#also Fushimi gets to babysit sometimes
ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
How do you think the strain-created MikoRei purple king daughter will fare in the events after season 1 when Reisi kills Mikoto? What would she be like in Missing Kings, Return of Kings, and afterwards?
After season one happens I guess we can congratulate her on finally being a full-fledged member of the K cast now that she has her own tragic backstory :D I imagine Munakata would be very direct and honest with her, that Mikoto’s dead and that Munakata was the one who killed him. Munakata maybe expects the child to be angry with him and he’s prepared for that but she just nods and hugs him, and says before Mikoto left her with Munakata he said ‘whatever happens, don’t hate that guy, okay? You’ll make him cry. I need you to keep an eye on him so he doesn’t do anything stupid.” Munakata is somewhat miffed that even when he’s dead Mikoto is still mocking him but he supposes he should show some appreciation, that Mikoto was thinking of their kid’s future even if he paid no care to his own. I think Awashima would be even more worried about Munakata’s mental state though, because it seems like he’s made perfect peace with what he had to do and all that but is he really just trying to show a face to everyone else because he doesn’t want his kid to be upset. And maybe Munakata does actually let it slip once or twice but only in front of the kid, like he’s putting her to bed and she asks about Mikoto and Munakata starts muttering about how that stubborn man wouldn’t let Munakata handle things before realizing the girl is staring at him and he just gives her a pleasant smile as if everything is fine. 
I think Munakata would be trying to keep the girl mostly out of the line of fire during MK and even ROK, like leaving her with Yoshino or some other S4 rank and file to keep an eye on. The girl is feeling a little lonely and wants to help her dad but Munakata keeps assuring her that everything is fine and he’s just very busy with his job. The girl asks about his Sword and Munakata expresses a moment of surprise before remembering that she’s also a King too after all, and he tells her that he hopes nothing bad will happen (not quite lying maybe, because Munakata isn’t the type to lie, but rather stepping carefully around the truth). Imagine while Munakata’s at Mihashira one day too the girl ends up sitting with Fushimi and asking him if he’s worried about her dad, Fushimi clicks his tongue and says he isn’t worried at all but also tells her to keep an eye on him so he doesn’t do anything stupid. She says that ‘Papa Mikoto’ told her the same thing and Fushimi grimaces like well for once he said something worthwhile. 
When the alliance forms Shiro mentions to Munakata that he heard there’s another King in S4 and wonders if she will be part of the alliance too, Munakata says there is no need to bring her into it. Assuming the girl is even younger than Anna here I think Munakata wouldn’t want to bring her into a dangerous situation and the other Kings would likely agree. But then imagine when Munakata gets fired before he leaves S4 he tells the girl to stay with Awashima. When Awashima decides to go after Munakata with the alphabet squad the girl grabs her skirt and says she wants to come too, Awashima tries to get her to stay and she stubbornly says that her dad told her to stay with Awashima. Awashima decides to allow her to come along and imagine when the squad all show up to save Munakata she even uses some of her power. Oh or maybe she’s become a King but they’ve never really known what her power is, it isn’t until Munakata’s Sword begins to crumble that she runs to him and starts to glow purple. Her power creates like a ‘force field’ that keeps Munakata’s Sword intact and he realizes she’s bought them time to destroy the Slate, her power like even healing some of the cracks so Munakata can fight fully without fear. When Munakata briefly sees Mikoto’s image as Anna uses her power he thinks it’s just his mind playing tricks on him and then he hears the girl say ‘I kept an eye on him, just like I promised’ and Munakata chuckles quietly, thinking perhaps Suoh left more of himself behind than Munakata thought.
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otoroll · 5 years
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And at the end of the year, here’s my current status in mobage. (Feel free to compare to the beginning of the year!)
A3!: by far and away my most played game this year, I can’t believe I went up 112 levels... I won’t lie, there were times I considered spending money on this game in these past twelve months - haven’t yet, but sometimes I think I’m breaking. Rank 246, featuring Fushimi Omi.
