion as ladies' days far from Royal Ascot Ladies Day are totally various," he stated. "We do not have actually finest dressed competitors-- for either sex-- and we do not believe catwalks and such like is what it has to do with."
What is the Royal Ascot?
Among Britain's many widely known racecourses, Ascot holds an unique week of races in June each year called Royal Ascot, participated in by The Queen and other Royals At other horse races in the U.K., Ladies' Days are associated with fashion competitions. At the Kelso Racecourse, which phases fifteen dives components during the season from September through Might, there are competitions for classifications such as Best Dressed Lady, Finest Dressed Couple, and Finest Hat. While there are no competitors at Ascot, according to The Evening Requirement, ladies still make sure to dress in an extra attractive search Ladies' Day to commemorate. Princess Eugenie wore a gorgeous floral-print Erdem gown teamed with a boater hat, while vocalist Ciara went with an elegant white Edeline Lee dress. Royal Ascot's amazing heritage, unlike any other, has actually made the event the most awaited and revered the world over. From the arrival of the Royal Procession at 2pm sharp to communal singing around the bandstand, with six exceptional top-class races in between, each of the 5 days is memorable.
It's a social emphasize of the summer season, not just for the racing and royalty however also because of the fashion, design and breadth of entertainment on offer. An option of 4 enclosures, each with a private character and numerous food and drink options, allow you to curate your own genuinely unique celebration. From exotic street food, gourmet burgers and classic afternoon tea to bring-your-own picnics on the immaculate yards and dining from Michelin-starred chefs, the options for a beautiful food experience alone are limitless. It's a chance to dress up and enjoy yourself while trying to break bookies' hearts. To experience it to its max, a little preparation will pay big dividends. Tuesday 19 If you're wanting to experience Royal Ascot at its most regal, the opening day is a must. When the clock strikes two the Royal Procession starts and the landaus, led by 4 Windsor greys, make their way along the Straight Mile, enacting a British tradition that extends back to when Queen Victoria was a girl. There is no comparable event in the racing calendar or indeed the sporting world and, while the spectacle is repeated every day of the meeting, Royal Ascot's opening day is justifiably renowned as spectacular.
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For flat racing fans too, this is a day not to miss out on. Three Group One races-- the sport's highest category, with the biggest prize money and the very best horses-- are run: the Queen Anne Stakes, the King's Stand Stakes and the St James's Palace Stakes. Wednesday 20 A more carefully paced day however no less amazing, as it consists of the Group One Prince of Wales's Stakes. This is held by many to be Royal Ascot's most important race of the modern-day age: the richest race of the whole meeting with a bag of ₤ 750,000. And where better to enjoy it than in the Queen Anne Enclosure? Not as formal however just as perfectly made up as the members-only Royal Enclosure-- no top hats and tails required-- this enclosure offers the perfect and up-close views of the sensational horses, both in the Pre-Parade Ring and the Parade Ring. With Wednesday being a somewhat calmer day, maybe look for the numerous sculpture installations spread around the racecourse, some permanent and portraying past stars of Ascot in their most regal states while others feature specifically for the royal meeting. Entertainment is omnipresent at Royal Ascot with each day drawing to a close around the renowned bandstand, situated in the Queen Anne Enclosure, for victorious and traditionally British common singing at 6pm. Thursday 21 One of Royal Ascot's endearing eccentricities is that Thursday is not officially called Ladies' Day however Gold Cup Day. However this is undoubtedly the day when all eyes are concentrated on the hats, and both conventional and modern screens of magnificent millinery are most on program. Queen Anne Enclosure visitors can display their headwear while delighting in a grilled lobster or champagne afternoon tea at 1768 Grill and Tea Rooms. An ideal Ascot Events experience to boost your special day, this dining establishment was among a number of outlets presented in 2017 to provide racegoers a choice for lunch and afternoon tea that does not need booking in advance.
Gold Cup Day is also when Ascot's the majority of distinguished race is run-- always a source of high drama as it unfolds over two and a half miles. You can get a fresh perspective on this by watching from Royal Ascot's latest enclosure, The Village, which is open from Thursday to Saturday. Located on the within the track, with the Grandstand offering a backdrop to the day, the Village Enclosure has actually currently become popular with a more youthful, fashion-conscious group of racegoers searching for a modern Royal Ascot experience. Three stages offer a variety of music all day and, once the racing finishes, the live entertainment continues up until 9pm with a varied collection of store restaurants and champagne bars to keep the celebration going and create a dream of a summer night. Friday 22 The racing remains of the highest quality all week with Friday peaking once more as viewers witness two Group One races-- The Commonwealth Cup and The Coronation Stakes. As the weekend nears, racegoers can enjoy the glorious atmosphere in the Queen Anne Enclosure and sample from the most magnificent series of food and drink with a last-minute dining experience at James Tanner's Queen Anne Cooking area or by delighting in a Royal Ascot Blush Cocktail from among the quintessential bars found in the location. There are numerous craftsmen food stalls and champagne bars in The Town and Windsor Enclosures, however similarly numerous visitors delight in bringing their own picnics. There are, nevertheless, particular limitations that apply and the only alcohol that visitors may bring with them is sparkling wine or champagne (and a maximum of one bottle per person). Saturday 23 There is no stopping the magnificent racing and the last day is no exception. Its format is a recognisable six-race card staged in between 2.30 pm and 5.35 pm. Saturday's emphasize is certainly The Diamond Jubilee Stakes. Its size of field and strong pace provide a thrilling race for all and add to the finale of the five-day yearly event. Saturday is likewise a great day for kids to experience the special Ascot UK atmosphere and enjoyment. Kid's tickets can only be bought on the day, with all cash going to Ascot's annual charitable providing.
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Booking ahead is encouraged if you are thinking about a fine dining experience in the Royal Enclosure or Queen Anne Enclosure, with numerous restaurants currently sold out throughout all days.
What is Ascot ladies day?
The world's most attractive race day. Ladies Day at Royal Ascot is renowned as the greatest day on the British social and sporting calendar. It is worth bearing in mind that many days across the four enclosures sell out well beforehand. So plan early-- and take pleasure in. Whatever day you pick, Ascot actually resembles no place else. Every day provides a different experience but always with the same design and elegance that the racecourse is renowned for. Exceptional racing, thrilling entertainment, magnificent food and sartorial beauty can constantly be anticipated. Be sure to inspect the official gown code for your enclosure before you go, look at possible upgrades you can choose to improve the event and prepare yourself for one of the most marvelous days in the British social-- and horse racing-- calendar. The Royal Ascot certainly lives up to its main motto," Like no place else." A major event on the British social calendar because its founding by Queen Anne in 1711, the annual race conference, which happens each June at the Ascot Racecourse in Berkshire, England, stays a heady mix of pomp, custom, fashion, class distinction and, naturally, sport. Formally opened every day by the Queen, along with assorted royals, the most apt way to describe the experience to Americans would be to picture a cross in between a royal wedding event and the Kentucky Derby, except boozier, if that's humanly possible (via champagne instead of bourbon). Though each of the five days has its highlights, Opening Day remains special just because it attracts a full complement of royals while also restricting admission to the Royal Enclosure, the most prominent level of presence, to members only. How does one end up being a member of this posh pack? The answer is purposely left unclear, involving a secret recipe of social stature, connections, letters of reference, and, above all, ambition. On the staying four days, members are permitted to buy two guest badges each per day. Ascot Opening Day was immortalized by the Lerner and Loewe musical, "My Fair Lady," which opened on Broadway in 1956 starring Rex Harrison and Julie Andrews, and later made into a big-budget Hollywood extravaganza, once again with Rex Harrison but with Audrey Hepburn replacing Andrews. (It's running yet once again this season on Broadway at Lincoln Center Theater.).
Both the stage production and the movie featured spectacular representations of Royal Ascot with sets and costumes by Cecil Beaton, the iconic photographer, designer, diarist and royal elbow-rubber. Extremely created in black and white, the number, specifically in the film variation, almost bases on its own as a pill of choreography and couture. Today, Ascot Opening Day is a far less mannerist affair, however similarly fashion-aligned. In the rarified air of the Royal Enclosure, custom reigns supreme in all good manners of dress throughout the five-day duration. Men are required to use a full early morning fit with waistcoat and either a black or grey stovepipe hat at all times. Just black shoes are allowed and in an affront to the current vogue for bare ankles, socks are mandatory. Just last year, for the very very first time in Ascot UK's history, when the temperature skyrocketed into the 90s, were men enabled to remove their coats and hats. Otherwise, hats should stay on heads except within a restaurant, a private box, an enclosed balcony, and a couple of other designated locations. Ladies must use a hat with a minimum base of 4 inches (i.e. no fascinators) and gowns with a modest cut. Pants and jumpsuits are permitted, but again with a caveat: trousers should be used with a jacket or top "in a coordinating material." There is a wide variety of elegant to saucy, but Brits do the "garden celebration" look quite well, with a mix of intense colors, floral prints and the current look of long, flowing gowns that clearly take their remedies from the younger members of the Royal Family.
How long does Royal Ascot last?
Over 300,000 individuals make the yearly see to Berkshire during Royal Ascot week, making this Europe's best-attended race meeting. There are eighteen group races available, with at least one Group One event on each of the five days. Beyond the Royal Enclosure, each section has its own set of sartorial guidelines. If the Royal Enclosure is First Class, Organisation Class would be the Queen Anne Enclosure. There, men should wear a fit and tie and ladies are asked to use classy gowns and a hat. Premium Economy would be The Village Enclosure, with the very same gown code as the Queen Anne Enclosure. The Windsor Enclosure is the most relaxed, without any dress code at all. The main website states "lively, interesting and fun" which equates to celebration central, often rather rowdy. Undoubtedly, every level of Royal Ascot Ladies Day is party hearty, regardless of whether sustained by Bollinger, Pimm's, or Guinness. The numbers speak volumes. Over the course of five days, 300,000 guests will have taken in 56,000 bottles of champagne, 44,000 bottles of wine, 21,000 jugs of Pimm's and 60,000 finger sandwiches. For those who do not imbibe, fear not. Likewise taken in are 80,000 cups of tea and 128,500 bottles of mineral water.
