#allies & friendships ; kaey hatathli.
macveigh · 1 year
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send me 📍 and i’ll start a pinterest board for our muses’ relationship.
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macveigh · 1 year
“Come on! Go faster, slowpoke!” Morgan giggles, wrapping both arms around Kaey’s chiseled stele one. The feel of metal didn’t bother her, as she laced their fingers together in a platonic-ish embrace. She dragged him across the near empty parking lot towards a building that looked like some sort of arcade or bowling alley on the outside. 
On the inside, behind a wall of bulletproof glass and a small office cubicle where people could buy their tickets, there were several narrow lanes built out of wood where small hatches were being thrown at multi-colored targets of all different shapes and sizes while classic rock music blasted through the speakers above head. The air smelled like stale beer, sweat, salty popcorn, and industrial carpet cleaner. Morgan was quite literally jumping for joy beside Kaey with a relentless child-like excitement. 
“I’m so excited!” the witch practically squealed as she looked up at her friend, hopping in place on one foot, “I’ve always wanted to do something like this! My brother and his friends never let me try this as a kid, they said it was a ‘man’s sport’. I’m almost positive Michael would have a heart attack if he saw me here tonight!”
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@hegrowth​ wished to say ‘happy birthday’ to Morgan! 🎂 
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macveigh · 2 years
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Feeling the vague impression of someone creeping up from behind her, Morgan stopped what she was doing and whipped around to greet the presence with an open hand. She wrapped her fingers around their throat, not tight enough to harm but enough to keep them in place, and threw them up against the wall adjacent to where they stood. Seeing that it was Kaey, it took quite a bit out of Morgan to force him off his feet and back him up into another position entirely. She stared blankly at him with wide dark eyes while her breath came and went in soft pants. Shaking her head at him, the faintest shadow of a smirk graced her lips. 
“You should know better not to sneak up on a lady like that you know,” the witch teased Kaey, applying slightly more pressure against his skin. She could feel his pulse against her fingertips. A dangerous invitation.  
@hegrowth​ liked to get choked 
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macveigh · 2 years
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It was the third time she tried hammering against Kaey’s apartment door in order to get his attention. Her patience was wearing thin and she was half tempted to use her powers to jimmy the lock and help herself to what she needed. “Come on, Kaey, open up! This is important.”
@hegrowth​ 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒𝑑. 
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macveigh · 2 years
The heat had finally kicked on in the apartment, and just in time. Outside, it was the perfect fall day; gray, slightly pouring, with wind blowing around red, orange, and golden colored leaves around the warehouse district. Rascal had gone off to hide somewhere, more than likely under Morgan’s bed, the poor creature hated when it rained meanwhile she loved it. It was the perfect kind of afternoon to just stay inside and busy one’s self with hobbies such as reading, listening to vinyl records on a turn table, or in Morgan’s case, baking. Just in time for All Hallows’ Eve. 
“Hey stranger, I didn’t think you’d make it,” she greeted Kaey at the front door before welcoming him into the living room, “Sorry for the heat. I just preheated the oven and the building’s furnace is finally working again. Just hang up your coat on the rack and join me in the kitchen, will you? Hope you brought comfy clothes to get messy in. Your getting your hands dirty today,” the witch giggled, excitedly trotting back into the open kitchen area that was connected directly adjacent to the foyer. 
@omends​ liked for a fall starter 🎃
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macveigh · 2 years
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@omends​​ asked:   9D for Kaey 🙈 [ passionate gifs ]
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Without looking, she sensed that Kaey had joined her in the shower. The water was near scalding hot, it turned her usually pale skin a bright pink hue as it cascaded over her dark hair, face, and naked body. The intense heat warmed and relaxed her tense muscles, despite being absolutely vulnerable, hot showers had always comforted Morgan. She never felt insecure or afraid of her flaws when showering, it was one of the few times where she felt truly at peace with her body, where she felt beautiful. 
