#alois my boy i’m taking you and putting you in an anime you’ll be happy in </3
togamey · 4 months
thinking about my good friend alois tracy on this day
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misfitgirlwrites · 6 years
Chapter Three
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        Amanda carefully stacked the apples up on the nearby stand as people briskly walked the streets.
        "Amanda make sure you put out oranges as well." The storekeeper glanced at the redhead.
        Amanda nodded and smiled slightly, "Of course."
        She hated him. And hate was a strong word that she didn't throw around lightly. He only cared about himself and the money he was pocketing. He and Amanda were two different people.
        "Amanda, hi!"
        Amanda looked down and smiled, "Hi, Victoria! Where's your mother?"
        "She moved too fast for me." Amanda looked over at Ariel; Victoria's mother.
        "Well, she is a hyper one. Young energy." Amanda replied, chuckling.
        "Speaking of young energy," Ariel started, giving Amanda a small, sympathetic smile, "You're young too. And beautiful." The older blonde nudged Amanda as she blushed. "It's not like you couldn't find someone to take care of you You still have the chance."
        "This is what I have right now, Ariel. I want to help people. Help you. If I was meant to be with someone they'll find me." Amanda winked.
        Ariel laughed but shook her head, "you shouldn't work here. You deserve so much better."
         "I'll be fine. And I'll come to visit. I promise I have this under control." Amanda chuckled. She grabbed two oranges and handed them to Ariel. "Take care."
        Ariel to the fruit and smiled, "you take care too."
        They hugged as a goodbye and Ariel grabbed Victoria's hand, walking down the road.
        Amanda sighed and focused back on her given task at hand but froze when the storekeeper grabbed her wrist.
        "How many times do I have to tell you? Stop giving out free food!"
        Amanda let out a small huff, "They needed the fruit more than you did. Honestly, boss if it's such a problem, take it out of my pay!"
        "You've got some nerve! If it wasn't for me, you'd be dead on the streets!"
        "You pay me bare minimum." Amanda shot back, glaring at him. "I could work somewhere else and take your customers with me because you, sir, are nothing but a sorry, selfish asshole!" She covered her mouth right after. She didn't mean to say all of that out loud, granted she was thinking much worse.
        "You little--" he raised his hand to slap Amanda, causing the woman to tense up and close her eyes.
        She was a bit confused when she realized the hit never came. Instead, he was the one wailing in pain. Amanda slowly opened her eyes, seeing him clutch his leg as he grunted in pain.
        "Who are you to try and put your hands on a lady like that, you scum!"
        Amanda blinked and looked over at the blonde haired boy who was glaring at the storekeeper with his icy blue eyes.
        Amanda's eyes widened and she started to stutter, recognizing him immediately. "O-Oh my God. But I couldn't--I-I thought you--"
        "Oh don't worry yourself on any of that! Claude! Pay this man for the two oranges."
        Amanda looked up and was met with a pair of golden eyes. She paused, staring at him as he bowed, "Of course, Your Highness."
        'Your Highness?'
        "Amanda!" A snap made her focus on the boy again. She furrowed her eyebrows together, her hazel eyes showing just how confused she was.
        "Lord Alois Trancy." He was quick to correct her, "But it will be Lord Trancy to you. Though I favor Your Highness." He smiled, grabbing Amanda's wrist and glaring over at the shopkeeper.
        "Good day, scumbag. Claude, let's go." Alois began walking, pulling a very confused Amanda with him.
        Alois Trancy? Since when? What happened?
        "I-I thought you were--"
        "Since you were so nice to me in the past, you'll come and work for me! No one as nice as you should be out on the streets like some animal."
        'He's not listening.' Amanda pressed her lips together. This wasn't going to work. He didn't want to talk so she would drop it, for now.
        "Your Highness."
        Alois hummed and glanced back at Amanda.
        "I'm happy to see that you're alive." She smiled, making Alois smile as well.
        "Same to you, Amanda. Now! There is much you need to know!"
        As Alois talked, Claude picked up his pace and opened the door to the carriage for the both of them. Amanda and Claude made eye contact and it gave her a weird feeling. She climbed into the carriage and sat across from Alois, straightening out her dress as Claude sat next to Alois.
