#allegedly I've done all of this. Until I hear otherwise
Sometimes it is so hard to not editorialize when doing archival work. Tragic that I have to stay professional in my entry descriptions and can't add little personal comments like, "heads up: this did not age well" or "wow, this local politician was being SUPER sus in his statements, check it out."
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cryptidsurveys · 2 months
Tuesday, July 16th, 2024.
How have you been doing? I'm a little worn out from volunteering, but otherwise, I've been doing well. Cassie was telling me that I need to stay for a full day sometime, that way I can understand what they mean about the nonsense that goes on in the evenings. Basically, over the past few months, the time they actually get off work has been pushed farther and farther back. They're supposed to get off at 5pm, but Alex said the other day that she didn't get off until 6pm (and she already comes in ~30 minutes early). There also seems to be some growing animosity/resentment between the dog & cat people. Dog people are allegedly the hold-up. I'm not sure what changed, but it wasn't like this last summer. Cattery is usually finished early, often expected to help with the dog stuff; but when they ask for the final check to be done so they can go home, they're typically left for last.
I feel like that's eventually what will drive Cassie to quit. She had somewhere she had to be last night and they dragged things out until she was like, Yeah, I need to leave. She said it was "fine" in that situation; but in the future, when she has cheer practice, she's not going to be able to wait around for them because cheer won't take work as an excuse for being late. Also, I was told that Lucy might be looking for another job. Lucy told Cassie she wasn't going to quit until she found one, but after her absence last weekend, she might have just decided to go for it.
I know I'm essentially backseat managing here, lmao, but they really need to get ahead of this turnover issue. Since I started volunteering again last summer, they've lost something like 15 employees.
Anything you're looking forward to? Hopefully going for a picnic at the Mountain Park tomorrow. I haven't been there since last autumn, which is way too long. There's a certain rock in a certain stream that I just need to lie down on for a while.
Do you or anyone you know play the violin? No.
Do you have a nice view out of the closest window? It's just a view of some houses. And today, some construction. They're doing idk what on the corner diagonal from us.
What is one of your favorite breakup songs? I don't think I'm really a fan of any breakup songs.
Do you know anyone named Georgia or George? No.
What age did you learn how to ride a bike? Without training wheels? I think I was around 6 years old.
Are you currently listening to music or watching TV? I'm not. Sometimes I will listen to music while taking surveys, but it just feels like a bit much atm.
What is your morning routine? On volunteer days: depending on the day, get up somewhere between 5:15-5:45am. I'm usually awake a bit before that, though, so I just lie in bed and listen to something on YouTube. Shower, get dressed, brush my teeth, eat breakfast, gather the remainder of my things, talk with my dad for a bit. Then, depending on the day, leave somewhere between 6:20-6:45am.
On Wednesday: wake up, brush my teeth, make myself presentable, go grocery shopping, then come home and eat breakfast.
On Saturday: wake up whenever I feel like it, make breakfast, clean my bedroom, and make some art.
Are you someone who gets easily agitated by hearing someone chewing? No. It doesn't tend to bother me.
What was the last text you sent? It was a text to my mom. We might be going to see Despicable Me 4 on Saturday, and I was like, "I'll finally find out what all those little yellow minions are about."
What did you last have to eat? Some mixed veggies with sriracha sauce and a cheese and jalapeno sandwich.
What's your favorite kind of oatmeal/porridge? If we're talking about the flavored pouches, then probably brown sugar, birthday cake, strawberry, or peach. However, I typically use plain oatmeal as my base and use fruit, peanut butter, etc, to flavor it from there.
Have you ever ate a whole pizza in one sitting? I don't think so…maybe a half, though…? In elemntary school, we used to have pizza days on Friday (was it weekly? monthly? I can't recall); if you didn't "flip a card" (their disciplinary system), then you could pay some small $ amount that I no longer recall and get a half/full pizza, a cookie, and drinks.
