#also Eugene Hütz hot
little-flame-prince · 2 years
i wanna inject the music video to the Gogol Bordello song American Wedding directly into my veins
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fishklok · 3 years
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okay this is really sketchy, but art's been taking longer for me lately for whatever reason and i wanted to get this out.
basically @metalitaph drew a blues-inspired magnus and i've been thinking about that all day
i had various headcanons about magnus' various solo projects post-dethklok (most of which were on the folk punk side of things, since eugene hütz of gogol bordello fame is one of my mag inspirations), but the idea of blues!magnus caused something to click in my head and i can't believe i didn't delve deeper into this before. in dethcamp, he had toki's "band" play a blues song i mean???
i've mostly been listening to delta blues lately, but drawing this was a great excuse to go back and listen to more blues rock. since magnus is a guitarist, i can totally imagine him being a joe bonamassa type. he has the skills to back it up. i also hc that he's a really good writer, so the genre would truly play to his strengths. then factor in the existence of the blues devil in the show's universe and i'm getting hyped over this au.
(charles gave the blues devil a $10 hot topic gift card to ensure that magnus' blues career never took off).
i probably could have posted this without rambling, but eh
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misc-headcanons · 4 years
Tagged by @toponemuffin !
Get to Know Me
Nicknames: Misc, Pookies (by my mom's side of the family)
Real Name: Bella
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Favorite musicians: Eugene Hütz, Shoji Meguro, Studio Killers, Shaggy, Triple-Q, Annette Henshaw, and any artist whose songs have appeared in a Fallout game (Marty Robbins, Ella Fitzgerald, the Andrews Sisters, etc.)
Favorite sports team: I don't know sports 😅
Sports I watch: The closest thing to sports that I watch is...idk, episodes of Botchamania on YouTube? I don't think that counts tho
Other Blogs: @blue-beam-cola is the only one I regularly do stuff on, since its my main
Do I Get Asks: Yeah, in between request openings/closings I'll get a few messages. Sometimes just chatting, sometimes compliments, and (only twice so far so thats nice) very rarely I'll get some anon hate.
How many blogs do I follow: FUUUUCK, a lot. I've been regularly following blogs since 2014/2015 so...a few thousand?
Tumblr crushes: Chances are if I regularly reblog an accounts content, I have a lil Tumblr crush on them; so for HC blogs, feel free to check through my blog recs tag, ppl who I regularly reblog works from...there are a lot of awesome writers out here!
As far as non-HC blogs go, I'll try and categorize these as best as I can, lol
@hajnarus and @herzspalter are my two favorite JJBA artists, and if you're into that series (and also Transformers, in herzpalter's case--idk anything about those robots but their fanart makes me wanna know who the cute robots in their pieces actually are) I can't recommend them enough. hajnarus's comics/mini-comics for JJBA are also really funny, and I've spent days where I was down just scrolling through their stuff bc I know it'll make me smile
@issatheartist does a lot of fantastic OP art, and her OC Mirahaki is gorgeous every time I see her 😭
@cykadaa is an artist whose minicomics/comics and drawn OP memes have made me laugh ever since I got into OP
@schneekuchen is an OP artist that every Law fan should follow, because their art of him is always great. If you want a blessed dash filled with Trafalgar Law (and other great character art from other anime/manga as well), check them out!
@thenotsofantasticlifestory is another great OP art/fan blog too. They've got a bit of everything: thirst/hot ns.fw stuff (ie. Kid in a ball gag, Zoro and Killer on shorts and displaying their thiccness), funny comics (like Killer and Kid trying to cook together), and cuteness (their art of Luffy, Law, and Kid wearing flower crowns is one of the sweetest things ever)
Lucky numbers: 216
What I'm wearing: maroon tank top, black yoga pants, and purple slippers
Dream vacation: I want to explore Japan, both the rural countryside and the city!
Dream car: Oh God, idk cars very well lol. Something vintage with leather seats, I guess? I mean I can't drive so in the end it doesn't really matter to me 😅
Favorite food: It always changes, but right now I'm craving either chimichamgas or a butterbrezel.
Favorite drink: Matcha lemonade, lychee iced tea, or almond black tea.
Instruments: I used to play the alto sax, and I have some very basic piano skills
Languages: English, decent amount of Russian, a little bit of German, and I want to learn ASL one day too!
Celebrity crush: Oof, this always changes for me. I'll say: Salma Hayek, Nicki Minaj, Fan Bingbing, and Keira Knightley. For guys, I would say um...Jake Gyllenhaal, Michael Rooker, Peter Falk (when he was alive, obvs) and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
Tagging: anyone who wants to join!
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Riot Fest 2017 Wrap Up
This was my 5th consecutive year at Riot Fest. I was recently telling a friend that I get as excited about Riot Fest every year as I did about Christmas when I was a kid. How can you not like a three day party with awesome live music? I also love how this community of roughly 50,000 people a day gather at one spot to have fun and put the rest of their lives on hold for a bit. Many people also travel from all over the country to come to Riot Fest, so I consider myself most fortunate that it is based in my home town of Chicago which allows me the opportunity to attend every year.