Turning around to face Kaey, Morgan gasped softly upon seeing his own nakedness, and guided him under the showerhead with her. Steam bloomed around them and engulfed the room until they were just two figures standing in the middle of a sea of vapory white clouds, billowing throughout the bathroom. Her hair when wet was almost as dark and as inky black as Kaey’s was. Reaching up, she gently combed her fingers through the length of his hair from root to tip, helping him wet it. 
Staring up at his features, she found herself getting lost in all the small details that made his face attractive; the empty gray color of his unnatural eyes, the tan of his skin, and the scar going down the left side of his face. Even his imperfections were beautiful to her. She let her fingertips trace his nose, his cheeks, and his lips before she cautiously began to trace his scar. 
Having moved closer to him, she closed her eyes again and leaned in to give Kaey a small kiss on the lips. After pulling away, she felt an invisible magnetic force pulling her back for a second one, and another, and another. As the kisses grew more and more impassioned, Morgan let her hands fall to Kaey’s waist and she pulled him firmly against her, until her back hit the shower wall. Feeling every part of him against her was a thrilling sensation, but she wanted to take things slow, she wanted to explore him and savor every touch, taste, and smell while it lasted. 
Or at least until the water ran cold. 
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macveigh · 1 year
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“For a strong, silent type of guy...you sure do like to bitch a lot.” 
morgan insults people // @hegrowth​
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macveigh · 1 year
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@hegrowth​ asked:  why don’t you stay the night ?  i’ll take the couch . [ dusty toybox starters ]
Morgan awkwardly swayed in the doorway wearing an old shirt that was far too big for her that hung down past her knees and a pair of Kaey’s shorts for pajama bottoms. It was one of the many nights the power had gone out at her place again. After a shower and borrowing some of Kaey’s clothes, she completely smelled of him now. 
“No, no, you don’t have to do that...” Morgan insisted, shaking her head, “I could never kick someone out of their own room. Plus, no offence, but your couch is awfully uncomfortable.” 
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macveigh · 1 year
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@hegrowth​ asked: kaey is 5'2" ! I think chey is 5'8" I don't remember [ height comparrison meme ]  
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morgan and her boys <3 lol   just a couple of short kings and their queen i like that better 😂
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macveigh · 2 years
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“They say ‘everything happens for a reason’. Well, I’m going outside to slash that guy’s tires. My reason? He hit my butt when I served him his food and stiffed me on the tip.” 
@omends​  liked for a starter   for kaey? lol 
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macveigh · 2 years
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@omends​ asked: [ APPROACH ] for kaeeeeeey [ some more smutty memes ]
Morgan takes a cautious step towards Kaey, not wanting to scare him off or make him feel uncomfortable. Taking both of his hands into her own, she notices how Kaey’s fingers are much more slender and longer than hers, the size of his palms were considerably larger too. When he doesn't jerk away or protest, she pulls him in even closer and wraps his arms around her middle. Reaching up, she touches the side of his face with just the pads of her fingertips at first, before fully moving in to caress his cheek. Soon, she’s cupping Kaey’s face into her hands and just holding it there, mere inches away from her own. But something’s stopping her from kissing him, stopping her from going further. “Kaey...” Morgan breathes his name and smiles, despite making the first move, she’s shaking, “If you think this is a mistake, if you don’t want this just...tell me now. Tell me I’m crazy or that I miss read the situation entirely or....” 
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macveigh · 2 years
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@omends​​​ asked:  ♧ (kaey or myk)  [ less cringy NSFW/intimacy memes ]
It’s not their first time sharing a bed. However, this is the first time that she’s ever invited Kaey into her bed to spend the night. Rascal is perched at the foot of the comforter, sleeping soundly without a care in the world or the slightest inkling as to what is happenings between his owner and her guest for the evening. Morgan lies across from Kaey on the right side of the bed, curled up into a fetal position. Beneath the sheets, she moves her leg over to affectionately wrap around Kaey’s in a sort of half embrace. She takes one of his wrists gently into her hands and moves it so that his arm rest across her waist, just slightly above her hips. Smiling, she maneuvers closer to Kaey in bed until there is very little space in between them and she can feel the heat of his breathing. “My room, my rules,” she quips, brushing the tip of her nose against Kaey’s. 