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No matter which area one remains in or what remains in one's glass, the mood is decidedly buoyant, sparked by the arrival of the Queen and various members of her household in a line of horse drawn carriages. This year, as usual, the Royal Procession entered the park through the Royal Gates noticeable to all off in the distance. The closer the carriages got to the stands, the louder the buzz from the crowd. All at once, the Band of Her Majesty's Irish Guards marched into place to play the nationwide anthem, "God Conserve the Queen." Thousands of top hats were removed en masse and the crowd sang, followed by spontaneous applause and cheers that turned into a cacophony as the Queen's carriage passed, accompanied by nonstop "Hip, Hip, Hoorays!" Resplendent in a jonquil yellow coat and hat, she was accompanied by her boy, Andrew, child Anne, and Lord Vestey, Master of the Horse to the Royal Household. Next came Prince Charles with Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall and the Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie. However the loudest cheers this go round were for the occupants of the third carriage, Prince Harry and his new bride Meghan with Prince Edward and his wife, Sophie. Following the royal arrival, just like halftime at a football game, there's a mad rush for the bars and the toilets. But instead of beers and brats, it's Bollinger and lobster rolls. Yes, there are a couple of exhilarating horse races, accompanied by a remarkable quantity of drinking. However the real show is in the garden of the Royal Enclosure, which becomes one big party, and, naturally, the Royal Box, which hovers over the stands like the bridge of a huge ocean liner. One can quickly see the comings and goings through its set of double doors, with riding crop manages, from numerous viewpoint within the clubhouse, which feels exactly like a shopping center, although it has bars and wagering stations instead of boutiques. One can seemingly make a bet practically anywhere. In addition to the stationary desks, there are mobile kiosks spread inside the clubhouse and throughout the park. One can even place a bet, albeit prior to 2 p.m. on what color the Queen will use. (In 2015, I won ₤ 15 on pink.) And if one is in the ideal place at the right time, the doors to the Royal Box will swing open and a tiny little figure in a brilliantly colored coat and hat will emerge, and stroll unaccompanied to the parade ring to provide a trophy, sometimes several times a day. This is why one goes to Ascot: to witness firsthand the gravitas, the magnificence, the adulation and a little bit of the isolation that accompanies what the current occupant of Buckingham Palace describes, at times wearily, "this task for life." It's a thrilling and unusually moving thing to see. After all, who needs to binge watch The Crown when one can simply binge enjoy the Queen?
0 notes
sluttyshakespeare · 6 years
13 Spectacular Facts About Royal Ascot
The Ascot Events horse race is entering its 3rd day, with all eyes on the lavish hats, glamorous clothing, obviously, the royals. Day 3 of the five-day event is likewise the day of the historic Gold Cup. The Gold Cup is Ascot's longest enduring race, and what is now called Royal Ascot started to take shape when The Gold Cup was first run in 1807. The Gold Cup accompanies what is informally called "Ladies' Day," a term initially utilized in 1823. A confidential poet described the day as "Ladies' Day ... when the women, like angels, look sweetly divine." However the Ascot doesn't formally acknowledge the day as Ladies' Day. As the Ascot's director of racing, Nick Smith, discussed to The Telegraph, they have not referred to Ladies' Day in any marketing or promotions materials. "We are comfortable with the public calling it that, but to market it as such would cause confusion as ladies' days far from Royal Ascot 2019 are completely different," he said. "We don't have actually finest dressed competitors-- for either sex-- and we don't think catwalks and such like is what it is about."
What is the Royal Ascot?
One of Britain's a lot of widely known racecourses, Ascot holds an unique week of races in June each year called Royal Ascot, participated in by The Queen and other Royals At other horse races in the U.K., Ladies' Days are synonymous with fashion competitors. At the Kelso Racecourse, which stages fifteen jumps fixtures during the season from September through May, there are competitors for classifications such as Best Dressed Lady, Finest Dressed Couple, and Finest Hat. While there are no competitors at Ascot, according to The Evening Standard, ladies still make sure to dress in an extra glamorous look on Ladies' Day to celebrate. Princess Eugenie used a beautiful floral-print Erdem dress teamed with a boater hat, while singer Ciara chose a chic white Edeline Lee dress. Royal Ascot's magnificent heritage, unlike any other, has made the event the most expected and revered the world over. From the arrival of the Royal Procession at 2pm sharp to common singing around the bandstand, with 6 outstanding top-class races in between, each of the five days is unforgettable.
It's a social highlight of the summer season, not just for the racing and royalty however also because of the fashion, style and breadth of entertainment available. A choice of 4 enclosures, each with a specific character and various food and drink alternatives, allow you to curate your own genuinely unique celebration. From unique street food, premium burgers and classic afternoon tea to bring-your-own picnics on the spotless lawns and dining from Michelin-starred chefs, the options for a splendid food experience alone are endless. It's a chance to dress up and enjoy yourself while trying to break bookmakers' hearts. To experience it to its fullest, a little preparation will pay huge dividends. Tuesday 19 If you're aiming to experience Royal Ascot Ladies Day at its most regal, the opening day is a must. When the clock strikes 2 the Royal Procession starts and the landaus, led by four Windsor greys, make their way along the Straight Mile, enacting a British tradition that extends back to when Queen Victoria was a woman. There is no equivalent event in the racing calendar or indeed the sporting world and, while the spectacle is repeated every day of the meeting, Royal Ascot's opening day is justifiably renowned as spectacular.
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For flat racing fans too, this is a day not to miss. Three Group One races-- the sport's highest classification, with the greatest prize money and the best horses-- are run: the Queen Anne Stakes, the King's Stand Stakes and the St James's Palace Stakes. Wednesday 20 A more carefully paced day however no less interesting, as it consists of the Group One Prince of Wales's Stakes. This is held by numerous to be Royal Ascot's essential race of the contemporary age: the wealthiest race of the entire conference with a bag of ₤ 750,000. And where better to watch it than in the Queen Anne Enclosure? Not as formal but just as beautifully composed as the members-only Royal Enclosure-- no stovepipe hats and tails needed-- this enclosure provides the perfect and up-close views of the stunning horses, both in the Pre-Parade Ring and the Parade Ring. With Wednesday being a somewhat calmer day, maybe look for the numerous sculpture installations scattered around the racecourse, some permanent and depicting past stars of Ascot in their most regal states while others feature exclusively for the royal meeting. Entertainment is universal at Royal Ascot with every day drawing to a close around the iconic bandstand, situated in the Queen Anne Enclosure, for victorious and traditionally British common singing at 6pm. Thursday 21 Among Royal Ascot's capitivating eccentricities is that Thursday is not officially called Ladies' Day but Gold Cup Day. But this is undoubtedly the day when all eyes are focused on the hats, and both standard and modern display screens of splendid millinery are most on show. Queen Anne Enclosure visitors can display their headwear while enjoying a grilled lobster or champagne afternoon tea at 1768 Grill and Tea Rooms. A perfect Ascot UK experience to enhance your special day, this restaurant was one of numerous outlets presented in 2017 to offer racegoers a choice for lunch and afternoon tea that does not need booking in advance.
Gold Cup Day is likewise when Ascot's many distinguished race is run-- always a source of high drama as it unfolds over two and a half miles. You can get a fresh perspective on this by watching from Royal Ascot's newest enclosure, The Town, which is open from Thursday to Saturday. Located on the within the track, with the Grandstand offering a backdrop to the day, the Village Enclosure has actually currently ended up being popular with a younger, fashion-conscious group of racegoers trying to find a contemporary Royal Ascot experience. 3 stages use a variety of music throughout the day and, once the racing finishes, the live home entertainment continues till 9pm with a diverse collection of shop dining establishments and champagne bars to keep the party going and create an imagine a summer night. Friday 22 The racing remains of the highest quality all week with Friday peaking once more as spectators witness two Group One races-- The Commonwealth Cup and The Coronation Stakes. As the weekend nears, racegoers can delight in the remarkable environment in the Queen Anne Enclosure and sample from the most magnificent range of food and drink with a last-minute dining experience at James Tanner's Queen Anne Kitchen area or by delighting in a Royal Ascot Blush Mixed drink from among the quintessential bars located in the location. There are numerous artisan food stalls and champagne bars in The Town and Windsor Enclosures, but similarly numerous visitors delight in bringing their own picnics. There are, nevertheless, particular limitations that apply and the only alcohol that guests might bring with them is sparkling wine or champagne (and a maximum of one bottle per person). Saturday 23 There is no stopping the spectacular racing and the final day is no exception. Its format is a recognisable six-race card staged in between 2.30 pm and 5.35 pm. Saturday's emphasize is undoubtedly The Diamond Jubilee Stakes. Its size of field and intense speed supply a thrilling race for all and add to the finale of the five-day yearly occasion. Saturday is likewise a great day for children to experience the distinct Royal Ascot Ladies Day atmosphere and excitement. Kid's tickets can just be bought on the day, with all loan going to Ascot's annual charitable offering.
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Scheduling ahead is encouraged if you are thinking about a fine dining experience in the Royal Enclosure or Queen Anne Enclosure, with numerous dining establishments already sold out throughout throughout the days.
What is Ascot ladies day?
The world's most glamorous race day. Ladies Day at Royal Ascot is renowned as the biggest day on the British social and sporting calendar. It deserves bearing in mind that lots of days across the four enclosures sell out well in advance. So strategy early-- and enjoy. Whatever day you pick, Royal Ascot Ladies Day truly is like no place else. Every day offers a various experience but constantly with the very same style and elegance that the racecourse is renowned for. Exceptional racing, exhilarating entertainment, splendid food and sartorial sophistication can constantly be expected. Make sure to inspect the official dress code for your enclosure before you go, look at possible upgrades you can select to improve the event and prepare yourself for among the most glorious days in the British social-- and horse racing-- calendar. The Royal Ascot certainly measures up to its main slogan," Like nowhere else." A significant event on the British social calendar given that its founding by Queen Anne in 1711, the annual race meeting, which happens each June at the Ascot Racecourse in Berkshire, England, stays a heady mix of pomp, tradition, fashion, class distinction and, obviously, sport. Officially opened each day by the Queen, in addition to various royals, the most apt method to describe the experience to Americans would be to envision a cross in between a royal wedding and the Kentucky Derby, except boozier, if that's humanly possible (via champagne instead of bourbon). Though each of the 5 days has its highlights, Opening Day stays unique merely due to the fact that it brings in a full enhance of royals while also limiting admission to the Royal Enclosure, the most prominent level of presence, to members only. How does one become a member of this posh pack? The answer is deliberately left unclear, including a secret dish of social stature, connections, letters of reference, and, above all, aspiration. On the remaining 4 days, members are permitted to acquire two guest badges each each day. Ascot Opening Day was commemorated by the Lerner and Loewe musical, "My Fair Lady," which opened on Broadway in 1956 starring Rex Harrison and Julie Andrews, and later on made into a big-budget Hollywood extravaganza, again with Rex Harrison but with Audrey Hepburn replacing Andrews. (It's running yet once again this season on Broadway at Lincoln Center Theater.).
Both the stage production and the movie included amazing depictions of Royal Ascot with sets and costumes by Cecil Beaton, the iconic photographer, designer, diarist and royal elbow-rubber. Intensely designed in black and white, the number, specifically in the film version, virtually bases on its own as a capsule of choreography and couture. Today, Ascot Opening Day is a far less mannerist affair, however equally fashion-aligned. In the rarified air of the Royal Enclosure, custom reigns supreme in all manners of gown throughout the five-day duration. Males are required to use a full morning match with waistcoat and either a black or grey top hat at all times. Only black shoes are enabled and in an affront to the present style for bare ankles, socks are mandatory. Just last year, for the extremely very first time in Ascot UK's history, when the temperature soared into the 90s, were males allowed to remove their coats and hats. Otherwise, hats should remain on heads other than within a restaurant, a personal box, an enclosed terrace, and a couple of other designated areas. Ladies must wear a hat with a minimum base of four inches (i.e. no fascinators) and gowns with a modest cut. Pants and jumpsuits are permitted, however once again with a caveat: pants should be used with a coat or leading "in a coordinating fabric." There is a wide variety of elegant to cheeky, however Brits do the "garden party" look quite well, with a mix of bright colors, floral prints and the recent appearance of long, flowing gowns that undoubtedly take their treatments from the more youthful members of the Royal Household.
