#also I kept my promise! here’s fuuka and Aigis!
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Happy 15th bday, Persona 3! This isn’t the grandest post, but I hope it suffices since I was pretty much busy doing homework all day lmao. I spat OUT my Pepsi all over MY personal copy of a farewell to arms in the LIBRARY when I saw the twt notif for the 25th anniversary announcement.
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selenecrown · 4 years
Minato Arisato x Female!Reader (The Great Seal of Nyx) [Part 2: The Disappearance of the Lover]
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Author's Note: Hey, remember that one post I made about a sequel to The Great Seal of Nyx, like, a super long time ago? Because here it is.
Here is my promised sequel, after who knows how long. This time, inspired by the Persona 3 movies. 
But holy crap, this took a very different turn then the other fanfic. There's angst, a disturbing moment, and a very dark moment. So, this is so goshdang angsty. So, yeah. But fluff! There's fluff in there too! 
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"It's almost time, everyone." The man sighed while looking at the clock on the wall. "Is everyone ready?" 
Everyone seemed in agreement. Koromaru barked happily, as if to speak for everyone. . . Almost everyone.
The midnight blue-haired man sighed again. But before he could say something else, another man wearing a yellow scarf put a hand on the shoulder of the blue-haired boy and then walked up to a (Hair/Color) girl who seemed nervous and upset. He wrapped his arms around her frame, and said to her, 
"(Your/Name), it's going to be okay. I know you don't want to do this, and that's okay to feel that way. All of us are ready to get you out of there if your parents try anything on you. So, please, try your best with your parents. Try, that's all we can ask." He smiled at her. 
Her arms seemed to wrap around the man, like she was clinging for dear life. But the man didn't mind at all. He kept smiling at her face that was buried in his shoulder.
The air in the room suddenly became tense and uneasy, as the others in the room started to surround the frightened girl with smiles and embraces. 
"I-I c-can't d-do th-this." The girl sobbed. "I-I don't w-want th-this." 
"And that's okay." The blue-haired boy said to the girl. "But let's give your family a second shot. If they can't treat you right, Aigis will stay with you for the rest of the day and I'm sure everyone will let you stay with them and you'll never have to go near to you parents again. Can you promise me to at least give them a shot?" 
The girl lifted her head from the man's shoulder and with tears in her eyes nodded at the blue-haired man. 
The man with the yellow scarf let go of the girl, and in his place, a blonde robotic girl took the girl's hand and wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled the girl close to her own mechanical body. 
"(Y/N)-san, I'll take you there. Everything will be alright." The blonde said.
The (H/C) girl, after she wiped her tears away, nodded. "Alright. I'll try." 
Everyone in the room seemed to smile at the (H/C) girl, and soon, a bell rang out on the room. Everyone walked out of the living room to the front area of the house close by the gazebo, to which, a black door appeared. One by one, each person waved goodbye to the others as they stepped through the black door. With the (H/C) girl and the robotic blonde girl going last.
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When the (H/C) girl and the android stepped through the portal, they came to an rural neighborhood with not many houses around with a menacing house in front of them. 
The house was average size for a house, but it was obvious the house was not being taken care of. The front yard's lawn, while a beautiful green, wasn't trimmed, and the front porch was full of random junk. The house's brown paint was falling off, and the window's black blinds seemed torn, and the house itself seemed dark and unfriendly. There was a road not far from the house with two cars sitting there. One of those those cars was your own car from years ago and you knew it was youd own for a fact, with another broken car next to your car.
Aigis looked at the girl with a smile on her face. "Are you ready?" 
She gave you a small keychain that looked like a black remote control with a single black button on it. "If your parents hit you, or threaten you, or do something that you're not comfortable with, this is how I will know. Press it, and I will come and take you away. Okay?" 
You were about to nod your head, but you took a deep breath and step forward to the house. While Aigis stayed where she was. 
You turned back to Aigis and smiled at her. "Yes, I'm ready, Aigis." 
And with that, you walked up to your childhood house and rang the doorbell.
In which appeared a woman with a bottle in her hand, she groaned and then let you in.
After which, a black door appeared behind Aigis and she stepped through.
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The day passed by faster than S.E.E.S. was expecting. For Junpei and Fuuka, this was a relief. For almost everyone else, this was sad but they were still happy to see their families and friends once more.
When the time had come for them to come back, Minato and Ryoji came out of the house and stood by where the gate appeared the day before. 
A black gate appeared at exactly twelve o' clock at night, and first came Yukari.
