#alrighty yall have a good day *flower emoji*
lucinx-moved · 5 years
a lot of oc talk below boop
SO i wanted to make some kind of a.....semi coherent post about em new babis that i have bc i want to talk about them but i wont be able to make too much content about them (or as much as im doing w aura now lol) for a while at least but yeah. i want to ramble about them anyway because they good. and im a proud mama. all of them were initially born into pinterest boards so you kinda get the most out of them from their boards i think. visually anyway. OKE so meet eir, asher, isa and neave.
eir is my dark-skinned and pale eyed elfy archer queen. her name means peace and mercy and thats mostly what her personality is about lol. shes quite lawful and wants to do the right thing, preferably with no violence. she is skilled with her bow but wants to use it as the absolute last option when negotiating or making decisions. she’s very calm and collected and can be quite serious, but she has a kind heart. her mother was an elf and her father a human, which kind of drives her motivation to learn about humans and maybe how to make peace with them. i just made her in dao, as a dalish warden (so her backstory kind of conflicts with the lore but who cares about canon right haha *sweats*) and im v excited to see what kind of journeys shes gonna have (and who is she gonna romance YEET).
asher is the sweetest boi. the sunshine. with his red hair and freckles. so many freckles... he’s a rogue as well and really, really, loves his blades. he doesnt really have a filter, he says all the things that hes thinking about and that def has got him into trouble. hes short, pretty and a meme and just wants to climb trees and have a good time. and maybe go stick a knife in some bad guys throat from time to time. he has a younger sister (but who really knows which one is supposed to be the older one). im planning on making him as my hawke in da2 and thatll certainly change some things (like...add another sibling lol good luck @ me trying to figure that out) but till then! hes my chaotic boi. his name also means happy so there ya go.
isa is a buff stronk qunari warrior lady, very intimidating looking, extremely scarred all over, broken nose, all that stuff. but in reality she is the softest and gentlest bean, cries a lot, and spends most of her free time taking care of lil forest creatures. she was trained to be a warrior from a very young age, never wanted to be one but kind of had to and didnt know how to live life any different. that has left her with a lot of emotional burden and insecurity and that combined with she already being very sensitive is.....A Lot. but we love her v much. i made her in dai and eeep cant wait to play with her and see her grow and develop more. her name does mean strong willed so *eyes emoji*.
neave is a mystery for both me and them probably. neaves a demon babey, not really of any gender or race, not really alive but still existing in some way. they werent always like that tho, but shenanigans happened (im....figuring it out alright), they died and came back blind and having all the color taken away from their skin, hair and face. and seeing that sacrifice was really for nothing, why even believe in good anymore huh? they give that creepy kind of vibe just being very calm, cunning, emotionless. doing terrible things and not blinking an eye. but they dont do those things just for the sake of doing them, neaves very intelligent and always have their reasons, whatever those might be. neaves a blood mage (an evil blood mage? really stretching the stereotypes here huh) but not part of any game as of now, and prob not going to be in a while at least. so they chillin here and there for now.
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