nosauce · 3 years
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**Long triggering post** When my son was born everything seemed right. He was healthy and perfect, and I had no idea what I was doing but I was ready for the challenge. He was a bit small when born and when we left the hospital they said he was on the cusp of losing too much weight. The pediatrician who was rounding on us at the hospital literally said “you are starving this child” so after about two hours of crying to my husband asking why would she say that when all we were doing was breastfeeding for what felt like 24 hours a day - they let us go and said just to follow up with our ped. When we went to the pediatrician they said he must gain weight. As a new mom of about 4 days I just kept getting more stressed. As the days went on - he didn’t gain weight. He was so fussy. It was miserable. I kept going to the pediatrician because I knew in my gut something was wrong but I didn’t know what. I kept getting brushed off. They asked me about postpartum. I would come home and just sob. Something was wrong. I knew it. Everyone thought I was crazy. My family didn’t believe me and literally called me crazy. All I did was cry. I knew something was very wrong. Until a very dear friend said “you are his only advocate. Make them listen to you. Just keep going to the doctor until they do, everyday if you have to”. All it took was one person to believe me. I went back. At that point he was so small and dehydrated we were sent to the ER. We ended up in the hospital for a full week. Turns out that he had a very severe milk protein allergy. The hospital did listen. They told me I was doing everything right. They didn’t discount anything I said. They put us on a hypoallergenic formula. Which saved my sons life and my sanity. He started sleeping. Laughing. Gaining weight. Life got exponentially better. Remember that sometimes you need to be your allergy child’s advocate. Make them listen to you. Stay strong even when no one stands with you. Your child needs you. ❤️❤️ . . . . #personal #foodallergymom #triggered #advocate #advocatelikeamother #milkprotein #dairyallergy #milkallergy #momlife #allergyadvocate (at Hoboken, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKd27S3pHO3/?igshid=14k6go3162sws
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