#also Asha is still a girl bc I can’t bear to turn her into a man I just can’t
15-lizards · 1 year
please do more gender swaps omg how fucked up do u think the greyjoys would get. personally i just know fem aerons slay would be lethal
A bunch of fem Greyjoys in a heightened masculine culture I want to chew on this (also I know they’re diff races but we can just pretend they’re half sisters)
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Bellona Greyjoy might be the worst but she’s also suffered more than jesus. Like she’s literally the eldest of nine daughters on the brutally aggressive and hyper masculine iron islands she’s allowed to be a little crazy. Had to develop a very blunt, abrasive, stubborn personality from an early age just to keep her head above the water. Did everything the men did and did it all at an earlier age, just to prove herself a capable heir. Fighting, sailing, and reaping were all learned very quickly. She took the Seastone chair after her father died during the rebellion, and managed to keep most dissent at bay. To please her vassals and to fuel her own pride, she had the islands return to the Old Way, shunning the reforms her father had made. This let her believe that Roberts rule was unstable and the kingdoms were ripe for the picking, leading to her own rebellion. Even after two children die and another is taken hostage she decides it’s a good idea to do it all over again nine years later. Leave her alone she’s mentally fractured.
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Don’t say you like crazy women if you can’t handle Eydis Greyjoy. She never had to try as hard as Bellona, she just knew that she commanded power, fear, and respect without even trying (which means she’s especially insane). She commanded her own ships during Roberts Rebellion, but afterwards, there was quite a bit of trouble with her and one of Victaria’s husbands, leading to her banishment by Bellona, who never had much affection for her to begin with. She has since then been exploring and pillaging all of the known world with her loyal men on the Silence, claiming she has seen an experienced more than any other explorer ever could. After her elder sisters mysterious death (which coincides with her mysterious arrival) Eydis stands for the Kingsmoot, claiming she is the better choice than any of her sisters or nieces. The islanders, seeing her more as a bold and cunning man instead of a woman, they choose her for their king.
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Victaria took a leaf out of Eydis’ book and became a respected soldier and captain without much effort due to her aggressive and brash character, but she lacks the cunning and wits of her elder sister. As dumb as she is, she is still a fearsome warrior, unafraid of death and even respecting her enemies who die with bravery. She follows Bellona without question, believing in the greatness of her elder sister. However she doesn’t have the same reverence for Eydis, hating how her sister would poke fun at her “womanly genius” in front of her own men. (There’s a lot of internalized misogyny going on on these islands if you couldn’t tell). All three of her husbands have died in and the only child she had was stillborn. She has salt wives of her own, but when Eydis seduced her third husband, she nearly killed her sister but she was banished instead due to Victaria’s fear of the sin of kinslaying. Her husband, however, was killed by Victaria herself, enraged that he allowed another woman to have him.
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Aerona was once a wild, brash girl like the rest of her sisters. She enjoyed to drink and dance and juggle and jape, to flirt with her fathers men, to ride horses wildly, and to sail on treacherous waters. Her sisters often called her a better fit as the kings court jester. However, during her sisters rebellion, her ship was capsized and she nearly drowned of the coast of Fair Isle, washing ashore and being taken prisoner by the Lannisters. This near death changed her, becoming an ascetic, cold, hard young woman, taking up the mantle of a priestess of the drowned god. She spends her time preaching the path of her god, spurning any behavior which she doesn’t consider pious. Despite the iron islanders general lack of respect for women, she is widely revered for her priesthood and men often come to her asking for her blessings. She seems to enjoy none of her sisters, but is especially fearful of Eydis, running away when she comes back from exile
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(Ignore the modern clothes I just wanted the face claim) (also yes I’m using the same pic from my other fem theon face claim but I just like it so much) Bonus Asha and Thea. Cocky asshole hostage Thea who wants to be the son her mother raised her and her sisters to be, but Bellona despises her for forgetting the old ways and assimilating to the starks. Doubly stings because she treats Asha like a proper son and heir but not her. Does everything for mommy’s approval and ends up a shell of her former shelf :/ causal Iron Islander Tuesday
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