#also I didn’t want to be a smartass and add Bunny or Bullet………. YET
bugeyedfreaks · 2 years
Finally, the ultimate question can be answered:
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thedarkrose17 · 3 years
Landing in a strange world was weirdly normal at this point for Noctis. But landing in a strange world with one of his friends not so much.
Prompto looks at the Regalia and sighs.
"You think there's a gas station around here?"
Noctis shrugs, leaning against the car.
"Where even is here?"
Prompto swallows and looks around for any signs with text on, hoping to get a hint. Nothing.
He checks his phone. No signal. Weird. It looks like nowhere on Eos he's seen before.
"No signal." Prompto looks at Noctis and sighs. "Any bars for you?"
Noctis grabs his phone and checks. "Nothing."
"Shit." Prompto groans.
He feels his anxiety easing as he hears footsteps approaching. A person! Finally!
They could figure out where they were, get the Regalia in a garage and maybe call Cindy to get her to tow them back to Hammerhead.
Prompto takes a deep breath and turns to face the stranger, a greeting on his lips. It dies the moment he sees said stranger.
The stranger looked human-like but not fully. Black cat ears sat on top of black and grey hair with an orange lily in it, a tail flicked to the side. His eyes were normal minus the glowing yellow hue.
The stranger had a weird get up, black almost robe-like open top, black pants and boots and two circular shiny things on each of his sides, strapped down.
"Um." Prompto blinks. That was straight up a cat man. "...Do you know where we can find a garage?"
Noctis stood up and looked at the stranger. Said stranger looked flustered as he looked between Noctis and Prompto. Was he turning red?
"Um...To fix the Regalia." Noctis adds, gesturing to the car.
"Oh...the vehicle! Cid can help. He's the expert. Can't say he's ever seen something like this though. Hells I haven't." the cat stranger says. He has fangs. Actual cat fangs.
"Cid?!" Noctis shares a look with Prompto as Prompto utters: "Is Cindy here too?!"
The stranger watched them in complete confusion. His face screamed who's that?
"Who are you?" Noctis asks.
"Solis. Solis Octavia" the cat man introduces himself. He bows, it feels so formal. He looks embarrassed almost when he notices the boys didn't return the gesture, his ears droop down and his tail curls around his waist.
Prompto and Noctis couldn't help but stare. This was just a cat that could talk. A disaster of one at that.
"Solis huh? I'm Noctis. You can call me Noct." Noctis rested a hand on his hip, using his free hand gesture to Prompto with his thumb. "That's Prompto."
"Hey." Prompto offered an awkward smile. "So um where are we?"
"Eorzea. In Thanalan." Solis replies.
The boys blinked and shared a look.
"I've never seen that on a map of Eos." Noctis muttered while Prompto looked close to a panic attack. Where the hell were they? "Can you help us push the car?"
Solis nodded and the three pushed the car until they reached Cid. To the boys' surprise it wasn't their Cid but another one called Cid Garlond.
Through him they learned they were in another world while his crew seemed to marvel at the Regalia. Cid promised he'd try to fix her.
* * *
Prompto and Noctis headed off with Solis to find out more information while they waited.
Sadly they didn't learn how to get back home but they learned something concerning.
"There's been metal men around. There's reports of people saying they're Garlean made." Solis says.
Prompto frowns and speaks up before Noctis has a chance to.
"Did they follow us?" Noctis asks.
"Em-Tees?" Solis asks in confusion.
"They're magitek soldiers. Robots. Made of metal by the Niflheim empire. No one's inside them."
Prompto swallows and nods.
"They sound like they scream when they go down. Super creepy."
Solis' body stiffens. His tail swishing side to side, eyes wide.
Noctis had been around enough cats to know that was a sign of an afraid one. He resisted every urge to reach out and pet the cat man who was the exact same height as Prompto. It seemed weird.
"We'll take them out. They're easy." Noctis says, offering a smile.
Solis blinks and nods. He punches his fist into his hand and grins, showing off his fangs.
"They don't stand a chance."
* * *
The Regalia's gone by the time they get back. Hidden from the prying eyes of a cat woman reporter trying to get a scoop.
Unfortunately for the boys, she tracks them down and offers to give them more information to all their questions for a price. An interview with Prompto and Noctis.
So Noctis somewhat reluctantly agrees.
* * *
Noctis and Prompto come out of their interview with her and head over to Solis.
"So...How was it?" Solis asks.
"It wasn't an interview." Noctis sighs.
"It was an interrogation." Prompto mutters.
Solis snorts.
"It can't have been that bad."
"Trust me dude. It was." Prompto sighs dramatically.
* * *
True to her word, the reporter gives them more information, sending the trio to Gridania to talk to her sources about MTs.
After talking to said sources, Solis tells the reporter about a person seeing mts near Bramble Patch in the east shroud.
Prompto and Noctis listen completely lost on the places but it eventually doesn't stop the pair bolting off before Solis has finished speaking.
He sighs and chases after them, catching up with them in the east shroud. It's dark and dangerous, granted it's also dangerous in the day for anyone clueless about their surroundings or inexperienced.
He pants and is ready to warn them about running off until a creature growls in the darkness and stops him.
"Holy shit! A daemon!" Prompto yells.
Solis takes the circular things from his sides. While he's never fought this thing he's fought things similar.
"Let's go fellas." Noctis smirks, leading the charge.
Prompto hums and summons his gun, he fires off a starshell bullet, lighting up the area as Noctis warp strikes.