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macveigh · 2 years
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@omends​ asked: ❛ wait, you think i’m cute? ❜ (kaey) [ &. soft and sweet sentence starters ]  
Morgan shrugged and pursed her lips, “Yeah, maybe.” She gave Kaey a small grin, color filling her cheeks, “You ask as if this is news to you. Come on, I can’t be the only one who’s noticed. You’ve got that whole strong, silent type vibe going for you. I’d say tall, dark, and handsome but...neither one of us are very tall.” 
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macveigh · 2 years
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@omends​ asked:  😏 and for kaey cuz wtfn [ prompt ]    
How physically attracted they are to your muse: morgan finds kaey to be a very beautiful person, inside and out. the biggest thing that morgan finds attractive about kaey is his hair (obviously). he looks like he actually takes very good care of his hair and just his body overall from his build to his complexion. she also loves the color and shape of his eyes, they can either be striking and attentive or soft and comforting. 
How romantically attracted they are to your muse: kaey feels like an old soul to morgan. in general she gets the vibe from him that he’s very attentive and has seen a lot (both good and bad) that life has to offer. as such, morgan thinks kaey to be very wise. she adores him as a close friend more than anything else but that deep love especially for morgan has the potential to turn romantic over time.
How often they would like to have sex with yours: i can see morgan and kaey spending some days just lounging around the house, enjoying each other’s company in general by hanging out but also by having sex on and off throughout the day whenever they felt the drive. i’m sure if they were in a (healthy) romantic relationship and morgan was happy she’d be like nonstop horny for kaey like 80% of the time 😂 as often as kaey would have her, basically, taking into account his own sexual orientation of course.
Where they would most likely have sex with yours: in bed, at each other’s respective residencies, couches, i could also see them doing something stupid and corny romantic like having sex under the stars, somewhere outside. 
Whether they think yours would be  “good”  in bed: kaey seems to be very respectful, soft spoken, like he doesn't brag about his sexual exploits like some other people. morgan’s first impression of kaey is that he’s a very passionate lover who wants to make his partner feel appreciated, making it more about them than himself. 
What titles / nicknames my muse would like to call yours during sex: i don’t think morgan knows kaey’s full name so she would just call him that or ‘baby’. 
Up to 3 kinks they would like to explore with yours  ( with consent of course ): i could see kaey doing something unique like tracing morgan’s skin in certain places with an ice cube between his teeth lol kaey doesn't strike me as the super kinky type so morgan would probably want to slowly introduce kaey into her other kinks so long as he would be comfortable with it over time; bondage, blindfolding, a little more of the aggressive stuff. 
What sort of sex they’d prefer to have with yours  ( slow & sensual, quickie, etc. ): slow and sensual would probably be the most benefitable for both of them, morgan only initiating that they go a bit rougher or do something different if kaey is comfortable with it too.
What type of relationship my muse would like to form with yours. ( typical couple, friends with benefits, etc. ): i can see them being good friends for a long time before divulging into a romantic relationship, one where emotionally they are more connected to each other than any physical or casual relationship and then when they do become romantic it’s similar to their previous friendship except now they kiss and stuff lol
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macveigh · 2 years
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@omends​ asked:  “Shadows can be dangerous. They can have teeth.” (cries about trauma!kaey or myk) [doctor sleep meme ]
“You don’t have to tell me about what lurks in the dark, old friend. The entities of the Otherworld have run alongside my family for generations now. I’m pretty sure we prayed more to the shadows than our actual pantheon sometimes.” 
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macveigh · 2 years
(platonic) friends tags // will add more over time
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