Then, Mitsuru.
Then Shinjiro and Akihiko, with Ken right after. 
Then Koromaru.
With Fuuka next, with Junpei right after. 
And then Aigis. 
Then, the gate closed.
Koromaru, upon seeing you weren't present, started growling. After Aigis heard what he had said, she started to panic as well seeing as how you aren't here.
"Where is (Y/N)-san?" She asked. 
"Is she late? No, she knows---" Yukari muttered before she was cut off by Junpei.
"Those bastards! They better not have laid a finger on her or they're going to pay!" Junpei growled.
"Junpei, we don't know that. She might just be having a moment of healing with them." Fuuka said. 
"But let's go over there, just in case. We need to make sure she's okay." Mitsuru said.
The group nodded in agreement. 
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When they crossed Minato's blue portal, they found a house in ruins. With junk everywhere, and just a mess that was supposed to be a property.
With a blonde haired women in a blue dress holding a book stood in front of the broken house. When the group came in, she turned around. 
"Elizabeth-san!" Aigis said. "What happened?" 
"I do not know." Elizabeth said. "I came here because there was a presence here that was close to his. But alas, when I came here, the people who owned the land said that their child was missing and they weren't sure what was going on." 
"Someone like Minato? Who could that be?" Ken asked. "Aigis wasn't here, so who else could it be?"
"I have an idea of what could have happened." Elizabeth stated to the group.
"Then tell us." Shinjiro demanded.
"Someone took her away."
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According to Elizabeth, someone who has the same power as Minato came and took Minato's lover away. Either to use her, or maybe for some other reason.
Fuuka tried to use Juno to help track (Y/N) down, to no avail. 
(Y/N) has seemingly been taken somewhere that was easily accessible or known by anyone. 
So, everyone agreed to go back to the other world, and see what they could do.
But when they went back, they couldn't get much else either. Fuuka could confirm she was alive, but nothing else.
Fuuka tried harder, she was able to see something about where (Y/N) was. 
(Y/N) was safe. But not in a good place.
This did give the team a little piece of mind, but it still worried them. 
It worried one person in particular.
Minato Arisato feared this would happen. 
He had understood that now that he was a human turned god, many would try to go after his friends and threaten him to give up the power or else. They couldn't kill you anymore, but they sure as heck could torture you for the rest of eternity. 
And they kidnapped you, of all people, and probably was already torturing you to get you to talk about his power. But, you knew nothing about it. You knew what he can do, but not what his power exactly was.
Why now?
Why would this happen to his lover, of people?
Minato's thoughts became dark as he thought about you, all alone with no one to help you. And also the anger he had inside of him, because he had hoped this wouldn't happen. 
Minato just wanted to be with his team again. He wanted to be with them so he wouldn't have to suffer alone with just Ryoji.
Is that too much to ask? 
Ryoji, seeing Minato was noticeably upset and angry, tapped him on the shoulder. 
Minato looked up to Ryoji in recognition.
"Minato, can you look for her?" He asked.
"Huh?! What the hell does that mean?!" Junpei said.
"Minato is a god, isn't he?" Mitsuru interjected. "Maybe he can track her down." 
"Well, let's give it a shot." Akihiko said. "At this point, we've got nothing to lose."
Minato seemed to understand what they were asking. He simply nodded, and closed his eyes.
And looked for you.
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Your arms and legs were bound by a rope. But your chest was also bound up in such a way your breasts where sticking out, making them noticable. And the crouch area and butt was sticking out, too. 
Making your body much, much more appealing to a perverted eye. But, you were covered in bruises and already bleeding, it made you less attractive unless a person was both perverted and sadistic.
But this also made you unable to move too much. 
You where also tied to a pole, that was uncomfortable to say the least. In front of you was a man you had hoped you would never see again.
A middle-aged man with dark brown eyes with a pair of glasses to add on, with long wavy brown hair and a goatee to match.
Shuji Ikutsuki.
He was right in front of you, holding a spear, a knife, and another pole connected to a wire. 
He seemed angry at you, and then thrust the spear he had back into your stomach. And then, a wave of electricity stock you, causing you to let out another blood-curdling scream. 
You spit out some blood, and looked back at him. 
"I told you, you sick bastard. I don't know!" You yelled again.
"You're still lying to me, (Y/N). I thought you knew better than to talk back to a person who took care of you." He sighed, before he kicked your face again.
Which again, caused you to spit out more blood. 
