labyrithn-blog · 6 years
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❝   ———   aw,   christ.   ❞
The  thing  about  Danny  is  that  he’s  just  like  those  dogs  that  don’t  understand  that  they’re  too  big  to  be  lapdogs,   just  like  those  Facebook  videos  that  he  and  Taylor  won’t  stop  tagging  him  in.   (  Nathen  won’t  admit  that  he’s  starting  to  think  that  they’re  cute,   won’t  acknowledge  what  that  says  about  his  aging  personality.   He  can’t  be  an  angry,   bullied  kid  forever.   Maybe  there’s  something  to  this  “happiness”  schtick.   )
Good  birth,   babe.
❝   Get  off  o’  me,   jackass.   ❞   
Not  that  Nathen  makes  any  genuine  attempt  to  escape  the  crushing  weight  of  Danny’s  affection;   maybe  he  even  settles  an  arm  around  Danny’s  waist,   traces  patterns  into  the  small  of  his  back  as  Danny  peppers  his  cheeks  with  sweet  kisses.   (   Not  that  he’s  the  artist  of  the  two,   but  maybe  there’s  something  to  feeling  “inspired”.   He  can’t  be  a  “charmingly  distant”  husband  forever.   They  have  a  kid  together   Speaking  of   ———   )
Alyss  is  finishing  breakfast.   Dunno  where  she  got  them  cooking  genes  from.
❝   Hey,   ev’ryone  on  my  side  o’  the  family’s  a  great  cook.   Jus’   ...   skipped  a  generation  wit’  me.   ❞   A  beat.   ❝   ‘s  Alyss  really  in  th’  kitchen  by  ‘erself?   She’s  six.   Th’  hell’s  she  makin’?   ❞
He  yawns,   scrubs  sleep  from  his  eyes  with  a  fist   ———   is  interrupted  by  another  kiss  to  his  lips,   that  he  clumsily  sputters  around  before  regaining  his  composure,   reciprocates.
I  love  you. 
For  a  brief  moment,   he  misses  Lowrie,   but  it  doesn’t  feel  so  much  like  dying  anymore.   (   She  used  to  do  the  same  thing   —   but,   maybe  he  prefers  it  like  this.   Maybe  he  really  is  growing  up.   )
❝   Couldn’t’a  waited  five  seconds,   asshole?   ❞ and  then,   softer:   
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❝   I  love  you,   too.   ❞
—   and,   I  got  ten  minutes  to  blow  you,   if  you’re  in  the  mood. 
That  gets  his  attention,   because  maybe  he  isn’t  entirely  grown  up,   and  maybe  sex  still  makes  him  tick.   He  smiles,   just  one  dimple  into  the  corner  of  his  mouth,   rolls  his  hips  into  Danny’s  own.
❝   —   yeah?   should’a  jus’  started  wit’  that.   ❞   @alliancesniper!
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kidblader · 6 years
“— heah, khed. looks like ya need this moah ‘n i do.” shrugs off his heavy coat, drapes it over the shivering kid’s shoulder. danny’ll be fine - he’s got a sweatshirt on, and a thermal beneath that. when it comes to boston wintahs, danny doesn’t play around. “the heck ahya doin’ out heah without a coat on, anyways? and why do those guys behind ya got real good donald n’ goofy costumes on? theah’ra cool disney pahty goin’ on?”
