( please do not reblog  ;  just repost )
I was tagged by : @goddamndeadpool one song : Heathens - Twenty-One Pilots two movies : Guardians of the Galaxy, Deadpool (I really wanna watch both of these movies rn) three shows :  Steven Universe, Parks & Rec, Gilmore Girls four people : Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Ryan Reynolds, Chris Pratt.  five foods : Pizza, Tator tots, Burgers, Chili, Spaghetti. six three people to tag : @hctstxff @deadshotisms @alluringobsessions (Those are the only people I feel comfortable enough to tag) 
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@alluringobsessions {{This took me an embarrassingly long time to do I’m so sorry.}} It had only been two months since Faelad Jones had been reassigned to the U.S.S. Enterprise and already he’d been through quite a bit with the crew. In truth the Enterprise was beginning to feel like home and it frightened him more than anything. The truth was home was not a term the young man was familiar with, nor was having friends close enough to call family. It was a whole new world, wide and bright and frightening.  Slowly he sat up from his bunk where he’d been musing over the changes his life was going through. The clock told him it was still quite early in the day and that he really didn’t need to be up just yet but he ignored it, sliding out from under the sheets and into the slightly chilly ship air. He hugged himself, rubbing his arms in an attempt to warm up when he heard a loud noise outside his door. The hackles on his neck stood up as he grabbed a small pocket knife from by his bed and slowly opened the door, knife at the ready. “Who’s there?!” 
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ofhxrley · 8 years
*sends my own url because I lowkey love you*
“send me a url of someone you’d like to see me roleplay with - ALTERNATELY: send a character you’d like to see my muse interact with” - ACCEPTING !
WE NEED A THREAD OK WE’VE BEEN MEANING TO FOR SO LONG -- feel free to throw one of ur muses at me literally anytime??????? 
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hcrleyquxnn-blog · 8 years
Send "SMACK" to hit dat ass!
@alluringobsessions || pFfFFFfFF as you wish
"Batsy, Batsy, Batsy..." Harley hummed under her breath with a happy jump in her step as she walked down the empty, dark parking lot. It was not one of the safest places to look, but she knew that wherever there was trouble - Batman would be there too. He always seemed to know what was going on in the whole damned city, she suspected he had some illegal plug-ins with the police....
The blonde shook her head when her thoughts began to stray from the topic - what wasn't too unusual for her. The sound of her high heels against the cold concrete floor echoed around the empty parking lot but it weirdly soothed her. She was so engrossed in her whirlwind of voices that she didn't even hear the sound of a man walking up to her.
"What-" Harley gasped in surprise at the stinging slap to her rear and she turned around to face the tall, dressed in all black man "Not very gentlemanly of you...
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bextenrobin-blog · 8 years
@alluringobsessions (unholy reunion with the crowbar)
A RUMOR on the streets. Slowly creeping on everyone’s minds, a new Red Hood had began to take over parts of Gotham underground network. Either work with him or you were gone. No mercy. Not one of Batman’s allies. Not anymore.  He made sure that people knew about him, what his deal was, the only way to take down crime was form the inside and even more, FEAR does nothing to stop it in Gotham, so he controls it.
And then he strikes the place he had been WANTING since he came back. The clown’s prints all over the club, the back of his mind rage with the memories of what came down almost 10 years ago. And the clown was still alive, BREATHING, despite everything he had done. But things were about to change as he open fire inside the crowded place, and Jason passes by easily the security, and that moron of Frost, cracking his knuckles in delight as he takes the henchmen down, firing a bullet to the man’s leg, stopping him from moving.
This business was between the clown and himself. And he got minutes? Maybe an hour before Batman even showed up. It was time to make sure everyone knew who Red Hood was. “No no, please---SIT DOWN.” Commanding voice as a gun points at the Joker, mask hiding his features and his voice, a familiar echo of the bird he once was. “You and I need to chat, Joker.”
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americanarchived · 8 years
alluringobsessions replied to your photoset:because it’s monday. 
snapchat for lyfe tho (this is adorable)
d UDE snapchat is my life ok ( dsfhgkj ty )
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arussianandavulcan · 8 years
Just a Little Lost Lamb
@alluringobsessions The sleek black ship hadn't been crashed for very long, black smoke curling up from its interior up into the clear starry night sky. The trees were bare as the thin figure moved through the snow, a white hand clutching his side and a hood hiding his face. He knew the terrans would be swarming to his position soon... Even small crashes were considered important from what he had read. He could hear Ganymede's voice in his head, scolding him for being so stupid, telling him that it was always his curiosity that would be his downfall. The youthful figure staggered, silver droplets marking the snow as he fell, his head spinning.
