#alolan noa (oc)
klonoadreams · 2 years
how strong are the pokenoa weakest to strongest, not in a battle sense in a physical sense, though if you also wanna rank battle ability that's cool too
Waiting for my order of korean fried chicken so I'll answer.
In terms of physical strength, that goes to Punch Baby Akari. I'm sorry but she's been raised by Pokemon which has affected her development so yee, stronk.
After her, it's Brie. Brie is a bit special becaise of her added fae and if you haven't noticed too, psychic (she's been around them so long, you might start seeing something)
Then it's Scarnoa, because of her birds but also where she was living before Koraidon found her.
After her, it's Sawyer, because she's been holding back so long, but she is also gaining resistances left and right due to current circumstances. She isn't anything like Akari, but she will scratch and bite like Brie.
Alolan Noa is at the bottom, because she is actually the youngest, but she also has th3 most potential in terms of later development. :V
Might see something after hanging out with Hau and Gladion, and also raising a Dusk Lycanroc and also a Cosmog - that is not nebby. Gotta find someone to tke you through space after all to save nebby
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klonoadreams · 2 years
oh yeah, side note, but Scarnoa exists in the same timeline as Punch Baby Akari and Brie.
They are, effectively, the same person...but have become their own separate beings through time and their environment. So if Brie and Scarnoa were to meet, they’d really wouldn’t recognize each other and, at most, they’d just ?????
(Punch Baby Akari has since lived out her lifetime, she’s in her own blurb, with her bloodline continuing with Cynthia and Dawn. :V)
anyways what I’m saying, is that I need Iono constantly bringing up Raihan and just commenting on his polydex like “have you seen that thing? who WOULDN’T be envious? But at least I got you guys! *wink wonk*”
Raihan shows up as a guest and whoops.
Anyways for japes and hilarities, due to the fact that Brie IS sponsored by a luxury brand due to the fact that her clothing is the Eldegoss and Cottonee mix, based on this Shield dex entry blurb:
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Here’s me killing two birds with one stone, and that’s Brie’s sponsor legitimately being Ortega’s family company brand. From one fairy user to another.
anyways, this brought to you by the fact that Opal bought Brie the most expensive set of clothes, of which included a turtleneck that Brie refused to remove because the fabric was SO nice, and it kept her nice and warm, and cool when she needed it...only to proceed to wade into mud, get covered in honey, curry, and get into fights with Pokemon.
The fact that the material survived the ordeal is the big reason why Ortega’s fam decided “WE NEED HER NOW”. Who else to make the most of the clothing-line’s high pricing, but Brie’s disastrous adventures? :V
(Ortega, of course, loses his fucking shit whenever he sees her battles and the like. and has the whole collection of her Galarian Pokemon Tournament journey)
(he will never admit it, but Penny knows about it because Ortega thinks he’s being sneaky on his private social media account, not knowing he and Penny are private mutuals DISASTER)
(others that are part of this timeline are USUM’s Alolan!Noa, who has adoptive dad Nanu, and a different SIOC, Sawyer, brought upon by my sinus infection suffering last May, of which is set in Black and White - she is what we would refer to as the Touko replacement, because Touko (Hilda) doesn’t exist, just Touya (Hilbert), but there’s something familiar about these two, and in many ways, Touya effectively sees himself as her older brother, SO...yeah)
(forget about whatever elaborate family tree I had when I was writing Pokemon fic like a decade ago, the new meta is the PokeNoa Verse, where aspects of my SI OCs exists within the same timeline of each other)
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klonoadreams · 2 years
Wait how's alolanoa??
oh she's relatively....fine, she just had her shit wrecked by going through an Ultra Wormhole, merging with a child who was selectively mute (therefore creating this MASSIVE dissonance), and otherwise having to relearn how to walk again, while also dealing with a language barrier.
Good ol' Nanu has her back, after Looker and Anabel decided "hey, she might do better with you than us" and now he's a dad.
Ultra Beasts like her, but there's especially one - a shiny Pheremosa named Nana, who once she gets over her extreme disgust with everything (as most Pheremosa find everything UNCLEAN), gets very motherly.
And then sometime later, Alolan Noa goes on her journey and thinks "I CAN DO THIS!!!" not realizing that the player character from Kanto, Yoh (Helio - I just like his Japanese name better and it fits), decided he wanted to become a surfer above all else, and left Noa to pick up the pieces as she gets stuck with story crap, sees the SUMO to USUM differences first-hand...
And gets the biggest jump scare, come the Totem Araquanid that she THOUGHT was gonna be a Wishiwashi.
Brought to you by my own experience when I played USUM. :V
Anyways implication here is that the original body before Alolan Noa took over has this influence on her character a bit, one that makes Plumeria arch her brow a bit because it's a bit too eerily similar to some of the kids in Team Skull that they're otherwise raising away from abusive homes.
Most of the guys think that Alolan Noa is some tourist kid from Kanto who got lost, before just, "Welcome aboard", with Plumeria having to verbally smack some of her younger siblings into behaving when they get too rowdy.