What are some things you are grateful for? Volunteering. Even with all the drama, I can't imagine giving it up. I feel like it's a good exercise in detachment (not that I'm so detached, lmao; I'm obviously here dishing the constant tea). Like, if you ever just want to be an observer without any real expectations or responsibility for the system as a whole, go volunteer somewhere. It's an interesting experience… It's helping me learn to step back, stop trying to control everything, and just sort of let everything play out the way it will. It's not that I've given up all autonomy to the flow, but seriously, sometimes it helps to really see just how little of this teeming, chaotic world has anything to do with me. Thought I was going to make a difference; instead, found out what a cosmic speck I am. Maybe not what I wanted, but definitely what I needed. Still a speck, but now a free speck.
What's the last thing you done while outside? Drive, I guess.
How often do you do laundry? Every few days. It just depends on how quickly it piles up.
Have you already had your birthday this year? Yes, back in March. Which feels like forever ago. June 1st feels like it was last week, but March feels like it was last year.
Last thing you done before this survey? Vacuum the living room and dining room.
Do you like sleeping with multiple pillows? I have multiple pillows on my bed, but I only sleep with one.
How many candles do you have in your bedroom? A couple.
What emojis have you used the most here recently? D; and :')
What color is your favorite shirt? I don't have a favorite shirt, but my favorite hoodie is black.
Do you currently smell food cooking? No. Oh, but at the shelter earlier, I walked out of cattery to go to the bathroom and it smelled like someone was cooking hot dogs with ketchup or something. Come to find out it was ant killer. What a wild smell for such a thing…like luring them to a picnic or something…
If you were given $1,000 to spend at one store. What's your store of choice? Walmart (groceries).
How much sugar do you consume on a daily basis? Idk.
Do you have any ice cream in your freezer? Yeah. Well, it's custard, but same basic deal. It's from Culver's. Strawberry cheesecake and mint choco-chip.
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word "chaos"? Chaos theory, chaos magicians…etc.
Do you own anything that has an animated character on it? Somewhere.
Have you used a microwave today? Yeah.
What's the last book you read? Still in the midst of the third Dune book. I haven't picked it up in a while, though. I just haven't felt much like reading lately.
What's something that always makes you cringe? Idk.
What's a word or phrase you say a lot? My toxic trait is that I'm blind to my own annoying catchphrases.
What's something that always makes you emotional? Music. Not always in a good/cathartic way. Sometimes in an overwhelming/spiraling way.
How many times have you changed clothes today? Twice. From pajamas to volunteer clothes and back to pajamas.
What's on your mind currently? Just how busy this next week-ish feels. I hope I don't get a migraine…
In what ways have you changed over the past year? So many ways.
Do you really care about others opinions of you? Ehhhhh. Much less than I used to, but still to some extent.
What's your favorite pasta? Spirals, bowties, macaroni elbows.
Do you currently see anything yellow? Some watercolor flowers I painted.
What did you last try to do and failed? Not sure.
Does your bathroom have a certain theme or color scheme? Not really.
If you have Netflix or any streaming service.. what's your favorite shows to stream? N/a.
Are you currently wearing anything red? No.
What was the last thing that caught your eye while shopping? I'm not sure.
What's a social media site you have no interest in? Twitter, Facebook, Tik Tok…I don't even know what's out there these days because I don't keep up.
Have you ever tripped and fallen in a public place? Yeah.
When did you last buy a dairy product? Last Wednesday.
What's the last song you sang out loud? I'm not sure.
