#alrawabi imagine
alrawabi-imagines · 3 months
Just you and me within these walls Ch.1
Pairing: Hiba x Female!Reader
Word count: 4436
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Hiba is one of the most popular girls at ‘AlRawabi School for Girls’. She is best friends with Tasneem. She and Tasneem are the “queen bees” of the school. They are popular, adored and looked up to. Well Tasneem is, Hiba is known to have a more “Bully-like” Persona, she is bitchy, rude and she isn’t afraid to state her point. Which meant that Tasneem was seen as a complete angel,a girl who could do no wrong. You were friends with both of them,despite all the negativity you got,especially since you were closer to Hiba. 
You were hanging out in your room,waiting for the rest of the girls. It was your turn to host the sleepover this time,you noticed Hiba staring at you.
"What Hiba?” Hiba chuckles to herself. 
“Oh I’m just thinking” You notice a small smirk on her face, you can’t really tell if it’s sinister or innocent. She is thinking about something.
"Well don't hurt yourself" you teased
“Oh shut up..” She said with a giggle,she obviously didn’t mean anything by it, just some light-hearted teasing.
"What's on your mind?"
“You wouldn’t want to know…” She replied,she seemed distracted still, and not in the mood for any long or deep conversations. Just a light chat and a quick catch up. She looked over at you with that same smirk.
"So it is something dirty" you teased,you knew her too well. She rolls her eyes, trying not to giggle.
“You know me so well, don’t you?” She smirked playfully, she had always been rather vulgar when it came to these things. She liked talking about things that were inappropriate. You moved closer to her 
“And what would that be?"
“Why do you wanna know so much?” She chuckled,she was enjoying playing this small game with you. She looked over at you,her eyes narrowing a little as if she was observing you. She still hadn’t answered your question about the ‘something dirty’ part.
"Since when did you become so shy?" You teased her even more,as you moved even closer. Hiba’s face began to heat up, she didn’t realize how close you had gotten to her. 
“I’m not shy…. I just… don’t see why it matters…” She kept her gaze focused on yours, she felt a little embarrassed. She was just playing the game back but it looks like she was slowly losing. She looked away from you
"If it doesn't matter then tell me,what were you thinking about?" Hiba looked back at you, slightly flustered, she looked quite embarrassed now, since when was she so shy? She was normally so blunt and didn’t care about this type of stuff, she hated being vulnerable and this feeling.. She didn’t like it. She sighed. 
“You know.. just stuff you don’t wanna hear about…”
"What if I wanna hear about it?" Hiba is now more embarrassed and slightly red, she glances back at you, avoiding your gaze 
“You really don’t.. you’d think it was really gross…” She didn’t even realize how much she was blushing, this was not normal, she was never this shy before and the fact that it was with you was even more surprising.
"Just tell me,I can handle it"
“You really sure you wouldn’t hate me afterwards?…” She looked back at you for a split second, the heat wasn’t easing or going away, she was trying her hardest not to burst into a fit of giggles, her mind just raced with possible scenarios and things that could happen after she told you. She was hesitant, so she looked away again.
"Whatever it is,I promise I won't hate you" Hiba looked back at you, she looked so nervous to even speak about this, she hated feeling this way, but you were so persistent. She could tell you genuinely weren’t going to hate her. She gulped. 
“Umm…. It’s really gross, I swear….” She was so shy now. She had never been like this before, especially around you.
"Hiba,just tell me"
“Okay, but just for a second you can’t laugh alright?” She cleared her throat, she didn’t like being this nervous in front of you, she was losing the game and you had already won before she even started playing, now she was stuck at the “Tell me” stage with nowhere else to go. Now she had to say it.. she’d never been this embarrassed before. Her heart pounded so fast and she could feel her hands trembling.
“Are you ready?” She swallowed, her voice had broken a bit, in her mind, this sounded way worse than it actually was. She had never spoken about these things ever.
 “It’s… uh…” She glanced away again, she couldn’t get her eyes of your gaze, they were so pretty and they seemed to be staring at her soul. She sighed again. “Fine. But I warned you…” You waited for her to speak up. She sighed one last time before she finally spoke. Her heart was beating so fast, she felt the adrenaline course through her veins. She hated this feeling so much, but there was no getting around it. She had to do it. She spoke. 
“I was thinking… ab… about…” She paused, she didn’t want to utter those words out of her mouth. She felt as if she were too embarrassed she’d just burst out crying. A nervous chuckle escaped her mouth, she looked over at you, wondering what you’d say now..
"About what?"
“D… Don’t laugh ok…?” She kept glancing away with each word she said, she didn’t want you to think she was some sort of perv. She felt sick, she felt like throwing up thinking of how you’d react but she just had to do it, she had come this far. She decided to speak it out just to get it over with. She sighed once more,opening her mouth to say it again finally…
"I promise I won't laugh"
“Fine…” She cleared her throat, she took a deep breath to prepare herself for what was to come. She looked at you one last time before she said it. As soon as she spoke, she felt such an enormous wave of regret washing over her. She felt an enormous rush of shame that could practically suffocate her.
“I was thinking about…” She gulped. “….you…”
"Me,what were you thinking about me?" Her heart beat even faster than before and she flushed a bright red. She was now just staring at the floor, she felt like she could just faint at any moment. She was trembling and felt the heat rise up in her face once more. She was regretting every second from her mentioning you… why was she so shy all of a sudden? Her voice turned weak, her throat was choking up on its own. She swallowed, she felt like any minute she’d pass out from all the adrenaline rushing through her body. 
“I was thinking about… u… um…” She glanced away from you and hesitated for a second before she finally said it, she was scared she’d end up not saying it. “I was thinking about… K… making out with…you…” You blushed at her confession
“You were thinking about kissing me?" You asked as if you didn't believe her,a part of you wanted to hear her words again. Hiba’s stomach flipped as she heard you ask her this. She was trembling, her cheeks flared up even more with the red of her blush. 
“Y…Yes..” She didn’t believe herself as she spoke those words either, the adrenaline was making her body go crazy as her stomach churned with nerves and emotion. She glanced at you once more, the heat radiating off her as she tried to maintain herself with what little of control she had left..
"What did it feel like? Did you like it?" Your mouth moved before your brain could stop you. She looked at you, her heart pounding at a million miles per hour, her face so red it was nearly glowing. She swallowed as her throat went dry with every single breath she took. She stared at your lips, your soft full lips were her weak spot. 
“It felt…” She gulped. ”..nice..”. She paused, she had to say it as she was feeling braver now, she took a breath in as her heart beat fast. “I liked the thought of it”
"Do you wanna see if you're right?" A sudden wave of disbelief washed over her once you got those words out. She glanced at you once more, her mind ran wild with thoughts once more. The adrenaline hit her once again as you spoke those words to her. Her breath hitched in her throat, she thought she would collapse on the floor. 
“You… r…eall…y want to?…” You leaned even closer,so your face was inches away from her. 
"Don't keep me waiting" When she saw you inch closer, she looked like she was about to pass out, a bright red blush covered her face, her throat and heartbeat were both racing. Her legs felt shaky and her knees were close to buckling. She gulped, she felt the urge to just kiss you right now but she was still a little nervous. You were still so close to her face, that she could feel your breath grazing against her skin. Her heart thumped so loudly in her chest it made her entire body vibrate. She couldn’t hold it back anymore. Without even knowing she was doing it, she leaned in to you and pressed her warm lips against yours. She paused for a moment, her lips locking with yours, she pulled back slightly as her breath hitched, her lips slightly grazing with yours. She was so caught up in it all that she barely realized she was making a move. Her lips were against yours. Her heart was pounding so loudly that you could practically hear it. You pulled away after a few minutes to catch your breath "was it like you imagined?" She was breathless, her heart was still pounding, her eyes were glazed over as if she were in a trance. She was at a loss for words, she was speechless, her lips were still buzzing, she was so out of it. She could barely believe that she had actually done that. She had wanted and imagined this for so long, so here she was. She gave you a little tiny nod as she looked down at the floor, too embarrassed to even meet your gaze. "Is that all?" You asked,a little disappointed that she didn't give you a proper answer. You straddled her lap,your hand moving to unclip your hair clip and let your hair fall. She did always say that she liked your hair when it was down but it rarely ever was. So this was guaranteed to drive her crazy. "I guess I just have to try harder" you cupped her face and kissed her again. She was still in disbelief that this was actually happening, it had been one of those things she had constantly fantasized about but never actually believed would happen, but here she was. A wave of disbelief washed over her as she felt your mouth against hers once more. She let out a small whimper as you straddled her, your hands cupping her face as she felt your tongue press lightly against hers. Your soft lips pressed against hers as her mind ran wild with thoughts and emotions, her body trembled under yours. She kissed back, her lips locking and pressing into yours. Your hands moved slowly down to her neck and kept moving your hands further down. Her breath hitched when your hands slid down to her neck, she couldn’t believe what you were doing. The rush of adrenaline was overwhelming at this point as the heat and sensation started to overtake her. Her muscles tensed as your hands slid down her neck and down to her chest. She swallowed, her breathing was becoming more shallow and irregular. Her hands began to curl up at her side and her body trembled more with the sensation. You pulled away and moved your hands back to her face. She looked up at you with bright eyes and flushed cheeks, as you pulled away from the kiss. Her face was radiating heat as her breath still heaved and her heart was about to burst out of her chest. When you had moved your hands back to her face, she looked at them, then at you, and then back again. Her lips still had that soft, warm, tingling sensation from when we had kissed. Her gaze was slowly tracing back up to you and her lips were slightly parted, she looked at you, waiting for the next move. "So how was that?" She was still breathless as she managed out a couple of words. Her heart was still pounding and her breath was still irregular as she looked at you. Everything was so surreal, she still couldn’t believe we were even doing this. She gulped, she looked down at your hands, which were still on her face, she felt that tingle again and she liked it. She looked back up at you, her eyes were glazed with lust. 
“It was… better than I could ever imagine…” You leaned in to kiss her again but your phone rang. She groaned when you pulled away from her, she was enjoying the moment way too much, and now that phone ring cut the moment short, like a knife cutting through the anticipation. She felt a wave of annoyance wash over her but she didn’t dare to show it. She didn’t want you to feel guilty. She wanted you to answer the call. She was dying to kiss you again but she understood that this call could be something urgent, so she kept her lips sealed and remained quiet. It was Tasneem,you picked up. 
"Hello" Hiba glanced over as you picked up the call, she didn’t dare to listen to your call, she was too busy trying to remain calm, even though she was feeling extremely restless and on edge, the thought crossed her mind to listen in but she held herself back. She still wanted to respect your privacy, although the feeling of annoyance still lingered, she was trying to ignore it. You heard Tasneem on the other end 
"Hey,me Sarah and Farah have been standing outside ringing the doorbell for the last 5 minutes" Hiba tilted her head and raised an eyebrow as she heard Tasneem speak. The annoyance continued to linger as you spoke with Tasneem, it was almost as if she were the one interrupting the moment between you and her.
