#almost entirely unroutable
rainymoodlet · 10 months
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Kiss Me in Komorebi+ 🌸
[Free Day!]
Caught this trio’s live reaction to Daniel innocently showing off just how flexible he really is - they are all in various stages of “Can You Believe This MF???” and I just adore it fhdhd
[ Part 3/4 ] 🌹
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umwmun-blog · 3 months
Strife across the Galaxy
Outer Rim mobilization
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FLN Partisan militiamen have taken the fight to the Imperial Remnants, destroying their ground operations and hunting them through hyperspace. Despite being limited on equipment, high morale, training and growing numbers from populations across the Galaxy have given them major victories against the Remnants. This, as well as a hearts and minds campaign with the downtrodden of the Galaxy has seen populations and worlds join the Free League of Neutrals. As well, unscrupulous mercenaries have joined the FLN cause, including the notable bounty hunter Boba Fett. Now Magistrate of Tatooine. Concerns over New Republic naval development.
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New Republic naval production continues at an alarming rate. Leaks have confirmed that New Republic warship designs include schematics for orbital bombardment capability, seen by many as a dangerous and inappropriate design for the New Republic, and reopens wounds from memories of Imperial Star Destroyers levelling worlds. Coruscant Revival
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Following the passing of the bill to redevelop Coruscant, riots have turned to celebrations and the economic decline of Coruscant begins to fade. Government buildings are repaired, tax credits are issued for development, and Republican army forces are deployed to halt any Imperial or radical activity. The Galactic government has been reinstated in Coruscant, resuming a millennia old tradition. As senators refill the old Senate building, governors and leaders of the Outer Rim hark at the decision, with more and more viewing the New Republic as just another entity perpetuating the long line of Core World political control.
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Formation of the Species Liberation Militia
The Ewok wookie militia has been gathering more allies to their cause including the Kaleesh. honor bound warriors that have long been subjugated by the controlling powers in their sector. This organization is pro New Republic. However it demands that a bill of right for all sentient species is made as well as senate reforms to require member planets to be democratically led and for an entire restructure of the new republic senate to give equal representation to all.
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The Bracca Raid
The FLN Partisans have conducted a raid on the Scrapper world of Bracca. The FLN secured 2 Imperial light cruisers. and a Quasar Fire-Class Cruiser Carrier. The FLN were able to seize the ships without a fight. and escaped before New Republic patrols reached the site.
While small FLN now has a Naval force.
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Formula Zero
As galactic tensions rise galactic citizens flock to the new Pod racing league formula zero. The new regulations have greatly reduced casualty rates for the racing sport. Increasing the survivability of racers from 25% to 99%. A three way rivalry has been brewing between the top racing teams. "Red Rancor" owned by Lando, "Antilles Academy", and the "Cloud riders" a racing team with controversial ties to the FLN.
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Outbound flight mission terminated!
"They have a whole damn fleet out here!" - Captain Dameron
The Outbound flight mission has stumbled into an imperial remnant fleet in the unknown regions. The Outbound flight mission was barely able to escape the fleet returning back to known space in a risky unrouted hyperspace jump.
New Republic Intelligence has reviewed data from the incident and has determined that the imperial star destroyers are the 7th fleet. Lead by Captain Pellaeon. The Imperial 7th fleet was almost entirely untouched by the civil war, and has since integrated sections of other Imperial fleets. The presence of such a massive portion of Imperial power in the Unknown Regions does note bode well for Republic security.
The Galaxy awaits the New Republics response.
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