Stand My Heroes: In contrast, I totally stopped playing Sutamai towards the end of the year. The UI changes got finalized early on this year, and we got the introduction of Seo Labs to the cast, with my new favorites. At the very least, I can definitely say I like Ikuto as opposed to being vaguely into Sosei. I do want to get back into this game, honestly; Match-3 are easy time sucks. Featuring Saotome Ikuto.
On Air!: The new coly game of the year, where the popularity and longevity of Sutamai meant they could make a move onto the same territory as A3! and Enstars. I give it grief given that I didn’t really play it much, but I did like my time with it. Also has a teacher character, and I’m Hot for Teacher type, so I’d like to give it a little more attention in the new year. Rank 6, featuring Kokuyou Mamoru.
Granblue Fantasy: The mobage king. I have a Mobage account (two even), so the best part about this game is that I’m never losing my data. The English is nice and convenient but I still skip stories, so my representative “favorite,” Holy Saber (female player avatar) Djeeta, is more “This is who I’m leveling right now.” This game feeds the part of the brain that likes numbers going up, in a traditional fantasy setting, and the collab events have me paying more attention to this one than A3! at times. Rank 58, featuring female Holy Saber.
SINoALICE: My other major game this year; it’s been a toss between A3!, GBF, and SINoALICE for which game has held my attention at any given time. If GBF feeds the numbers-go-up part of the brain, SINoALICE does the same in its sadistic fairytale bent. I guess my major gripe, if anything, is that all the jobs are so pretty that I want everything. Rank 106, featuring Invader Three Little Pigs.
THE iDOLM@STER SideM LIVE on ST@GE!: iM@S block! There were times I got really focused on events this year, then the grinding got to me until it came back with a vengeance for the Christmas event. BEST IDOL JIRO summoned, okay. P-Level 33, featuring Yamashita Jiro.
THE iDOLM@STER Million Live Theater Days: The way Mirishita’s home screen is set up, oshi units aren’t really a thing, because the idea is that you’re in the 765 office and you’ll run across the girls. But I love basically all my 765 daughters so picking a favorite is just too hard. That’s a lie. Mizuki. It’s Mizuki. Unlike MSte, the bulk of Mirishita’s event play definitely focuses more on the rhythm game side, so I’ve practically dropped it; but I swear I’m clinging to the daily login ritual just because there’s nowhere else for me to find these babies now. Level 54, featuring Yabuki Kana & Julia.
THE iDOLM@STER Shiny Colors: The new kid on iM@S block started up this past June? Ish? And after we all got freed from the hurdle of overseas players needing VPNs, has kept true to iM@S style with gorgeous character art and “idol production” gameplay. Shanimasu is more like traditional iM@S games than all the phone games, with zero rhythm element - the flip side is this is a game that needs babysitting, and so I just can’t deal with the attention it needs. Featuring Morino Rinze.
Shinen Resist: Or what I unfairly call “Apocalypse A3!” - Shinen Resist is honestly a pretty good game in its own right, with nice graphics, a level-up system, and a battle system that actually feels like your participation is valid. (But if you’re like me, you can still totally auto it if you want to.) Rank 9, featuring Volker.
World End Heroes: And yet another attempt from Squeenix to hit the otome mobage market this past year (after iFan), Wahiro’s biggest contribution to mobage is bringing Ogata Megumi on for a role. It’s got a lot of kinks to work out that it won’t ever because it’s a quick cash grab from Square Enix to see what will stick, but I played one event and hit a higher rank than I did for one event in Shinen Resist, and you can draw your own conclusions. Rank 23, featuring Hisamori Akito.
2018′s been a crazy year for mobage, with a lot of new games starting up; some being postponed (Palette Parade...) and others being revamped (Otome Yuusha); and a number of losses. Cocktail Prince, they still have yet to fill your niche. (And also Wiz;Alice, which ended just two months after it started...? Even though an English version was touted? Damn.)
But there’s already some stuff to look forward to in 2019, so here’s to more mobage amazement!