        "You can clean, right? Sweep, mop, wash dishes?" Alois asked.
        "Uh, yes, I can." Amanda nodded.
        Alois clapped, "Perfect! I'm sure you'll be a wonderful maid!" He smiled.
        'Maid?' Amanda smiled slightly, "Yes, I'll try my hardest."
        It was quiet for a bit and the ride was uncomfortable for Amanda. She could feel Claude's eyes on her the entire time and he didn't seem to look anywhere else. She glanced at him a few times and his eyes seemed blank and emotionless. It reminded her of someone but she couldn't put her finger on it at the moment.
        Amanda sat back and stared at the trees as they rode through the forest and her eyes widened once they got to the estate. It was huge.
        "Woah..." she sat up to get a better look. 'What did Jim do to get this? What happened?'
        Before she could let her mind wander on the possibilities, Alois grabbed her wrist and pulled her out of the carriage. There was no denying that the young blonde was excited to show Amanda around.
        They zipped upstairs once inside the mansion and Alois opened a door to a bedroom. It wasn't huge, but it was bigger than any room she's ever slept in. It even had its own bathroom.
        "This is your room now! Decorate it how you like, I don't care." Alois jumped onto the full-sized bed as Amanda looked around in awe.
        "This is--thank you," Amanda mumbled. She was very grateful, there was no denying that.
        "Now, you've already met Claude,"
        "It's time to meet the rest!" Alois got up and practically skipped out of the room. "Hannah! You and the other three! Come here!"
        Amanda was still taking in her surroundings as the four others made their way into the hall.
        "Amanda, this is Hannah," Alois introduced the lavender-haired woman who smiled kindly, "and these are the triplets."
        Amanda looked at the three purple haired boys as they looked her up and down. Right after, they began whispering to each other. Amanda raised an eyebrow but looked at Alois when he clapped.
        "I have much to do now! Hannah get Amanda a dress and have her follow you. By the end of the day, Claude will tell you what you'll be doing around the manor. I'll be in my study." Alois hugged Amanda tightly.
        Amanda tensed up at first but hugged him back. Alois pulled away and ran down the hall with Claude following.
        "Hello, Amanda.: Hannah smiled, gaining the redhead's attention.
        "Hi.” Amanda smiled slightly. She got a weird feeling with all of them and it made her uncomfortable. Hannah seemed nicer than Claude at least. She glanced over at the triplets who were still talking amongst themselves. She hesitated before walking over to them.
        "What are we whispering about?" She whispered, gaining their attention. They glanced at each other before looking at her again.
        "The red-haired girl his highness brought in today." One of them whispered.
        "Yes, where did she come from?" Whispered another.
        "He isn't one to pull people off the streets."
        "Well. The red-haired girl his highness brought in is named Amanda Red. She came from a town nearby, and she and his highness have a past together. So this is probably his way of saying thank you." Amanda whispered to them. "You guys whisper all the time? I'd like to be kept in the loop," she crossed her arms, "I'm a curious girl."
        "Why not keep you in the loop." One of them shrugged.
        "Don't get yourself in trouble. They whisper for a reason." Hannah rested a hand on Amanda's shoulder.
        Amanda looked at Hannah and nodded before looking back at the triplets, "What are your names?" She took notice that their hair was parted differently.It seemed to be the only way to tell them apart.
        "Thompson." His fringe was parted in the middle.
        "Canterbury." His was to the left.
        "Timber." And his was to the right.
        Amanda nodded, "Nice to know. See you three around." She turned and followed Hannah who began to lead the way down the hall. "...So why do they whisper?"
        "They are foul-mouthed and rude. They usually have nothing nice to say about his highness. So they were ordered to whisper." Hannah answered.
        Amanda nodded and was silent for a few moments before looking at the woman again. "What exactly were they saying?"
        "I'd rather not repeat," Hannah replied.
        Amanda smirked a bit. 'I'll ask them then.'
        Hannah got Amanda in a maid's dress and soon enough they were both cleaning the manor. There was a bit of small talk and Amanda found herself growing comfortable around Hannah. She made her way towards a room, duster in hand but let out a small yelp as someone gripped her wrist tightly.
        Amanda looked up at Claude with wide eyes as he stared back.
        'Where did he come from?' She could've sworn he was downstairs cooking.