"Sorry,give me a minute" you hung up and turned to Hiba. "They're here,I'll go get them and try to calm down before you come down stairs" Hiba listened to your every word as you hung up and spoke, her cheeks were still burning red with heat from the rush of adrenaline and all of the other feelings she was experiencing. 
“They’re here huh..” She muttered,you clipped your hair back.
"Yeah,we'll be downstairs when you're ready to join us" She sighed as you straightened yourself back up and clipped your hair back, this action seemed to make her feel so impatient and frustrated, the feeling of annoyance began to intensify. She wanted you to stay right where you were, her mind was going crazy with thoughts of what might happen if you did stay. However all she could do was remain silent as she nodded her head. You made your way down and opened the door "hey girls" Hiba’s head tilted to the side as she heard you call out the girls’ names. She heard each girl’s voice reply with a simple “hey”, followed by a giggle. Her mind raced with thoughts, mainly of curiosity. She wanted to know what the girls were doing here, and what was going to happen next. Tasneem immediately asked 
"Where's Hiba?" Before you could answer Hiba had made her way downstairs.She was now standing at the bottom of the stairs, her feet shaking as she looked at each girl with a soft smile. She had made her way downstairs a few seconds later than you expected her to, her cheeks still had the pink tinge to them. She glanced at each girl, unsure of what to say. Tasneem’s sharp eyes saw her before anyone else as she called out her name, asking where she was "Why's your face red?" Tasneem asked,Hiba immediately felt more embarrassed and her face turned even more red, as a nervous chuckle escaped her mouth. She scratched the back of her neck, she didn’t know how to respond to that, so she tried to go with a vague answer. 
“It…it’s nothing” She uttered out, her heart was still beating rapidly, so the words felt a bit jumbled. You could tell Tasneem wasn't convinced but she didn't ask anything else. Hiba sighed, Tasneem was smart and quick. Even if the other two hadn’t noticed, Tasneem would’ve noticed straight away, she was like a hawk that didn’t miss a thing. Hiba could see a smirk on Tasneem’s face as she eyed her up, Hiba knew that Tasneem had noticed. Hiba just rolled her eyes and brushed her hair back. She felt a bit uncomfortable due to the smirk on Tasneem’s face. You were soon all sat around a table with snacks and sodas,except Tasneem who had brought a smoothie with her. Always keeping up her appearance even with her friends. Part of you felt inferior compared to her. But you pushed that feeling down. 
"So what should we play first?" Farah asked,Hiba sat at the table with each girl, including you. She watched as Tasneem had her smoothie, looking all fancy with her straight, sleek hair and designer clothes. A sense of envy started to kick in as she observed her. Tasneem looked more like a model than she already did,but then she caught you staring and she glanced back at you. Her smirk was replaced with a small grin and a small teasing smirk as she drank her smoothie. She knew what she was doing. The girls started discussing possible games until Farah came up with one. All of you would put your phones on the table and whoever got a notification would be forced to read it outloud. The girls chimed in,each putting their phone on the table. 
"I'm in" you said as you placed your phone alongside theirs.The game idea seemed pretty simple, but she liked how it involved everyone. She placed her phone on the table alongside theirs and folded her hands as she waited, waiting to see who would get the first notification. It didn’t take long until Tasneem had already received a notification, her phone had gone off first and she had been forced to read it out. She picked it up, looking at the notification as she cleared her throat.
“Ugh, a reminder to join the gym” She snorted. “So basic..” She said with a condescending pout as she placed the phone back on the table. Hiba didn't believe her and just grabbed her phone to check. Tasneem’s face immediately turned sour and she began to whine as her phone was whipped from her hands. “Hey! That’s not fair!” She exclaimed, her voice was suddenly higher pitched and her facial expression was one of betrayal, she tried to reach for her phone but you pushed her hands away. Tasneem continued to whine as you picked up her phone and opened the message. As you looked at the message on her phone, it was a text message from her personal trainer. Tasneem got caught out in her lie, and she didn’t seem pleased about it. A pout instantly spread across her face as she watched you read her messages. Out of all the things to lie about, she chose that her expression was like that of a kid that had been caught in the cookie jar with their hand still in. You leaned over to read the message. As you leaned over to read the message, Tasneem’s pout grew even more, she looked so irritated that she had been caught out in a lie. The text message was from her personal trainer and it read 
“You missed your session today, just a reminder for when I next see you.” You knew what this meant, Tasneem had skipped her training session for some reason. The pout grew even more as you continued to examine the text message. A part of you was worried 
"hey,he's not forcing you to workout or anything else?" You tried to sound as gentle as possible. Tasneem’s pout dropped slightly as she heard your concerned voice. She shook her head in the denial as she glanced over at you with a slightly embarrassed look on her face. 
“No.. No,he’s not forcing me. I just thought I would skip today” She muttered, a small blush appeared on her cheeks, before she quickly shook it off.
"Okay,but we're your friends and if anything happens you can tell us" She nodded her head in agreement, she didn’t want to seem as if she was lying again, even though you still had a slight feeling of mistrust, you decided to let it go for now. Tasneem seemed more reassured now that your response had been so calm. She gave a small smile as she took back her phone from you. She picked it up from the table and put it back in her pocket. Now you were waiting for the next phone to ring or the next notification to pop up. The game was quite exciting, you had already got pretty comfortable with each of the girls so it was always fun to see what kind of notifications they would get. You sat and waited for the next notification to pop up. The anticipation was building up inside you along with your curiosity, the suspense was killing you. It didn't take long until another vibration was heard, this time from Farah’s phone. Her eyes darted down to the notification as she picked up her phone. She looked down at the screen with a curious expression on her face. Her brow furrowed as she opened up the message.
"What is it?" The girls all looked at her as she opened it, everyone was curious to see what the notification was. She clicked and her brow furrowed even further when she read the message. She went silent for a moment, before giving a small chuckle. She clicked on the message again, scrolling it up and down. The other girls waited a while before they realized that Farah was not going to say anything about the message she had received. The other girls glanced at her questioningly, and Tasneem nudged her. 
“Well?” Farah then glanced back at Tasneem as she looked up at the girls. She looked down at the screen once again before her face turned bright red. She put a hand up to cover her blush. She mumbled out a few words. 
“It’s nothing..” Obviously,none of you believed her. The others continued to nudge her, 
“It’s obviously something..” Tasneem started to giggle slightly, looking at her with a teasing smirk. “We won’t laugh so tell us.” Tasneem said, a playful smirk on her face as she gestured for her to speak out. Farah just sighed and rolled her eyes playfully before looking back down at her phone and speaking out. 
“Fine.. it’s from a boy that I’ve been talking to for a while.” She muttered out. There was silence for a while,it was the first time Farah had ever mentioned a boy. The others looked at her, their eyebrows raised with surprise. They knew that Farah had never had a boyfriend up until this point. So this was quite the shock. Tasneem and Sarah shot a glance at you, both of their expressions contained small smirks. Tasneem was the first to speak. 
“Is he cute?” Farah rolled her eyes once more when she heard the question. She let out a small chuckle as she kept her phone in her hands. 
“Yes,he is very cute” She put her phone away and now you were waiting for the next one. The girls were eagerly waiting to see who would receive the next notification, they were full of anticipation, their emotions and feelings were starting to rise the longer the game went by. They were in for one hell of a shock when they heard another vibration. This notification had come from Sarah’s phone, which was sitting on the table. She glanced at the notification as she picked it up, her face became red as her cheeks filled with embarrassment as she realized who the notification was from.
"Alright we've been over this,what is it?” She was completely red in the face, and a nervous, sheepish smile was on her face. She didn’t wanna say anything but the other girls kept insisting until she finally spoke out. 
“It’s a boy that I’ve been flirting with…” She muttered out.
"Gee is every single one of you dating some boy,and I'm the last to find out," Tasneem said. You and Hiba gave each a knowing look before giggling.Tasneem was the only one that had had a boyfriend before everyone else. Farah and Sarah had just started to talk to boys as well, which pretty much meant that you were the last to find someone. You and Hiba both looked at each other and laughed at Tasneem’s reaction. There were only two phones left,you and Hiba. All of the attention was now on you and Hiba, as you were the only 2 that had yet to receive notifications. Every girl sat staring at you, as if they could use their sheer amount of staring to make the notification come faster. Their eyes were like hawks, scanning your every move. Tasneem was the first to speak out. 
“I bet your notification is gonna be from a boy as well” She murmured, her smirk grew wider as a small giggle escaped her throat. Sarah and Farah joined in with Tasneem,all of them were staring directly at you with smug faces, they were all betting that you would be receiving a notification from a boy also. It was all coming down to the last 2 phones.
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pinkfiberseed · 2 years
Valentine's Day gift
Mature | 16+ Minors DNI (Jk I don't care )
Fandom: alrawabi school for girls
Pairing: Mariam x fem reader
Editing: not allowed
Word Count: 793
Warnings: kissing, slut shaming, kinda detailed, bad language, degrading, praising
This takes place on valentine’s Day but has the same storyline as the show just run with it.
It was Monday. I climb through Mariam’s window. It was Valentine’s Day, so I wanted to bring her some goodies. When I climb through the window, I saw Miriam smirking at her computer till she saw me. She turned it off and turn towards me.
“what are you doing here?”
I looked at her suspiciously. “Hi what are you doing?”
“Oh nothing, just homework,” she said as she walked towards me, “so what are you doing here?” she looked down at my eyes smiling a little, “I wanted to see you is all. I wanted to bring you a Valentine’s Day gift. "
I handed her the bag of her favorite candies in a couple of materials for school. She looked up at me with the biggest smile I’ve ever seen her give me or anyone. “oh my God, beautiful, you didn’t have to do this. “She got the gift and placed it on her bed before embracing me in a loving hug and kissing me on my forehead. “I feel bad I didn’t get you a gift. “She kinda looked down. “It’s okay, Mariam , and I didn’t need one as long as you’re happy,” I said with a smile. Next thing you know, Miriam‘s arms for around my waist, pulling me in toward her. "Mariam, what are you-”
I was cut off by her, smashing her lips, in to mine she pulled away, looking me in the eye, and said “giving you my gift” she said, smashing her lips back into mine, her lips moving in sync hungry for one another. Miriam grab my waist and pick me up, caring me to place on her bed and when she placed me down, she kissed down my neck. “Ugh you're so beautiful” she searched for my sweet spot. Mariam reached her hands up my shirt, rubbing my stomach, and then my chest, pulling it up to take my shirt off. She then fumbled with my bra when she finally unhooked it. She had found my sweet spot and started nibbling on it, abusing it as I moaned out, desperate for more “MARIAM FUCK. "
“Shhhh, don't get me in trouble now,”
she slowly leaves a trail of kisses from my lips down to my breast, stopping to latch, her mouth onto one of my breasts, licking her tongue up and down on my sensitive buds while she used her other hand to play with my other breasts massaging it lightly and playing with my she was staring, straight into my eyes before switching breast still looking for any signs of pleasure.
