#lmk if i need to change anything <3
zaidshair · 2 months
Location: shopping deck of The Odyssey @elijahbell
It wasn't really that Zaid had a mind to 'scavenge' or 'loot' per se. He was better than that, he wasn't some sort of basic greedy opportunist wanker who just wanted to capitalize off disaster. But.
But. This cruise ship had some lush fucking shopping choices. In Zaid's struggle to exit the bloody ship, he found a Bvlgari, a Kenzo - and one of his personal favourites, an Hermès boutique. Apparently, cruise ships full of old European geezers with too much retirement dosh meant the best sort of designer tourist traps.
Zaid would've been ashamed that he had paused in front of the severely slanted Hermès shop, looking within, if it wasn't for what happened next. He stopped just to see if there was anything that caught his eye; window shopping one might say. It was all good quality, it'd be a shame to let the ocean claim such useful clothing and accessories, wouldn't it?
Zaid found himself gravitating towards the store...close enough to hear a pounding. No - a knocking. Like someone was at the shop's backend storage room, pounding at the shut door.
Let me out! Please let me out! I want to go home!
Zaid sloshed forward, on alert. "Hullo? Someone there?"
Please! I just want to go home! Can you help me?
Zaid rattled the doorknob, but it didn't work. "Fuck me, it's stuck. I'll need another way to get you out of there, mate. Hang tight, yeah?" Turning, Zaid saw another man roaming down the deck between the shops. Zaid hopped and waved. "Oi! Mate! Can you give us a hand?"
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israsakarya · 5 months
LOCATION: Bike festival memorial
WITH: @nathaniel-donovan
Isra had been sat on a nearby bench for 45 minutes already, her gaze dull and frozen as she stared at the ground. She had already studied every inch of the small memorial the town had left in the wake of the bombing. She had already read his name over and over, and over again. Hoping that just maybe it wasn't real, maybe if she blinked again his name would disappear. But Isra had been here before, to the memorial, and wished for the exact same thing, but he never came back.
Her attention was suddenly lulled away at the presence of someone else stood before the memorial. Her gaze lazily travelled upwards until she recognised the profile of the man. She knew him, of course she knew him. The Sons second in command. But, did he know her?
Isra cleared her throat gently, deciding to test the waters. "Did you know any of them?" she spoke gently.
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macveigh · 1 year
“Come on! Go faster, slowpoke!” Morgan giggles, wrapping both arms around Kaey’s chiseled stele one. The feel of metal didn’t bother her, as she laced their fingers together in a platonic-ish embrace. She dragged him across the near empty parking lot towards a building that looked like some sort of arcade or bowling alley on the outside. 
On the inside, behind a wall of bulletproof glass and a small office cubicle where people could buy their tickets, there were several narrow lanes built out of wood where small hatches were being thrown at multi-colored targets of all different shapes and sizes while classic rock music blasted through the speakers above head. The air smelled like stale beer, sweat, salty popcorn, and industrial carpet cleaner. Morgan was quite literally jumping for joy beside Kaey with a relentless child-like excitement. 
“I’m so excited!” the witch practically squealed as she looked up at her friend, hopping in place on one foot, “I’ve always wanted to do something like this! My brother and his friends never let me try this as a kid, they said it was a ‘man’s sport’. I’m almost positive Michael would have a heart attack if he saw me here tonight!”
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@hegrowth​ wished to say ‘happy birthday’ to Morgan! 🎂 
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lemonofthevalley · 8 months
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alice dyer amiright
[ID: a digital drawing of the character alice dyer. she has a peachy skintone, with a ginger mullet and grey-green eyes. alice has side burns, as well as some arm hair and partial facial hair that are all a darker brownish red than the rest of her hair. she is wearing a white tshirt under a beige sweatervest that has white markings in a diagonal pattern, blue jeans, tall white socks, and beige sneakers. alice has a locket and a chain necklace on, and the jewellery is a dingy silver color. she has a small gauge piercing in her ear, as well as a very small skeleton earring. she is lounging backwards, one arm crossed over her stomach and one leg up as if propped up on something. on the hand that is visible in frame, alice has two rings on, and red nail polish. the other arm hangs down and out of the frame. in the background, there is a yellow circle behind her head, similar to a halo. the background is a grey-green similar to alice's eye color, with added blues and greens. the colors are arranged in a spiral around alice, and the centerpoint is alice herself. the colors of the background become more muddled the closer to the centerpoint, and more distinct the further from the centerpoint. /end ID]
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puppyeared · 1 year
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reduxable · 9 months
Posting these before i forgetttt
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guidingkey · 2 months
"wait, what?" sora stopped dead in his tracks, his hands falling from where they'd been cupping the back of his head. the look he gives ariel is incredulous --- disbelieving, even. if his jaw dropped any more, it'd be on the ground. but could you blame him?! ariel had just dropped a bomb of truth on him like it was nothing! how was he supposed to react when ariel just told him --- "herc's your cousin?!"