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
I know you’re sick of hearing about shea but there’s no damn way I would’ve been able to keep my cool like some of the girls colby has allegedly dated. With ANY man there’s just no way I’m going to be treated like the friend while she’s treated like the girlfriend. It’s always a red flag to me when a guy has a girl “best friend” bc it’s always more than that.
i think part of the reason nothing major has happened is none of his relationships have been serious. i mean the last girl that claimed to have been his gf was in 2019, and colby himself says the last time he had a gf was in 2016 so i think that's why we haven't heard anything too bad. a lot of the girls have been flings, so they already know he ain't their bf.
minus the small few (like maybe two??) that thought otherwise. one was iris back in 2019 and the only other person that ever said they were dating colby was spookybaby all the way back in 2018. and even then that whole thing was super brief.
i think there was like one other girl in 2018 that he could have actually dated, bc that was the year he started the whole "i don't like girls in la, i don't like dating in la" bs so i think he got his heart broken and that was the end of actually looking for someone lol
and personally, idc if a guy has girl friends, mostly bc i've been friends with guys my whole life. and even when i had a crush on my guy friends, i made sure to never disrespect their relationship. and so have the guys in return (meaning they never crossed boundaries with me that would be perceived negatively by their gfs).
i would like to believe that she comes from a good place, that she's trying to protect colby. however, to me it seems like there is an ulterior motive to why she acts like his watch dog, and it ain't bc she's concerned. i think in her head she believes she's entitled to him in the end. that regardless of who he dates or hooks up with, they are just the placeholder for her until he "finally" settles down with her. idk, but personally if i was with colby, and she tried to play some game like that, i'd fuck him in front of her to assert dominance lmaooo
i kid, but only slightly. truthfully, i would be like my mom when some girl was trying to fight her over my dad way back in the day: smile and say "you can have him". and let the chips fall where they may.
i've said this before but i feel like i need to repeat myself: shea already has colby to some extent. he is best friends with. i do not see him ever leaving her or not being friends with her. clearly colby has made it apparent that he is not interested in her. why is his friendship not enough??? and if he is getting her hopes up (which i pray isn't the case bc that's fucked) at what point do you go "i've been played too many times, so i'm done"?????
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mimisempai · 3 years
Missing you comes in waves and tonight I'm drowning
After seeing Loki disappear before his eyes and confined to the TVA because of the failed mission, Mobius decides to still believe in Loki and search for him. He witnesses the discussion between Sylvie and Loki on the train
My theories on the method used by Mobius to locate Loki is probably very far-fetched and lacks technical truth, but that's not the most important point here, so I hope you'll forgive me for my short cuts. (I miss them together!)
2008 words - Rating G
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"Loki! Wait!"
Loki looked at him for a moment before stepping through the portal.
By the time they got there, it was too late Loki and the portal was gone.
"I knew he would betray us as soon as he could!" said one of the hunters right next to Mobius.
"Shut up!" shouted Mobius at him before returning to the TVA.
As he walked toward Ravonna's office, the same thoughts swirled over and over in his head.
Had Loki betrayed him! What were his plans? But worst of all, was he in danger?
He tried to think rationally.
Loki always said he was one step ahead, but Mobius knew that wasn't true. Loki was improvising. Loki was adapting. So reason told Mobius that this is what he had done.
That's when Mobius decided to do something he'd never done in his life at the TVA, he was going to bet on chaos. On the fact that Loki had chosen to follow the variant not only for his own sake but also because it was his mission.
Because Mobius could not imagine that what they had shared was nothing in the eyes of the god.
"Mobius! In my office!"
Ravonna... he was already imagining her reprimands, "I warned you" "he can't be trusted"...
As soon as he entered her office, she showed him a screen and just said, "Look!"
A scene showing the variant fighting in a hallway with the guards and Loki in the locker room retrieving his daggers then arriving at the place where the guards were eliminated.
Next scene Loki and the variant fighting, Loki trying to convince her to team up, at this point, despite the faith he has in him, Mobius could not determine if this is a way to stop her or get what he wants.
Then Rovenna arrives and the variant uses Loki as a hostage.
Mobius could not prevent a gasp.
Still on the screen, seeing that Rovenna is not persuaded, Loki grabs an object that opens a portal above them and he and the Variant disappear.
Mobius tried not to show his relief, but he saw that Rovenna was not fooled.
"So you still trust him?"
Mobius looked at her defiantly, "As long as I don't have concrete, real proof that he betrayed us, yes I’ll trust him!"
"Always the idealistic dreamer huh?"
