#also I am considering a part two so posted to ao3 too incase I wanted to add to it later
corrodedcoughin · 2 years
It is finally the weekend after a full on month of exams. Steve knew paramedic training would be hard but the intensity of tests between gruelling placements is proving to be a lot to handle. Right now that doesn't matter, its a Friday night and his course mates decided that they should congratulate themselves for getting through the semester by going to a bar, drinking and try to be average college students instead of college students who regularly attend medical emergencies with no clue of how to help for 8 weeks blocks at a time. They've all seen their share of tragedies but they've witnessed the joys of the job too. The happy tears on the eyes of loved ones proves to Steve time and time again that he absolutely chose the right profession to study.
Robin isn't part of the course but she's come to every social event they have, just like Steve going to all of hers with her psychology friends. They are both honorary members of each other's course and are kind of expected to turn up at these things. So this is how they end up at a ridiculously busy bar with shots being shoved at them by Ali, an amazing paramedic in training but absolutely terrifying in her determination. She half arm hugs Steve and Robin, squeezing them tight.
'I love you guys. BUT you fucking cockblock each other and I'm sick of it', they start to protest in unison but are shushed by a finger to the lips.
'I just want to see you both Happy. That would make me happy. So Robin, you gotta go get that girl's number, okay?' Ali points to a girl by the stage, strawberry blonde and a toothy grin in conversation with a fluffy brown haired boy. Both of them in deep conversation, clearly excited about whatever they are talking about, pointing at the small stage and the girl bouncing on her heels. They chose this bar for their night out for the famed wild band that plays semi-regularly who draw a loyal crowd. And by the looks of things, this girl is a big fan.
'And Steve? I know a man who's perfect for your pretty boy ways. Lead singer of the band, trust me, you'll see him and not be able to stop yourself. Now drink up guys, I'm buying you your first round of bravery in a glass.' She's slurring her words a little bit but her heart is in the right place. So, with a heavy hit to their backs from Ali, they clink the tiny shot glasses together and down them.
'Guess we better get moving dingus' Robin says with a odd mix of determination and uncharacteristic confidence. She's off before Steve can reply, fluffing up her hair and rubbing any non-existent lipstick off her teeth.
Steve turns back to the bar, the whole room is dimly lit and rumbling with loud conversations and that's before the band even starts. He feels at a loss without Robin at his side but knows he'd just have to make eye contact and she'd be back. He braces himself against the bar top, wondering if he can pre-plan his attack on the front man of the band he is yet to see. The years of team sports in high school means that Steve is never one to back down from a challenge and he's been wanting to flex his old reputation of 'King Steve' for a while now so why not?
He's contemplating where the best place in the room is for ogling the band and ensuring the, apparently irresistable, lead singer sees him that Steve notices somebody has slid into the empty space next to him. Steve casts his eye over the stranger, taking in the full length of him and is pleasantly surprised. The man next to him is all long legs in black denim, big leather boots and shirt that has been so thoroughly cut at the sides he may as well just left it at home. Steve's eyes keep roaming though, over the light trail of hair left exposed from the way the man's shirt has risen that leads to his waistband. And there is jewellery, so many long chains that would be perfect to pull somebody in by, to get somebody close and under control. Steve briefly stops on the man's hands, long lithe fingers with heavy, dangerous rings that would probably feel incredible against Steve's skin now that the club has become hot and stuffy, nothing to do with the stranger in front of him of course. Steve finally raises his eyes to his face and nothing could have prepared him for the sinful smirk playing over his mouth aimed out towards the room or the deep, deep brown eyes that he really does get lost in for a second. To top it all off there's a wild mane of fluffy hair that would be perfect for Steve's hands to pull.
Steve knows he's supposed to be looking for the lead singer but who's to say he can't set his own challenge instead. The other man nods and Steve takes his chance;
'You here for the show?' Its not his finest work when trying to get in somebody's pants but its a start. The man swivels to fully face Steve and leans in like he has a secret to tell
'Sweetheart I am the show.' Its an awful line, truly and the guy clearly knows it from the way he's holding back a laugh by the end of the statement. Steve should be turned off, should walk away and tell Ali that as much as the singer may look like God's gift, his charm leaves a lot to be desired. The problem is, Steve has never wanted a person more in his life. So he tries to give a bitchy side eye but can't stop the smile tugging at his lips
'Is that right? Better tell me what name I've got to scream tonight if I'm going to have to compete with a few fans.' it is an equally pitiful line, but it makes the man raise and eyebrow in amusement and blush rise from his neck to cheeks. Steve might be wondering how far down it goes and if he could make it go further.
Steve stands his ground as the singer grabs his hand and raises it to his lips, kissing his knuckles, 'It’s Eddie, and don't worry, you'll be the only one I'm looking for on stage'
It is all so silly but it makes Steve's stomach swoop, sure he's been flirted with before but this feels like courtship from a poorly aged romcom and he can't get enough. He considers the possibility of Ali spiking that first shot. He can't help it, Steve is swaying into Eddie’s space, feels himself doing so and does nothing to stop it, waiting to see what reaction is causes in Eddie. He’s rewarded when Eddie’s gaze lingers on his lips, he still hasn’t let go of his hand, still running his thumb over Steve’s knuckles. Steve takes a step forward, his empty hand starting to rise with all intentions of cupping Eddie’s jaw and pulling him in. He see’s Eddies eyes start to slide almost shut, showing his own desire.