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
following my "yata will cook anything ana wants" ask. right after anna there is also fushimi who is the only other person who can straight up tell yata he doesn't like his food.
one day, yata and kamamoto are babysitting anna and saru happens to be there as well. Anna says shes hungry and Yata immediately rises up and goes to the kitchen asking anna what she wants him to put in her meal while saruhiko follows after them like "don't put any vegetables or pineapples, too". anna and fushimi keep making weird requests while kamamoto just stares in horror.
yata ends up making a weird red looking dish with (apaprently) no vegetables in it. kamamoto is trying to very sotfly ask if maybe he can have something different when yata snaps at him and shoves a spoonful on his face
you choose if kamamoto will actually like the food or not lol
Poor Kamamoto, he’s been Yata’s bro all this time and yet he’s the only one who isn’t allowed to say Yata’s cooking tastes bad XD Imagine Kusanagi had to go out on errands for a bit so he leaves Anna at the bar with Kamamoto and Yata watching her. Yata was supposed to hang out with Fushimi but this was an emergency, he texts Fushimi and then Fushimi shows up at the bar clicking his tongue like how is this an emergency that fatty could have watched Anna. Anna walks over to him and smiles though, greeting him warmly, and Fushimi ends up sitting at the bar grumbling to himself because he’s not sure how he just got wrangled into babysitting without even a word being said. Yata thinks it’s nice having everyone here though, like doesn’t this feel kinda like old times. Fushimi clicks his tongue softly, looking away, and Anna decides to change the subject by telling Yata she’s hungry.
Kamamoto offers to make her some rice but Yata overrules him, like nah I can do this stand back and I’ll make one of my specialties. That’s when Fushimi speaks up with a ‘no vegetables,’ Yata’s like come on Saruhiko you need to eat them sometime. Fushimi repeats ‘no vegetables,’ following Yata into the kitchen. Anna and Kamamoto follow after, listening as Yata starts picking ingredients and Fushimi keeps vetoing them. Yata sets aside some random red ingredient and Anna picks it up and holds it out to him because the red is pretty and Yata takes it back like you want this in there sure. Soon Anna and Fushimi are both picking out ingredients and Yata’s just throwing everything in a pot in between arguing with Fushimi about being too picky and accepting anything Anna hands him. Kamamoto can barely get a word in edgewise and he’s starting to become concerned about the smell. 
Some time later Yata exits the kitchen with his amazing new dish that he’s ready to serve to everyone. It’s very red and there’s probably some rice in there or maybe some noodles, things got hectic after a while and he stopped paying attention, there’s a lot of meat and some fruit and various red spices. Fushimi snorts and says it looks awful and he’s not eating it, Yata’s like what the hell you were the one who wouldn’t let me put anything healthy in here. Anna says it’s a very pretty red but is noticeably not eating any. Kamamoto stares at his plate and then says actually he’s not that hungry maybe he’ll go make his own plate, Yata immediately fixes him with a glare like don’t you dare someone’s gotta eat this food. Kamamoto tries to point out that Fushimi was the one dictating the ingredients so shouldn’t he eat it (Anna is not getting blamed for any of this), Fushimi snorts all don’t you like to eat anything anyway. Yata practically shoves a spoon at Kamamoto all here eat, Kamamoto realizes that everyone is now staring at him waiting for him to be their guinea pig. He gives Yata a pleading look but Yata’s just glaring and Kamamoto has no choice but to take a bite. There’s a long pause as he chews and swallows, Yata’s like ‘…w-well?’. Kamamoto starts to say it actually wasn’t too bad when his stomach suddenly makes a loud noise and he turns and bolts for the bathroom. Yata, Anna and Fushimi all stare down at the food and without a word they throw it all into the trash can. 