        "That room is off-limits," he pulled her out of her thoughts, "Don't go in there."
        That had to be his room. "O-Okay, sorry." His hands were cold, even with the gloves on. It made her shiver.
        Claude let her go and pushed up his glasses before leaving. Amanda watched him leave and furrowed her eyebrows together. What was in that room?
        'A dead body.'
        She paused at her own thoughts before shaking her head.
        "Don't let Claude get to you. Come." Hannah led Amanda down the hall.
        Amanda was in the kitchen. She just finished washing the dishes and was staring out at the garden.
        She's been sleeping outside for years and now she was inside a manor with a bedroom that has its own bathroom. A nice step up.
        'Now if only I can find this man Ariel was talking about.' Amanda let out a small chuckle.
        "If you are done with your work, you should rest."
        Amanda jumped, hearing Claude'svoice tight behind her. "Jesus fuck--"
        "Language," the butler's eyes narrowed a bit as she turned to face him.
        "Sorry. You startled me." Amanda took a breath.
        "I'll have you clean with Hannah from now on." He said.
        "Okay." Amanda nodded, shifting a bit. He was staring again."I'll go to bed now." She brushed pass Clade and made her way upstairs.
        He was very creepy.
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Desperately Seeking: Various Anime Roleplayers!
Hello everyone! My name is Tovah and I’m currently searching for anime roleplay partners, whom can use canon characters for both F/M AND M/M roles! (Darn you, YouTube MEPs!) Read on to see how I accept OCs.
-I’m in various anime fandoms, from Owari No Seraph, Blue Exorcist, and Tokyo Ghoul to Assassination Classroom, Attack on Titan, and many others in the list I’ve seen! So any main characters from the anime I will list are recommended! (OCs are usually a restriction, BUT, personality manipulation is gladly welcome. Meaning you can modify a canon character if need be.)
The following is what I’ve seen, and I’ll include video games as well because screw it, I’ll also be putting my favorite characters down from each series and small requirements.
List Of Anime Seen:
Naruto (Naruto Uzumaki, Original/Shippuden Version, uncontrolled Kyuubi), Attack on Titan (Eren Jaeger and Levi Ackerman, semi-yandere personalities.), Boku No Hero Academia (Izuku, Todoroki, and Bakugou. Normal personalities are fine.), Tokyo Ghoul (Kaneki/Haise dADDY-), Angel Beats (Anyone tbh. The story probably will only be clean.), Charlotte (The OP af MC before or after losing his memory.), Blue Exorcist (Rin Okumura, yandere-ish personality), Noragami (Anyone is allowed, this will most likely be a clean or fighting roleplay.), Mirai Nikki (Akise. Give me that Akise for a yaoi rp-), Devil Is A Part-Timer (For once I like Satan and Lucifer.), Danganronpa (Anything but yiffing the bear), Vampire Knight (All of the Vampires, duh?), Black Butler (-Intro ironically plays- Sebastian… and Alois.), Deadman Wonderland (This will most likely be OC specific, if not, Crow is great.), Parasyte (I’m tempted to say OC-specific… But I really don’t know.), Elfen Lied (… Death.), Owari no Seraph (Like vampire knight, ALL THE VAMPIRES PLZ?! Yaoi and straight pairing accepted. uwu), Sword Art Online (Kirito/Kazuto. Yes. Good stuff. Rest in chapter 16.5), Durarara! (IZAYAAAAAAAA-kun.), Assassination Classroom (Sadistic red- head bastard, aka Karma.), Diabolik Lovers (Do I have to explain my love and thirst for vampires? I will fucking die if all the brothers are played. Doesn’t have to be at the same time, you can easily switch off. Just. Fuck).
Video Games Played:
Skyrim, Kingdom Hearts (All games have been played. I’ll accept only Riku, Vanitas, or Young Xehanorty however. No, that’s not a misspell.), Final Fantasy X-X2 (Tbh, I don’t see anyone I’d like. Especially not Tidus who laughs like a crow.), Final Fantasy XV (NOCTIS X ARDEN THO, GIVE ME ALL THE YA O I-), Persona 3-5. (dAdachi and nasty crime boy though. Rip Door-kun.) Mostly all Horror Games as well. … Don’t think of a scenario with that.