He rushes around firing as Noctis attacks. Almost stopping as he glances at Solis attacking.
The cat twirls and spins, colours coming off him as he throws the circular thingies around and at the enemy. He should really ask what those are called.
Prompto blinks and looks at Noctis who grins and throws him his sword, Prompto catches it with ease and throws his gun to Noctis.
The pair attack and finally finish off the daemon.
They bump forearms together and Prompto does his cute little victory cheer that Noctis adores but refuses to admit.
"...What's with the weapon change?" Solis asks.
"Link strike." Noctis replies. "We have a few."
Prompto nods and puts the sword back in the armiger, Noctis doing the same with his gun.
A stomach growls and the duo turn to their cat man teammate.
"...All that fighting made me hungry." Solis says, looking embarrassed. He rubs the back of his head sheepishly.
Noctis' stomach growls next, followed by Prompto's.
"Same here dude." Prompto mutters.
"Lets go set up camp." Noctis suggests.
"For once you're actually down for it. Ah, if only Gladio could see you now." Prompto jokes, gently elbowing him.
"...Sometimes it's not all bad." Noctis quietly admits.
* * *
They set up camp on higher grounds away from hostile creatures.
Noctis makes onigiri that would probably impress Ignis while Prompto makes and hands out coffee.
He sits next to Solis with a quiet oof before speaking up.
"I've been meaning to ask you dude...What's those circular thingies on your waist." Prompto asks.
"Chakrams. Blades are on them. They're what we dancers use."
"Dancers with weapons?! Dude, that's sick!" Prompto grins. "It was super cool seeing you spin around and all these colours come off you as you throw them."
Noctis heads over and sits next to Prompto. He offers the blonde a smile as he hands out the onigiri to the other two boys.
"Dude! He's a dancer with cool bladed circles!" Prompto excitedly repeats to Noctis.
Noctis can't help but smile.
"Is he now?"
He goes quiet for a moment before offering his thanks to Solis.
"What for? All I did was stop you two from becoming lost." Solis smirks. He laughs a little when Noctis calls him a smartass.
"No I mean you probably have shit to do yet you're helping us."
"It's nothing."
"Don't you have a life?" Prompto asks before covering his mouth. "Fuck! S-Sorry that came out wrong."
Solis offers them a warm smile and fiddles with a ring on his hand with a gem in.
"Is that-" Noctis gets cut off.
"An eternity ring." Solis answers, a blush dusts his cheeks as he says it and a fond smile crosses his lips.
"You're engaged?!" Prompto asks.
"Married actually."
"Won't your wife be worried about you?" Prompto asks.
"Husband. He's an adventure too."
The boys glance at each other. Maybe there's hope for them. Granted neither knows the other's feelings or even has the balls to confess yet.
"I get the feeling maybe there's some unsaid feelings between you too." Solis says, resting a hand on his jaw. He smirks. "Cute."
Noctis and Prompto turn scarlet. Prompto stutters gibberish while Noctis tries and fails to deny it.
Solis laughs, his fangs are more visible when he does so.
"Whatever it is..I hope you two can figure it out."
"....Sooo…" Noctis speaks up, changing the subject. "What's your husband like?"
Solis beams and rambles about his husband, a tall viera (bunny person as the boys come to learn) with green hair and heterochromia.
Seeing him light up like that makes Noctis wish that one day he could gush about Prompto like this to anyone who'd listen.
The man sounds completely smitten and honestly Noctis wants that freedom too.
He flops back in his chair, looking up at the sky sadly. Maybe if they can get home, somehow he'll confess.
Prompto places a hand on his arm and offers a weak smile.
"We'll find a way home. You always have."
Hearing that makes Noctis smile. Prompto has a point, he always does end up back home.
* * *
"It's good we took care of the daemon but there weren't any clues this time either." Noctis sighs.
Prompto puts an arm around his shoulders.
"We'll find something. We have to."
Solis joins them moments later.
"I told the reporter about what happened. She's hunting for more leads so we'll have to sit tight for a while."
"...I'd rather go for a walk. Take in the sights."
"Me too." Prompto moves his arm from around Noctis. "We won't leave the city. Promise."
"Ok just don't-"
They head off before Solis finishes.
"...Run off," he sighs.
* * *
He finds them at a stall, the lady behind offering them glamours for free to change their clothes.
Prompto tries one and horns appear on his forehead and a spiky tail appears from his lower back. The cropped top and tattered pants with open toed shoes are a surprise for the blonde. He's yet to notice the horns or tail.
Huge surprise for Noctis judging by how red his face has turned. He can't seem to speak let alone stop staring at the blonde.
"Um...W-What is this?"
"Au ra starting gear sir. Would you like to try another?" the lady behind the stall says.
Prompto nods awkwardly and takes another, using it. He looks human to his relief, the only change is his outfit. A white and black shirt with a deep v, white pants and thigh high boots.
Noctis still seems flustered by that as he takes a miqo glamour and uses it, turning into a cat person. Prompto squeaks in surprise, he blushes muttering Noctis looks cute making Noctis choke out a "W-What?!" flustering Prompto more.
Solis looks at the pair and sighs. Truly they're hopeless. Even more so as they awkwardly get two more glamours for their friends.
He's barely known them for a day and yet he can see their pining. And here he thought he was a disaster.
"When's the wedding?!" he yells, teasing. He might cackle when he notices the boys turn a deeper red.
"Fuck you that's when!" Noctis yells back, flipping him off. There's no malice, just a flustered prince and his best friend internally dying next to him.
Solis can't help but laugh more.
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