Moments later, she parted from my breast. I gasped at the sudden loss of contact. She slowly started kissing, lower and lower, leaving hickeys on my stomach and anywhere else she felt. Between kisses, she whispered seductively.
“Shhh, baby... I got you...”
with that, she stops down on my thighs sucking on them leaving hickeys all over both my thighs slowly kissing inward skipping my womanhood
Causing a whimper to shoot out of me
She smirked against my skin, looking back up at me. She slowly brought her hand up to rub circles around my clit still kissing but licking closer and closer towards my womanhood “please Mariam I’m begging you please stop teasing me” she looked up at me “you know maybe if you were patient…” I whimpered “please... I can’t…” Mariam completely pulled back looking right at me “fine then you impatient slut…” with that she shoved a finger into me looking me dead in my eyes. The moan I let out was more than loud “wow you want to get us in trouble “she said looking up at me with a smirk pumping painfully slow just then her mom yelled “Mariam are you okay”
Mariam just continued to pump yelling “ya I’m fine I just stubbed my toe “before turning her attention back to me putting a second finger into me and picking up the speed she then latched on to my clit sucking and lapping at it making me let out multiple moans “babe…” just then she took my hand into her free hand
“Baby, I think I’m going to cum,” I said with a moan”
“Come for me then princess, “with just those words I released in her mouth and on her fingers
“Mmm baby, you did so well,” lickking her fingers while staring at me. "Hell, you look and taste good. "
Getting up, she then clawed on top of me and kissed me sloppily, allowing me to taste myself. After that, we got under the covers and cuddled till we fell asleep.
(sorry for the ending got lazy at the end )
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maxinexstars · 4 months
Request by anon:Cupid x Female reader where the arrow hits her (just one arrow) and she falls in love with the reader
Cupid x femreader
Moodboard: @alrawabi-imagines
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somehow Cupid had accidentally hit herself with one of her arrows,and you ended up being the poor soul she saw first. Now she was completely and utterly in love with you. She stood up, giggling cutely and blushing
"Well, hi there, beautiful...~" it was clear that she was very much in love. Completely and utterly, in fact. You were the object of her obsession at that moment, the target of her affections. You didn't know what was going on with her,or why she was all over you for no reason.
"Hi Cupid" She giggled and approached you with a wide and adorable smile, her cheeks a lovely pink color. She reached up and put her hand on your cheek gently, smiling more in a flirtatious way.
"You're so gorgeous~"
"What's gotten into you?" You asked,she was behaving out of character. She was usually calm and composed,the person you'd go for good advice but now she was acting like a lovesick fool.
"Hmmm, what do you mean by that...?" She blinked with a slightly clueless and naive expression, before laughing lightly as if it was a joke. "I'm just happy to see you, that's all... You make me happy~" She giggled more, and continued to lean into the conversation, now closer than ever. Thankfully the bell rang and you headed to different classes. Except you didn't go to class,you snuck away to the library. Hoping you'd find an answer to what's happening with Cupid. You searched and searched through the various books that lay within the library, before finally stumbling across the correct section,one on love. Within that section, you discovered a book that detailed cupids such as Cupid herself. The 'symptoms' section detailed that a cupid, when hit with their own arrow, would go absolutely nuts for the first person they saw. You read further,the book gave the various symptoms, which you were already experiencing, and then suggested the various methods of coping with such a cupid, including; ignoring them,which could cause a dangerous reaction, including possible violence. Having them hit another arrow on another target,which would just make another person obsessed with the cupid or trying to woo them,which is what a cupid would expect from their love target. You knew you couldn't do any of that,so you searched for a way to break the spell. The book suggested that there was something of a loophole that only a few cupids knew about, and some did accidentally stumble across it. If their 'victim' was actually in love with them back, it could nullify the effect... Which means you had to fall in love with cupid. Or fake it. You were debating as you kept flipping through the book. The last page read 'A last resort to break the spell is to break the-' the rest of the page was torn. You sighed deeply, frustrated at how you couldn't finish reading the book that gave the last piece of information needed, but then, you had a lightbulb moment. If what the book said was true, then you technically didn't have to fall in love with her,you just had to get her to believe that
you already had those feelings. Or find out what you had to break. Maybe there'd be more information in her room. You were onto something there. Perhaps her room would yield some more information, if you were lucky. You had to be sure that no one would stumble across you leaving the library though, and so you left discreetly, glancing around to make sure the coast was clear. But when you got there the door was obviously locked,why hadn't you thought of that. You knew Cupid had the key and you had to trick her into opening it for you. You waited outside her classroom and eventually she came out. She didn't even notice you as she had her earphones in, bobbing her head to whatever tune she was listening to. She was so into it that she wasn't even aware of her surroundings, the poor girl being completely distracted. She made her way to her locker,you put your hands on either side of her,on the lockers. Trapping her between the lockers and you. She was startled at first, a small squeak escaping her mouth as she turned her head to look at whoever it was that had interrupted her music... Only for her cheeks to go pink when she saw that it was you, the person she was pining over.
"O-oh,Hi there~" She spoke softly, her eyes not leaving your own, a smile spreading across her mouth. You leaned in closer
"Hey,how about we take this to your room?. Just the two of us" The pink on her cheeks only grew more noticeable as her eyes widened slightly. Cupid was clearly embarrassed, yet utterly infatuated that you were flirting with her in such a way. A love spell or not, she'd love the idea as herself or anyone else. Cupid stuttered a little, but managed to respond.
"S-sure,if you want to" She mumbled softly, letting her guard down for you. You may just be able to pull this off.
"Lead the way,darling" you cringed at yourself,simultaneously feeling bad about doing this. Cupid blushed as her expression shifted from flustered to giddy. She took your hand and began to lead you over to her room, her cheeks still a noticeable pink. As you passed others, you could see some of them giving you an odd look, clearly wondering why the love cupid would be hanging out with you so suddenly. But, you paid them no mind, focusing solely on Cupid as she continued to guide you towards her room. Her broadcasting room was a beautiful open place,with her equipment set on a table,a bookshelf which you hoped would hold the answer. As you looked around you saw an empty case with a key hanging next to it,but it was empty. "What's that for?" Cupid turned towards you in confusion, before realizing what you were talking about. She smiled and gave a soft chuckle, before answering your question.
"Oh... It's where I store my bow. I always do that when I'm not working." Cupid explained,smiling. A chill ran down your spine,it was empty and her bow was nowhere in sight.
"Where is it now?" Cupid shrugged her shoulders, giggling cutely as she did so. She twirled around, before giving a twirl of her feet for some reason. Whatever had caused this, it certainly left her happy.
"Oh, I don't know. It's probably somewhere in-" Cupid paused and her voice trailed off when she noticed that the case was empty. A look of panic spread across her face as she turned to face you. "You don't think someone took my bow, do you?"
"That's exactly what I'm afraid of,we need to find it. But first there's something I need you to do for me" Cupid nodded her head frantically, clearly panicked as she worried about where her bow could possibly be. She looked at you with worry in her eyes, waiting for you to ask for what you wanted. She'd clearly do anything for you at that very moment.
"Okay... What do you want me to do..?" Cupid spoke softly, looking at you to await your instructions.
"Sit down and try to stay calm" She nodded her head, before she sat down on the ground, taking in a deep breath and letting it out, trying to calm herself to an extent. Although she was panicking a lot, she had to do something to stay calm,after all, you had asked her to.
"Okay, okay I'll try.I'll try to stay calm. Anything for you” Cupid spoke softly, looking up at you as she did so. You looked through the bookshelf,hoping you'd find the same book and you did. The last page was completely intact and read 'the final way to break the spell is to destroy the bow' you read further. It read, ‘If the spell is not nullified by their target being in love with them in the first place, or if their target denies the cupid's affection and refuses them, then the only option is to destroy the cupid's weapon, their bow. The bow itself is what gives cupids their power. Take that away from them, and they are no longer affected.’ This was the last resort to break the spell.
"We need to find your bow before whoever has it now causes trouble. Cupid nodded her head in agreement, panic in her eyes when she heard that someone else had her bow. She stood up, giving a nod to you in return.
"Yes,you're right, we have to go find it. Who knows what trouble they'll cause if they have that in their possession" Cupid spoke softly, clearly worried. As you ran through the school until you were stopped by Frankie
"Hey Y/N,I've been looking for you everywhere. I found a way to break the spell" she said,but there was something bigger now
“That's good but Cupid's bow is missing and we need to find it" Frankie reassured,revealing that she had taken the bow for safekeeping. The panic that was on Cupid's face lessened the moment Frankie said she had the bow. She let out a sigh of relief, her shoulders slouching slightly as she did so. She was clearly very glad that the bow was safe and no longer in the wrong hands.
"Well, thank the love Gods you have it,I was worried sick, thinking about if someone else got their hands on that thing,but at least we know it's safe now"
"Now we just need to smash it,so the spell will be broken" you said,reaching for the bow but Frankie pulled away.
"We still need to free Draculaura from Valentine and then we can break it," Frankie explained. Cupid's eyes widened a little as she heard that it needed to be destroyed, before she nodded her head slightly in understandment.
"But,how are you going to break them apart? I saw them together the other day.They're pretty attached at the hip."
"We use your arrows and make her fall for Clawd,come on let's go" Cupid's eyes widened slightly when she heard the plan, before she blushed and nodded her head in agreement. She knew how to work her arrows, how to make any monster fall in love using these babies. She reached into her quiver, pulling out an arrow and loading it into her bow.
"Okay, let's go then." After you saved Draculaura from Valentine,that left one thing. Freeing Cupid from her own spell,by smashing the bow. She seemed to snap out of it completely,but looked confused. The moment you smashed the bow, Cupid gasped and her eyes widened in surprise. She looked at the fragments of the bow before her, before she looked back at you in surprise.
"Wha... What has happened..?" Cupid's cheeks were still a light pink, but this was more out of confusion than affection. She really was confused about what the hell had happened in the last twenty four hours or so.
"It's a long story,maybe I could tell you over coffee?" Cupid blushed when you offered to explain this over coffee with her, biting her cheek slightly as she nodded her head in agreement. She was back to her usual, composed self, yet there were still lingering tinges of the cupid magic about her.
"Yea,that sounds nice.I'd like that."
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farahscreation · 6 months
Stop ignoring me Chapter 1 - Hiba x fem reader
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Requested? No
Summary:Every since Hiba started hanging out with Tasneem (f/n) was nothing to her. It's like she never seen you in her life. Will (f/n) be able to bring Hiba back?
