#also I have a lockout for... tyrans
vespertine-legacy · 2 years
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New feature: leaving an ops kills u
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vespertine-legacy · 3 years
Ops shenanigans today:
Helped a group get an Apex lockout. Watched main tank put a guard on another dps who was filling in to help, assuming that was who was going to pull threat (even though that dps said “I’m a tank main, I won’t be your best dps”), then spent the entire ops threat dumping, stealthing out, burning through my dcds, and still pulling threat (even at one point just straight-up stopping dps to try to get an enemy off me). Insert This Is Fine dog dot jpeg.
Had regular Wednesday night raid cancelled due to low attendance and unwillingness to pug (we’ve had some bad luck with pugs with that team). Ended up filling for a different team that was supposed to be working on HM Gods, but since we ended up with only 7, decided to do Dread Palace instead. Got to get knocked around by Bestia and her corruptions until a replacement tank was found, and with a full roster, we nearly made it through the rest of the ops, but got hung up on Calphayus due to some really bad desync issues. Ended up stopping at Council with one hilariously bad pull—I accidentally got threat on Bestia, tried to threat dump but did so right as she kicked and went flying over the edge, couldn’t hit my yeet in time to cheese being thrown (but almost!), then the tank who was supposed to have Bestia died, then the vanguard dps ate it from a Death Mark, then things just went to hell.
(Also during the Tyrans fight, tank made a disparaging remark about simplification placement, but shortened it to “simps,” and I was like “hey as a professional simp for the Dread Masters, I take offense”)
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vespertine-legacy · 3 years
After helping to get a HM DP Calphayus lockout for Panty Raid, Tom asked how I was doing in the Tyrans fight, since it can be a little tough on melee (between infernos, getting out of the way of Thundering Blast, and the simplifications). I told him I’m still not very good at keeping my dps up when I have to suddenly move in order to not die.
He first suggested that that fight would be better suited for Deception than for Hatred, which cool, yeah, probably, but I don’t know if I can swap disciplines on the fly. I admire but don’t trust people who can swap disciplines on the same toon.
But he also offered to give me some pointers on both disciplines. I apparently had one of my utilities wrong, and two moves swapped in my opener that were making it so that only one of my dots would tick instead of both of them ticking. My opener isn’t super high damage, but it’s more sustainable damage, and if I actually watch my dots and keep them on, I did 15k dps once I got into a rotation (on a parsing dummy, but still).
I also need to try to get some armorings with periodic intensity so I don’t have to waste all my credits trying to reroll amplifiers. My amplifiers are a mess because amplifiers are from the devil.
Tom also offered to give me some pointers for Deception, which I may take him up on even if I don’t realistically ever plan to swap Eleison’s discipline, since Kestrel is Infiltration.
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vespertine-legacy · 3 years
Ops Shenanigans tonight:
back to HM Ravagers with the prog group. On one pull against Master/Blaster, Vi did an oopsie and biffed it, but didn’t get thrown, so she was still in range for me to res her. Immediately after sending the res, I realized I should have let Pol res her, because met being the one to res her meant her coming up on the wrong side of Blaster. When she came up, both of us got grenades.
Vi: “...oh”
I popped my hydraulics, Vi just sort of stood there dumbfounded. Grenades exploded, and Vi got launched right into the spot she’s supposed to stand in for that phase. And like... that’s one way to get your tank back into position, I guess.
My punishment was that later on a bad pull Vi turned Blaster directly on me and let him blast me off the platform.
I also pulled one of the dps from the brink of death, healing them back up from 64 hp, which is just about the lowest I’ve seen someone’s hp and them survive, while keeping Frenzy topped up enough to survive her knockbacks without having to waste cooldowns (my team needs to stop playing the “how low into 0% health can I go without dying” game though).
We also later attempted HM Dread Palace 16man with Panty Raid, which was... an experience. There’s a lot going on in there with 16 people. I also got a little annoyed with offering to sleep enemies in order to sneak the group by only to have someone jump in because “there’s no point” or “we wouldn’t be able to get past.” BRUH. If you’d give me two seconds to sleep them and if you’d walk where the raid leader tells you, we’d be able to get past just fine. Also, if you’d let me sleep the Interrogators, rather than you deciding to stun them, we’d have more time without their casts. But, fine, whatever, you do you. We made it through Bestia and Tyrans (though both of those fights were very messy), and did a decent pull on Calphayus. We may try to get a lockout to try again next week.
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