queenpiranhadon · 10 months
ੈ✩‧₊˚༺Star Crossed Haters Mythology ༻ੈ✩‧₊˚
Allaida created Kuhlwen and Elektras and all other non-god beings on the planet. They did not birth the twins as by typical reproductive conventions, considering that, as the first being in the world, they did not have the need for reproductive organs as they were the only being in existence. Allaida created their offspring by infusing each element with a piece of their soul, and Kuhlwen and Elektras embody not only an element, but also a part of Allaida.
Allaida presents themselves as agender because, when they first created all animals, there was more than one sex. The diversity between the morphs of animals was much more noticeable and plentiful in the early millennia of the world. But, as evolution took over, many creatures evolved to have only 2 sexes. Those species found it unnecessary with their biological makeup to have more than 2 sexes. Of course, some species still have more than 2 sexes, and some can switch between the two. 
The Parent God created Kuhlwen when a small piece of a meteorite fell off the full rock. It contained interesting compounds which are not identifiable with the Espyn technology currently available, but nevertheless, Allaida saw something in the meteorite and felt that it needed to become sentient – hence Kuhlwen’s existence. Elektras was created when Allaida was once struck by lightning, and it took a piece of their soul along with it.
Kuhlwen and Elektras are the eldest of the gods. They are twins and the embodiment of Earth as a whole. Elektras’ control over the rain is what accumulated into Thanirrh later on. Thanirrh later did eventually take domain over rain – as did Glacon, who was created from the accumulation of snow and hail, but instead of taking domain over rain, he took domain over snow, sleet and hail. 
Vohona was created from Kuhlwen – melted lava transcended into fire, blah blah blah – but Kuhlwen still has domain over lava, as well as metals too. Kuhlwen embodies the more careful and sturdy side of Allaida, mildly influenced by her element of rocks. While she treads lightly, Kuhlwen’s abilities over lava can burst out into her moments of fury, causing volcanic eruptions. The kingdom that Kuhlwen has claimed as her own is Akameen.
Elektras controls the winds and electricity. Electricity is fully controlled by her, but he also has offspring for each of the winds: North, South, East, and West, named for the cardinal directions and which wind they control. The wind spirits are not gods, although they are immortal. They are merely wind nymphs, like the Greek Naiads. He represents the more energetic and pushy side of Allaida. The Storm God also has twins – Thanirrh, the Water God, and Glacon, the Ice God. She presides over the kingdom Minsare.
Vohona has a much fierier spirit than her mother, Kuhlwen. She holds a lot of anger inside, preferring not to reveal her more personal emotions (this may or may not directly affect everyone who she gifts with a Reya [seen most prominently in our very own Apex], causing their personalities to reflect Vohona’s). Her feud with the Nature Goddess is the cause of many forest fires. Vohona claims the kingdom Fujimura as her own. The Fire Goddess also has nymphs that assist her – Ash and Ember. The nymphs take over the forest fires, and Vohona keeps them in check.
Thanirrh is the god presiding over water. He is a much more “go with the flow” kind of guy, reflecting his affinity for water. However, like the ocean, he has a darker side to him. Horrid weather out in the waters, such as hurricanes or tropical storms, are caused by Thanirrh’s fury. Thanirrh has a twin brother, Glacon, who controls ice and snow. The Water God calls Hydeau his kingdom. Thanirrh also has a nymph for assistance – Mist. She, well, controls the mists, as Thanirrh has more responsibilities and cannot take over mist.
Glacon is the ice and snow god. Thanirrh is his twin brother, and Glacon is the polar opposite of his twin. His personality is much colder and icy, much like is expected from his element. The Ice God may be a deity, but he cannot bring about winter all on his own. For this reason, Glacon enlists the assistance of Leedstas, creatures he created that have minor control over winter, to help him spread the icy season. Glacon declares Khaenpanii as his kingdom.
Lastly, there’s Parako, the Nature Goddess. She was the last of the gods to be created, and, unlike most of the gods, was created by Allaida. Parako was rejected by her siblings for her element, as it showed her as “weak”, and deities are meant to be strong. However, Parako has a particularly good relationship with Thanirrh. She resides in Watarumi, the island that houses the training academy for children with Reyas, as the mainland kingdoms were already taken by her relatives. Parako does not rule over Watarumi like her siblings do with their kingdoms because Allaida thinks the Nature Goddess is too young. This is what led to Parako being forgotten by nearly all Espyns on Dodomi. Just like her older siblings, Parako was created by Allaida by infusing some of the Parent God’s soul with the corresponding element. Allaida infused the calmer and nicer part of them into a cherry tree, thus creating Parako.
Nymphs, as referenced earlier, are creatures created by the gods to assist them. Espyns, on the other hand, were created by Allaida, as with the other regular creatures. The Espyns inhabit Dodomi and the few exceptional ones get Reyas, while nymphs have a minor ability to control some gods’ elements. All gods, but Allaida and Parako, have kingdoms and give the royalty Reyas. The nymphs that inhabit this world are North, South, East, and West for Elektras, Ember and Ash for Vohona, Mist for Thanirrh, and the Leedstas for Glacon. Each nymph (or nymph species) has a job, assigned by their creator. Parako is the only deity that has no offspring/nymphs. Allaida created the original three gods, and Kuhlwen created Vohona, so they do not have nymphs.
A/N: Nyota wrote all of this and it caused her some seriously burn-out but hopefully this is helpful to the main plot line a little bit more (^○^).
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