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﹒⟢ ﹒starter for @seachant .
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jxwz · 3 months
@thecommanderzoe ♥'d the starter call.
Twenty-three years in this world. Eleven of them spent inside the military, from his training right up to the Survey Corps. For the last six, Porco has been assigned as the holder of the 'Jaw'—a genetically-engineered beast born outside of his bones, used as a more aggressive approach of protecting the walls that surround them and those brave enough to explore what's been lost outside. But he's always had pointy teeth.
Hanji's always found that far too interesting a fact about him. Not the front ones though. His sharp fangs begin at the canines just like everybody else but they go all the way to the back of his mouth and, almost every time that he is due a physical, Porco is uncomfortably reminded just how unusual that is. Right now, he is being reminded by the mirrored utensil that's been wrenched inside his mouth and bright, gleaming pair of glasses about two inches away from his face while Hanji gapes inside.
He squeezes over his knee as he tries not to squirm away like all of his instincts are begging him to, bouncing the other, and stares up at the ceiling like a prayer for help.
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" ' l e a s h . . . " He finally pleas ( or tries to ) when the ache in his hinges start to become just a little too much. Surely she has to be finished by now, doesn't she?
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chernayavidua · 24 days
incoming signal from @bruz3r: “There’s no exit wound, the bullet is still in you.” / meme ➢ accepting
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                 her body betrays her as it trembles without her say. the warmth of the manor has yet to seep into her bones; hindered by her rain soaked clothes. she hadn't had time to check the wound herself as the priority had been putting as much distance between herself and the shooter. with her cell phone in pieces on the street of new york and without adequate knowledge of gotham, she'd decided that her only option was the only sure place she knew: wayne manor. the ride there had been beyond uncomfortable, but she's had far worse.
                 the bullet still remaining was expected given the injury. but his words don't provoke a reaction. she merely remains in the chair he'd pulled out for her and closes her eyes. regulating her breathing, natasha focuses on anything but the pain radiating from her shoulder. focuses on the reason she's where she currently is and the events of the last few hours attempting to piece together the reason behind all of it. she wills herself not to feel the pain.
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                 “ if i'm keeping you from anything important, i can do it myself. ” she says, gaze lifting to meet his. i've done it before, is the intended meaning of words so casually spoken. and while she's thankful for the help he is clearly willing to give her, the last thing she wants is to get him tangled in her web.
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shevaults · 4 months
a rad storm churns outside and nora is restless. they'd been waylaid by it on the way to a settlement that had requested help, and luckily, nora had stumbled upon a small bunker on her travels in this area in the past. they'd ushered inside, dogmeat sniffing the floor as he went on ahead of them ... but waiting out the storm was proving harder than she'd thought. the vault-dweller grumbles under her breath, kicking over a tin can in frustration. " how long left is there to wait? " she demands, flexing her fingers into fists before she throws herself down in on the aged sofa opposite hancock. it's her first time experiencing a rad-storm and it's the first time she's stopped since setting foot out of vault 111; the hunt for shaun is always on her mind, and only when it gets too much does she deal with whatever problem the minutemen need dealing with. now, with nothing to do except exist in the space they currently occupy, she hates it.
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the gleam of the wedding ring on her finger catches in the light as she sits back and folds her vault-suit garbed arms, her blue eyes meeting hancock's. " i might just go out there, " she lies—and she probably would, if it wouldn't endanger dogmeat. / @victorycola
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donnieluvsthings · 2 years
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sonic platonic fairytales week day 7: princess and the frog @sonicplatonicfairytales
tapped into my epic ms paint drawing skills for this one. no deep story here, big is just a princess and froggy is a frog and they r best friends <3
bonus: normal big and a closeup of froggy bc i think they’re cute
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zaidshair · 2 months
Location: on the beach, near some of the boulders @beautyxfnina
Zaid was exhausted. He felt he'd never worked this hard or been this stressed out since...probably since opening night at Mango, and that was almost a decade ago. Zaid was used to being on his feet, sleepless, stressed, but today hadn't been like the stress of the kitchen; this was something else.