Authers note: This has nothing to do with real life! This is all from my pure imagination. If you want to read more of my storys go to my Masterlist to see more of Alrawabi school for girls.
Warning: mental health
Word count: 573
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It was like any other day but different. Since Hiba is one of the most popular girls in school every thing change. I'm not confident like I used to be. I don't have anyone to stand up to me. I started to skip school not because
I wanted too but I was forced. I used to live with Hiba but she doesn't pay attention to me anymore. She didn't even care when i moved back home which I regret. I live with my mom the reason I moved out because of my mom I couldn't take it anymore. Hiba used calm me down when ever i get a bad grade and have to face my mom. But my mother knows better then taking back to Hiba but since Hiba is not here things changed.
"Hey, (f/n)" My friend smiled at me in the bus. I sat beside her and chatted with her a bit." Oh yeah, I don't see you hangout with hiba anymore. Is everything ok?" She wondered. "Yeah everything's ok she has just been busy recently" I responded with a small smile. The moment we arrived I got of the bus and went to my classroom, Just to see Hiba giggling and laughing with Tasneem. I couldn't help but feel a bit jealous but I had nothing to say I just went pass them and sat at my seat it hurts more because Hiba's seat was right beside me. But I couldn't take it anymore. I got up and grabbed Hiba to the bathroom."Hey! What the hell!" Hiba shouted "what's wrong with you Honestly (f/n)!" . "When will you stop ignoring me?" I asked "it's none of your business" she responded "ever since you have been hanging out with Tasneem you changed. It's like I don't know you anymore. Why? Just why?". She didn't respond all she did was take out her phone and scroll on it."Hey! Hiba I'm talking to you don't ignore me" she sighed put her phone away. "So what? Huh it's none of your business. Can't I have some time for myself" she yelled back and walked away. I pulled her wrist and stopped her from leaving."please Hiba. Did I do something wrong? Please tell me why are you always ignoring me in school, ignoring my calls and texts everything, please tell me" I begged. "I am just Sick of you (f/n) okay!". "Then beake up with me" I was speechless oh the words that just came out of my mouth I couldn't believe what I just said. I didn't mean it at all and I can tell that Hiba was surprised as well. We both froze for a moment then Hiba spoke "oh really that what you want?"
"No I didn't mean it Hiba" she proposed. "Sure. Sure you didn't. Never talk to me again" she threatened and left leaving me speechless. Couldn't believe I hate myself now Hiba hates me. The more I think about it the more it hits me I didn't even notice how long it have been until the bell rang I washed my face and left the bathroom. I walked in class to see hiba sitting at her usual table I sat down and Miss Abeer walked in. I didn't even pay any attention to class because I was just so focused in something else. But I know I can't change anything well I don't know.
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Hello, I hope you guys like this one please do I worked very hard on it😭😭 but thank you all for your support and love and I will be posting more from now on
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domxmarvel · 4 months
A sky without stars
Pairing: Louise Dials x Female!Reader
Prompt:R-reunion @alrawabi-imagines
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Her voice rang in your ears,you could hear it clearly. Unfortunately that was all you had left after she got captured and imprisoned by Nightswan.You were forced into hiding,disguising yourself anytime you had to step out. You were working at a small dinner to blend in and hide better,but all you could think about was your girlfriend Louise. There was nothing you wanted more than to hear her voice once more. You were working your shift at the diner for the night. I did everything diligently and with no complaints. At first, all you could think about was work. Until your mind began drifting towards Louise,thinking about her more and more. As the hours went on, thoughts of her continued to consume your mind and you couldn’t keep focus on your work. But with Nightswan looking for anyone accessioned with Louise,and that included you. The shift went by smoothly,but about 4 hours in, your co-worker called you over. Saying there was a phone call for you,making your way over to the phone you picked up. It was an old style phone attached to the wall of the diner. 
"Hello" you said there was a brief silence before you heard a familiar voice,along with a sweet southern accent. Louise,you knew her voice,it was unmistakable.
"Hello,darlin'" Louise said,her accent making her words flow like honey. You gasped when you heard her voice through the phone. It had been so long since the last time you spoke with her. Your heart began racing, 
"Louise! Is that you?!" You felt so relieved to hear her voice "Louise are you alright? Are you hurt?" You asked,you clung onto the phone as it would keep her there forever.
"I'm just fine. Don't worry 'bout me,doll." Louise replied to you, her voice soft and reassuring. Hearing her assure you that she was fine put a relieved smile on your face. Gripping the phone even tighter, not wanting this moment to end.
"I'm so happy to hear your voice,I could cry right now" You chuckled,trying not to cry. Louise laughed softly and said.
"Aww, don't cry now, hon'. We'll see each other again soon enough." Her words made you feel calm,knowing that she still wanted to see you and that she hasn't forgotten you. Listening to her voice made you feel so happy and calm.
"What happened,I thought Nightswan captured you?" You asked,wondering how she was even calling you. Louise sighed before answering, 
"I was captured, doll. But I wasn't gonna stay in that miserable place forever. I managed to escape, but it definitely won't stop her from trying to find me again." Hearing her admit that she had escaped from Nightswan’s grasp gave you a sense of relief. You couldn't help but smile when you imagined her outsmarting the guards of the prison.
"Of course not. I missed you so much Lou" Louise smiled and sighed happily. 
"I missed you, too, darlin'. Every moment we were apart, I kept thinking about you and how I missed holding you." Her words only made you flustered, and your heart skipped a beat with her confession. Before you could say anything she kept going about how much she missed you. "And don't even get me started on how much I missed your beautiful voice and the way you smile, darlin'. Every moment without you is like a night without the stars. I missed you so much, and I don't ever want to be far apart from you again."
"Then come find me" Louise chuckled softly and replied, 
"Where are you, doll? I'd find you in a heartbeat if I knew where you were."
"Remember the dinner where we shared a strawberry milkshake?" Louise's voice became more cheerful as she remembered the memory fondly. 
"Of course I remember, doll. It was the perfect afternoon of just sipping on milkshakes and talking about anything and everything."
"That's where you'll find me,I'll be waiting" 
"I can't wait to see you again, darlin'. I'll be there as soon as I can. Make sure you save me a milkshake." Louise replied with excitement in her voice. Her words made you blush, and you felt your heart flutter at the sound of her being eager to see you again. you couldn't wait to be in her arms once more.
"Will do,see you soon love" In the moments before hanging up, you could hear Louise's voice grow more affectionate. 
"See you soon, darlin'. I love you." Her words were so soft and sweet, and her voice was music to your ears.
"Love you too" You hung up,the thought of being reunited with her made you feel like you were on a cloud. You were so relieved to hear her voice and know that you'd soon see her. You could hardly focus on the rest of the shift, as your mind was preoccupied with thoughts of Louise. Just the mere thought of her sent flutters through your body which left you feeling giddy inside. your heart was racing with anticipation, and felt ready to burst from the excitement of seeing her again.You were soon finished with your shift and got changed, and sat down in the very same booth where you had shared one for the first time
Any time the bell rang you looked over hoping to see her. Whenever the bell would ring, your head would snap up and glance toward the door. Your heart raced each time, hoping it would be her who would walk through the door. Seeing any other customers walk in caused a slight disappointment,as it wasn't her. You desperately longed for her arrival. Finally, the bell rang,you quickly looked over, hoping to see her. As you turned your head to look, your eyes widened in amazement as you saw her standing in the doorway. She was just as beautiful as you remembered, her messy dark purple hair falling perfectly over her shoulders. Her eyes met yours, and a smile spread over her lips.She made her way over to you and sat down.
"I can't tell you how much I missed you, darlin'," Louise said. Her words were so sweet and sincere, the way her southern accent wrapped around them was music to your ears. She reached forward and took your hand in between hers, her touch was gentle and sent a shiver down your spine.She held your hands,running her thumb across the back of your hands. Her hands were still soft,despite the new scars that you could feel. 
"I-I'm so happy you're here" you held her hands tighter,you could cry you were so happy that she was back. you couldn't hold back your tears any longer, your emotions overflowing. As you held her hands tightly, feeling an overwhelming sense of joy and relief. you could feel the new scars on her hands, but it didn't matter to you. All that mattered was the fact that she was here with you once more. "I never thought I'd see you again," You said, trying to keep your voice steady. "I missed you so much,Lou" Louise squeezed your hands tightly in return, tears welling up in her eyes. 
"I've missed you too, darlin'. Every moment we were apart, I thought about you and how much I wanted to hold you in your arms again." Her words were just as soft and sweet as you remembered. You were still holding her hands,you squeezed Louise's hands a little bit more. Like she'd disappear if you let go. Louise smiled softly when she felt you squeeze her hands a little more. "I'm right here, darlin'. I'm not going anywhere again." She leaned closer and planted a soft kiss on your forehead, her voice filled with reassurance. You enjoyed the moment,like everything and everyone else was gone and the only thing that mattered in the whole universe was you and Louise.
"I have something for you,if you'd let me go get it" You said. Louise let out a small chuckle, slightly amused at your comment. She playfully rolled her eyes and grinned. 
"Alright, darlin'; you've got yourself a deal." She leaned closer, planting a quick kiss on your cheek before letting go of your hands. "I'll be waiting right here." You got up and grabbed the strawberry milkshake you had set aside for her. You added the whipped cream, a strawberry on top and two straws. You set it on the table in front of her. Louise gasped in surprise as you set down a strawberry milkshake in front of her, complete with whipped cream, a strawberry, and two straws. Her eyes lit up and a smile spread over her face. "Oh my," she exclaimed with excitement, her southern accent making her words even sweeter. "Darlin', you remembered."
"Of course I did,and we're even sitting in the same booth where we shared one the first time. Louise beamed at your words, her eyes sparkling with delight. 
"You never fail to surprise me, darlin'. It warms my heart knowing that you'd remembered something so special to us." She lifted the milkshake to her lips and took a sip. Her smile widened as the taste of the sweet, fruity ice cream met her taste buds. "Just as delicious as I remembered." You couldn't help but gaze at Louise with adoration as she relished in the milkshake. Seeing her so happy and enjoying the treat made your heart flutter. 
"I'm glad you like it," you said softly. "It's the least I could do to welcome you back." Louise reached her hand out and grabbed yours once more, her eyes sparkling as she spoke. 
"And I couldn't have asked for a better welcome back than enjoying this milkshake with you." Her hold on your hand was firm and loving, her touch sending a shiver of warmth through your body. You reached up to cup her cheek 
"You're as beautiful as the last time I saw you,maybe even more" Louise's cheeks flushed a light shade of pink as she chuckled softly. 
"Well, I guess escaping imprisonment does wonders for the skin," She joked with a teasing grin. But then her expression softened, and a tender look entered her eyes. "It means a lot to me to hear you say that, darlin'. You know you're the only one who can make me blush like this."