‘EDDIE, MAN C’MON! ITS SHOW TIME!’ Steve manages to bite back a groan of frustration but Eddie’s is loud and clear as they untangle.
‘Stick around after the set, yeah?’ it’s quiet, barely audible of the growing noise in the bar but Steve nods and Eddie is heading to the stage, a bounce in his step. Steve almost feels like an idiot for watching him go but then Eddie turns and starts to walk backwards, shouting at Steve;
‘Fair maiden! I never got your name!’ Steve laughs at the childishness of it all but shouts his response back. In return Eddie holds both his hands to his chest over his heart and lets his back hit against the stage door as if stunned by a name. The door is suddenly opened from behind, Eddie stumbling backwards and picked up by his bandmates, he manages to send a wink to Steve before the door closes again.
Steve is on his own, at the makeshift half-assessed barrier only possible at tiny bar gigs. In all honesty it would probably be safer to just take them away. He gets lost in this thought as the lights all but cut out and the band makes it to the stage. Suddenly he understands that the barrier might be more for the band than the fans. There’s a rush of people to the front of the barrier as expands and hands reach over, trying to touch Eddie. This is all before the lights even go up but seeing as the venue is tiny the lights from the bar are illuminating the stage. The fluffy haired boy from the start of the night is on drums and two other guys, pick up the instruments that were left on stage. Steve only has eyes for Eddie though, notably smiling down at his guitar.
The lights go up, Eddie leans in close to the mic, manic smile on his face and lets out a shout of ‘ALL ABOARD!’ followed by a laugh and a heavy guitar riff. From then on out it Eddie really is a show, Steve couldn’t put it better if he tried, The whole band clearly in love with what they do. There’s calls and response with the audience, jumping around the set and laughter from all of them as they clearly ride the high. Eddie engages them all in conversations during the breaks between songs, showcasing the relationship between them, making everyone wish they were part of the band too. Steve isn’t a fan of heavy music. If it had been anyone else he’d worry the gig would amount to him suffering through a set list begging for the end. But this? This is different. In Steve’s opinion these guys are destined for the big time.
Through set Eddie is never far, he prowls the stage but somehow is always paying attention to Steve, sending smiles his way. He gets really into a particular solo, fingers moving over the neck of the guitar, Steve is captivated for reasons that may include his mind wandering to what else Eddie might be able to do with his hands. Then Eddie /grinds/ against the body of the guitar and Steve feels his eyes widen his fists clench at his sides, stock still in the crowd of moving bodies. Eddie then has the audacity to make direct eye contact with Steve as he sinks to his knees and continues to play. Its safe to assume Steve doesn’t remember much else after that.
The gig wraps up to applause and foot stomping after a well received encore that Eddie threatens to stage dive in but stops himself after riling the crowd up. The band hop off stage, not needing to breakdown the stage, they have a three day stint at the bar and this is their second night according to the posters around the place. Steve turn’s to survey the area as Eddie talks with fans that descended on the band when they finished. He’s thinking about going to the bar, grabbing a drink when he sees Robin making out with the girl that was suggested to her. He averts his eyes, he loves his best friend but somethings he does not need to see. Just as he turns to make his way to the aforementioned bar Steve feels a hand on his shoulder, turning him around. Eddie is standing close and slides his hand from Steve’s shoulder to his neck, up to the back of his head.
‘Like what you saw Stevie?’ the nickname might be overly familiar in the setting but Steve really doesn’t care
‘You weren’t lying when you said you were the show’ Steve tilts his head ever so slightly to side, hinting at his wants. He can feel Eddie’s breath on his lips, almost touching and the thought is maddening. Just as Eddie pulls Steve’s face closer he murmurs ‘Could give you a private one if you ask nicely’.
Steve pushes forward, pressing his lips to Eddie’s chasing what he’s been after all night, lets his hands slide onto Eddie’s hips and under his tshirt, trailing up his back. Eddie’s hands are in Steve’s hair and one on his ass, pulling him close. Breathing hard they break apart to hear a very drunk Ali shouting
‘SEE STEVE??? ROBIN?? I KNOW YOUR TYPES!!! I KNOW ‘EM!!!’ She’s maybe been a bit too heavy handed with the shots. Without thinking Steve detaches from Eddie, walks up to Ali and ask the bartender for a glass of water. Ali slings an arm around Steve slurring her words slightly as she asks again, wanting to make sure that she was right, that she knows Steve’s type.
‘Yup, yeah you do Ali, you do. Don- Ali don’t throw the water!’ He can hear Eddie chuckling behind him, muttering something about 'Sir Steve saving the day'. Ali eyes him and whisper shouts to Steve
‘You should thank me, you’d never find him without me. Robin too. You should allllll thank me’ She’s out of it and will live to regret it in the morning. Which will be precisely when Steve will let her know that he’s actually been engaged to Eddie for coming up to a year now and Robin and her girl, Chrissy, are in talks of adopting a cat.
But that can wait, he has a boy at his back, begging to be taken home.
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