Something, Zaid feared, that was utterly horrible.
He didn't want to think so negatively, but it was Zaid's habit. And to prevent spiraling, his therapist had advised him to seek out alone time. Not meditate (Zaid thought it was bollocks) but just to gather his thoughts with no outside interruptions.
Getting off that bloody cruise ship was a nightmare, but at least he was on solid ground. The big rock formations at the edge of the beach looked quiet enough, save for the sound of crashing waves. Far away from that awful medical triage area, from people pelting about in chaos and disorder.
Leaning against one of the huge rocks, Zaid closed his eyes, tilted his head back, and took a long, deep breath. He opened his eyes and turned further towards the rocks, only to discover -
A woman, with dark hair and freckled face, and round dark eyes.
"Oh! Bloody hell, sweetheart. Didn't see you there. Erm..." He squinted at her, a little confused, looking from the cruise ship back to the woman. "Are you...were you on - did -" Zaid exhaled roughly, annoyed at his own stammering. He tried the question again, pointing towards the cruise ship. "Did you come from there too?"
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pocketpartners · 18 hours
"Your Pokemon... she's very fond of you, isn't she?"
To the untrained eye, it might sound like Caitlin's not overly invested in what she's saying to the young trainer before her. Her tired, reticent expression certainly gives off that impression, but... at the same time, there's a warmth to her voice as she speaks. And after a moment, she gives a gentle smile - subtle, but there nonetheless.
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"You must have been through a lot together. I'm sorry... I hope I wasn't interrupting you...?"
@dazzlinggleams ( starter! )
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heartintact · 8 months
✧ closed starter for @calanmais.
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“Hey, this is… cute.” Stepping inside the room, Cass had to admit to herself that it really wasn’t. She’d never been a movie fan; her attention span was too short, and the world was too full of curious and loud ideas that claimed her focus for her to be able to concentrate for that long on a screen. And despite that fact, she knew enough to admit that Hitchcock was probably inspired by that kind of motel when he was outlining the concept of psycho. Or, well, maybe she just had a tendency for drama. Turning around in her knee-high boots, the blonde extended her hand towards the two beds as if hosting a contest show. “I’ll let you pick which one you like, mainly because you’re so tall, it’s going to be real uncomfortable for you either way.” The light, teasing tone was accompanied by an amused smile; it was hard not to look like that whenever Killian was in the room. “Then—d’you think we can afford to empty out that mini-bar?” In all fairness, it was more of a tiny fridge, but the offer still remained.
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alex-caldwell · 27 days
CLOSED starter for @valentincflores on the briar ridge beach boardwalk, afternoon.
When Alex broke off from Farrah and Emmy under the guise of using the restroom, it wasn't precisely true, but he needed a break. He loved spending time with Emmy, and watching her expression light up at all of the new sights and sounds. They'd become quite the pair in their time together.
And the day out, as well-intended as it was, just felt forced and awkward. They weren't a happy family, and Farrah hadn't expressed any real interest in being Emerie's mother for months until she randomly tracked him down and just showed up. All this had served to do was prove to him he didn't really know her at all. He'd crafted an idea of her, and ran with it while it suited him, then moved on when it didn't. So, in a lot of ways, he deserved her ribbing and digs, and the discomfort lodged in his chest like bowling ball nestled between his ribs.
But that didn't mean he didn't need a moment to splash his face with some cold water, and take a few deep breaths. Once he'd done that, the man squared his shoulders and prepared to catch up to Farrah and Emmy, until he felt a body collide with his chest, and then—
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lcvebirds · 2 years
exhaustion was taking over and no matter what she did, she couldn’t seem to calm her daughter down and she knew it had something to do with the loud music being played next door. she wasn’t the type to normally let it bother but she couldn’t take it anymore. sliding on her slipped, aria made her way out of her apartment with her baby in her arms and knocked until she heard the instrument behind the door stop, which thankfully soothed the four month old in her arms. her eyes met the others as she swung open the door and she knew she looked like a disaster. “uh, hi. look, it’s late. my daughter’s trying to sleep and i can’t get any sleep unless she sleeps so do you think, i don’t know, you could give it a rest tonight?”
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