"I love you" was the only thing you could say,as you looked at her. You couldn't stop thinking about how much she meant to you. Louise's expression softened even more, her eyes filled with adoration as she gazed back at you. 
"I love you too" she finally replied, her voice a low whisper. She leaned in closer, closing the distance between you as her lips met yours in a gentle but passionate kiss. The kiss was filled with love and longing, a silent promise of never letting go again. You pulled away from her 
“How about we get out of here?"
"Sounds like a plan, darlin'. Let's get out of this place and go somewhere quieter, just the two of us" You followed her out to her truck. She looked beautiful as her hair was waving in the wind as she drove. Louise maneuvered her truck down the empty roads while the wind blew through her hair. You couldn't help but admire her beauty, her messy purple hair flowing perfectly in the wind. She glanced over at you and caught you staring at her, a playful grin on her face. "See somethin' you like, darlin'?"
"You're always something I like,love" Louise let out a soft giggle, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink. 
"You sure know how to flatter a girl with those words, darlin'. But I have to admit, I can't help but feel the same when I look at you." She reached over, taking your hand into hers and giving it a gentle squeeze. "How did I get so lucky to have you?" You let your hair loose,letting the wind blow through it. It was perfect just two women driving through empty desert roads. You let your hair down and felt the cool desert breeze caressing your face and blowing through your hair. The open skies, the expansive land, and the empty roads created a sense of freedom that enveloped you both. You looked over at Louise, her eyes focused on the road ahead. Her messy purple hair whipped in the wind, blowing effortlessly and making her appear stunning. You leaned back,closing your eyes for a moment,allowing yourself to bask in the peacefulness of the moment. The sound of the engine purring and the wind rushing by was soothing, and you felt your body relaxing more and more. For a moment, everything felt perfect. You didn't care where you were going as long as Louise was with you,you knew that would be where you wanted to be,with her. Still you couldn't help but ask 
"Where are we going?"
"It's a surprise, darlin'," She said with a hint of mystery in her voice. "Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride. Trust me, it'll be worth it."
"Okay,Lou" You reached into the glovebox and rummaged through it,grabbing the cd case and flipping through them until you found the mix you made together,a smile tugged at your lips as you remembered the fun night spent putting it together. You inserted the CD into the player, turning up the volume and filling the truck with the familiar beats. As the music echoed through the truck, you felt a wash of nostalgia as the songs played. The lyrics spoke of love, heartache, and joy; the memories they provoked made your heart flutter. You looked over at Louise, her fingers tapping the steering wheel along with the rhythm of the music, seeming to recall the same memories as you. She glanced at you and caught your gaze, a tender smile dancing across her lips. 
"Good choice, darlin'," she said, her voice low and soothing. "It's nice to hear our old mix again."
"I know,I'm glad you still have yours. Do you remember how badly scratched mine got because of how much we listened to it"
 "Oh, I remember that mix cd, it's a miracle it played at all after all those scratches!" Her laughter died down and gave way to a warm smile. "We definitely gave that thing a lot of wear and tear, but those songs hold some of our best memories."
"It's not wear and tear,it's well loved" you said,Louise gave you a sarcastic look before she spoke
"Oh, is that what we're calling it now? Well loved?" She shot a playfully sarcastic glance in your direction and chuckled. "Well, well-loved or well-worn, it doesn't change the fact that we practically listened to that thing to death."
"That's why I made like four copies of it"
"Four copies? Darlin', you were preparing for the apocalypse, weren't you?" She couldn't help but chuckle at your foresight. You laughed with her. "Good thing you did, though. That cd was practically our lifeline" You. 
"I just wanted there to always be one that works. These songs are special,you wouldn't believe how many times I listened to it when you were gone." Louise's smile softened, a twinge of regret and sadness flickering across her face as you mentioned how often you had listened to the cd. 
"I'm glad those songs brought you comfort when I was gone,I missed you every single day, darlin’" You still wondered where she was bringing you,Louise caught the questioning look in your eyes, and a small, mysterious smile tugged.She knew what you were wondering 
"How much longer,Lou?" Louise glanced over at you, her smile turning into a small, mischievous smirk. 
"Darlin', we're almost there, just a few more minutes. I promise it'll be worth the wait."
"Lou" Louise's eyes softened as you called out her name. She reached over and took your hand, her touch gentle but firm. 
"Yes, darlin'? What's on your mind?"
"Well I was thinking we stop and just go makeout in the backseat for a bit." Louise's smirk morphed into a mischievous grin as she bit her lower lip, clearly intrigued by your proposition. 
"Well, well, well," she purred, her voice low and seductive. "I didn't know you had such a naughty side, darlin'. Who am I to refuse a tempting offer like that?"
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heatlightningmp3 · 3 years
I was supposed to study today but I ended up watching AlRawabi school for girls and it was... heavy. I’m kinda glad it’s not too popular because the takes I’ve seen from a lot of people already suck (but also it does deserve to be seen by a lot of people). God imagine the discourse. I felt at first like the writing was a little confused but in the end I realised that they really went all in on the good and bad in every character so it could feel like abrupt flips but i guess that’s just how people are
I feel like the bullying was kinda over the top though like I don’t think I’ve ever seen anybody tease a girl for getting a period stain on her pants like girl.... we’ve all been there. But I guess maybe if the culture is stifling (which it can be in prestigious schools like this, my school wasn’t that rich but it was similar, though not this bad obvs) it breeds toxicity
lol this is turning into a full review so im going to peace out just my 2 cents on this show, maybe watch it but major trigger warning for violence, bullying, and violence against women
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eighteenoheight · 3 years
I’m watching Alrawabi school for girls, just started episode 4 and I don’t know if I can keep watching tbh. I can’t stand what happened to Roqayya even before the big thing. Anticipating that humiliation was bad enough before it became a massive public thing. Even if they left it before they royally screwed her over, I still wouldn’t have liked it. I’ve been that person being led on, waiting on a text back. But I can’t even imagine how much it would fuck me up to have someone betray my trust to that extent. I understand she’s a bad person but wtf was that I just witnessed. I have to give massive big ups to the actor, Salsabiela A for that performance. There were times she never spoke and I could feel everything she was putting out there. As I said, I’ve been her. We’ve probably all been her. It was a fantastic scene, but that feeling afterwards is way too much to deal with. That’s the kind of humiliation I can’t stand. I think the show has already done amazingly well with their message, the nuances of bullying and good/bad. Unfortunately for the sake of my mental health I will have to say no thank you for now, I need a comedy ASAP
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updateplss · 3 years
episode 5 was so good! alrawabi school for girls is getting even better than i imagined. a lot of nuances for a teens tv show. btw it's an arabic tv show from jordan abt an only girls school! it's so cool watching how they handle certain themes
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alrawabi-imagines · 3 months
Requests open Alrawabi school for girls
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GIF by froggiestfroggy
Season 1
Season 2
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alrawabi-imagines · 2 months
We rule the kingdom inside my room
Pairing:Layan x Female!Reader (Smut)
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You were sitting in the cafeteria when you caught Layan staring at you with a judging look on her face. As you were sitting having lunch she moved to sit next to you,you were secretly dating but you couldn't tell anyone. You whispered 
"I thought you said we shouldn't be seen together" she sighed and looked at you 
“We shouldn’t” she whispered back “What if someone finds out?” 
"Well they're gonna get suspicious the longer you stay near me,I'll see you tonight so don't hang around too much. Now yell at me and storm out" she rolled her eyes but complied anyway she yelled at you 
“I can't deal with you anymore!” she said loudly and then stormed out of the cafeteria, glaring at you. A few hours later school was over and you were back home waiting for Layan to show up. You were watching TV as you waited for Layan when your phone suddenly buzzed, a text from Layan ‘I’m here open the door’ you quickly got up from the couch, checking yourself in the mirror before opening the door. You opened the door and quickly let her in. 
"My parents are out visiting family in another city so they won't be back until Monday" yet explained,it was Friday so you had the whole weekend and an empty house to yourselves. Hearing this information made her happy, we had the entire house to ourselves for the whole weekend. A mischievous smile crept onto her face as a thought entered her mind. 
“So, we have the whole place to ourselves, huh?” she teased, closing the door behind her and locking it. 
"What are you thinking?" A smirk tugged at the corners of her lips as you stepped closer to her, her gaze darkening with desire. 
"Oh, I'm thinking about all the things we can do now that we have the house all to ourselves." her voice lowered to a whisper, she lightly traced her fingers along your arm. "No one is around to interrupt us, no one to judge or pry . We can be as loud as we want, do whatever we want" You pushed her against the wall,kissing her as your hands moved to her waist. She pressed herself against you, pinning her against the wall as the kiss deepened. Her hands roamed over your body, exploring every curve and contour, pulling her closer as your bodies melded together. The feeling of her soft skin under your touch sent shivers down your spine, making you want her even more. You pulled away for a moment. 
"And here I thought we were gonna take it slow and maybe watch a movie,cuddle before this" you smirked. She chuckled softly, her breath still coming fast and ragged. 
“Well, I did say we could do whatever we wanted, didn’t I?” she traced a finger along your jawline, her touch gentle and teasing. “And right now, I want you. I want to feel every inch of your skin, taste your lips, hear you moan my name.” 
"More like you're gonna be moaning mine" you teased as your hand moved underneath her skirt. She gasped slightly at the feeling of your hand on her thigh, biting her lip to stifle a moan. 
“Cocky, aren’t you?” She responded playfully. “But if you keep doing that, you’ll be the one making those noises soon enough.” 
"I doubt that '' you slide your fingers under her underwear,making her moan loudly as she arches her back. She bit back another moan, Her body trembling as your fingers moved inside her. 
“You cheat…” She panted, gripping onto your shoulders for support. “You…you know what that does to me “ 
"I know,which is why this is so fun" she couldn't argue with that, the way your touch sent waves of pleasure through her body made it hard to focus on anything else. She let out a soft whine, arching her hips into your touch, craving more. 
“This isn’t fair,you’re being such a tease.” 
"Come on,let's go to my room" She nodded, desperate for more,you led her to your room. As soon as you were inside,you pushed her back onto your bed,kissing down her neck. She gasped as you pushed her back onto the bed, her body arching into your touch as your kisses trailed down her neck. Her hands tangled in your hair, pulling you closer, begging for more. You bit down on her neck as you moved down to her chest.She moaned loudly as your teeth grazed against her neck, her body arching up towards you as you moved lower. When your lips found her chest, she let out a breathless gasp, her fingers digging into your back. She let out a soft whimper as you began unbuttoning her shirt, exposing more of her to you. “You're going to drive me crazy…" She breathed, her hands moving to your shoulders as you continued your descent. You undid her belt and pulled it down before moving to undress yourself. She watched as you undressed yourself, her eyes roaming over your body, taking in every inch of your skin. She couldn't help but admire your body,the way your body seemed to fit perfectly against hers. She sat up on the bed, her shirt hanging open, exposing her chest, and pulled you closer. "You're breathtaking." She whispered, her hands tracing your bare skin, exploring every contour and dip of your body. You smirked,pushing her back as you moved to kiss down her stomach and her inner thigh. she laid back on the bed, her body aching for your touch as you kissed down her stomach, moving towards her inner thigh. She let out a small gasp, her hips arching up instinctively, her body desperate for more. "Please…" She whispered, her fingers tangling in your hair. "Don't tease me…" You pushed her hips down. 