How long does Royal Ascot last?
Over 300,000 people make the yearly see to Berkshire during Royal Ascot week, making this Europe's best-attended race conference. There are eighteen group races available, with at least one Group One event on each of the five days. Beyond the Royal Enclosure, each area has its own set of sartorial guidelines. If the Royal Enclosure is First Class, Company Class would be the Queen Anne Enclosure. There, men should wear a match and tie and women are asked to wear tasteful gowns and a hat. Premium Economy would be The Town Enclosure, with the same dress code as the Queen Anne Enclosure. The Windsor Enclosure is the most unwinded, without any dress code at all. The official site says "lively, interesting and enjoyable" which translates to celebration main, often rather rowdy. Indeed, every level of Ascot is celebration hearty, no matter whether fueled by Bollinger, Pimm's, or Guinness. The numbers speak volumes. Over the course of five days, 300,000 attendees will have taken in 56,000 bottles of champagne, 44,000 bottles of white wine, 21,000 jugs of Pimm's and 60,000 finger sandwiches. For those who do not imbibe, fear not. Likewise taken in are 80,000 cups of tea and 128,500 bottles of mineral water.
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No matter which area one is in or what remains in one's glass, the mood is distinctly buoyant, fired up by the arrival of the Queen and different members of her family in a line of horse drawn carriages. This year, as usual, the Royal Procession entered the park through the Royal Gates visible to all off in the distance. The closer the carriages got to the stands, the louder the buzz from the crowd. Simultaneously, the Band of Her Majesty's Irish Guards marched into location to play the nationwide anthem, "God Save the Queen." Thousands of top hats were removed en masse and the crowd sang, followed by spontaneous applause and cheers that grew into a cacophony as the Queen's carriage passed, accompanied by nonstop "Hip, Hip, Hoorays!" Resplendent in a jonquil yellow coat and hat, she was accompanied by her kid, Andrew, daughter Anne, and Lord Vestey, Master of the Horse to the Royal Household. Next came Prince Charles with Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall and the Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie. However the loudest cheers this go round were for the residents of the 3rd carriage, Prince Harry and his brand-new bride-to-be Meghan with Prince Edward and his spouse, Sophie. Following the royal arrival, similar to halftime at a football video game, there's a mad rush for the bars and the toilets. But instead of beers and brats, it's Bollinger and lobster rolls. Yes, there are a couple of thrilling horse races, accompanied by an incredible quantity of drinking. However the genuine show is in the garden of the Royal Enclosure, which becomes one big celebration, and, obviously, the Royal Box, which hovers over the stands like the bridge of a huge ocean liner. One can easily see the comings and goings through its set of double doors, with riding crop manages, from several vantage points within the clubhouse, which feels exactly like a shopping mall, although it has bars and betting stations instead of boutiques. One can apparently make a bet pretty much anywhere. In addition to the stationary desks, there are mobile kiosks spread inside the clubhouse and throughout the park. One can even place a bet, albeit prior to 2 p.m. on what color the Queen will wear. (Last year, I won ₤ 15 on pink.) And if one remains in the right location at the correct time, the doors to the Royal Box will swing open and a small little figure in a brilliantly colored coat and hat will emerge, and stroll unaccompanied to the parade ring to present a prize, sometimes a number of times a day. This is why one goes to Ascot: to witness firsthand the gravitas, the splendour, the adulation and a bit of the seclusion that accompanies what the current occupant of Buckingham Palace refers to, sometimes wearily, "this job for life." It's a thrilling and strangely moving thing to see. After all, who needs to binge watch The Crown when one can just binge view the Queen?
0 notes
fck-dis-shit-im-out · 6 years
2 Breathtaking Facts About Royal Ascot Ladies Day
The Ladies Day horse race is entering its 3rd day, with all eyes on the extravagant hats, glamorous clothing, naturally, the royals. Day Three of the five-day event is also the day of the historic Gold Cup. The Gold Cup is Ascot's longest enduring race, and what is now called Royal Ascot started to take shape when The Gold Cup was first run in 1807. The Gold Cup accompanies what is colloquially called "Ladies' Day," a term initially used in 1823. A confidential poet described the day as "Ladies' Day ... when the females, like angels, look sweetly magnificent." However the Ascot doesn't officially recognize the day as Ladies' Day. As the Ascot's director of racing, Nick Smith, discussed to The Telegraph, they haven't described Ladies' Day in any marketing or promos materials. "We are comfortable with the general public calling it that, but to market it as such would trigger confusion as ladies' days away from Royal Ascot are totally various," he stated. "We don't have actually best dressed competitors-- for either sex-- and we do not think catwalks and such like is what it has to do with."
What is the Royal Ascot?
One of Britain's most popular racecourses, Ascot holds a special week of races in June each year called Royal Ascot, attended by The Queen and other Royals At other horse races in the U.K., Ladies' Days are associated with style competitors. At the Kelso Racecourse, which stages fifteen jumps components throughout the season from September through May, there are competitors for categories such as Best Dressed Lady, Finest Dressed Couple, and Best Hat. While there are no competitors at Ascot, according to The Night Standard, females still make sure to dress in an extra attractive look on Ladies' Day to commemorate. Princess Eugenie used a gorgeous floral-print Erdem dress teamed with a boater hat, while vocalist Ciara chose a trendy white Edeline Lee dress. Royal Ascot's amazing heritage, unlike any other, has actually made the event the most awaited and revered the world over. From the arrival of the Royal Procession at 2pm sharp to communal singing around the bandstand, with 6 impressive top-class races in between, each of the five days is unforgettable.
It's a social highlight of the summer season, not just for the racing and royalty but also because of the style, design and breadth of home entertainment available. A choice of 4 enclosures, each with an individual character and numerous food and drink choices, allow you to curate your own really unique celebration. From exotic street food, premium burgers and traditional afternoon tea to bring-your-own picnics on the spotless lawns and dining from Michelin-starred chefs, the alternatives for an exquisite food experience alone are unlimited. It's a chance to dress up and enjoy yourself while trying to break bookmakers' hearts. To experience it to its fullest, a little preparation will pay big dividends. Tuesday 19 If you're seeking to experience Ascot Events at its most royal, the opening day is a must. When the clock strikes 2 the Royal Procession starts and the landaus, led by 4 Windsor greys, make their way along the Straight Mile, enacting a British custom that extends back to when Queen Victoria was a lady. There is no similar event in the racing calendar or certainly the sporting world and, while the phenomenon is duplicated every day of the conference, Royal Ascot's opening day is justifiably renowned as spectacular.
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For flat racing fans too, this is a day not to miss. 3 Group One races-- the sport's greatest category, with the most significant prize money and the best horses-- are run: the Queen Anne Stakes, the King's Stand Stakes and the St James's Palace Stakes. Wednesday 20 A more gently paced day however no less interesting, as it consists of the Group One Prince of Wales's Stakes. This is held by lots of to be Royal Ascot's essential race of the modern-day period: the wealthiest race of the entire meeting with a bag of ₤ 750,000. And where much better to view it than in the Queen Anne Enclosure? Not as official however just as beautifully composed as the members-only Royal Enclosure-- no stovepipe hats and tails required-- this enclosure offers the perfect and up-close views of the spectacular horses, both in the Pre-Parade Ring and the Parade Ring. With Wednesday being a somewhat calmer day, perhaps seek out the various sculpture setups spread around the racecourse, some permanent and portraying past stars of Ascot in their most regal states while others include specifically for the royal conference. Entertainment is universal at Royal Ascot with every day waning around the renowned bandstand, situated in the Queen Anne Enclosure, for victorious and traditionally British communal singing at 6pm. Thursday 21 One of Royal Ascot's endearing eccentricities is that Thursday is not officially called Ladies' Day but Gold Cup Day. But this is unquestionably the day when all eyes are concentrated on the hats, and both standard and modern displays of stunning millinery are most on program. Queen Anne Enclosure visitors can show off their headwear while enjoying a grilled lobster or champagne afternoon tea at 1768 Grill and Tea Rooms. An ideal Ascot Events experience to enhance your wedding, this restaurant was one of several outlets presented in 2017 to offer racegoers an option for lunch and afternoon tea that does not require reservation in advance.
Gold Cup Day is likewise when Ascot's a lot of prominent race is run-- constantly a source of high drama as it unfolds over 2 and a half miles. You can get a fresh point of view on this by viewing from Royal Ascot's latest enclosure, The Town, which is open from Thursday to Saturday. Found on the inside of the track, with the Grandstand supplying a backdrop to the day, the Village Enclosure has currently become popular with a more youthful, fashion-conscious group of racegoers looking for a modern Royal Ascot experience. 3 phases provide a series of music all day and, once the racing surfaces, the live home entertainment continues up until 9pm with a diverse collection of boutique restaurants and champagne bars to keep the celebration going and produce an imagine a summer night. Friday 22 The racing stays of the highest quality all week with Friday peaking again as viewers witness two Group One races-- The Commonwealth Cup and The Crowning Stakes. As the weekend nears, racegoers can enjoy the wonderful atmosphere in the Queen Anne Enclosure and sample from the most superb variety of food and drink with a last-minute dining experience at James Tanner's Queen Anne Cooking area or by enjoying a Royal Ascot Blush Cocktail from among the ultimate bars found in the area. There are numerous artisan food stalls and champagne bars in The Town and Windsor Enclosures, but similarly numerous visitors delight in bringing their own picnics. There are, however, particular constraints that use and the only alcohol that visitors might bring with them is champagne or champagne (and a maximum of one bottle per person). Saturday 23 There is no stopping the magnificent racing and the last day is no exception. Its format is a recognisable six-race card staged between 2.30 pm and 5.35 pm. Saturday's highlight is unquestionably The Diamond Jubilee Stakes. Its size of field and fierce speed supply a thrilling race for all and contribute to the finale of the five-day annual occasion. Saturday is also a fantastic day for kids to experience the distinct Royal Ascot Ladies Day environment and enjoyment. Children's tickets can only be purchased on the day, with all cash going to Ascot's yearly charitable offering.
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Scheduling ahead is encouraged if you are considering a great dining experience in the Royal Enclosure or Queen Anne Enclosure, with numerous dining establishments already sold out throughout throughout the days.
What is Ascot ladies day?