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defenderofthegrove · 8 years
[ cont. from here ] @alluringobsessions​
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     Gared grumbles slightly at the complaints, rolling onto his side under the covers of the bed to look over toward the other man. It was hard to sleep when SOMEONE kept moving around, and it proved to be difficult to keep that a secret. They were in a bunk bed, sure, but that did not change anything. If not for how August had gave him someplace to sleep, perhaps he’d have yelled by that point. ❝ Can’t you just, I don’t know --- isn’t there something you can TAKE to help you sleep? ❞
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paramounticebound · 8 years
[cont.] || @alluringobsessions
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     “You forget that I do not abide by your rules. I have no interest in the mysticism that controls your kind and I will not let your misplaced morality stand in my way.”
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forever-a-hybrid · 8 years
💀 (Jaylah or any muses tbh)
Their mission had finished, for the most part. Krall had been eliminated, the crew rescued and treated for most medical ailments. Captain Kirk had been left to heal and take control of press interviews, Doctor McCoy given the opportunity to check over the crew, leaving Spock to collect the remainder of the data.
There had been 2 members of Krall’s army that had also made it into Yorktown, one dying due to the impact, the other injured yet still alive. Spock had been given the direct order from Commodore Paris to interview their prisoner. They had set up a separate room complete with a translator, far enough away from the remainder of the citizens. No restraints were put on the prisoner, knowing that Spock could easily control his activity, especially since he had a broken arm and a sprained ankle. 
Spock had been left alone, approximately a mile from any populated area. Starfleet wanted to keep the interview as secluded and secretive as possible. The Vulcan was grateful for the solidarity, especially once the other began to speak harshly towards him. Well, not towards him specifically, however, more towards his crew; his Captain.
“You will tell me what I ask.”
The prisoner snarled, a smirk appearing on their otherwise apathetic face. “You think you can order me around? Our numbers are larger than you believe. Some off-world, some on this very base. We will control you. You are merely puppets of the higher order.”
Spock raised an eyebrow quizzically at the response. 
“You shall free me. Now. You shall free me or we shall hurt, maybe even kill  your crew, starting with your Captain. We shall find him, take him, use him, then we shall rip him to shreds. Then? We will move onto the Doctor. You shall be saved for last. You will watch your crew die, one by one, left with no hope. We are many compared to your few.” The prisoner laughed. “You half-breed. Your Captain and crew will be quite fun to use. Rip them of all hope, watch them squirm. Watch them d–”
A hand squeezing around his throat cut him off. Spock could not stand it anymore. If the prisoner had threatened him, he would be able to control it. But his crew? That was too much. What they would do to them would be too much. The detail was too much for his senses. 
He had lost control.
“You will not touch my crew. I shall protect them from your kind. We are many and you are one.” Using his hand around the prisoner’s neck, he held him to the wall. They had hurt his crew before, but never again. Anger took over Spock, clenching his other fist in rage, trying to control the emotions coursing through his veins. 
His sight ran red, the anger taking over his mind. His clenched fist opened, using all of his force to press it against his chest, easily breaking the chest plate and forcing its way into the prisoner. With an expressionless demeanor, he quickly rips his hand from the beast’s chest, pulling it back to reveal a still slightly beating heart. Blue blood spilled onto the floor as the anger began to leave Spock’s mind.
The heart drops to the floor once he realized what he had done. The body was still standing out of reflex, sliding down the wall with wide eyes, leaving a trail of blue behind it. Panic filled the once rage-ridden mind, knowing that he may have just signed his crew’s death sentence.
Turning around, he sees them standing behind him, his hands matching the blue color of his tunic and his eyes filled with fear. This was not him, but it still was. He had done this, but not of his own will. 
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luxettenebra · 8 years
It had been a long time since little Sil’Rava had left her home, and not quite as long since the legendary Revan had seemingly disappeared without a trace.
Even so, the dragon still found herself utterly fascinated by the world outside of what she’d grown up with. She was most fascinated by the magic worked by beings other than her own kind, and that was what found her tucked away in a library, reading just about anything she could get her hands on. 
Her acute hearing picked up the sounds of footsteps coming closer, and she lifted her head to blinked at the being before her. “Greetings, young one.”
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bextenrobin-blog · 8 years
alluringobsessions If I could do that shit, I would have a good ass theme haha
alluringobsessions someone try to explain this to me and it went horribly
pst the theme is not mine, credits to lovely people who make them, I just do the background shit.
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onlybonesleft · 8 years
@ (any muse)
49: Genderbending!AU

Leona sighed deeply as she waltzed up to the bar. She ordered her preferred whiskey. She blew some of her hair out of the way and surveyed the happenings while waiting. 
“Added a little more for you, Leo,” the bartender said with a small smile. He could tell she had a rough day and needed to just not be Doctor McCoy for awhile. 
Leona grabbed her drink with a sassy smile. “Thanks, Tobi, but I still won’t sleep with you.” She raised her drink before wandering over to an empty booth to enjoy her drink in peace and quiet. 
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