And Guzma loves Nana the Pheremosa, while Hau first met Alolan Noa during Burnet and Kukui's wedding, and otherwise just keeps giving her malasadas.
Meanwhile Gladion is still "wtf, what the FUCK" becuase his first encounter with her was this crying mess who tumbled down a hill, only for it all to go to hell when Nana jumped out an ultra wormhole, react, and then just NYOOM after Gladion and Noa (who he is carrying on his back).
Not the best first impression, but these guys are cool. And then Lillie eventually joins the squad, and it's otherwise, a lot less hectic as it could be, but god damn, we still have so much in the future, followed by Rainbow Rocket, which is where it all goes to hell. :V
(i will try my best to return to this fic this year, i would like to have Guzma interact with a Pheremosa, and just, in general, have Guzma pop up)
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klonoadreams · 2 years
If there's a trance-like state when Brie and Scarnoa first Fell, did they snap out of it when something happened, or was it slowly and gradually? What triggers the not-trance?
What triggers an "awakening" (trance ends) is the body's acclimation to its new soul. The older the body, the more time it takes because in theory, the soul has been dormant and something else triggered its emergence.
In Brie's case (she’s not really a Faller like Scarnoa, but her trance was similar)....well, you can figure that out, based on the fact that she has severe abandonment issues and worries far more over the unfavorable opinions others have on her than she should, even with her rejection sensitive dysphoria (it just worsens those feelings).
Scarnoa took a while longer due to how much older she was, with the Ultra Wormhole being the trigger to her trance-like state. It’s a slow and gradual process to awakening. Where she came from, who really knows???
The other Faller I actually have that I can compare with Scarnoa is USUM!Noa (AKA, Alolan Noa), from my USUM SI OC fic, Eclipse, which I should get back to because it’s effectively Dad!Nanu the fic. Unlike Scarnoa, USUM!Noa didn’t really have a trance like state. HOWEVER, what she has instead is a disconnect with her own body, making it difficult to move around and speak. She also got de-aged, but that’s really just her dormant soul finally resurfacing in the body of a Kantonian child that went through an Ultra Wormhole.
Things not explicitly mention in fic, but implied is that USUM!Noa is in the body of someone that had selective mutism that DOES know how to use sign language to communicate. It’s just the disconnect in her brain (and Faller amnesia) making it hard for her to immediately jump back into it without a good refresher from Nanu. Also implied is a similar...”vibe” that USUM!Noa has that made Plumeria comment that she’s like some of the kids in Po Town. SO.....
Man, I’m just mean to my SI OCs sometimes. Anyways, I hope that explains things. Sorry for the late reply, I had this saved in my drafts and forgot about it, until I didn’t.
Also if any of this is confusing, DO feel free to mcfucking ask for clarification in my inbox.
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klonoadreams · 2 years
Sorry but who is USUM!Noa? I feel like i lost a really important thing here. I Know Brie and Akari but Noa is a surprise to me.
been rather forgetful since I'm otherwise vibing at home right now, but anyways.
USUM!Noa is a SI OC I made for a Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon fanfic I wrote like almost five years ago, because I got fucking SLAPPED by the differences in USUM, compared to SUMO. And wanted to show that. AND FUCKING WHOOPS, USUM!Noa is gonna get that shock of her life.
Effectively, she is supposed to be Selene/Moon/Mizuki
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You can find the fic here.
USUM!Noa is a tired college student who got yeeted into the body of a selectively mute Kantonian girl who became a Faller (went through that Ultra Wormhole). Nanu effectively adopts her...mostly because Looker and Anabel decided it would be best for her, so she can have a normal life.
Nanu knows she's older than she physically is, but as of now, she's a child again, so OOPS, he's a dad now. There's a language barrier going on since the Ultra Wormhole fucked up USUM!Noa in more ways than one. Like the fact that she has a huge disconnect with her body and falls on her ass often.
Language barrier (Kantonian dialect of the Pokemon equivalent of Japanese) and back on that selective mutism - the OG owner of the body was selectively mute. USUM!Noa isn't, but because of the disconnect and mutism, she can't speak well without putting a lot of effort. So she often just writes (surprisingly, she can actually use sign language - like her body seems to know it, her brain just needs a fucking reboot to make use of it).
She'll get better. She is currently like...two-ish years before the start of USUM, meaning that Gladion JUST recently ran away and ended up in that hotel room. She'll go on a journey and have her fun with Hau, Gladion, and Yoh (Sun/Helio - going with the name Yoh, since it feels like a good match because twinsies with Mizuki)
Left this poor bitch on read after she had a nasty tumble and fell into her first encounter with Gladion, which was then proceeded by a GIANT Shiny Pheremosa just popping out of an Ultra Wormhole.
Will get back to it eventually, I just got distracted lmaoo. Anyways, that's the gist of it.
Oh, and USUM!Noa has a female Salandit named Junko, who is one of Plumeria's Salazzle's babies. She is a hissy baby. :V
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