The world's most attractive race day. Ladies Day at Royal Ascot is renowned as the greatest day on the British social and sporting calendar. It is worth bearing in mind that many days throughout the four enclosures sell out well beforehand. So plan early-- and enjoy. Whatever day you choose, Royal Ascot 2019 actually resembles no place else. Each day offers a various experience but always with the same design and sophistication that the racecourse is renowned for. Impressive racing, exhilarating home entertainment, spectacular food and sartorial sophistication can always be anticipated. Make certain to inspect the main dress code for your enclosure prior to you go, look at possible upgrades you can pick to boost the celebration and prepare yourself for one of the most glorious days in the British social-- and horse racing-- calendar. The Royal Ascot certainly measures up to its official slogan," Like no place else." A major event on the British social calendar because its founding by Queen Anne in 1711, the yearly race meeting, which takes place each June at the Ascot Racecourse in Berkshire, England, stays a heady mix of pomp, tradition, style, class difference and, obviously, sport. Formally opened each day by the Queen, in addition to assorted royals, the most apt method to explain the experience to Americans would be to picture a cross in between a royal wedding and the Kentucky Derby, except boozier, if that's humanly possible (through champagne rather than bourbon). Though each of the 5 days has its highlights, Opening Day remains unique merely due to the fact that it brings in a complete complement of royals while also restricting admission to the Royal Enclosure, the most prestigious level of attendance, to members only. How does one end up being a member of this swank pack? The answer is intentionally left unclear, involving a secret dish of social stature, connections, letters of reference, and, above all, aspiration. On the remaining 4 days, members are allowed to acquire 2 guest badges each daily. Ascot Opening Day was immortalized by the Lerner and Loewe musical, "My Fair Lady," which opened on Broadway in 1956 starring Rex Harrison and Julie Andrews, and later on made into a big-budget Hollywood extravaganza, again with Rex Harrison but with Audrey Hepburn replacing Andrews. (It's running yet once again this season on Broadway at Lincoln Center Theater.).
Both the stage production and the movie included spectacular representations of Royal Ascot with sets and costumes by Cecil Beaton, the renowned photographer, designer, diarist and royal elbow-rubber. Extremely developed in black and white, the number, particularly in the movie variation, practically bases on its own as a pill of choreography and couture. Today, Ascot Opening Day is a far less mannerist affair, but equally fashion-aligned. In the rarified air of the Royal Enclosure, tradition reigns supreme in all good manners of dress throughout the five-day period. Males are needed to wear a complete early morning match with waistcoat and either a black or grey stovepipe hat at all times. Just black shoes are enabled and in an affront to the present style for bare ankles, socks are necessary. Just last year, for the really first time in Ascot Events's history, when the temperature soared into the 90s, were men allowed to eliminate their coats and hats. Otherwise, hats should remain on heads except within a dining establishment, a personal box, an enclosed terrace, and a few other designated locations. Ladies needs to use a hat with a minimum base of 4 inches (i.e. no fascinators) and dresses with a modest cut. Pants and one-piece suits are allowed, but again with a caveat: trousers need to be used with a coat or top "in a matching fabric." There is a wide variety of trendy to saucy, but Brits do the "garden celebration" look quite well, with a mix of bright colors, flower prints and the current look of long, flowing dresses that obviously take their remedies from the younger members of the Royal Household.
How long does Royal Ascot last?
Over 300,000 people make the yearly check out to Berkshire during Royal Ascot week, making this Europe's best-attended race conference. There are eighteen group races available, with a minimum of one Group One event on each of the 5 days. Beyond the Royal Enclosure, each area has its own set of sartorial standards. If the Royal Enclosure is First Class, Organisation Class would be the Queen Anne Enclosure. There, guys should use a fit and tie and ladies are asked to wear stylish gowns and a hat. Premium Economy would be The Village Enclosure, with the same gown code as the Queen Anne Enclosure. The Windsor Enclosure is the most relaxed, with no dress code at all. The official website says "vibrant, interesting and enjoyable" which translates to party central, sometimes rather rowdy. Indeed, every level of Ascot is party hearty, no matter whether sustained by Bollinger, Pimm's, or Guinness. The numbers speak volumes. Over the course of 5 days, 300,000 attendees will have consumed 56,000 bottles of champagne, 44,000 bottles of white wine, 21,000 jugs of Pimm's and 60,000 finger sandwiches. For those who do not imbibe, fear not. Likewise taken in are 80,000 cups of tea and 128,500 bottles of mineral water.
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No matter which area one is in or what is in one's glass, the state of mind is extremely resilient, ignited by the arrival of the Queen and various members of her household in a line of horse drawn carriages. This year, as usual, the Royal Procession went into the park through the Royal Gates noticeable to all off in the distance. The closer the carriages got to the stands, the louder the buzz from the crowd. Simultaneously, the Band of Her Majesty's Irish Guards marched into location to play the national anthem, "God Save the Queen." Countless stovepipe hats were removed en masse and the crowd sang, followed by spontaneous applause and cheers that became a cacophony as the Queen's carriage passed, accompanied by continuously "Hip, Hip, Hoorays!" Resplendent in a jonquil yellow coat and hat, she was accompanied by her son, Andrew, daughter Anne, and Lord Vestey, Master of the Horse to the Royal Household. Next came Prince Charles with Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall and the Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie. However the loudest cheers this go round were for the occupants of the 3rd carriage, Prince Harry and his brand-new bride-to-be Meghan with Prince Edward and his other half, Sophie. Following the royal arrival, just like halftime at a football video game, there's a mad rush for the bars and the restrooms. But instead of beers and brats, it's Bollinger and lobster rolls. Yes, there are a couple of awesome horse races, accompanied by an incredible quantity of drinking. However the real show remains in the garden of the Royal Enclosure, which turns into one huge celebration, and, obviously, the Royal Box, which hovers over the stands like the bridge of a massive ocean liner. One can easily see the comings and goings through its set of double doors, with riding crop manages, from numerous viewpoint within the clubhouse, which feels precisely like a shopping center, although it has bars and betting stations instead of stores. One can seemingly make a bet practically anywhere. In addition to the stationary desks, there are mobile kiosks scattered inside the clubhouse and throughout the park. One can even position a bet, albeit prior to 2 p.m. on what color the Queen will use. (In 2015, I won ₤ 15 on pink.) And if one remains in the right location at the correct time, the doors to the Royal Box will swing open and a tiny little figure in a vibrantly colored coat and hat will emerge, and walk unaccompanied to the parade ring to provide a prize, sometimes several times a day. This is why one attends Royal Ascot 2019: to witness firsthand the gravitas, the grandeur, the adulation and a little bit of the isolation that accompanies what the present occupant of Buckingham Palace refers to, sometimes wearily, "this task for life." It's a thrilling and oddly moving thing to see. After all, who requires to binge watch The Crown when one can just binge enjoy the Queen?
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kadobeclothing · 5 years
Templegate’s racing tips: Taunton, Lingfield and Southwell
LEAVE the bookies out in the Cold at Southwell. COLD HARBOUR (4.15, Nap) has been knocking on the door and went down in a driving finish here last time. 1Credit: Getty Images – GettyHe’s off the same mark and will take all the beating.
CAPTAIN CATTISTOCK (3.30 Taunton, nb) ran well in a quality contest at Chepstow last time and should be too hot for these hunter chasers.
MASTERS LEGACY (1.00 Taunton, treble) had plenty in hand when scoring here latest and can improve on just his third run.
Racing TipsHOT OFF THE PRESS Don’t miss The Sun’s each-way thief and NAPs for today right here GOOD, BAD & UGLY Don’t miss Matt Chapman’s latest column for Sun Racing KEMPTON TARGET Altior to skip Ascot in favour of Saturday’s Silviniaco Conti at Kempton CHAMPION OPTION Connections of Envoi Allen not ruling out Champion Hurdle tilt Racing TipsTEMPLEGATE’S TREBLE Top tipster Templegate’s best bets for the racing this Monday Racing TipsHOT OFF THE PRESS Don’t miss The Sun’s each-way thief and NAPs for today right here WIN £1K Predictor – Pick four winners to win £1k – free to play today AWESOME ALLEN Envoi Allen extends unbeaten record with fine win in Grade 1 Lawlor’s Of Naas PreviewRACE OF THE DAY Racecard & analysis for the feature conditions stakes at Wolverhampton TAUNTON 1.00 Masters Legacy (treble) 1.30 Buzz 2.00 Escapability 2.30 Snapdragon Fire 3.00 Liberty Bella 3.30 Captain Cattistock (nb) 4.00 Sue Be It LINGFIELD 12.45 Northern Poet 1.15 Orrisdale 1.45 Champion Chase 2.15 Destinee Royale 2.45 Jammin Masters 3.15 Potters Hedger 3.45 Sky Full Of Stars SOUTHWELL 4.15 COLD HARBOUR (NAP) 4.45 Moonraker 5.15 Mosakhar 5.45 Directory 6.15 Atwaar 6.45 Sea Of Cool 7.15 Tilsworth Rose Horse gets stuck in windscreen after smashing into car… and everyone survives
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source https://www.kadobeclothing.store/templegates-racing-tips-taunton-lingfield-and-southwell/
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paramseeker · 5 years
Before I could start on the facts about this centuries old fort,I should thank Capgemini Passion club trek organizing commitee Smitha, Vikram, Praveen, Vinay for planning and executing this trip to perfection, the commitment in terms of engaging and educating the trekkers,  hospitality, attention, care are simply exemplary. You are just awesome and we are spellbound.
100+ trekkers, a few photographers, couple of youtubers and bloggers, 5 enthusiastic trek leads- This Trek was definitely a  complete package with unlimited fun.
All my least intention was just to not waste the weekend and without a second thought I have registered for this trip in a minute of the notification arrival and I am thankful to myself for doing it.
Started with 40 people in the bus from  brigade metropolis capgemini campus we had a powerpacked crowd with us who were redefining fun. The remaining trekkies have joined through different routes ultimately to meet at a point for break where we had a view of Nandi hills from afar.
Located around 95 kms away from Bangalore , Gudibande is in chikkaballapur district.We took airport road /the road that takes to nandi hills/ hyderabad highway, after 80kms we took a right at perasandra then 12 kms drive through the village lush fields via the byrasagara lake stands this beautiful fort amidst the residences of the town.
We started our trekking by morning 10.30 and weather was fortunately soothing and it even drizzled in the middle and kept climbing for an hour and reached top spent time and started to get down and reached the base around 2.30 afternoon.
Our trek leads and comitee have ensured that we have had enough information and energy to not just start and finish the trek but to enjoy it too.
In frame below, Smitha and Vikram P.C Rahul (Youtube: Rawxel)
Let me quickly list you the 10 interesting facts about this historical place
This fort was built by a local Cheiftain “Byre gowda” who is claimed to be a robin hood by localites for he had been an hero to the poor and a nightmare to the wealthy , Remember a fort by a person who was not a royal is not an easy task. However he had Gudibande under his control during his tenure of 3 years and had done a lot of  good deeds, one of which is the construction of this beautiful fort.
The name Gudibande is a portmanteau of two words “Gudi and “bande” which means Temple and Rock respectively in Kannada (official language of Karnataka), As the name hints there is a temple atop the fort and deiti is Lord Shiva.It is also said Lord Rama and Sita have prayed here.
This fort has 7 levels of interconnecting routes which helped the soldiers to escape in case of a sudden attack by enemies.This fort is built on the inspiration from Madhugiri fort and said to be a replica of it.
There is a Jail structure hewed out of rock which believed to be the place where the prisoners were kept and we happened to spot a hole and informed this is to feed the prisoners inside. In picture – we were taking a closer look at the prisoners inside..;)
As byre gowda had many enemies, he had well equipped himself and his soldiers through the secret caves, Tap holes – when tapped on it,would give a drum like sound to indicate the people in the secret places or the caves of an enemy arrival from afar.In picture below is one of such holes, now you know where the rock music is originated from..:P
The most important fact to highlight about this fort is, there are 19 rock ponds which are puposefully made to implement the rainwater harvesting in his time which had helped the people around during drought.Check one of the ponds in the picture below
Unfortunately Byre gowda was attacked by his enemies and the reason behind his death is believed to be his defence against British invasion and he was beheaded.  We can spot the place at the top where the head of the Chief  is engraved.