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❝   ———   h—huh? ❞
Sora  blinks  up  at  the  voice,   and  there’s  so  much  to  take  in  all  at  once  that  he  doesn’t  know  where  to  start.   For  one  thing,   it’s  really  cold  here!   (   It  reminds  him  of  Arendelle,   or  snow  in  San  Fransokyo.   He  wishes  that  he  could  be  more  excited  about  being  in  another  big  city   —   but,   he’s  afraid  that  his  chattering  teeth  will  cleave  his  tongue  in  two  if  he  tries  to  speak  any  more!   )
For  another  thing,   this  guy  is  really   …   big!   Easily  a  foot  taller  than  himself,   and  ten  times  his  weight  and  muscle!   (   Sora  bets  that  he  could  give  all  three  of  them  a  piggyback  ride,   no  problem! He  wants  to  ask,   can’t  decide  if  it  would  be  Donald  or  Riku  materializing  into  this  world  from  sheer  willpower  alone  who  would  chastise  him  for  being  “rude”.   ) He  also  has  a  ring  in  his  nose  that  either  makes  him  look  scary  or  cool,   ( Sora’s  still  trying  to  figure  it  out.   “Scool”? That’s  already  a  word!   )   and  a  funny  accent  that  Sora  has  definitely  never  heard  before.
He  kind  of  sounds  like  he  has  a  cold.Sora  wonders  if  it’s  because  of  the  weather.
Here,   kid.   Looks  like  you  need  this  more  than  I  do.
Before  Sora  can  say  or  do  anything,   the  man  has  already  shed  his  coat,   drapes  it  over  Sora’s  shoulders,   and  it  swallows  him   ( like  the  Darkness,   like  a  mouth!   Maybe  his  mother  never  taught  him  not  to  take  things  from  strangers.   Maybe,   even  if  she  had,   Sora  wouldn’t  have  listened   —   because  why  should  help ��ever  be  a  bad  thing?   )   He  sticks  his  arms  through  their  respective  holes,   clutches  the  fur-lined  hood  around  his  face  so  much  so  that  only  his bright  eyes  can  be  seen   —   and,   when  he  speaks  again,   his  voice  is  muffled.
❝   Th—Thanks!   but,   aren’t  you  cold,   too?   ❞
The  heck  are  you  doing  out  here  without  a  coat  on,   anyway?
❝ ‘dunno,   ❞   he  answers,   with  an  innocent  shrug  of  his  shoulders.   ❝   I,   er   ———   didn’t  think  I’d  be  out  here?   ❞
and,   why  do  those  guys  behind  you  got  real  good  Donald  and  Goofy  costumes  on?   There  a  cool  Disney  party  going  on?
❝   Huh?   ❞  
Sora  is  so  taken  aback  by  the  question  that  he  doesn’t  even  register  Donald’s  outburst   —   and,   just  before  he  can  ask  this  man  how  he  knows  Donald  and  Goofy,   Goofy’s  hand  is  gripping  his  shoulder,   spinning  him  around.
Wait  a  sec,   you  guys!  I  think  the  King  said  somethin’  about  this  before!   This  must  be  one  o’  those  worlds  where  Donald  an’  me  are  cartoon  characters!Cartoon  characters?Yeah!   King  Mickey,   too!   an’  the  Queen,   an’  Daisy   —   all  of  us!   Master  Yen  Sid  made  us  here,   I  think!   That’s  what “Dis-Ney” means!  It’s “Yen  Sid”  backwards!That  doesn’t  make  any  sense!Donald!   Ya  gotta  be  quiet!   Cartoon  characters  ain’t  supposed  t’  talk  in  this  world!   If  this  guy  thinks  we’re  just  people  wearin’  costumes,   then  maybe  that’s  what  we  ought’a  go  with!Good  call,   Goof!   Okay!
Sora  spins  back  around  to  face  the  nice  stranger,   nods  an  enthusiastic  assent  that  definitely  isn’t  compensating  for  the  lie  that  he’s  about  to  tell.
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❝   Uh-huh!   We,   uh   ———   “got  lost”.   My  name’s  Sora,   since  you  already  know  Donald  and  Goof.   Could  you   …   tell  us  where  we  are?   ❞
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❝   ———   shepard.   ❞   hard-to-shake  professionalism  tinged  with  fondness,   mixed  with  concern.   ❝   it’s   ...   damned  good  to  see  you.   i  heard  about  what  happened  on  the  citadel.   apparently,   hand-me-down  apartments  are  bad  luck.   ❞   a  quiet  laugh  that  masks  guilt.   ❝   i’m  sorry  about  that.   i  really  did  want  you  to  have  a  good  time.   are  you  all  right?   the  crew?   ❞   @alliancesniper   !!
