#also I haven‘t drawn in a while
kaosuiinku · 2 years
Happy @kakuhidaweek 2022 peeps here’s Day 1
Prompt: Tarot
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The Hanged Man:
New perspective
Noble sacrifice
Ultimate surrender
Self control
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little-devil-art · 8 months
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[Lunar New Year 2024]🐉
Happy Lunar New Year! I usually haven‘t done any Fanart for this celebration but I wanted to try it this year, since I was born a dragon in the chinese zodiac! 👀 Featuring my little Alicander Family! Haven‘t drawn them in a while, so I thought this would be a nice idea for this occasion!
I have also given my OC daughter Aiyra a little redesign, kinda wanna work on her more so I have another FE OC to take care of!! I‘d say my Fatesona Alice would be the person to introduce them to these celebrations heheheh-
Hope you like it though! Don‘t mind my self-indulgence all the time ah- Thanks for all who keeps suuporting me btw!!
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jeonjk0504 · 3 years
Hi! I admire your open minded responses and ethics. You have said in some posts that you believe Taehyung and Jungkook are mutually attracted to each other but that they haven't confessed or consummated. (Please correct me if I got it wrong!) I was wondering why, in your opinion, Taehyung and Jungkook wouldn't just take the leap and be together after being on a journey of so many years? Is it your opinion that homophobic society is holding them back? Is it the risks to the band? They seem like two rich, empowered men to me. Taehyung seems like a very honest and authentic person. And Jungkook tweeted a drawing he made of a famous line from Love Simon. These guys would know that being in a committed same sex relationship is an option, right? I am not saying they could necessarily be open about it but I find the idea of them wanting it but not acting on it challenging.
It is a sentiment that I see in a lot of cis het female dominated spaces that revolve around queer men, or the idea of queer men. It's love, it's attraction, it's everything but the relationship. And the sex. It strikes me as a heteronormative overlay on what queer men can and can't do, as if the relationship is allowed to be sexual and romantic only in y'all's minds. It looks like shipping but it also looks like erasure.
Personally, I do not think that Taekook are together but I could be wrong. Anything is possible. I admire the way you stand up for what is right and role model that it is never ok to be a bully. What people consider 'harmless' is relative. I don't buy any 'ships' in BTS as purely aesthetic relationships. I am a gay person and can't take away my identity while seeing this content. Hovering between the space of 'they are real' and 'I just want them to be real' is a safe space for bloggers to be. But it isn't a great representation of genuine LGBTQ+people. A 25 yr old and a 23 year old aren't nuns.
You don't have to answer this question if you prefer not to, of course. I didn't mean to try to make you defend your interests. Your points of view are as valid as mine.
Hey anon!
Thanks a lot for your interesting questions! :)
My personal feeling of them being mutually attracted to one another but not being in a relationship, stems from the dynamic they have. But i got to say, i‘m never 100% sure. I don‘t think you can tell at the tip of their noses if people are in a relationship, because it‘s mostly based on „what would i say/do/act like in a relationship?“ and that can never be copied onto people, even less if you don‘t know them personally.
What makes me say that though is a mixture of reasons. The biggest of them is simple: their friendship. My personal impression is often, that they feel drawn to each other but they also have a good eye on their responsibilities and possibilities. This is less of something i can „prove“, it‘s simply a feeling i get based on various situations and how i see them act, none in specific. I also imagine to cross the line of friendship, might be a lot harder in a conservative country while being in this wide reaching spotlight in contrast to other spaces. And all the other things you took as an example, can add to that they don‘t have to though (the popularity, the band, the family, …).
Also when i say i get the impression it‘s unspoken, i refer to them talking about that attraction or establishing a mature understanding, i have never said they haven‘t acted on it. Their body language feels like they have, actually. To me at least.
I know they both support LGBTQIA Artists and Art. But supporting it and identifying with it are two different pair of shoes.
And while Taehyung seems very, let‘s say adventurous to me, he has always had a strong affinity to a self-image based on his father. Which might mean you can indulge in something for fun (same sex intimacy) but when it get’s serious (same sex relationships) it‘s better to follow conservative ideals, like a lot of oppressed or erased homosexuals in Homophobic countries do.
This is just a connection i keep thinking about though, not a fact. It‘s only a fact that he views his dad as a role-model, visually and also in the role that he performs. His strong wish for children supports that as well. And i‘m not saying it‘s impossible for same sex couples to start a family with children (at least not where i come from) but in SK it‘s sadly not an option as of now. They‘re neither allowed to marry, nor have a legal partnership which will definitely have an impact on how you approach relationships in any case.