The view from the top is simply breath taking and it gives a bird-eye view of the town , you would spot the lake almost in the shape of India map, rocks and hillocks add beauty to the fort.
The lake afore mentioned is on the way to the fort, which was named after Byre gowda as byrasagar lake.
On the way we stopped for lunch at the lake, the pleasing weather and the chiming sounds of waves were simply serene.
  Overall it was a nice place to visit and can be considered as an easy to moderate trekking place, it took us an hour of trek as we have stopped in the middle and spent time for clicking pics and getting ourselves lost in the beauty of the mountains around.
Check out a few of my clicks
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Bring your food packed or bought before starting to climb as there are no shops on the way of trekking or on top of the fort.
Beware folks, there is no washroom here hence dont gulp  your botttle and finish it thinking you would become dehydrated , but drink water moderately.
Check out one of the aerial view shots by Debindu Ghosh(Youtube: Peakabove) below
  Nearby attractions: Devanahalli (Birth place of tippu sultan)
You can plan to cover Nandi hills, Avala betta and Lepakshi in which case you might need 2 days to explore.
Thanks for reading the post , Would you be planning a visit to this place, if so why?or you have visited already and have a point to add? Please leave it in the comments.
                    Gudibande Fort – Facts,Findings and the Folks! Before I could start on the facts about this centuries old fort,I should thank Capgemini Passion club trek organizing commitee Smitha, Vikram, Praveen, Vinay for planning and executing this trip to perfection, the commitment in terms of engaging and educating the trekkers,  hospitality, attention, care are simply exemplary.
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torentialtribute · 5 years
Royal Ascot 2019 Day 2: Robin Goodfellow’s racing tips – Best bets for Wednesday, June 19
Ryan Moore delivered another dazzling Royal Ascot performance with an opening-day double and MAGICAL (Ascot, 3.40) could continue the Ballydoyle domination on Wednesday afternoon.
Arizona vintage and Circus Maximus saw Moore share the day-one riding honors with Danny Tudhope, but with a number of fancied mounts this afternoon, the former champion will be targeting another successful day.
In Magical, the English maestro appears to have a willing and reliable ally for a fascinating renewal of the Group One Princes Of Wales's Stakes which has the potential to be the race of the meeting. Arc De Triomphe runner-up Sea Of Class and the highly talented Crystal Ocean provide stiff opposition, but Magical is fancied to conjure up another stunning performance.
Jockey Ryan Moore can score again on Magical in the Group One Princes Of Wales's Stakes
2.30 Final Song (nb)
3.05 Norway
3.40 Magical
4.20 I Can Fly
5.00 Raising Sand (nap)
5.35 Southern Hills
2.30 Flippa The Strippa
3.05 Nate The Great
3.40 Mag ical (n ap)
4.20 Pretty Baby (nb)
5.00 Chilean
5.35 Better The Devil
Forecast rain could make fairly testing if it materializes and could play to the strengths of FINAL SONG given the manner of course and distance debut victory.
Displaying a professional attitude, the daughter of Dark Angel traveled powerfully before quickening to put six lengths between herself and toiling rivals in a matter of strides. Drawn alongside the two American speedballs (Anna's Fast and Kimari), Final Song should enjoy a good tow into the race and looks capable of delivering another big performance.
John Quinn sprang a 25-1 surprise in this race last year and Liberty Beach looks overpriced on the Beverley win, while the ground will be no issue for Partridge, who could outrun her tasty odds.
With four victories in the past six runnings, trainer Aidan O'Brien has been the go-to man for this race and Western Australia and NORWAY appear to give him another excellent chance of success.
The former appreciated the step up in trip to score well at Navan last time but his stablemate is narrowly preferred as he was far from disgraced in the Derby when aggressively ridden and looks the type to improve again for a stiffer test or stamina.
Norway previously had no answer to the turn or foot displayed by Sir Dragonet at Chester but he didn't enjoy the smoothest of passages and looks capable of confirming placings with Dashing Willoughby, who also emerged with plenty of credit that day.
The presence of star fillies MAGICAL and Sea Of Class combined with classy male counterparts Crystal Ocean and Waldgeist could ensure this is a race for the ages.
Figures followers will note that Magical has recorded two of the best three career runs this season, an achievement that appears to find her trainer's view that she is in the form of her life this term. Admittedly, she has beaten the same horse in Flag Of Honor three times – on the last two occasions at very short prices – but the victories have been recorded emphatically and Latrobe, twice beaten by the selection this spring, ran a fine race in defeat yesterday in the Wolferton Stakes.
Trainer William Haggas will be buoyed by landing the aforementioned day one final with Addeybb, his first Royal win for some years, and Sea Of Class is reported to have been trained for the minute on her
On a line through the majestic Enable, there isn't a great deal to separate the two fillies, but Magical copes well with soft ground, is tactically versatile and stays 12 furlongs well so may just enjoy an edge over a horse that has not been seen since finishing an unlucky second in last year's Arc.
Any further softening in conditions will play to the strengths of I CAN FLY who posted a career last here autumn when chasing home Roaring Lion in the Queen Elizabeth II Stakes under similar conditions.
Admittedly, she was a little below par at the Curragh last time but she was slowly away that day and found a track bias, which suited the front-running winner Beshaayir, all against her.
She was similarly slowly away in the Lockinge at Newbury yet emerged with a great deal of credit to take sixth and the performance of Lord Glitter suggests it is a piece of form worth noting. Rawdaa has caught the eye with tidy performances this term and rates a chief danger along with last year's Sandringham winner Agrotera.
The Victoria Cup may prove a pivotal piece of form in deciphering this complex puzzle and Kynren and RAISING SAND could prove the duo to concentrate on.
The former ran yet another blinder at the Berkshire venue to chase home winner Cape Byron that day and the step up to a mile should see him on the scene again. However, that also applies to Raising Sand and he is marginally preferred.
Jamie Osborne's grand handicapper has run in a multitude of Ascot handicaps and he really caught the eye when a little isolated on the stands side rail in the Victoria Cup. The way in which Raising Sand charged home suggested he too would relish a stamina and any rain would improve his chance still further.
It remains something of a mystery how SOUTHERN HILLS managed to get saved at Navan , but he could gain compensation given a more patient ride.
The imposing son of Gleneagles moved powerfully throughout that small-field contest and shot readily clear of his main market rival and odds-on favorite, Air Force Jet, looking sure to register a first career win.
It was wither a lack of concentration or greenness, but Southern Hills looked to pull himself up a little when hitting the front and allowed his rival to overhaul him late on. Hopefully, the selection will have been learned from that experience and Ryan Moore, in such an irresistible form on day one, can harness his undoubted ability and speed for a race-winning challenge.
SEA OF CLASS was a brilliant filly last season, winning two Group One races and only narrowly being beaten by Enable in the Arc.
There is a chance the filly trained by William Haggas could be better this season and she should be very tough to beat in a Prince of Wales's Stakes which is one of the races of the week with Crystal Ocean and Magical in opposition.
The Haggas team is in good form and had a winner with Addeybb on the opening day yesterday.
In the Queen Mary Stakes I like Saeed Bin Suroor's FINAL SONG. She is a course and distance winner which is a big plus for a two year old on this big stage.
NORWAY was eighth in the Derby and the extra two furlongs he faces in the Queen's Vase should be to his advantage
He is consistent and his career is going in the right direction. I ride Nate The Great in the race. He was only three lengths behind subsequent Derby winner Anthony Van Dyck when he was third in the Lingfield Derby Trial. We are hoping for a big run and he has a good each-way shout. ANNA NERIUM is tough and consistent and will love the dig in the ground she will encounter in the Duke Of Cambridge Stakes after all yesterday's rain.
Hollie Doyle is a Sky Sports Racing ambassador. Watch all the action from Royal Ascot live on Sky Sports Racing.
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thechasefiles · 6 years
The Chase Files Daily Newscap 11/3/2018
Good MORNING #realdreamchasers! Here is The Chase Files Daily News Cap for Saturday 3rd November 2018. Remember you can read full articles for FREE via Barbados Today (BT) or Barbados Government Information Services (BGIS) OR by purchasing by purchasing a Saturday Sun Nation Newspaper (SS).