Onto what I want from my partners, roleplay/character wise!
-The type of base canon character (especially OC) I’m looking for are either the protagonist, antagonist, or the important side characters. Personality wise, I’m looking for dominant and possibly yandere, or obsessive/possessive. (you’ll make me very, very happy!)
-My paragraph formats can highly range from three to seven, depending on how well the story is. But there will be long delays if it’s dealing with long replies, as I have trouble usually putting my thoughts out onto writing. So please be patient~
-Since I’ve been a writer for about ten years now, I’m always looking for long term stories, but if it’s short term, I don’t mind as long the ideas continue on in one-shot like stories. But know that I’m not a fan of short-term then you leave right after. Don’t.
-The genres I prefer to write are a mixture of modern as well as fantasy (because of my demon OC) which is what I usually pair together. Alongside that, I can incorporate horror along with action and adventure. As well as NSFW themes, which are a want more than a need in the story. I love torturing my OC with it though.
-Dealing with pairing characters, I ALWAYS ship my Original Character with the canon character of my favorite anime. I’m not a fan of OC/OC pairing because of how unstable people make their OCs. From being incomplete, to having no bio/backstory or even a reference. That’s why I hate making posts to get them as well. Because 90% of the time I’m basically asked to create their character for them. Like, no, I made all seven of my characters by myself. It’s easy to do it, just take pieces of your personality or a character you like. Then again, I’ve been in the roleplay business for a long while now.
(Ex: Kaneki Ken x Wolf, my own character. *Dies Happily If Someone Plays As Him*)
Now, here are more important limits and wants from my partners, a bit non-character specific now:
•I would really like my partners to look over everything I put down, because this information will drive practically the whole roleplay and even conversation.
•I don’t want my partners to ignore me for days or never reply at all due to boredness or something, even if it’s due to personal issues. Tell me. In return, I always put in my name if I’m available or not as many people message me, so please respect that. If you don’t see my name change any I haven’t replied, I might’ve reset my kik and am waiting for you to send me a message, I’m asleep, or my anxiety and depression are acting up.
•I do NOT want SUBS. Submissives. Littles. Femboys. Whatever name you call yourself, I. Am. Not. A Dom. I am prey, I am a submissive, I am a little. A kitten even! And just because I have male characters doesn’t mean they’re dominant (or a type of dominant that you’d want. Unless you’re into guro and cannibalism or detailed vore), they are all submissive! If you message me despite this, I will block you or just flat out ignore you.
•I do not want seducers, I want forcers. Meaning, if you think my character is just going to come to you, you’re dead wrong. She is not a Succubus, though many see her to be that creature for some reason, which I don’t understand. She’s a runner/prey, a teaser, not a predator or trickster. Not to mention, it’s boring for a first encounter to have the male wanting to be teased, at least until my character is claimed fully. By ‘claimed fully’, I mean quite a few paragraphs into the story before I’m even comfortable with that.
•I do not want heavy abuse or death. A friend of mine recently did a guro roleplay with me. It was disgusting and I don’t ever want to put my character through that much pain and suffering. Despite my character being in the category of ‘Badass Uke’ (via the real SemeUke quiz), I do not want them to bleed or anything like that. Bruises and some blood from bites are fine, but limbs getting cut off is too much. Whips are a limit as well.
•I am looking for doms, masters, and those who are on that level. (Also character’s who have a gentle, but firm/strict hand of a dominant lover)
•I am usually 80% looking for sexual partners in my posts, but I always want story in the roleplay. If there isn’t any story, I’m out.
•I would also like acceptance with my character, whom is a demon hybrid. I have others, but due to not having a completed story nor art for them as a reference, I’d rather not play as them. If you call my character trash, which is absolutely disgusting of one to do but it happened, you’ll be blocked right away. Don’t be that piece of shit.
My username is theofficialtovah, on kik. I have other ways of contact, however I’d like it if you message me on kik since I’m more comfortable there. If you want other forms of contact, please pm me on here @wolf-the-trickster
Now that most is said and done, I will be waiting for anime partners to roleplay with! Hope to hear from you all soon, I’ll message my character’s info, reference image, as well as other unsaid requirements/information. (Such as character’s kinks.)
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