And i keep questioning myself: would you share such a sensitive wish like having kids, knowing fully well that it‘s not an option while being in a serious same sex relationship? Or would you share it in the belief that laws will change in the future or you will („somehow“) end up with a woman to make it happen? It may be nitpicky of me to question that, but i see it as a possible indicator of Taehyung not being in a serious same sex relationship as of now, because i feel like his desire to have children in some way, has always been noticeably strong and if he shares his wishes in such a carefree way, maybe his wish is in no danger.
Btw i know a lot of TKer i talk to disagree with me on this and they don‘t think it has to mean anything! 😌 and to be fair: we have the same amount of possible indicators that speak in favor of a relationship. I feel like i‘m talking a lot about why i think they‘re not, rather in what way they could actually be… (very ironic, looking at my blog)
Jungkook on the other hand is a little romantic to me, but he seems very careful too not like someone who just takes the leap (i‘m not saying shy, pretty sure he got over that a few years ago for the most part..).
There is a lot more, but it would take up too much space to elaborate so i hope it‘s okay i only gave a small reason for now.
Concerning your criticism on cishet spaces, they are of course valid and it‘s important to keep an eye on that and call out people who hurt the community. I don‘t feel comfortable with you associating me in that space though, because i doubt you actually know from what perspective i am sharing my opinions. I also use BTS neither for hetero nor LGBTQIA representation because i don‘t know what they identify as. It goes both ways. You might see it as hovering in a safe space, but for me that safe space is mostly there out of respect, not because i don‘t feel brave enough to take a stance.
I thank you for your respectful questions! :) it was interesting to reflect on why i view them the way i do. Please always feel free to share your opinions with me 🥰 have a nice day!!
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scintillabloom · 5 years
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I haven‘t drawn Asriel in a long while, even though I love drawing him for some reason. He‘s just very easy to draw ^-^
I struggled with the hands so much though XD
I saw this trick on instagram, where you can either chose a warm or cold colour, copy the whole drawing, colour it in the colour you chose and put it in the Blending Mode ‚Overlay‘ with Opacity set to 50%. It really helped give it a warm vibe! You can also try it with other colours, it really helps! :)
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bakathief · 7 years
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I have drawn doujinshi and comics for 8 years and a lot of times I saw other comics which had stopped after 5 pages or didn‘t even make it past the cover. So I thought and share my experiences and what kept me motivated to draw 650+ comic pages.
Find a style that lets enjoy you drawing
There are many different ways to draw your comic. You can do black and white, black and white with screen tones, colored comic... there are just as many possibilities as with normal art. Find a style that makes working on the comic fun. For example I hated working with screen tones, applying them seperately on the laptop. It took some fun from the experience and made the process slower and less enjoyable for me. So I tried different styles until I found one which I liked and I could picture making tons of panels with without getting tired. Which leads to the next point....
 Don‘t be afraid to try new things
Unless you‘re being paid to draw in a consistent style, don‘t be afraid to try new things. Just like you do with normal art. As I said before, there are just as many styles to comics as there are to normal art so try as many as you want or even create something totally different! Even if you don‘t like the result, you will have gained experience. And that experience will always come back to you!
 Find a chapter length you like
With my current comic I try to keep the chapter length between 12 to 22 pages. Before I had drawn a different comic, which I had adapted from a fanfiction by someone else and I swear, when you‘re at page 40 and the end still isn‘t in sight, you can easily lose your motivation. And I noticed a similar pattern whenever I got to chapters which were over 30 pages long. However, whenever I worked on chapters which were only 12 pages or so, I was done in no time. Not only because of less pages but because I was so much more motivated because the end was SO CLOSE. Which brings me to my next point.
Not everyone like them but they are very helpful when it comes to planning. They don‘t have to be big and have the finished dialogue etc.. Mine are only 3 x 5 cm per page (Not that smart, actually) and I only add important bits of dialogue. BUT. You know beforehand what your chapter will look like and know that it won‘t continue for forever. Furthermore, you‘ll notice which parts of your story are problematic and need more thinking, which you can ponder about while drawing the earlier pages.
 Don‘t upload every page straight away
When I tell people that I have finished the drawings for the next 50 pages they are usually shocked. THEN they ask why I haven‘t uploaded them yet. There are several reasons. When you work on a page for a while and finished it, I found it frustrating that, once the new page is uploaded, you’re at point zero again and won’t be able to upload anything until you sit down and draw. However, sometimes you also have other things to do, no time for drawing, and you‘ll get stressed because you haven’t uploaded something in two weeks and omg, how do you even live with yourself. My friend then told me that she had already drawn the next ten pages in advance, and WOW, I tried it and the whole process felt so much easier. It’s hard to explain, there are many advantages to drawing some pages in advance but my favorite ones are the following.