AXE STALLS – Layoffs at the state-owned Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) have been placed on hold, but management has agreed to pay workers the five per cent salary increase which, it was earlier revealed, they were not entitled to. These were two of the main issues emerging this afternoon from some four hours of talks between the employees’ bargaining agent, the Barbados Workers’ Union (BWU) and, management of the CBC at the Pine, St Michael studios. Regarding the retrenchments, special advisor and former General Secretary of the BWU, Sir Roy Trotman said that matter was not discussed because the established process was not followed by the CBC. Sir Roy told Barbados TODAY the layoffs, which were expected to take place by the end of last month, have been put on hold pending the outcome of a meeting next week to specifically address the issue. He said after the state-run broadcaster and the union had first concluded talks on a number of outstanding matters such as salary increases and increments, its management officially informed him it was restructuring. “We made the suggestion to them they should in fact follow more closely the provisions within the Employment Rights Act, and particularly the understanding that we have arrived at regarding the protocol of the Social Partnership,” he said. “The CBC was very conscious that that is something which may not have been done exactly how it should be done. So they agreed that they would hold fire and have further discussions on it among themselves. And we have agreed to come back at 2.30 [pm] on Monday to start looking at the question of rationalization,” Sir Roy added. Asked if the terminations had therefore been put on hold he replied: “Yes. That is what the position is right now.” He also said the two sides have not yet talked about how many of the estimated 260 workforce have been earmarked to go home. “We have not started that discussion in any way whatsoever,” the BWU special advisor stressed. But while the retrenchment talks had gone nowhere, Sir Roy reported better news for all staff with respect to outstanding pay. “The meeting today was not just a question where we discussed just layoffs, we also looked at the matter of some outstanding issues. We had to deal with the matter of the outstanding five per cent. We also had to deal with the matter of outstanding increments, which was a matter that we stood up outside here at CBC for last year…and we have reached agreement on those two matters,” the former general secretary told Barbados TODAY. He noted that the major question left is whether the monies would be paid in cash or bonds. “But we will have that as an ongoing discussion,” Sir Roy said. He was also asked about his meeting yesterday with the Transport Board which is to undertake a full restructuring in phases that involves layoffs as well. “The Transport Board yesterday put a proposal…very specific proposal regarding laying off about 50 persons or so. These are persons who received letters of appointment sometime in April of this year. We have to meet those workers and discuss the matter with them, possibly on Monday,” he revealed. Sir Roy told Barbados TODAY the board management then spoke generally about its plans going forward over the next few years. He said the board’s plans would constitute a full paper which will be presented overtime. Sir Roy disclosed that the chairman of the board, Gregory Nicholls, will address a general meeting next week that includes the United Commercial Autoworks Limited (UCAL). “And we are hoping that at that time, he will have some discussions which will allow UCAL to know, whether UCAL would be in a position to offer some of those people any work,” the special advisor to the BWU told Barbados TODAY. He noted that in terms of specifics, the union only addressed those 50 workers who were appointed in April this year and are earmarked to be sent home. But while Sir Roy said he was not aware of any other layoffs up to the time of this interview,  Barbados TODAYreceived reports that management of the state-run Barbados Agricultural Management Company (BAMC), was in the process of retrenching some of the workers at the lone sugar factory at Portvale, St James. There were reports that staff would be cut from 169 to 104. General manager of the BAMC, Leslie Parris, told Barbados TODAY, this was all speculation. “We don’t operate that way. We go through the process. As you are well aware, the Government has cut its budget to the SOE [state owned enterprises] and within that context, we have to look at the resizing of the operation. That process is underway now, and we have not made any decisions. Such decisions are made in consultations with the staff and the union,” Parris said. (BT)
PAY INCREASE FOR CBC WORKERS 5% – The hard blow of inevitable job cuts at the Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) has been somewhat softened by the fact that employees there will finally get the five per cent salary increase promised to all public workers. It gets sweeter for them, too, as Barbados Workers’ Union (BWU) advisor to the general secretary Sir Roy Trotman also revealed those workers will also receive the four increments promised to them last year. Sir Roy spoke to the Nation yesterday following a four-hour meeting with CBC management at its Pine, St Michael headquarters. This comes even as some of the 250 members of staff at that state-owned enterprise are expected to be cut as Government continues its mass retrenchment exercise. “We have reached an agreement that the CBC workers will get that five per cent and we are hoping that will be paid to some of them as a matter of urgency,” Sir Roy said. (SS)
CHECK-MATE – Cashing a cheque without an account with the corresponding bank will now cost you $10 – at Scotiabank. Earlier this week, the bank introduced the charge for anyone without an account at the financial institution but wanting to cash a Scotiabank cheque there.  This fee, which customers were alerted to by tellers as they conducted business in branches, is the latest fee since there was an $11 increase on user fees for account holders. In September, account holders found out, some via their statements, that the monthly service fee would increase from $5 to $16 effective the end of September. Only last month, RBC Royal Bank, although they did not introduce a fee, also made the decision to cease cashing their cheques for customers who do not have an account with that institution. When queried about the latest charge, a Scotiabank official told The Nation the fee was introduced “because banks charge customers”. (SS)
CENTRAL BANK TO ISSUE NEW SECURITIES – The Central Bank of Barbados today advised that the restructured securities under Government’s new debt offer will be issued on November 15, 2018. The Bank explained that technical and data issues had delayed the process. “The Bank regrets not meeting the original October 31 deadline. We are working assiduously to complete the process by mid-November,” the Bank said. The Bank also reminded investors that they will receive e-statements and not physical certificates for the new instruments. 97 percent of the participants in the debt swap accepted the new offer, which includes a reduction in interest rates, an extension of maturities and selective principal reductions. (SS)
‘NOT SO FAST, ARTHUR’ – Social activist and attorney-at-law Robert Bobby Clarke is suggesting that former Prime Minister Owen Arthur’s support for sale of the Barbados National Terminal Co Ltd (BNTCL) and the Barbados Hilton, was in effect an indictment of a similar decision he made during his administration. It was during a forum hosted by the Women and Development Unit of the University of the West Indies at Cave Hill on Wednesday night that the ex-prime minister made the declaration of support for the sale of the state entities. The recently ousted DLP administration had drawn heavy criticism for attempting to do the same. In his presentation, Arthur said selling the Hilton and the BNTCL was a better alternative to the taxes implemented under the Mia Mottley administration. Arthur said he is aware the sale would be an unpopular decision. He mused that he still bore the  scars from deciding to sell the Barbados National Bank (BNB) as Minister of Finance. He said, “We sold it and the BNB is worth three times what it was then and employs twice as many people”. Clarke is contending that Arthur, a leading economist, was admitting to giving away one of the state’s cash cows. He said these companies were paying considerable taxes to the  Government before they were sold. “That is a remarkable admission by Mr Owen Arthur former Prime Minister of Barbados. His comment shows that if the Barbados National Bank had not been sold and had continued being the property and the business of the Barbados Government, the present Government would not have had to go to the IMF [International Monetary Fund] to try to put its finances on a better footing,” said Clarke, in a statement released Friday afternoon. Clarke said it was that same mentality that pushed Government to sell the Insurance Corporation of Barbados Limited (ICBL), its interest in the (Barbados) Hilton Hotel and its attempt to sell the Barbados National Oil Company. Clarke said the history of such sales show the monies were never used to improve agriculture and food production which could have reduced Barbados ballooning food bill. “They were not used to improve the fishing fleet and stop the importation of tinned sardines, herring, tinned salmon, salt fish and fresh fish from Trinidad and Tobago.  They were not used to develop more means of production to cut down on imports,” he said. (BT)
COMMISSIONG DEFENDS GOVERNMENT’S HANDLING OF JOB CUTS - Ambassador to CARICOM and Attorney at-law David Comissiong says Government was well within the parameters of the Employment Rights Act when it began staff cuts at several state-owned entities as the roll out of the Barbados Economic Recovery and Transformation (BERT) programme continues. He said the position of the National Union of Public Workers (NUPW) and the Barbados Workers’ Union (BWU) that Government had circumvented the six-week consultation provision under the legislation did not hold water. “Some are behaving as if the General Secretary of the BWU [Toni Moore] has not spoken publicly about how long and involved the consultations with the Government has been, or that out of such consultations emerged agreement on the principle of last in first out,” Comissiong told Barbados TODAY. The outspoken social activist also accused the unions and some sections of the media of “behaving as though the Prime Minister has not spoken several times about the plans to involve many of the displaced workers in near future work contracts or private sector employment…. In other words, Government has addressed all of the issues stipulated in the Employment Rights Act.” Section 31 of the Employment Rights Act of Barbados stipulates that “where it is contemplated that the workforce of the business of an employer (inclusive of a statutory corporation) will be reduced by ten per cent or any other significant number, before dismissing an employee, the employer shall: Carry out consultations with the affected workers or their representative (that is, their Trade Union). Commence the consultations not later than six weeks before any of the affected workers is dismissed.” The Act also says the consultations must determine the proposed method of selecting employees who are to be dismissed, the proposed method of carrying out the dismissals, as well as the period over which the dismissals are to take place. The legislation also covers measures the employer might take to find alternative employment and mitigate the effects of the dismissals. On Wednesday, the retrenchment of 55 workers at the Barbados Agriculture Development Marketing Corporation (BADMC) aroused the ire of the NUPW. At the same time the BWU was up in arms over a letter demanding the management of the Rural Development Commission (RDC) cut staff that same day. NUPW Deputy General Secretary Delcia Burke accused the Government run agencies of attempting to blindside the union while Assistant General Secretary Wayne Walrond said the development was tantamount to “starting a war.” Comissiong has rejected the notion of callousness in the manner in which Government has gone about the retrenchment exercise, pointing to Government’s plan to setup a household mitigation unit to stem the fallout. “Government has a correct understanding of its duty to defend and uphold the general welfare of our populace, he said. (BT)
ENTREPRENEURSHIP THE WAY FORWARD – Barbados’ youth minister says there is a brave new world of opportunity opening to the country’s young people. In his feature address at the opening of Global Entrepreneurship Week, Minister of Youth and Community Empowerment, Adrian Forde, said the BLP is taking a new approach to enterprise development with the establishment of Trust Loans and that youth could benefit. “The recently launched Trust Loans will provide $10 million per year for each of the next five years to seed a Trust Loans Fund to assist existing small businesses or potential small business startups, in assessing security free loans of up to $5000 each,” Forde said, adding that these loans will lead to increased entrepreneurial activity. “Increased entrepreneurial activity will go a long way in building more entrepreneurial citizens and excite our young people about getting involved in business, a borderless world where the technology opens new opportunities that were unavailable to previous generations,” he said. Global Entrepreneurship Week was launched at Sagicor Cave Hill School of Business with the theme, Building A Productive Economy Through Resilient Entrepreneurs on Friday morning. General Manager of Barbados Youth Business Trust Cardell Fergusson, said this year’s theme was chosen to tie in with national initiatives that foster economic activity. “We therefore believe that by providing the young persons with the skills and resources that are needed to start a business, as well as support, we will be creating a class of persons who are able to contribute toward economic growth [as] we all have a part to play in the recovery and growth of the economy. Our part is the creation of productive entrepreneurs who stay the course,” Fergusson said. Senior Business Development Officer The Barbados Agency for Micro Enterprise Development Limited (Fund Access) Karen Sue said that since the organization started in January 1998 to the present date has approved loans totaling 60.8M. “From inception in January 1998 to October 31, 2018, Fund Access has approved loans totaling 60.8 million dollars to 1, 522 clients. Of these 724 were new businesses and 798 were expansions. Also approved for this period were 134 additional loans and 257 refined loans. 2313 jobs were created,” she said, adding that their business development officers work closely with businesses to ensure that closures are minimized. “Our business development officers work assiduously to ensure business closures are minimized through close monitoring of said business, provision of technical assistance and of course training and development. All this speaks to our continued commitment to entrepreneurship, which we see as the backbone of our economy while emphasizing integrity in lending, as any young person can walk into the offices of Fund Access and be judged solely on the quality and viability of their application and nothing else,” Sue said. The official start of Global Entrepreneurship Week begins on Sunday, November 11 with a church service at Christ The King Anglican Church at 8 a.m. and ends on Sunday, November 18 with a hike to Bath, St John.  (BT)