"If I was teasing you,I would be going slower. Now be good or I'll stop" She huffed, trying to stay still and resist the urge to push her hips up, desperate for friction. 
"I'm trying…" She panted, her body quivering with need. "But it's so hard when you're driving me crazy like this…" You laid against her,pressing your bodies together as you started moving. She let out a soft moan as you pressed against her, your bodies fitting together perfectly. She wrapped her legs around your waist, pulling you even closer, her body arching up to meet yours as you started moving together. You could feel every inch of her, skin against skin, and it sent shivers down your spine. "You feel so good…" She said between gasps. You moved faster and faster,until she was begging you to let her reach her peak. "Please…" She moaned, her body trembling on the edge of climaxing. 
"Please what?" You teased. She let out an impatient whine, her body desperate for release. "Please.." She repeated, looking up at you with pleading eyes. 
"I need it…I need you, please…" You moved faster,pushing her over her limit. Her body arched against yours as she finally reached her peak, waves of pleasure crashing over her and trembled in your arms. her fingers dug into your back, holding onto you tightly as she rode out the sensation. She collapsed back onto the bed, her body still shaky from the aftershocks of pleasure. She laid there for a moment, trying to catch her breath and calm her racing heart. When she finally regained some of her bearings, she looked over at you with a satisfied smirk. 
"That was…intense." 
"You think I'm done?" her body was already responding to your words. 
"You're not, are you?" 
"I haven't even started" 
"You're going to be the death of me"
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alrawabi-imagines · 2 months
I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror Ch.1
Pairing: Step-sister!Hiba x Female!Reader (platonic) 
Word count: 1738
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Hiba had been your step sister for about two months and it was clear that neither of you liked each other. You stayed out of her way but it felt like she purposely went out of her way to make your life hell. The only good thing was that you managed to convince your father not to transfer you to her school,so you weren't stuck with her all the time.
"I hate you so much." Hiba mutters under her breath as she passes you in the hallways, bumping you with her shoulder. You rolled your eyes and walked back to your room. You just wanted to be alone and avoid her as much as possible. Hearing footsteps outside your bedroom door, you prepare yourself for the inevitable knock. You hear someone knock on your door, and as you open it, Hiba is standing there, leaning against the door frame, arms folded.
"I need to talk to you about something." Hiba says, trying to sound polite. But her voice is fake and you get the vibe that she's only saying this so your parents don't get onto her for being rude.
"Like what?"
"Like, I need a favor." She says, her eyes rolling as she says the word 'favor' as if the idea of her asking for anything is beneath her. You sighed 
"And why would I help you?"
"I need to borrow something from you." She says, rolling her eyes as she completely ignored your previous question.But you can tell that she's just trying to act cool. She's clearly nervous about asking you for something. You decided to ask what she wanted before you slammed the door in her face 
"What do you want?" Hiba takes a deep breath. She's not used to having to ask people things and her ego is making this hard on her. 
"I need to borrow one of your outfits."
"You sure? I’m afraid it's not your style,I don't dress like a whore" you fought back for once. "Why do you even think I'd let you?" Her face turns bright red, and she is unable to contain her irritation. She clenches her fists. 
"Just so you know, every guy I’ve met thinks I'm hot and they would never want a prude like you."
"At least I don't put everything I have on display and let the guys think I'm easy. They don't like you they just think you'll sleep with them easier,and I think you already know that"
"Ugh, you're so jealous of me! I've never had to try to get a guy to like me, they just worship me and you're probably just mad that no guy in their right mind would ever find you attractive."
"How many have stayed after they got what they wanted from you? How many really cared about you?"
"I don't care if they left!" She says. 
"That wasn't the point." It's obvious that she's trying to hide the fact that she feels slightly hurt by your comment. You knew the guys didn't care about her,they didn't want to date her, they just wanted to sleep with her. And once they got what they wanted they left and didn't come back. Hiba's ego refuses to admit it, but you know you've gotten to her with that comment. There's a reason why she's so sensitive about the topic of guys treating her like she's just a piece of meat. She's never had a long term relationship and she hates being lonely. So she seeks out any relationship no matter how short it is. You sighed "I'll lend you something but you have to return it in one piece and clean,got it?" She's caught off guard. She was expecting you to tell her to piss off. But she's also grateful that you're willing to loan her something. 
"Yes. Yes, I'll take good care of it. Thank you." She says, her tone slightly less harsh than it was before. You sat on your bed as she looked through your closet. 
"What's this party for?"
"Oh, it's for my friend's birthday. I need something to wear." She says as she finally finds something she likes, a short black dress with a strap tied around one of the shoulders, accentuating the curves of a woman's body. She holds it up to herself to see how it fits her. You remember that dress,you bought about a year ago when you were asked out on a date. Only for you to get ghosted,he left you waiting in the rain and you never told anyone. You shoved that dress far back in the closet and forgot about it until now. As you looked at her you realized how stupid you were for thinking someone would actually want to date you. The dress looked good on her,making you feel even worse. You can't help but feel a sense of envy. Here she is, your step sister who's treated you like garbage for the last several months, and she has no problems attracting boys. Meanwhile, you've been single for the past year and you can't get anyone to pay attention to you. And now you see her trying on the one dress that gave you a glimmer of hope one time, the one time you thought that finally a guy had seen something in you. It's more than you can handle. You turn away, feeling completely worthless.
"Just take that one and leave"
"Really? You're going to let me take that one?" She asks in disbelief. You can tell that she was expecting you to give her something older and boring that nobody would ever want to wear. It didn't cross her mind that you would let her take the one dress that you've been saving specifically for a special occasion.
"Just take it and leave," you said a bit more seriously this time.
"Okay, I'll take it... Thanks." She says. And she quickly leaves your room. You wait till she's gone before allowing yourself to break down in tears. You hate how pathetic you are. You hate that your own step sister doesn't even respect you enough to ask nicely for something. And you hate that she reminded you of the one time someone seemed interested in you and how quickly that fantasy was dashed, confirming the reality that no one would ever desire you. You felt pathetic,You feel like the biggest loser in the whole world as you cry into your pillows. You cry about your lack of friends and about your lack of a boyfriend, about the fact that no guy would ever look your way even if they were paid to do it. You cry about how unfair it is that your stepsister is so much hotter and more popular than you and how she has everything that you will never have. You were up late,sitting in the living room. Eating ice cream as you watch a show. Your eyes were red from tears,you had stopped crying but your eyes were still red. You look completely miserable as you sink down in one of the couches, using your blankets as a makeshift pillow while you watch a cheesy romance movie on TV. Your mood is definitely not helping with your self-pity as you watch the attractive main characters who have absolutely no problems in life falling in love. Just the sight of them kissing caused you to feel even more lonely.
It was around 2 am when Hiba came back,finding you laying there. You didn't bother to look up at her. Your step sister was a bit surprised when she saw you sitting in the living room all by yourself. She figured that you would be sleeping by now, not watching a cheesy romance movie. She didn't ask any questions though and just sat down next to you, settling herself into the couch. You pushed the ice cream to her,still not saying anything. She looked at the ice cream, and then she looked at you. Your eyes were still red from crying and she could tell that you were in a bad mood. She didn't say anything either, simply took the ice cream from you. It was then that she realized that something must have happened to you to make you cry so much. She felt guilty about the way she had treated you ever since she moved in with you and now she felt genuinely concerned for you. You just kept watching the movie,not saying anything. You hoped Hiba wouldn't say anything,you really didn't feel like talking. You were confused as to why she sat down next to you and why she hadn't said anything. After a little while, Hiba noticed that you were still completely silent and she started to rethink her decision to sit down next to you. She thought that maybe it was a bad idea and she should just leave you alone but then she remembered that maybe this is exactly what you needed, someone to be there for you when you were going through a tough time. She decided to stay and watch the movie with you, occasionally throwing a quick glance at you to see if you look like you're feeling any better. Once the movie was over you got up and cleaned up before going to your room,still not saying a word. Hiba watched you as you stood up, not knowing what to say or how to feel about the situation. She thought about following you to your room and making sure that you were okay, but she figured it was probably better to give you some space. So she stayed where she was, still sitting in front of the tv, feeling a mixture of disappointment and concern. The next morning you felt bad,to the point where you had somehow convinced your parents to let you stay home from school. You woke up feeling emotionally and mentally drained. Yesterday's crying had taken its toll on you and you just felt emotionally numb. You had managed to convince your parents to let you stay home from school for a few days and they seemed to sympathize with you. But the truth was that you just needed some time to yourself and you didn't want to have to face your step sister or anyone else for that matter.
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alrawabi-imagines · 3 months
Just you and me within these walls Ch.2
Pairing: Hiba x Female!Reader
Word count:2575
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They didn't know how wrong they were,you weren't talking to any boys. Your phone was the one that dinged first,you quickly grabbed it. It was an Instagram notification,on a photo you had posted of you and Hiba. A comment that said 
'She's such an ugly freak,why are they friends?' Followed by another comment 
'She clearly feels bad for her,that's the only reason Y/N’s friends with her' You didn't want to read it outloud,you looked over at Hiba. Silently asking for help. You didn't want to read this or even show them. You monitored your comments whenever you posted about Hiba,but now you obviously couldn't. Tasneem’s eyes darted over to you as soon as she heard the notification come through, she was waiting for you to speak first. When you grabbed your phone she raised an eyebrow at your silent facial expression, she knew something was up. The others soon followed to notice also. Tasneem and the others were all waiting for you to read the notification out loud, however the moment they saw the expression on your face change and your mouth dropped open they knew that something was up..
"I-I...um..I" your voice was shaking,The girls could tell that you were extremely flustered, they knew something was up,they were all still staring at you. When suddenly Tasneem snatched the phone out of your hand,she had a smirk on her face as she did so, she couldn’t help herself but try to pry into your business. She turned the phone so it was facing herself and looked at the notification. Her entire expression suddenly dropped immediately,you reached over and took your phone back. You grabbed the phone back out of Tasneem’s hands and saw her expression, it was one of shock. She had an appalled look to her face, almost like she saw something horrific. She just stared at you for a moment before saying anything. Sarah and Farah immediately shot a look at Tasneem, both their faces were full of shock and confusion. Tasneem gave them a small apologetic glance and cleared her throat before repeating what she had just said with a slightly more shaky voice. 