"If you're not going to talk with old fashioned torture. Then I'll try something else." He seemed to purr. 
And he reached to your chest, grabbing one of your breasts and playing with it. This, in turn, made you squirm and move to get Ikutsuki to stop.
But he didn't. 
He wouldn't stop touching your body.
Your mind screamed for him to stop. You voice did the same. Your body was desperately trying to move out of the way of the sick man. 
He stopped after some time asked the same demand again. "Give me Minato's power. Or you're not going to be able to walk tommorow."
Before you could say anything, Ikutsuki was thrown halfway across the room and a voice rang out. 
"You lowlife! How dare you molest and talk to her that way, you sick son of a bitch!"  
When you turned, you saw a girl. She had auburn hair, which she had in a high ponytail, along with silver barrettes which formed the roman numeral XXII, she also had red eyes to add on. She also had a Naginata in her right hand, and she had a red neck-strap MP3 player around her neck. She wore short-sleeved orange shirt, a white skirt, and white sandals. 
The girl immediately proceeded to beat the heck out of Ikutsuki. And when she had knocked him out, she walked over to you. 
"It's okay, (Y/N). I'm here now. Everything's going to be okay now." She said, as she undid the ropes forcing you to stay put. When she let them loose, she grabbed your hand and ran you out of the area.
But before you could say anything, the girl quickly into a red portal.
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When you arrived on the other side was. . . A field. 
A field much different the one surrounding the world you had lived in for so long.
The field was not made of real flowers. . . But of crystals. 
Gems from all over the world each had its own flower. Each species was beautiful in its own right, and made itself known to you by their sheer beauty. But as a whole, the flowers made a wonderful raindow galaxy that was the field you where in. 
And then, there was the sky. . . It in and of itself seemed to be a galaxy of its own. The sky looked like. . . Your standard galaxy. With blacks, purples, pinks, blues and whites with beautiful light coming from it. 
The field and sky stretched as far as the eye could see, like the world you where staying in.
But you noticed something else.
The girl who had brought you here was smiling at you, like she wished to feel the same way as you right now.
You were in awe of a world like this. It was so much different than Minato's world. So much prettier, and so much more open space.
"Where are we?" You asked, breathlessly.
"My world, I guess you could say." The girl said. "I've been here for some long, time doesn't seem to be in the picture anymore." 
"In the picture?" You asked, as you took your attention off the world around you and back unto the girl. "Wait. Are you---?" 
"A goddess? Yes. Of sorts." She smiled. "More like human turned god. But same concept, really." 
Your mouth spoke faster than your mind could. "You're just like Minato!" 
She seemed shocked at that, but laughed afterwords. "Yes, I am. After all, I am him in a way."
"In a way?" You tilted your head a bit.
"I am him. Just in a different timeline. I went through everything he did, it's just I'm a girl!" She explained.
"Wait, then does that mean---?!" You cheeks where about to turn a bright red, but than the girl spoke up. 
"I'm dating you? Nope. I do appreciate your existence in my life though!" She laughed again, making the wishful expression disappear. 
"So, can you explain it?" 
"Explain what?"
"If you're from a different timeline, where's everyone else from your timeline?" You asked her, and then remembered something. "And what your name is?" 
"You're always so formal, (Y/N). But, I guess I should tell you, even if I already know who you are. I'm Minako Arisato." She said. She even put out her hand, which had a silver ring on it. You did shake her hand, even though as soon as Minako got your hand, she pulled both of you to the ground with a goofy smile on her face. Despite what you thought it feel like, the ground was actually quite soft. Almost like a pillow.
"And this place is, well, I guess you could say. . . Purgatory. It's just kinda here for me. As for my teammates. . . I can't get to them. The gods of the underworld kinda won't let me touch them because of Minato." 
"They won't?" You turned to her, with a frown on her face.
"No." She said, sadly. "So I'm just up here. By myself with nothing much to do. Except watch out for everyone else." 
"Is that how you saw what was going on with me?" You asked.
"No, that was more because I felt you were in distress, after all I know what you've been through. Ikutsuki was doing something I didn't like with you. He doesn't deserve to be near you." 
"Are you sure it wasn't because you were alone?" You asked her seriously. You remembered Minato and how he'd talk about the loneliness he felt, and how sad he seemed then. 
"That was another factor in saving you." She stated, laughing a little. "After all, I did say I feel alone most of the time."
The two of you where quiet for some time. You definitely could tell Minako was happy like this. 
She really was alone up here.