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ridiasfangirlings · 7 years
Hi hi i really love your blog! I was thinking about a scenario where Yata gets turned into a kid/toddler by a strain and his mother happens to find him? Cue yata's mom taking care of her baby again and minoru and megumis reaction ^^
Tiny Misaki would be too cute, his mom would just want to cuddle himforever. Maybe this is like post-ROK and after all the mess thathappened with Hisui and the Slates Yata’s given the go ahead to tellhis mom more about what he actually does all day, like how he’s gotsuper powers and sometimes fights against bad guys with super powers.Yata’s mom is really worried to learn about all this of course,knowing her son is regularly putting himself into danger without herknowledge and that it’s been happening all this time, and evenknowing that Fushimi might be there to have his back again now thatthey’ve made up doesn’t ease her worries any. Yata keeps telling herthat it’s fine though, the worst of it is done now and he’s got therest of Homra to back him up in case he ever gets into any realtrouble.
So then say one day Fushimi and Yata are working together to huntdown a Strain and Yata gets hit by it, turning into a little kid.Tiny Yata is all nervous and scared because he doesn’t understandwhere he is or why his mom isn’t here, Fushimi wants to take care ofhim but at the same time there’s a major situation going down whereFushimi’s needed and he certainly can’t take Yata with him. As ithappens though they’re right near where Yata’s old house is andFushimi finds himself wondering if he could just do what tiny Yatawants and take him back to his mom, Fushimi knows that Yata’s momwill be able to handle him and watch him, plus he’ll probably be safethere because no one will be looking for him at just a normalresidential house. And that’s how Fushimi ends up standing awkwardlyin front of the door to Yata’s old house holding a five year old Yatain his arms, knocking sheepishly as he tries to think of how toexplain this to Yata’s mom. Yata’s mom opens the door, takes one lookat baby Misaki and just sweeps him into her arms because he’s so cuteSaruhiko-kun when did you get a child, my he looks exactly likeMisaki did at this age. Yata’s face just brightens and he’s like‘Mama!’ which makes Yata’s mom pause because wait, he looks exactlylike Misaki. Fushimi sheepishly explains the situation and asksif she’d watch Yata for a bit until Fushimi can come back for him,Yata’s mom certainly can’t so no to babysitting her own baby so shecuddles tiny Yata and says that she’d be happy to watch him until thepower wears off.
Yata’s mom takes baby Yata back inside and maybe she has to tell himthat Minoru and Megumi are like his distant cousins or something sotiny Yata doesn’t get confused. Minoru and Megumi are both reallyconfused at first, Minoru kinda knows about the powers thing butMegumi doesn’t really and explaining to them that yes this is yourbrother and he doesn’t know you’re his siblings is a bit hard. Minoruprobably doesn’t really want too much to do with baby Misaki atfirst, like he’s had to babysit Megumi enough he’s not into watchinglittle kids but he ends up falling into the big brother role veryquickly and it’s cute (though then on the angsty side maybe imagineMinoru’s enjoying getting to be a big brother to Yata but it alsoreminds him of how Yata kinda disappeared from their lives and he’sgot some bitterness there, that his own big brother didn’t stickaround to protect and care for him like this and he’s just sittingthere with tiny Yata like 'hey, when you grow up, don’t forget yourlittle brother needs someone too, okay?’). Megumi meanwhile ispleased to finally not be the youngest in the house and she likesplaying with little Yata, he’s always smiling at her and wanting toplay and she likes just sitting there with him on her lap.
Yata’s mom meanwhile finds herself unexpectedly enjoying having herbaby back, while she wishes normal Yata would come back a little moreoften so she could show her grown up son how much she still cares forhim there’s something nice about having him small again so she cancuddle him and tickle his tummy and just enjoy her bright ball ofsunshine. She reads baby Yata stories and sits with him on the couchcuddling him and the whole family ends up watching like a cutecartoon movie together and it’s totally sweet and cute. Yata’s momfinds herself feeling really content, like she’s got all her kidsback and they’re getting along and she ends up telling little Misakiall the things she wishes she could say to his older self, how sheloves him and she’s proud of him but also that she misses him andwants him to come see her more often because the house has alwaysfelt more empty without him around. (And then imagine she fallsasleep on the couch snuggling little Yata and wakes up to find normalYata there sitting next to the couch and holding her hand, smilingsoftly as he thanks her for taking care of him again, even if it wasjust for a little while.)
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