“W-Who wrote this?”
"We shouldn't have played this game in the first place" you looked over at Tasneem "don't" you hoped she wouldn't say anything. "I need some air” Tasneem had just sat there silent, she had been stunned by what she had read, she had no intention of saying it aloud but the other girls had kept pushing her to say something. She then finally spoke out. 
“Can I ask you a question?”
"What?" You asked,she paused for a few moments before she gave her reply. 
“Who wrote that on your picture?”
"I don't know,I didn't look at the name. I'll be back soon,I just need some air" you opened the backdoor and walked into the yard. Soon you heard footsteps behind you. Tasneem had followed you outside when you decided to step into the garden for some air. She stood before you, with a slightly concerned look on her face. You had never seen her like this before, and she was being unusually sympathetic towards you. She started to speak out. 
“Whoever wrote those comments are a jackass”
"I've never told her,I constantly remove them. I just don't want her to read that" She was silent for a few moments before speaking out again. 
“Have you been receiving them for a while now?”
"Just whenever I post anything with Hiba,no one else" She was silent for a few moments as she thought about what she was about to say, she was clearly being extra sympathetic towards you than she was usual. She wanted to make sure that you were okay before continuing. 
“And you’ve never shown Hiba those comments?”
"Obviously",She let out a heavy sigh of relief as you stated the fact that you had never shown Hiba the comments. 
“That’s good, I’m assuming you monitor your comments regularly?”
"Obsessively,anytime I post her I need to constantly check" She was slightly relieved on the inside to know that the comments had been removed without Hiba’s knowledge. She gave a small nod before continuing the conversation. 
“Well, you shouldn’t allow those comments to dictate how you feel.. they don’t know you at all, so do their opinions really matter?”
"It's not about me. I care about her. She acts tough but we both know no one's that tough." She nodded her head in agreement with you. She knew that deep down, Hiba was sensitive despite how she acted, she just didn’t show her softer side much. Tasneem knew that Hiba would be vulnerable to those comments. 
“You’re a good friend for that.” She muttered out.
"We should get back inside,but I need you to back me up and not tell them about the comments" She was silent for a few moments as she thought about what you had just asked her. However she then gave a slow nod. 
“I won’t tell them.. not a single word about them. I won’t mention a thing…”
"Thanks" you said quietly before walking back in. The room went silent as you sat down next to Hiba again. You sat back down next to Hiba, she immediately glanced at you. She had a slight worry on her face as she looked at you. She could tell that something was wrong, but she didn’t know what went on outside when you went for a walk. 
“Everything okay?” She murmured out, a gentle smile spread across her face. The other girls were all glancing at you, clearly suspicious..
"Yeah,I just don't want to talk about this. Did your phone ding yet?" Hiba didn’t ask any further questions as she saw that you didn’t want to discuss the matter, she also didn’t want to seem like she was being pushy either. She shook her head as she replied back to your question, her eyes focused on you. 
“Not yet..”
"So that means you win? Farah,you never explained how someone wins. Is it the one who doesn't get a notification, win or lose?" Farah giggled as she replied back to your question. She had the biggest grin ever on her face, she had a lot of confidence in herself and assumed that she would win. 
“We have to see who doesn’t get a notification first, if you get a notification then you are out. If you don’t get one, you win.”
"So,Hiba won." She struck a pose before laughing,Hiba gave her a playful side-eye when she struck her pose, however she just rolled her eyes in amusement. She giggled and laughed to herself as she nodded her head in agreement. 
“Yes,I guess I did win.” The rest of the girls were hanging out in the living room as you went to grab a glass of water. You stayed in the kitchen for a while.The house was silent as you walked over to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. The other girls were occupying themselves by being on their phones in the living room. They were all chatting and giggling to each other as they scrolled on their phones, oblivious to the fact that something was on your mind. Just as you turned around to leave you found Hiba standing there. 
"You scared the hell out of me" Hiba startled you for a moment as she was suddenly standing there next to you. She had a playful smile on her face as she leaned back against the counter, with her glass of water in her hand. She was silent for a moment before giggling. 
“Sorry about that, I didn’t mean to scare you. Just thought you could do with a little bit of company.” You sighed,you wanted so badly to hug her,maybe even kiss her again. 
"I would really like that" She was slightly taken back by your reply. She had never expected you to want to ask her for her company, she had never believed that she was important enough for you to seek her out. She let out the tiniest of smiles on her face, she was trying so hard to play it cool and not show how happy your response made her. 
“Well, I’m all yours then” You smirked as you moved closer to her,whispering 
"I really wanna kiss you right now" She smirked back at you as you whispered those words into her ears, it had the smallest effect on her as she felt her cheeks start to burn. She didn’t want to show that she was flustered so instead she spoke out. 
“Yeah.. I’m not gonna stop you.”
"You should,it wouldn't be good if we got caught" She giggled softly as she replied, she got a slight rush of adrenaline as you spoke. She didn’t want to admit it, but the thought of getting caught made the situation 10x hotter than it already was. She was extremely tempted to let you go ahead and kiss her, as she was starting to feel the urge to do so herself. You could tell by the look in her eyes that she was willing to risk it. She was tempted, so tempted. The thought of risking it and doing something that was against the rules was enticing to her, she felt her breath slow down and her heartbeat speed up a bit as you spoke. She wanted to just let the two of you go ahead, because she knew that she wouldn’t be able to stop herself once it began. She stared at you with a small smirk on her face, as if she was daring you to kiss her. "Don't" you said in a strict tone but that only seemed to make her want more. Hiba raised an eyebrow at the strict tone that you were using with her, it made her slightly more tempted to go for it. The thought of breaking the rules, while the others were in the next room, was turning her on immensely. She was already tempted by the thought of your lips colliding with hers, and as soon as you gave her that strict tone, her desire to kiss you increased exponentially. She started to grin as she spoke. 
“And what if I don’t listen?”
"I swear you're a masochist" She smirked and giggled slightly at your comment. For a moment she was stunned, she didn’t know how to react to you referring to her as such. She was slightly embarrassed that you thought of her in that way, but she also was intrigued. She was silent for a moment before speaking out. 
“That kind of tone really turns me on” Your face flushed at her words,how she could just say something like that outloud without being embarrassed. She enjoyed the reaction you gave her, the fact that she could catch you off guard with her words was what excited her. She couldn’t help but feel a slightly devious grin spread across her face, she had found another one of your weaknesses. She enjoyed seeing you flustered and embarrassed, it definitely turned her on a whole lot more. She moved closer to you,pressing you against the kitchen counter. A smirk still on her face,you knew there'd be a remark that followed. 
"Hiba,don't. We can't be caught like this" She smirked back at you and moved herself even closer to you, so the two of you were practically pressed against each other. She was silent for a moment before speaking out, a teasing tone could be heard in her voice as she spoke. 
“And what if that’s my plan? That I want us to be caught.”
"Do you realize what you're saying? If we get caught our lives will be over. You know what they say about people like us?" You already knew what they'd say,you could be killed if they found out you both liked women and each other. The comments on the photos were just comments but if someone caught you they'd turn into threats and you knew you'd never be able to show your face or go back to school. She was silent at first as you reminded her of the consequences that would unfold if they were caught together. She couldn’t help but feel scared at the prospect of them being caught, but also extremely excited. She was aware of the possible things that would happen to them should they get found out, it would mean the end of their lives. Her desire to risk it all with you was growing, so she couldn’t help but speak back.
“I guess the risk makes it even hotter, doesn’t it.”
"Hiba do you realize what would happen if people found out,if our friends found out? They'd abandon us,think we're disgusting and turn their backs on us. No matter how close you think you are to someone or how well you think you know them. The second you tell them about this,they act like someone else entirely. The ones you thought were your friends become your biggest enemies" you were speaking from experience but you weren't about to tell her that. She was silent for a moment, as she realized how true your words were. She was suddenly reminded of how people would start treating her differently once they knew about her sexuality. She knew that if they found out about the two of you, things would be 10x worse. She had feared that reaction for the longest time, she had heard stories about kids whose lives were ruined when people found out they were gay. She was terrified as she spoke.
“I know the consequences, I really do.”
"Which is why we can't do this,not while any of them are here. You have no idea how much I want to do this,but we can't risk them finding out. I want you but we have to keep it a secret,no one can find out" You gave her a quick kiss before you moved away from her. She sighed as she watched you move away, the thought of you wanting to do it was all she needed. She knew that you were scared, but she didn’t realize that you were this terrified. She was silent for a moment before she spoke, keeping her tone as soft and comforting as she could.
“Okay, fine. I agree. We can’t risk them finding out, and we have to keep it a secret. I think it’s better off this way anyway, we’ll enjoy it more when we’re alone, with no one around to bother us…”
"We should get back before they come looking for us"
“Hmm, yeah you’re probably right. We should get back before they come looking for us. We wouldn’t want to cause too many suspicions now would we?” Her tone was playful as she spoke, she gave you a teasing smile before she spoke again.
“Can I ask you a question before we go back?” She nodded her head in agreement as she started to move away from the counter that was behind her. 
“Yeah we probably should?” She nodded her head in agreement with you before grabbing your hand. 
“Yeah, before they start searching for us. We should head into the living room now.”
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alrawabi-imagines · 3 months
Upcoming fics
1/7-8/7 Just you and me within these walls Hiba (2 chapters) 
During a sleepover you confess to your best friend,but not without trouble 
15/7-22/7 I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror Hiba (2 chapters)
After a fight your relationship with your step-sister takes a turn
29/7 we rule this kingdom inside my room Layan (Oneshot)
You finally get an uninterrupted moment with your girlfriend
5/8-19/8 She's not what you think,she's an actress Tasneem (3 chapters)
You’re the new girl at the school and the only one who can see how truly miserable Tasneem is. 
26/8 and it was always the same searing pain Mariam (Oneshot)
A year after Layan’s death you start at the school,unbeknownst befriending the one who got her killed 
2/9-21/10 your love is a secret I'm hoping dreaming dying to keep Shams (8 chapters)
What happens when Tasneem's twin sister falls for the school's resident weirdo.
28/10-25/11 So it's gonna be forever or it's gonna go down in flames Shams (4 Chapters this might increase or decrease)
Tasneem's friend defies Shams’ expectations of her when she hires Shams as a photographer. Shams ends up realizing not every popular girl is a spoiled brat,and some are nice. 
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alrawabi-imagines · 3 months
Hiba dating headcanons
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Extremely jealous
Extremely overprotective 
And extremely possessive 
She has a hard time expressing her feelings 
which leads to her saying a bunch of mean things that she doesn't mean.
It's very rarely that you get an ‘I love you’ 
Her affection is more subtle and silent. 
