#also ADHD he’s AutiHD
sirensskai · 5 months
All the Curious brothers have the ‘tism but what about all the Grunt brothers being on the autism spectrum too, maybe I’m just projecting as an autistic person but idk, it makes sense to me. That’s my headcanon.
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lynxed4x · 7 months
got any lore on the characters you draw/ the way you draw them ?
OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH. LORE DUMP TIME!!! (This is all over the place so-)
So, the tails are a sign of maturity. Only adults have them. Four wears gloves because he is self-conscious about his arms. X has thicker legs and is also self-conscious about that and his freckles. Seven has a scar on her face as she got into a fight with Six a while ago. Four is on anti-depressants. X has Autihd, and Four is neurodivergent of some kind. Four does smoke occasionally due to stress, but X manages to keep him from smoking more often. Five has narcissism. Z has ADHD and V has severe social anxiety (They are my future 4x kids, btw) Four wears makeup. Infinity exists and is kinda like the creator of all the numbers and variables. X is her favorite. (Also Infinity has Autism.) Four and X have a hard time picking up context clues, although X struggles more. Four was bullied by most of the numbers when he was in school. Four and X become teachers in the future. (Four teaches 4th and X teaches 1st)
uhm I'll reblog with more info when I remember it-
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Hi hello have some neurodivergent headcanons because my goal in life is to never leave any character neurotypical!
Will is autistic and ADHD. AutiHD, if you will. (Most Rangers are, I think.)
Horace is also autistic.
George is also autistic.
Halt has BPD and PTSD.
Gilan has ADHD.
Crowley has ADHD.
Cassandra has ADHD.
Jenny has OCD.
Alyss is autistic and has an eidetic memory.
Pauline is autistic.
Listen I don’t actually Want to headcanon most of the cast as autistic or ADHD, it’s just that those are the neurodivergencies I have the most experience with and can grab little nuggets from the easiest.
I can definitely see Horace having a tic disorder also.
Will and Halt both have depression. I think Will’s is more seasonal and Halt’s is year-round.
Duncan has ADHD.
Baron Arald has ADHD.
Lord Anthony has OCD. It’s pretty obvious in Icebound Land, I think, the way he gets so stressed when the King isn’t dealing with Halt’s treachery “correctly.”
Sir Rodney has ADHD and I think he might be a little obsessive but I don’t think he has any compulsions and therefore isn’t really OCD. His obsessions are, naturally, based around combat.
I feel like 95% of Skandians have ADHD as well. (If 95% have it, would that make it their “typical”?) They’re restless and they struggle to make actual proper plans for battle.
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pastabadguy · 2 years
all of them for wolf 359!
📃 It's a podcast about a deep space mission where a quirky crew does quirky things until a plot about evil corporations, alien life, and moral decisions throw everyone through about 23 different loops
📌 Ghost recommended it to me in our freshmen year of high school because episode 5 was really funny and I decided to listen
✨ It's really beautifully done? Like the music, the ambiance, the monologues, the concepts themselves. But also it's very silly and fun at parts, the dialogue is really quippy and some of the sillier episodes are my favorites. It's also got really good characters in my opinion, everyone is at least a little shitty and are forced into difficult decisions and I like that.
🎥 So many scenes. I love the entire episode "The Paranoia Game", I love whenever Eiffel gets a badass moment, I love quite a few scenes from the 56-58 episode range for different reasons, I just love so much of this show
🎶 The soundtrack is gorgeous, it's all really pretty instrumentals by Alan Rodi. My favorites are You Were Probably Happier Yesterday/Your Happier Yesterday (Eiffel's theme) and Eiffel and Hera/Eiffel is Being A Bit Melodramatic Why This Time (the Eiffel and Hera theme) Can you tell I really like Eiffel and Hera
💕 Eiffel. I love Eiffel he's so annoying but he's also the heart of the cast and so useless but really pulls through in some moments. I just love the way he bounces off other characters and I how he more than any other character is so at home in both silly and serious scenes.
💔 I have some unexplained beef with Maxwell that I have had since I first listened in freshman year. She didn't even do anything idk man
🏳️‍🌈 half-white-half-latino Eiffel, also adhd/autihd eiff. No one is straight (but I might be the only person that thinks Lovelace is bi and not a lesbian)
🍀 Eiffel is a huge comfort character and I relate to him. Minkowski probably qualifies as a comfort character. The entire damn show makes me so happy
💎 dude so many. The show didn't start out with the finished plot so there were a lot of scrapped possible plots. My favorite is the one where someone (they hadn't decided who) would secretly jettison Eiffel into space with the intent of killing him, and instead he somehow made it back but for some plot reason couldn't tell anyone what happened so he just. Had to work with the person that tried to kill him. Also that originally, Eiffel's VA (zach valenti) would voice the entire original 4 person cast.
💢 I mean I guess there's stuff I would like to have happened, but honestly, no complaints off the top of my head.
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