ICAB PAST PRESIDENT APPOINTED TO GLOBAL ACCOUNTING BODY -  Immediate Past President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Barbados (ICAB) and Partner with EY Lisa Padmore, has been successfully appointed to the Board of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) at its Council meeting in Sydney, Australia on November 1, 2018. IFAC is the global organization for the accountancy profession dedicated to serving the public interest by strengthening the profession and contributing to the development of strong international economies. IFAC is comprised of over 175 members and associates in more than 130 countries and jurisdictions, representing almost 3 million professional accountants in public practice, education, government service, industry, and commerce. Lisa was nominated by ICAB, who has been a member of IFAC since 1981. She was the 4th female President of ICAB between May 2015 – May 2017, and prior to her appointment to the Board of IFAC, served on the Professional Accountancy Organization (PAO) Development Committee of IFAC as the representative of The Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada) from January 2017 to October 2018. On accepting the nomination to the Board, Lisa commented: “I am humbled and honoured to be nominated by ICAB to serve the profession at this global level, and to be able to bring the challenges and concerns of our region to the attention of the leaders of the global profession. The accounting profession globally is at a cross-road, and IFAC as an institution has to adapt and evolve to not only manage the current hurdles, but anticipate the future trends and be an organization that is ready to serve a future-ready profession.” (SS)
GRASS PIECE IN THE VALLEY – The state of the area around The Valley Resource Centre in The Glebe, St George, has become a cause for concern by users of the facility. The waist-high grass, neglected plants and garbage in the bush belie the fact the centre is located next to the parish post office and an automatic banking machine and across from the police station. Classes and programmes are still being held there. Resident Kenmore Brathwaite said it looked like a place for grazing animals.“This is supposed to be a lawn, not a grass piece for goats and sheep. How can this be a community centre? Somebody is not doing their job,” he said. Cuthbert Nicholls said the situation was “not commendable” and could be a breeding ground for pests and vectors.  (SS)
EARLY CLOSURE AT CHARLES F BROOME – Parents and guardians of Charles F Broome Primary School were summoned to collect their children just after 1 p.m. Some of the parents said, they were informed by way of a Whatsapp group message which stated that the school was closing early due to environmental concerns. A Nation News team was just in time to see parents collecting their wards. However the Principal denied to give any comment on the matter. (SS)
ABRAHAMS NOT BOTHERED BY POTENTIAL LEGAL BATTLE OVER GSC – Minister of Energy and Water Resources Wilfred Abrahams is not fazed by the possibility of legal challenge by a minor opposition party over Government’s use of the Barbados Water Authority (BWA) to collect the Garbage and Sewage Contribution (GSC) tax. In an interview with Barbados TODAY, Abrahams said he was confident Government was standing on solid legal footing and welcomed the declared intent by the Lynette Eastmond – led United Progressive Party (UPP) to test this. “The UPP is free to approach the court over this if they wish to because that is what the courts are there for. No citizen should be afraid of approaching the court to get a ruling on what is fair and just and legal. But I stand behind the Government entirely on this one. So they would do what they have to do,” said Abrahams. While the BWA moves to ramp up disconnections as result of ongoing customer rebellion against the tax, the two-year-old UPP has revealed that its “legal team is reviewing this situation and will escalate to the courts if required. “As far as the UPP can determine, under the BWA Act there is no penalty for the non-payment of the tax as is typical in tax legislation. Government should never require a Social Services Act to do the work of a Taxing Statute,” the UPP said in a statement The UPP argues the BWA has now been made into a Government tax collector, but outside the purview of the Barbados Revenue Authority (BRA). In addition, the UPP contends that such an approach runs counter to the United Nations General Assembly (UN) Resolution 64/292, of which Barbados is a signatory. In it, the UN explicitly recognizes the human right to water and sanitation and acknowledges that clean drinking water and sanitation are essential to the realization of all human rights. The resolution calls upon UN member states and international organizations to provide financial resources, build capacity and transfer technology to help countries, in particular developing countries, to provide safe, clean, accessible and affordable drinking water and sanitation for all. However in his response to the UPP’s charge, Abrahams said that the humanitarian component of the argument was non-starter. He said the UPP was misleading the public into thinking that Government had imposed on the basic human rights of Barbadians. “In the same way that you paid for water before, you are still paying for water now. Government must contemplate access not free access. Even the vulnerable in Barbados through the mechanisms of Government still access these things. So these rights are not denied to anyone,” he said. The Minister said that the measures were not intended to be permanent and that Barbadians needed to decide if they were willing to sacrifice in the short term to fix this country failing infrastructure, which included the compromised south coast sewage system. “The alternative is sewage back on the street and we do nothing about the poor garbage collection. At some point people need to decide if we are serious about getting Barbados back on track,” Abrahams said. The Minister strongly disputed the UPP’s assertion Government’s approach to collecting the GSC was out of touch with the economic hardship facing Barbadians, noting that special provisions had been made for those with extenuating circumstances to apply for relief from the levy. Last Friday, BWA Chairman Leodeane Worrell revealed that customers were flat out refusing to pay the GSC tax, which has resulted in revenue at the BWA plummeting by 40 per cent between August and September. Worrell said the BWA was merely the conduit for collecting the $1.50 per day tax. This meant that even though customers were paying their bill minus the levy, the BWA was still obligated to take the GSC from the amount paid. At the press conference summoned by Minister of Energy and Water Resources Wilfred Abrahams in the Committee Room of Parliament, Worrell revealed that on average the BWA hauls in $10 million in monthly revenue. Since the introduction of the tax on August 1, the intake for the cash-strapped public water company dropped to about $6 million. The situation threatens to worsen the company’s outstanding arrears, which to date run to $15 million.   (BT)
DOMINICA HINTS AT LEGAL ACTION AGAINST ROSS UNIVERSITY – Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit said his administration is prepared to take legal action against the US-owned Ross University regarding the ownership and occupation of buildings on lands that had been leased to the off-shore medical institution that has since re-located to Barbados. Earlier this year, Ross University left Dominica under controversial circumstances after having been on the island for the past 40 years. The university later defended its decision to re-locate to Bridgetown saying it had been taken “after considerable deliberations, including a review of our academic and infrastructural requirement and future plan”. The Skerrit Administration said it had informed the Ross University School of Medicine that it could have resumed its operations on the hurricane struck island even before the start of the January semester in 2019. In a July 9, three-page letter to Wardell, Prime Minister Skerrit had indicated that plans were advanced for the resumption of classes in Portsmouth, north of her Skerrit, speaking at a meeting with Dominicans residing overseas, said that Dominica had entered into an agreement for the lease of the land in the north of the island where the university had located its campus. “The campus belongs to the state. A lease agreement was entered into Ross University and the government of Dominica leasing the 27.2 acres to Ross and in that lease it states very clearly and even our existing laws make it very clear also, that if you are leasing property and anything they build upon it, it will belong to the owner.” “So we really want Ross to hand over these buildings to us sooner rather than later. The Attorney general (Levi Peter) is in discussions with them and the sooner they can get out, the better for us. “If they do not want to move when we want them to move we will take them to court as simple as that,” Skerrit told the meeting. He told the visiting Dominicans that the government is in discussions with at least four entities for a replacement to Ross University. He said another entity is due here later this month “to look at the possibility of setting up a medical school here. “Out of this four there is one that we can literally sign right away with but we want to ensure that have an interest the opportunity to come into Dominica, to look at the campus and to engage us and to see which is the best one we want to pursue it with”. In August, Skerrit said he had also appointed a task force, headed by prominent cardiologist, Professor Gerald Grell, to assist in the engagements with the parties.  (SS)
POLICE CONSTABLE CHARGED – Police Constable 1042 Richard Toppin 48 years of Salmonds St. Lucy has been arrested and charged for the offence of inflicting serious bodily harm on Ryan Taylor. This incident occurred around 3:50 p.m on October 11 at a shop at Waverly Cot St George. Richard Toppin is expected to appear in the District ‘A’' Magistrate Court today Saturday, November 03. (SS)
POLICE PROBING A SHOOTING AND STABBING – Police are currently on the scene of a shooting incident at Princess Royal Ave. Pine St. Michael. One man was reportedly shot and another stabbed multiple times. Both victims were taken to QEH by ambulance. (SS)
STUDENT CAUGHT WITH DRUGS – Mercy pleas of a police prosecutor-turned-defence barrister are all that stand in the way of a 17-year-old high school student gaining a criminal conviction ahead of CXC certificates after fellow students were caught smoking cannabis at school. Attorney-at-law Neville Reid today urged a Bridgetown magistrate to intervene after the teen was caught yesterday with 23 grammes of the herb in his school bag and an apparatus to weigh the drug. The first-time offender was called to the principal’s office after five students from first, second and third form were caught smoking marijuana on the school’s compound, with two scissors and a knife in their possession. They revealed that the teen was their supplier. The police were called and when the boy, who is not known to the law courts, was asked to account for the cannabis he initially said he found it outside the school, according to Sargeant Edwin Pinder, the prosecutor. He was told that this was the second time that he had given such an excuse when found in possession of the illicit drug. But the boy’s lawyer questioned why the necessary steps where not taken after the first incident to help the teen who is in the process of writing his CXC exams. “It is not a pretty picture if this is the second time he was found with drugs. Why were steps not taken to stop him from going down that path?” Reid, a former station sergeant, queried. The defence attorney then informed Magistrate Kristie Cuffy-Sargeant that the student was “doing pretty well in school” and currently resided with his 74-year-old grandmother having lost his mother five years ago. He further submitted that the elderly caretaker was “shocked” at the charge, as the teen was “not known to give any trouble”. “Some intervention [such as] counselling is needed from the Probation Department . . . . The scissors and the knife were not found in his possession . . . but he has taken responsibility for the drugs. “I believe, Ma’am, that this is one of the cases that the court could intervene and save him from a life of crime and from going down the wrong path. The fact that he is still in school at 17 years old [pursuing] his CXCs shows that all is not lost. I believe that he can benefit from counselling . . . I believe the circumstances need to be fully investigated [in the form] of a pre-sentencing report,” the attorney added. The magistrate agreed to the probation report and granted bail to the student who pleaded guilty to charges of possession, trafficking and intent to supply. He will know his fate when he returns before the No. 2 District ‘A’ Magistrate’s Court on February 8. (BT)