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wxiren · 6 years
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Using gifs, and without using titles, list your top ten favorite games of all time.
They don’t have to be in any particular order.
Tag however many people you like.
Repost! Do not reblog!
tagged by: @clericallis [joy! thank u!!] tagging: @cerisetheai - @sampatii - @severemarquis - @verprocella - @taromancies - @thewardenqueen - @thewrathofheaven - @allianceofficer - @alliancesniper
     【 ♛ 】 ||      [i have too many favs ! also, i didn’t know i added 11 gifs until i was about to post, so i’m not removing `]
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labyrithn-blog · 6 years
taylor  cants  their  head,   and  the  eye-visors  of  their  suit  narrow  ever  so  slightly  to  account  for  the  shift  of  the  light.   (   They’re  smart,   but  they’re  no  scientist.   This  suit  is  a  marvel  of  engineering   ———   and  also  a  curse.   )   The  thin  spandex  allows  their  natural  setules  to  stick  to  the  ledge  that  they’re  perched  upon,   far  too  close  to  Danny   (   and  the  thing  inside  of  him   )   for  their  own  comfort.
Somewhere  below  them,   someone  calls  up  to  them   —   some  show  of  support  for  all  of  the  work  that  they  do  protecting  this  city.   (   They  don't  have  the  heart  to  tell  anyone  that  they're  really  just  protecting  Nathen.   )
That's  what  the  mask  is  about. That's  what  this  meeting  is  about.
Taylor  loves  Danny,   trusts  him,   but  just  because  people  trusted  Doctor  Jekyll  doesn't  mean  that  they  held  any  love  for  Mister  Hyde.   (   Maybe  that's  a  bad  example.   Doctor  Jekyll  was  Mister  Hyde.   The  moral  of  that  story  is  that  evil  has  always  been  here.   Maybe  the  moral  of  this  story   ...   is  that  evil  will  always  find  us.   )
We  are  Venom.
Their  fingers  furl  'round  the  lip  of  the  roof's  edge,   eyes  narrow  further  still  to  thin  slits  to  dam  tears.   Once  you  peel  all  of  the  symbiote  and  suit  away,   all  that’s  left  is  Taylor  Hunter  Davis   —   and,   all  of  this  is  their  fault;   not  Danny's,   and,   really,   not  even  Venom's.   (   if  only  they  had  been  stronger!   if  only  they  hadn't  been  so  scared!   )
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❝   You  can't  keep  it.   ❞ 
Their  voice  is  quiet,   but  it  cuts  through  the  stillness  of  the  night  with  a  glinting  edge   ———   neither  a  concerned  request  nor  an  amiable  suggestion,   but  a  threat.   They  angle  their  head  to  look  at  Danny,   and  in  his  blue  eyes  they  can  see  that  he  knows  that  they're  right.   (   They  can  also  see  that  he  doesn't  think  that  he  has  a  choice.   )
❝   It'll  kill  you,   and   —   ❞   and  my  dad  won't  live  through  that   ❝   —   a---and,   before  it  does,   it'll  kill  other  people.   I  mean,   you  saw  what  happened  tonight!   We  can't  let  that  happen  again.   ❞
They  hop  from  the  ledge  to  level  ground,   bridge  the  distance  between  themself  and  Danny  to  circle  fingers  'round  his  forearms   —   anchoring,   pleading. 
❝   I   —   I  think  that  we  have  to  kill  it  first.   ❞   @alliancesniper!
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skymade · 7 years
tagged by @thiefforhire
tagging @allianceofficer @alliancesniper @solitaryskies​ @stealsyou​ + you! 
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   You Are: Blaufrankisch    A rare grape with a name that's hard to pronounce. Sound like you opining on the latest global catastrophe amongst your friends? You're not the most popular kid in the crowd, but you are the coolest (at least you like to think you are). 
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