Her love language is acts of service since she's not good with words
Hates pda
Or that's what she says anyway
She the type to tell someone ‘get a room’ while her arm is around you
The pda thing goes out the window the second someone flirts with you
She'll have her arm around you and pull you towards her
The only person she trusts around you is Tasneem
She's always insecure that you'll leave her. Because she thinks that you deserve someone better
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alrawabi-imagines · 4 days
💖=Female 💜=MTF 🎀=Fluff 💄=Suggestive/erotica 🥀=Angst
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And it was always the same searing pain 💖🎀
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We rule the kingdom inside my room 💖💄
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She's not what you think,she's an actress 💖🥀🎀 Ch.1 Ch.2 Ch.3
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Just you and me within these walls 💖🥀(Slightly) Ch 1 Ch 2
I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror 💖🥀Ch 1 Ch 2
Hiba dating headcanons 💖
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alrawabi-imagines · 18 days
And it was always the same searing pain
Pairing: Mariam x Female!Reader
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this takes place after Layans death
You were new to the school and hadn't known about any of this. You walked through the school trying to find your classroom. Mariam was walking as she saw you walking around the halls. She knew you were a new student because she knew everyone in this school,she walked up towards you.
"Hey you're new right?"
"Yes,I am. It pretty obvious,huh"
"Yeah, what's your name?" She said still looking at you
"I'm Y/N"
"I'm Mariam, what class are you in?" 
"Lucky for you my class is 2-A meaning you're in my class" She said grabbing your arm,she led you to the classroom. As you walked the halls,students went silent and started whispering instead as they got out of her way. She continued walking through the halls as she held your arm and so she kept leading you to the classroom. You listened to what they were saying.
"Oh great here she comes"
"She's so scary" "Is that a new student with her?" Those were some of the whispers you heard as she dragged you through the halls. The whispers continued.
"Who is that new girl" "Why is she with that murderous girl"
"Is she nuts for willingly hanging out with her?" Those whispers continued as she was still walking with you towards the classroom. You were confused but figured it's better not to ask now. She looked at you and noticed that you were confused, she sighed. "Hey don't listen to that nonsense, it'll be explained later" She said, still holding your arm. You reached the classroom and walked in,sitting down next to each other. When they saw you and then they looked at her and began whispering.
"She's sitting next to her"
"Damn, she's brave to sit next to that psycho" The girls in the class continued whispering as they looked at you. You were so confused,but you quickly introduced yourself before sitting down again.The girls in class looked at each other and were speechless after your introduction. The teacher smiled. "Okay class settle down" Everyone went silent as the teacher began talking about the lesson
After class the second Ms.abeer left and started whispering again. Mariam sighed as she looked at them as the whispers immediately began
"Why are you sitting next to her, she's gonna kill you"
"Be careful, I mean that psycho might hurt you"
"Why willingly are you sitting next to the murderer?" The girls continued whispering as they looked at you. You went through the rest of the school day,still hearing the whispers. You needed to know what had happened. After the school day was over it was the end of the day as Mariam was walking out of the school and so she looked at you.
"Hey I know you're probably confused and I know everyone has been non stop whispering about this but I'll explain everything back at my house okay?" She said looking at you. You soon arrived at her house,her mom calling to her as soon as she walked in. Mariam looked at her mom and then back at you.
"Hey mom, I brought a guest over. I hope you don't mind" She said as she took off her shoes and so her mom looked at her and back at you.  You took off your shoes before looking up at her 
"Hello,I'm Y/N. I'm the new girl,my family just moved here" Her mom smiled as she looked at you
"Nice to me you Y/N, I'm Mariam's mother"
She said as she smiled while Mariam sat on the couch and so she looked at her and back at you. "Please come in and make yourself at home" She asked about you and the only thing you could think to say was. 
"There isn't much honestly,my mother just wanted me to go to the same school she did. I like painting,it my favorite thing in the world"
"Oh that's wonderful, you do know that the school hosts an annual art competition on the 24th of March, have you heard about it?"
"No,I haven't heard. But I'll make sure to participate" A few minutes later Mariam took you to her room.
"You ready to hear what happened?" She said as she sat down on her bed.
"Alright I'll try to sum it up, so basically a few months ago four girls were tormenting me, they bullied me, abused me and humiliated me and everyone at this school knew about it"
Mariam said as she began explaining the start of the story to you. "One of the girls was Layan, she was the leader of this whole torment, she basically made everyone at this school bully me so no one dare tried to be my friend but then I got fed up and made a plan to make her regret everything" She explained that she revealed where Layan was going to her brother,who eventually killed her.
"And so that's what happened, I guess you figured out why every student in the school is horrified of me now" She said looking at you after she finished explaining everything to you.
"And do you regret it?"
"Regrets, I don't think I'll ever regret it, Layan put me through hell and the world is a better place without her" You just nodded,she was clearly still upset. "I don't care what anyone thinks of me no one understands the pain that I have gone through, I was treated the worst by Layan and yet everyone is scared of me"
"Did you ever talk to anyone about what was happening?"
"Of course I've tried many times to get teachers to help me, but they wouldn't believe me, they thought I was a liar and they trusted Layan and her friends more then me"
"Of course they did," you sighed.
"And the worst part about all of this is that they continue to treat Layan as the victim and say she died an unfair death after all she did. I don't get how no one notices the damage she caused in every student at this goddamn school" She said as she was getting a little frustrated as she vented about the truth to you.
“They never do"
"I appreciate that you actually believe me and understand my perspective, no one at the school believes me not even my own parents" She said as she looked down at the floor avoiding looking at you.
"Well,I believe you" She stayed silent after you said that and she was a little flustered, no one ever believed her before but now you did, no one even cared enough to speak to her but now you are having a civil conversation with her.
"Do you think I'm a monster?" She said suddenly looking at you.
"I think you were in pain and were pushed so far that you snapped"
"I guess that's a good way to put it, I'm tired of this school treating Layan as an innocent saint when she was the one terrorizing everyone, how could people be so blind about this..."
Mariam said as she was getting a little frustrated again as she talked about Layan.
"That happens all the time,when someone dies no one want to be the person who says how horrible they actually were"
"I know that, but it's even worse in this case, since Layan had a reputation at this school and everyone believed her no matter how messed up she was" Mariam said as she continued looking down at the floor and so for a moment she was completely silent and so suddenly she spoke again
"I'm a little thirsty so I'm going to go grab a drink, do you want anything?"
"No thanks"
"Alright" She said as she got up and quickly walked out the room and left you alone in her bedroom and so you took some time to look around the room to look at the stuff she has in her room. The room was decorated with a few paintings that you assumed she made herself, you continued looking about her room as you saw the bookshelf in front of you, you wondered what type of books she read so you walked over to the bookshelf to take a look at the book collection she owned. You saw a photo on the desk of her and two other girls,one with Black medium length hair and another with long brown hair which was tied into two pigtails. You took your eye off the bookshelf and looked at the photo intrigued as you picked it up and looked at it, you saw Mariam in the middle as her hair was tied up into a bun, behind her was a girl with dark black medium hair and another girl behind her had shoulder-length brown hair that was tied into pigtails with a pink bow on each side, they seemed close in the photo so you wondered who the other two girl were in the photo. You had seen these girls before,briefly at school. You continued looking at the photo of them, for a moment you could practically sense the bond they had from how you saw them looking so happy in the photo, after a while of taking the photo out you put it back and went back to skimming through the bookshelf. Not finding anything else,Mariam walked in before you could look around some more.
The next day at school You needed to find out more about Layan. After the class was over as usual the girls started whispering as soon as class was over, the school was packed with students so you couldn't find anyone to ask. You continued wandering around the halls until suddenly you spotted a girl with black medium length hair sitting on a bench by herself, you walked up to her.
"Hey, mind if I talk to you for a moment?" You said as you looked at her,you recognized her from the photo. She looked up at you, seeming somewhat wary, then she sighed
"Yeah, what do you want?"
"You were friends with Mariam,right?" The girl's expression darkened slightly upon hearing that question, and for a moment, she hesitated before speaking
"Yes, we were friends, why do you ask?" She said as she looked at you, seeming increasingly suspicious of your intentions.
"What was she like before Layan?" The girl seemed confused but she sighed before speaking
"Before Layan, she was a very different person, happy, kind, and full of hope. But after Layan's torment, something changed in her, it was like she became a different person, bitter, angry, and vengeful" She said looking at you, the expression on her face seemed pained
"Thank you for telling me" You made your way to the library and looked through Mariam's Instagram to her old photos and started sketching. Your sketches become a blend of her past and present appearance, capturing both the joy and anguish she experienced. You submitted your name to the competition and need to finish the painting in three days. The painting ended up being one half her face smiling and full of joy. The second half was her pain,her face covered in bruises and blood.
You finally finished the painting, blending the contrast of Mariam's past and present facial expression effortlessly. Half of her face depicted her former joy, while the other displayed her present anguish. It perfectly captured the stark change in her demeanor, showcasing both her bright smile and the suffering she endured. You took a step back and observed the painting, feeling a wave of accomplishment wash over you.
The day of the contest
The day of the competition had finally arrived. Students filled the hall, each clutching a masterpiece they had passionately crafted. You anxiously made your way to the competition area, your painting clenched tightly in your hands. The atmosphere was charged with excitement and nervosity, everyone eager to display their creations and seek recognition. It was finally your turn. After the first few students had presented their pieces, it was finally your time to showcase your painting. With a mix of excitement and anxiety, you approached the front, holding your painting in your trembling hands. The room seemed to fall silent as all eyes turned towards you, awaiting the unveiling of your masterpiece. After a moment of suspense, you presented your painting to the audience. The room was filled with gasps and murmurs as they took in the duality you had captured in your artwork. The joyous half of Mariam's face contrasted starkly with the bruised and battered side, evoking a visceral reaction from the onlookers. The atmosphere in the room shifted, as a mix of surprise and admiration filled the air. You stood there, heart pounding as you awaited the judges' decision. The room was filled with a hushed anticipation as the judges examined your work closely, each passing moment feeling like an hour. Finally, after what felt like an eternity the head judge spoke
"This piece truly captures the profound transformation of the subject. The duality of emotion and the skill with which the artist has portrayed it, is something that we feel is a true work of art" She nodded at you as you looked at him, feeling relieved and elated that the judges saw the emotion in your work.
"And the winner of this year's art competition is...Y/N!" The head judge declared, a chorus of applause erupted throughout the hall as the audience clapped eagerly, recognizing the skill and depth behind your masterpiece. A wave of emotion washed over you, a mixture of pride and relief as you clutched the trophy, a symbol of your triumph in capturing Mariam's profound transformation.
"This painting is a powerful and thought-provoking creation. Your use of contrast between the past and present state of the subject is not only visually striking but emotionally impactful. It effectively conveys the depths of human suffering and perseverance. Congratulations, you have truly pushed the boundaries of artistic expression and your painting stands out as a masterful representation of the competition's theme"
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