Weather – I thought last year (2016) was the best ever Riot Fest from a weather perspective. This year may have topped last year depending on how you look at it. 2016 was the warmest and driest Riot Fest I had experience up to that point. Temps were hitting mid-to-upper 70’s during the day and the only rain was a brief light sprinkle on Friday afternoon. This year, no rain at all and hot weather! High temps were in the mid-80’s all weekend. I’m not sure how some of band members could stand to wear their stage costumes in the heat. A few different band members did comment on the heat including John Doe of X. And X is from Los Angeles! There were some nice periodic breezes, which helped. It was mostly good for me, but I cannot take a lot of intense sun. As a result, I had to pace myself a little more this year, spending some time in the shade, frequently slathering on sun block, more trips to the water station, and wee bit less alcohol than I might otherwise consume. It all worked out well. For the bands on my A-list, I hung at the stage in the sun. For some of my B-list bands, I would simply head into a shady area that still allowed me to see the stage from a distance while clearly hearing the music.
Mud (or lack there of) – Mud had been the bane of the first three Riot Fests I attended. Not a detriment to enjoying the festival, but a poor condition for walking or sitting on the ground. This year, no rain meant no mud. In fact, we had the opposite of mud with dry dirt sometimes getting kicked up into surrounding dust clouds, particularly near the stages when mosh circles developed. However, the wind typically would blow out the dust cloud so it was never a big issue.
Music and Bands I Regret Not Seeing -  My summaries of the bands I saw are in my separate day-by-day posts. Here are a few bands I did not see, but would have like to have seen if timing permitted: The Regrettes – yeah, I regret not seeing The Regrettes. They did just a 30 minutes set on the small stage at 6pm on Saturday and it was a time when I needed some food and the small stage was on the opposite end of the park from the food vendors. They are a young band so I am going to look for an opportunity to catch them sometime at a club show. Paramore and Minus The Bear – both A-List bands for me that I did not see due to “game time decisions.” I missed Paramore because I ended up staying for all off M.I.A. I enjoyed M.I.A., but I heard that Paramore was really good. Dirty Heads and Bad Brains – both B-List bands for me but I would have liked to see them if the scheduling had worked out differently. GBH and The Smith Street Band – there were a few bands that I had listed that were in the early time slots that I did not get to see because I didn’t make it to the grounds early enough on Saturday and Sunday. Of that list of bands, these were my two A-Listers.
Favorite Quotes:
Gogol Bordello: Front man Eugene Hütz referred to Chicago as “chick-UH-go” and Chicagoans as “chick-uh-cog-uh-AIN-ians.”
Jawbreaker: “Thanks Riot Fest for inviting us out of retirement. It’s tough getting good news when you don’t know what to do with it.”
Pennywise: “We have special guests today. Donald Trump and Melania are back stage. They’re drinking Russian vodka.”
GWAR: “I hope nobody has a job interview tomorrow!”
Cold Beat (during their mid-afternoon set) “We’re very happy to be playing night time music in a very non-night time environment.”
Danzig (referring to the heat): “It’s a mother fucker out here!”
That Dog (quotes by Anna Waronker,): re playing Retreat From The Sun in it’s entirety: “I’m worried about the clock and I want to get it all in. It’s like (being at) therapy.” And noticing a fan in the audience stretching: “Oh, that was a good stretch!”
Stages – The third year in Douglas Park, and just five stages this year; one less than 2016 two less than 2015 and three less than 2014. There were 90 bands this year compared to 122 in 2014, which I think may have been the peak. I don’t know why Riot Fest is shrinking but I would suppose they are cutting overhead for more profit. It may also have to do with the untimely death of Riot Fest co-founder Sean McKeough late last year. His co-founding partner Mike Petryshyn cited the canceling of the Denver edition of Riot Fest his year as a direct result of McKeough’s death as he did not feel he could manage two festivals this year without McKeough’s assistance. They are also catering a bit more to the VIP experience with more VIP areas including some cabana style “suites” set up near the main stages. Even at 90 bands, that is still way more than anyone can see in a three day period. Riot Fest is still one of the more reasonably priced rock music festivals around, so if cutting acts and stages helps keep the cost down, I’m not going to complain about it. The only thing I did miss is the having two small stages side-by-side. This year, there was just one small stage, The Heather Owen Stage. I do like that little remote corner of the grounds. Most of the early sets on the small stages are just 30 minutes. So with two stages, I would sometimes get to see four bands in two hours. With one stage, there is some down time between acts, so it was not quite the same experience as past years.
Time – For the most part, the bands respected the time and started and ended on time. While that is the norm by today’s standards, I can still remember going to concerts in the 70’s when bands either had no respect for start times, or the start times were non-existent. So I am always appreciative the professionalism of today’s Rock shows.