You won‘t be at point zero.
You‘ll have a consistent overview of the chapter and plot.
You‘ll have pages on stock in case life gets busy.
 Don‘t invest too much time on every page
I‘m not saying that you shouldn‘t do your best but when you spend too much time on a panel because one thing on the character looks strange, just get over it and move on. Of course you will need more time with detailed backgrounds but when you have to redraw a panel so many times to the point that you‘re not making any progress... just, take the best version and move on. Of course, no artist likes to upload something they are not pleased with but you‘ll lose your motivation when every page it taking too long and you‘re not allowed to move on to another page or panel. Once I got a comment in my very early pages that my comic style seemed messier than my other pictures, and yes, that was true, but if I had spent as much time with one panel as I had with a normal picture then I wouldn‘t have gotten anywhere. Of course I did my best, but at some point you just have to accept that you can‘t make a perfect panel and move on. Thanks to my comic I improved a lot since I had to draw so many, SO MANY panels from different angles and shots, so you will get better, even if not all of your panels look perfect. Everyone starts at some point so don‘t expect too much from yourself and just do your best!
Have somewhat of a schedule, create at your own pace
Not sure if that is so important but it always helped me to have a certain rhythm to which I would update. It reminded me that it’s still going but that I can do it at my own pace. Of course, if you don’t have time then you don’t have time. Don’t push yourself too hard.
 This is all I could come up with at this point, but I hope there were some ideas that might help you in the future! Feel free to add other points if you have any!
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lililirulin · 5 years
Nerikiri - Japanese sweets, Christmas Edition
I‘ve talked about my Japanese family before - which is basically my best friend‘s family, but I get to call her mother „Mama-san“ which basically means „Mrs Mama“. This time I didn‘t just meet Mama-san, but also my Japanese sister and her family - a loving husband and three incredibly funny and lovable children.
I have to admit, that I was a little nervous before meeting them, because I‘ve been in JP for a while now, but the youngest child is only 4 months old, which is why I haven‘t met them before. But as soon as we rang the doorbell (I met with Mama-san at the metro station) the older children rushed to the door to greet us. And what kind of greeting it was! They were so excited and trusting, they approached me without fear or shyness. It was wonderful.
M., the sandwhich child, smiled at me without a break and H., the eldest, was the first to hug me and call me by my name. After that hurricane greeting I met the mother and father and also the youngest, T.- a little baby, beaming with delight.
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I was welcomed so heartily I felt instantly at home and enjoyed the time with the kids so much, I almost forgot the reason why I was invited: we wanted to make Japanese Candy - Nerikiri. A treat with sweet red bean paste in the middle and Wagashi (a paste with a marzipan-like texture made from mochi powder, water and white sweet bean paste, called shiroan) on the outside. To achieve the different colours natural food colouring was added (tomato paste for red and matcha powder for the intense green colour) and a few decorations were made by adding edible pearls.
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My Japanese sister had drawn some sketches for ideas on what type of Nerikiri to make, so we could choose from a christmas tree, a christmas sock, a snow man and other designs. I chose the snow man, just like my new best friend H. and got to work. Afterwards I tried my best on a christmas sock, but spent way too much time on a mistletoe leaf. There were all kinds of funny designs we came up with and even the youngsters tried their best and created delicious and beautiful treats. After our hard work matcha tea was made and we drank it and ate the Nerikiri, which accompanied the bitterness of the matcha perfectly with their sweetness.
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When we finished eating, we went out to Solamachi, the shopping mall at the foot of the Tokyo Sky Tree, which was only a stroll away. My Japanese family showed me a little bit around and we took pictures in front of a Christmas tree in front of the Sky Tree (to have a little Inception moment) and after that parted ways, because the young family went home and I still had an evening to spend at the mall.
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So I went to the Tokyo Pokemon Center, the Sailor Moon Cafe 2019 and checked out the Sky Tree Exhibition. I even decided to get some stuff, because I figured I was in Tokyo for the first time in my life (even if it‘s for 5 months) and had to enjoy myself a little, and therefore treat myself once in a while with unnecessary merch of an anime series that has been part of my life since a fairly early stage: Sailor Moon.
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After that I enjoyed the night time illuminations and went home.
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