Mobius didn't answer, Rovenna continued, "You're grounded here until I tell you otherwise. You can get out."
Once out, Mobius sat in a chair, held his head in his hands, and began to think. He was grounded, but there was nothing to stop him from trying to figure out where Loki was.
He just had to figure out how to locate him.
The difference was that now, thanks to Loki, he knew to look in the apocalypses, what he had to find now was the equivalent of that candy, something out of the ordinary, something anachronistic.
He stood up suddenly, he had found it!
He went to the office, where the screen that displayed all the nexuses was located.
"Casey! Come here!"
The younger man got up and joined him. Mobius spoke more softly, "Will you help me with a secret project?"
Casey, who had great respect for the man, nodded.
"Follow me."
They headed into the archive room. Mobius chose a table a little out of the way.
"You sit here. I'll be right back."
A few minutes later, he returned with a stack of files that he separated into two piles.
"In all these apocalypses, we need to find one where it mentions two Lokis variants and unusual magical acts."
"Got it!"
Mobius didn't know if his smoky theory would work out, but he didn't have much choice.
He couldn't help but think back to a similar scene a few days earlier, when Loki had fallen asleep. He had let his guard down in the presence of Mobius, so that meant something, didn't it?
He started to flip through the files.
"M-Mobius! I think I've got it!"
Casey was showing him a file, Lamentis-1 - 2077, a woman reports that two demons tried to attack her. One even allegedly posed as her deceased husband in order to get information.
Mobius could feel it in his bones. It was Loki and the Variant.
He was going to have to gamble on someone again.
"Casey. I need you to keep this a secret for a while longer. If Ravonna gets wind of this, I'm afraid she'll launch an assault and won't hesitate to eliminate Loki."
Casey nodded without taking time to think, "As long as you need Mobius."
Mobius was surprised that he didn't have to persuade Casey more than that.
After all, he seemed to be the good, loyal employee who never disobeyed.
Casey, seeing his reaction, added with a knowing smile, "You know, I like Loki too. He promised me he'd show me what a fish is and you know? The drink he took from me the other day, he bought me another one and apologized. A villain wouldn't take the time to do something like that right?"
Mobius's throat tightened. Casey was the first person other than himself to acknowledge that there was good in Loki.
Casey nodded and returned to his desk.
Mobius headed straight for the video archive room. The advantage of being an agent of his rank was that he had unrestricted access to this section of the archives.
He searched through the shelves until he found the videos of Lamentis 1 in 2077.
He sat down in front of one of the small projectors provided for this purpose. He was going to start from the described scene that Casey had shown him.
After entering a few parameters, the screen lit up with Loki being blasted by an old woman.
The noise of the meteors that rained down around
Loki and the one who accompanied him, prevented Mobius from hearing what was being said.He pressed the fast-forward button until Loki and the girl, after some trouble to enter the train, found themselves in a box in the dining car.
He turned up the volume to hear their conversation.
He was amazed at how easily they seemed to converse, despite the jabs on both sides, and couldn't help a twinge of annoyance that he refused to recognize as jealousy.
The variant said to Loki, mockingly, "FYI, that wasn't even a plan."
"Oh, really?"
God how Mobius missed that cheeky attitude. Even when unmasked, Loki still had that irritating confidence.
The variant replied, "Plans have multiple steps. Dressing as a guard and getting on a train is just doing a thing."
She couldn't hold back a yawn.
Loki responded, "Oh, are you a bit tired? Feel free to, you know, get some rest."
One thing Mobius had realized and Casey had confirmed to him just before was that Loki cared more about others than he let on if you paid attention.
The variant grunted and replied, "I can't sleep in a place like this."
"You can't sleep on a train?"
The variant retorted, irritated, "No. I can't sleep around untrustworthy people."
Loki replied, still cheeky, "Oh, right. That's me?"
Fearing he might misinterpret what had been said, Mobius pressed rewind and let the scene play out before him.