ANTHONY GETS COURT’S LENIENCY – A 50-year-old who habitually picked up bottles on the property of a Hastings, Christ Church hotel, landed in trouble with the law when he came across and assaulted a security guard. Now Rodney David Anthony, of St Matthias, Christ Church, must adhere to the conditions of a three-months bond if he wants to avoid paying a $500 forthwith fine or spending the alternative of four weeks at HMP Dodds. Magistrate Kristie Cuffy-Sargaent imposed the sentence on the unemployed man after he pleaded guilty to assaulting Ja-mar Howell on November 1 as well as stealing two cases and 48 bottles worth $32 belonging to Calypso Caribbean Resorts. Sergeant Edwin Pinder revealed that Howell received information that someone was seen on the hotel premises. When he went out to investigate he came across Anthony who had the items in his possession. However as Howell tried to stop him, Anthony pulled a scissors and swiped at him while uttering threatening words, which resulted in Howell shouting for help. Attorney-at-law Kadisha Wickham told the court that her client was “sorry” for the incident and had given the undertaking not to return to the property. She further submitted that although he was known to the court, Anthony was the sole caretaker of his 80-year-old mother and added that to impose a custodial sentence on him at this time would render him incapable of caring for her. Wickham also revealed that her client and others were in a habit of “picking up bottles” on the property and the security guards were familiar with them. However, Howell, she explained, was unknown to Anthony and the situation deteriorated from there. (BT)
YARDE PAYS FORTHWITH FINE – A labourer had to part with $1,000 of his hard earned money today after he had a change of heart and pleaded guilty to four-year-old drug offences. The forthwith fine which was imposed by Magistrate Douglas Frederick carried a three-month prison sentence and Akeyle ILike Yarde, Sealy Land, Gall Hill, Christ Church, who admitted that he had the quantity of marijuana in his possession on August 16, 2014, paid the amount. Station Sergeant Carrison Henry told Magistrate Douglas Frederick that police were along Kellman Land, Black Rock, St Michael when the accused who was the pillion rider on a motorcycle was seen. However, on approaching the police the driver of the cycle lost control and both parties fell. Yarde was subsequently seen fidgeting with his pocket, a search was requested and 82 wax paper wrappings containing the illicit substance were discovered. (BT)
SPREE ENDS – Crusher Site Road, St James resident Andre Shamar Freeman today revealed that he returned to his criminal ways after he lost his job at a construction site. The 31-year-old made the disclosure after he pleaded guilty to burglarising five places before Magistrate Douglas Frederick. Freeman who is known to the court since 2004 admitted to entering CM Motors as a trespasser between April 14 ad 19 and stealing a $300 angle grinder; a $1,200 cooking set; five sanding disc pads worth $75 and 15 t-shirts worth $75 belonging to Jeffery Chandler. He also pleaded guilty to entering the home of Che Cumberbatch as a trespasser between July 15 and August 31 and stealing a $300 drill, two cellular phones worth $4,300, BDS$400 and US$1,500 cash as well as the home of Rehana Horton on August 30 and stealing two tablets worth $400 and US$60 cash. Cumberbatch, who is known for committing burglaries, also pleaded guilty to entering the home of Vicki Roach on October 1 and stealing a $400 cellular phone and three bottles of Vita Malt worth $12. He also threw in the towel to entering the home of Michelle Barrow between October 10 and 11 and stealing a $1,300 play station, four electronic games worth 716, a $150 gold ring, a $100 gold anklet, two pairs of gold earrings worth $150, two silver rings worth $80 and a pair of silver earrings worth 20. Some items were recovered and Magistrate Douglas Frederick granted a restitution order for the items to be returned to the rightful owners. Station Sergeant Carrison Henry said in all cases the complainants returned to find their places compromised after leaving them secured. However, Cumberbatch’s troubles with the law are far from over as he returns before the No. 1 District ‘A’ Magistrate’s Court on November 29 accused of committing two indictable burglary offences. (BT)
BOA IN BOXING’S CORNER – The Barbados Olympic Association (BOA) is fully behind providing funds for the development and advancement of local boxing but its hands are currently tied due to an internal issue with the international boxing federation. This was revealed by president of the Barbados Olympic Association, Sandra Osborne, while speaking to the Nation yesterday. “The position that we find ourselves in with boxing is that the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has mandated all national Olympic committees not to support any athletes in the sport of boxing through Olympic solidarity or Pan Am Sports funding, because of an issue that they are having with the president of the International Boxing Association. “We cannot spend money we have received from the IOC because there has been a ban created worldwide. So funding that we would normally assist athletes with, we are unable to apply towards boxing,” she said.  (SS)
BEACH WRESTLING TOMORROW – The third annual Barbados Beach Wrestling International Cup has graduated from eight to 75 competitors this year, says president of the Barbados Wrestling Association, Rollins Alleyne. The two-day event scheduled to commence tomorrow at Pirates Cove as part of the Barbados Olympic Association’s (BOA) Independence Invitational Games will feature grappling, freestyle wrestling on Saturday and will conclude Sunday with beach wrestling. According to Alleyne, marketing and advertising as promised by the BOA for this event were not enough, and he added that hard cash was needed to stage an event of this magnitude that attracted international competitors. (BT)
TROUBLING NUMBERS – The issue of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) continues to be a priority for the Ministry of Health and Wellness and it has put a significant level of resources and effort into addressing them. Acting Chief Medical Officer Dr Arthur Phillips stressed Government’s commitment to controlling and preventing NCDs today when he delivered the feature address during the opening ceremony of the annual Health Fair, at the Samuel Jackman Prescod Institute of Technology (SJPI). Pointing out that NCDs were a burden on individuals and society, Dr Phillips continued: “More than 25 per cent of adults (25 years and over)… live with one NCD. And more than three quarters of our adult population have at least one risk factor. In terms of what the health system sees, more than six out of every ten visits to our primary care or outpatient settings are for NCDs and about 70 per cent of our deaths are attributable to NCDs.” According to him, NCDs had been included in the world’s sustainable development goals and there was a target of 25 per cent reduction from the baseline by 2025, or 30 per cent reduction by 2030. “Unfortunately, the reality in Barbados right now is that we are projected, if we continue on our current path, not only to miss the 25 per cent reduction but to increase by 11 per cent. That is the reality on the ground; that we are going in the wrong direction in terms of the levels of these illnesses in Barbados and therefore in terms of the impacts on us as individuals and the country… This is a very, very, very serious issue and while there are reasons to be optimistic, there are no reasons to be complacent,” he stressed. Dr Philips said Barbados had been allocating resources, including time, effort and funds, to address non-communicable diseases. “And while we have not yet received the full level of return on that investment that we need to see, the reality is that our efforts have not gone unnoticed,” he pointed out. He noted that the country recently received an award for its work in seeking to prevent and control NCDs. The acting Chief Medical Officer said the main categories of NCDs were cancers, cardiovascular disease (hypertension and strokes), diabetes and chronic respiratory diseases. He pointed out that these groups made up the largest burden of illness around the world and unfortunately, the patterns were similar in Barbados. He explained that the diseases were driven by four key risk factors and highlighted them as an unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, tobacco consumption and harmful use of alcohol. He added that these modifiable risk factors then contributed to other risk factors – increased blood pressure, high blood sugar levels, high levels of fat in the blood, overweight and or obesity. Dr Phillips lauded the SJPI for hosting the health fair for the past ten years, saying it created an environment that would help persons focus on their health. (BGIS)
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boomquotes · 6 years
Accounts and Papers of the House of Commons, 1845
Page 12: Ship Names: Osprey: Started with courses, double-reefed main and treble-reefed fore-topsails, fore-topmast staysail and boom-mainsail single-reefed, and jib. Flying Fish: Double-reefed topsails, courses, inner jib, boom-mainsail double-reefed, double-reefed topsails, courses, fore-topmast staysail, and chose-reefed boom-mainsail. Esplègle: Mutine: Sail at starting, double-reefed main-topsail and boom-mainsail, courses, fore and fore-topmast staysails; 3. out second reefs of main, and third reefs of fore, and second reef of boom-mainsail. Daring: Courses, jibs, single-reefed boom-mainsail, double-reefed main, and third reef in fore-topsails; 14-feet jolly-boat was boosted in during the trial, and placed close aft to the taffrail. Cruiser: Courses, double-reefed main, and treble-reefed fore-topsails, inner-jib and treble-reefed boom mainsail; missed stays twice; at 2:30 out reefs of boom-mainsail, third reef of fore-topsail, set jib and top-gallant sails. Water witch: Treble-reefed topsails, mainsail, reefed foresail, jib, and second reef in boom-mainsail; second reef in topsails and boom-mainsail; second reef in topsails, topgallant-sails, and single-reefed boom-mainsails. Pantaloon: Double-reefed main, and treble-reefed fore-topsails, courses, double-reefed boom-mainsail, second jib, and fore-topmast staysail. Page 14: Espiègle: Under courses, whole topsail, topgallant-sails, main royal, jib and boom mainsail, and larboard fore-topmast studding-sail. …… Water witch: Courses, whole topsails, royals at times, boom mainsail, jib and flying-jib, fore-topmast studding sail. At 12 the wind drew ahead; took in fore-topmast studding-sail; a trial ended. …… Espiègle: Under royals, courses, and larboard studding-sails forward, and both main-topmast studding-sails and topgallant ditto. No boom mainsail set. Mutine: All plain sail, except boom, mainsail, with port fore-lower-topmast and topgallant studding-sails; starboard main-top and topgallant studding-sails; 15 10, carried away port fore-topmast studding-sail boom; 10, 40, replaced it; set port main-topmast studding-sails, and in starboard topmast studding-sail. Daring: All plain sail, except boom mainsail; all larboard studding-sails, and starboard main-topmast and topgallant studding-sails, except starboard studding-sails. The boom-mainsail not being set, greatly retarded the vessel’s speed during the trial. Cruiser: All plain sail, except boom-mainsail, larboard studding-sails, and starboard main-topmast and topgallant studding-sails. 3, took in starboard studding-sails. Water witch: All sail, except boom-mainsail to port studding-sails and starboard main-topgallant sails. Pantaloon: All sail, to port studding-sails, except boom-mainsail. Page 19: Osprey… 5 No. 1844: Flying jib-boom carried away. … trough boom iron giving way. … flying jib-boom iron cafried away in a moderate breeze; iron being defective. ….. 23 Nov. 1844: Foretopmast studding-sail boom carried away … snapped in the boom iron, when shortening sail. 28 Nov. 1844: Jib-boom carried away … through backdrop bolts drawing from the bows not being properly secured. …… Flying Fish: 8 Nov. 1844: Jib-boom, flying jib-boom, martingale, and larboard whisker carried away … owing to a flaw in the shackle of chain martingale. …. lost when jib-boom was carried away, by cutting to expedite getting in wreck, single to try rate of sailing not having been annulled. …… Nov. 19, 1844: Foretopmast studding-sail boom sprung. … from bracing forward and keeping the tack too much in. Nov. 22, 1844: Main boom carried away. … owing to Her Majesty’s brig Cruiser running foul of the brig while laying to. Nov. 22, 1844: Foretopmast studding-sail boom spring. …. through running with the lower halyards. …. Espiègle. Oct. 30. …. carried away heel lashing of jib-boom when under trial. …… Nov. 20. Jib-boom sprung …. on examination about the bowsprit, discovered the jib-boom sprung in the cap, eased it a foot in, fished it, and have kept it out since. …… topsail sheets several times gone; also the chain heel lashing of jib-boom, and the heel iron of ditto. Iron work about the vessel appearing very bad. Page 20: Mutine…. Oct. 30. Sprung jib-boom …. when trying rate of sailing; blowing strong; the iron band round bowsprit, to which the clamp for heel of jib-boom was attached, having broke, and in consequence the jib-boom was sprung. ……. Nov. 10. Sprung jib-boom. …. in consequence of the bobstay lanyards carrying away whilst pitching; the jib and flying jib-boom in one. … Stove in port waist netting by a sea striking the vessel, when keeping away in a W.N.W. gale, to close the Firebrand. ……. Nov. 23. Carried away port fore-topmast studding-sail boom. … in consequence of Geo. Williams, gunner’s mate, not easing the topmast studding-sail jack, when trimming sails. Nov. 25. Carried away flying jib-boom. …. Trying rate of sailing in a moderate breeze; the boom was very slight, being only 5 inches in diameter. Nov. 28. Sprung jib-boom. …. Trying rate of sailing in a strong breeze; in consequence of its being the heart of a large spar and very knotty, it went in two places, shortly after the jib was set; the vessel pitching at the time. Page 49: What Sail set. Commenced under double-reefed topsails, courses, jib, and single-reefed boom mainsail; 10.30. set topgallant sails and out reef of boom mainsail; 12.10. out second reef of topsails; 1.15 in fore topgallant sail; 1.25. set fore topgallant sail. ……. Commenced under treble-reefed topsails, foresail, reefed mainsail, inner jib, and doubly reefed boom mainsail; 2.30 out reef of mainsail, and 3d reef of topsails, out 2d reef of boom mainsail, down inner jib, and set the jib. ……. Under double-reefed main topsail, and treble-reefed fore-courses, jib and single-reefed boom mainsail; 11.30. set main topgallant sail; 12.30 carried away jib boom, shortened sail. …… General remarks: This day, under a very heavy press of sail, and a heavy head sea, in a squall, carried away the jib boom, weathering fast on the Flying Fish and Daring at the time. … This angle and bearing taken of the Flying Fish instantly after the jib boom carried away. … At the conclusion of the trial Espiègle had beat Daring 644 yards to windward, and Flying Fish 136 yards to windward. ……. Under close-reefed topsails, and reefed courses; fore topmast staysail, and close-reefed boom mainsail.
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