Services – A couple of big improvements this year. First and foremost, the Water Station was vastly improved. In the past, they ran a hose from one of the park water fountains and hooked up several satellite water fountains to the hose. That really cut the water pressure and made it very slow to fill up water bottles and it resulted in long lines and long waits. This year, they added a product called Quench Buggy. It is a portable filtered tank and once hooked up to a hose, the filled tank creates it’s own pressure so fill ups go considerably faster. And the dispensers are also bottle filler designed (along with some fountains) so that also makes it easier and faster. Given the heat we had to deal with this year, this new system could not have been more timely. The other cool thing was that they had beer vendors walking around the stage areas selling cold beer. I did not avail myself to their services as I prefer draught beer so I always made the walk to the All Rise tent, but nice to see that they had that option. Clean up was always good throughout the day. The grounds only start getting trashed later in the evening when attendance is at it’s peak and it’s too crowded and dark for the crew to do an effective job. Otherwise, they do an outstanding job.
Drinks – The All Rise Brewery which was started by the late Sean McKeough, was again the selected brewery for draught beers. I drank Wonder Beer all weekend which is a delicious APA and I believe named after the Naked Raygun song. I also enjoyed chatting with servers who were just awesome.
Food – As I have mentioned before, if you are a foodie, there is a lot to sample. I’m not so much of a foodie and at Riot Fest, I eat just once a day to get refueled.  Last year, I really liked the Guinness mac and cheese with pulled pork from Mrs. Murphy and Son’s Irish Bistro. I was disappointed that they did not have it this year. So instead, I tried their banger sandwich. It was bad, as the bread fell apart. I then discovered that Reggie’s had mac and cheese with pulled pork and with some added BBQ sauce and giardiniera, it was the perfect combination of carbs and protein to keep me going each and every day. 
Amusements & Shopping – There is the circus attractions and the vendors selling clothing and various wares. I walked around the vending area a bit. The coolest t-shirt I saw was one that mimicked the 1980’s Chicago White Sox logo but instead of a baseball bat, the character was holding a microphone and mike stand and it said “RIOT” where it would otherwise say “SOX.”
Exercise – According to my smart phone, I walked an average of 6.4 miles per day. On the other hand, I had a Riot Fest hangover and sucked in my Monday night racquetball league following the festival. But it was all worth it.
CTA – Wonderful again! The Blue and Pink Lines provided plenty of trains with little wait.
Neighborhood – I enjoyed walking through the Douglas Park area in the old West Side neighborhood of Lawndale.  Upon arrival each day, I walked up California Avenue on the edge of Little Village, and when returning each evening, I would walk down Kedzie Ave. through the South Lawndale neighborhood. Kedzie was more lively with neighbors selling food in their front yards. On Sunday night, I stopped by a small church on Kedzie for a Polish sausage and fries and ate the food under the “L” station at Kedzie and 21st while watching Riot Fest fans funnel into the station.
Crowd – The Riot Fest crowd is always awesome. I did not see anyone that was causing trouble or that looked over-the-top wasted. Just a great community of “Punks” hanging together for three days of music and fun.
Style – There were some great Punk styles this weekend including some awesome spiked Mohawk hairstyles. My favorite hair was the young lady with the watermelon hair. It was green on the sides, pinkish red on top, and it had little black “seed” spots at symmetrical points on top. I wish I had gotten a picture of it. It was very cool. Not that I’m stylish by any stretch, but for me, it was the second year in a row that I had to abandon my pseudo-Punk attire in favor of dry-fit shorts and t-shirts for comfort in the heat.
Thanks!!! – Reiterating from last year, I want to say thanks to all the bands that came to our fine city. Thanks to all the park maintenance crews, vendors, paramedics, and security, and much thanks to the Chicago Police and Fire Departments. Thanks also to Mayor Emanuel and the Lawndale City Council members for their cooperation and support. Thanks to St. Anthony Hospital and Mount Sinai Hospital for their three days of tolerance and for their dedication to caring for people. And most of all, thanks to the Douglas Park neighbors for allowing us “Rockers” to take over your park for 3 days during one of the finest seasonal times of the year in Chicago.
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fishklok · 3 years
🌅👀 and 😳, please? (Gointothevvater 🖤)
🌅Are you a morning or night person?
Morning, lmao. Even before I had a 9-5 job I found it difficult to stay up past 11:45. I haven't seen 2-4 AM since high school. I hear it's nice.
👀Celebrity crush?
oh god, uh
nick cave, serj tankian, andré 3000, lady gaga, rihanna, jinx dawson, eugene hütz, blixa bargeld, shelley fka dram, dua lipa, 70s tom waits, fka twigs, grace jones, okay i'll stop
😳Any way to make you blush?
alcohol. the tiniest sip, and my face gets really hot.
also any time anyone acknowledges my existence ever (especially when i'm not prepared)
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