The image of Loki nodding in agreement about not being able to sleep near people he couldn't trust was superimposed on the image of Loki sound asleep in his company.
He could not suppress the pang of his heart.
Loki trusted him, Loki considered him trustworthy.
While he was thinking, the video had continued and Loki was now talking about his mother.
Mobius had witnessed Loki's relationship with his mother and his devastation at the news of her death.
Loki's voice had become more hushed, with that hint of fragility he had whenever he spoke of her.
"She was, um... A Queen of Asgard. She was good. Purely decent."
Then the variant and Loki respectively provoked each other about the fact that they were adopted and Loki continued, "You know, when I was young, she'd do these little bits of magic for me. Like turn a flower into a frog or cast fireworks over the water. It all seemed impossible. But she told me that I'd be able to do it too because... Because I could do anything. You wanna see?"
Loki sets off tiny fireworks over his hand.
Mobius could not deny his feelings at that moment.
The sight of magic coming from Loki's hands, pure magic, was enchanting.
Loki continued, "She was the kinda person you'd want to believe in you."
Mobius could not help but whisper, "Loki, I believe in you."
For a few moments he didn't catch the conversation until it was audible again. Apparently they were talking about their love interests.
The variant asked Loki, "How about you? You're a prince. Must've been would-be-princesses or perhaps, another prince." She finished with a wink.
Loki, replied with a serious look, "A bit of both. I suspect the same as you. But, nothing ever..."
The variant finished his sentence, "real."
"Let me find you and I'll prove to you how real it is." Mobius didn't realize he was speaking aloud. He pushed fast-forward again.
The Variant had fallen asleep and Loki looked a little giddy.
Loki waved his hand and was back in his TVA agent costume.
He could wear the illusion of any outfit, and he chose this one. Why stay in these clothes?
Mobius really didn't want to be under any illusions, because how could he imagine that someone like Loki, a prince, a god, would want to claim a belonging to something like the TVA... to someone like Mobius?
Loki had started to dance and sing.
Mobius could not help but laugh. Then his laughter died down as Loki's song became more melancholic,
I stormsvarte fjell, jeg vandrer alene
Over isbreen tar jeg meg frem
I eplehagen står møyen den vene
og synger "når kommer du hjem?"
Men traner danser og fossene stanser
når hun synger, hun synger "kom hjem"
Then seeming to regain his spirits, Loki began to dance and sing happily again as if trying to prevent nostalgia from invading him.
When the music stopped, he joined the Variant and resumed his seat in front of him. Mobius managed to understand what they were saying to each other.
"What did you just sing to look so disturbed?"
Loki looked a little moved and answered him with the voice Mobius knew well, the one he used when he was serious, when he was sincere.
"It's Asgardian, it says:
In storm-black mountains, I wander alone
Over the glacier I make my way
In the apple garden stands the maiden fair and sings,
"When will you come home?"
Loki stopped, apparently moved, and the Variant simply said, "So there's a would-be-princess somewhere..."
Loki chuckled looking so sad before answering her, "I like metaphors you know, it's not a princess it's a prince, and I don't know if he's waiting for me or hoping to see me again, it's not even really my home, but..."
"But you'd like to believe that right?"
Loki nodded.
Mobius, didn't dare to believe that it was him that Loki was talking about, even though he couldn't stop the hope from rising up inside him.
The video continued, much more animated, after a wild fight, both jumped off the moving train and found themselves walking through a kind of desert towards the energy source they apparently needed to reactivate the tempad.
Mobius saw Loki suddenly stop, looking shocked. But Mobius was unable to hear what they were saying, the sound of the meteors again covering their voices.
Suddenly, Loki shouted louder, "But they don't know that!"
And they began to run.
Mobius could see that Loki was repeating something as he ran, an expression that Mobius had never seen on his face. Like he was worried. But he couldn't hear him. He zoomed in closer to try to read Loki's lips and finally succeeded.
The whole serie here : The story of Loki and Mobius
Not beta'd I hope you enjoyed it 🥰
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