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Minato had found you in the hands of Ikutsuki, but when he got there, he found you gone, and Ikutsuki beaten up. When he looked again, he found you again and almost rushed there. With Ryoji trailing behind him, while everyone else had basically lost to Minato's speed and stayed back.
And when he got there, there indeed you where. You were sleeping peacefully in a field with another girl right next to you.
Minato walked up to the girl and you, but before he could speak, the girl spoke. 
"Are you (Y/N)'s boyfriend?"
Minato nodded. "Yes, I am." 
"So you're Minato Arisato. Wow, you're almost the exact opposite of me. Different hair color and all." She smiled.
"How do you know me?" Minato asked, sitting down in front of the girl.
"Because I am you." She said, like it was common sense.
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Minato and Minako talked for a while, as Minako explained who she was, and what happened to you.
"Ikutsuki was torturing her for information, huh? Well, he's always wants power, so it's no wonder why he would try something like this." Minato sighed.
Ryoji seemed more curious than Minato, and asked a few more questions. Minako answered them, and not long after you woke up. 
Minato seemed to notice first. "Hey, sleepyhead." He moved more towards you. "Come on, let's go home." 
After a few moments, you nerviously shook your head. 
Minato frowned at that and became a little angry. "Why not?! Everyone was so worried---!"
"But. . . What about Minako?" You asked him, as you sat up to face him. "She's all alone up here without her friends, and she's depressed, Minato! She's just like you! But she has no one to be at her side, please, we need to do something---!" 
Minato, immediately pulled you into his chest and flung you over his shoulder. He pulled you into a fireman's carry and moved over to the blue portal he had made. "No, you're coming home."
"Wait, Minato!" You said as you tried to struggle out of his grasp, but Minato was not having it. 
Ryoji followed after the two of you with a neutral face that you couldn't tell was indifference or a face he's using to try and hide his true emotions, while Minako waved goodbye sadly. You could tell she seemed upset, but was forcing a smile. You reached out to her in worry for her, but the blue light had confused the three of you.
But as soon as you went to through the portal, you were flew unto a bed, which you recognized as Minato's bed. And then, you where pinned by Minato so you couldn't move your arms. You could tell Minato was angry with you, but he seemed upset as well. You closed you eyes as you thought Minato would hit you. But, you felt a drop of water fall on your cheek, and then another. And another. The tears kept falling on you like rain.
Minato was crying now, with sobs escaping him. His body has collapsed on your own, and he wrapped his arms around your frame, like if he let go, you'd disappearf orever. You opened your eyes as Minato was squeezing your body tightly.
"You. . . Are not. . . Leaving me." He said through his sobs. "Not again! I've been waiting for you and everybody else to be with me for so long! You're going to give me up from a person who like me?! I'm not going to let that happen! You're---!" 
"Minato, I didn't mean it like that! I---!" You tried to say.
"Then what were you go in to do then?!" Minato said, looking you in the eye. His eyes where full of tears, something you hadn't seen in some time. "Where you going to leave us to go find Minako's teammates?!" 
You turned away from him as your own eyes swelled up with tears. "I---!"
"That's it, isn't it?" He growled at you. "You're so selfish, you know that?! Think about everyone else! How would they feel if you did that?! Everyone---!" 
You didn't hear the rest. 
Your mind suddenly remembered the exact same words your mother had said to you all those years ago when she used to abuse you. 
"You're such a selfish bitch, you know that?!" 
And immendiately, your brain froze up and you started shaking. Minato, seeing your fear, stopped his rambling and realized what he had done. 
He had triggered your PTSD. 
Immendiately, he got off of you and moved you into his arms. But, you violently shoved him away, so powerful that it almost got him off the bed. He didn't fall off the bed, but he moved to where you could see him. Which was right in front of you, even though at the moment, you where curling yourself into the bed. Saying,  "P-p-p-please, d-d-don't Mom! I-I didn't m-mean to! I-I---!" 
"(Y/N)!" Minato called. "Your mother isn't here! It's just me! See?" He stretched his arms towards your terrified body. 
But you shook your head at him, with eyes wide flodding with tears "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! No-No! P-please, don't! No!" You said, as your voice cracked and became louder than before.
"Your mother isn't here, (Y/N)!" Minato repeated. "It's me, Minato! You're having a flashback! Please, listen!" He said, sounding desperate. 
"M-Minato? But you're---!" You said, breaking your flashback for a moment and looked up off the mattress, before your eyes got wide and you screamed. Then, started crying and whimpering and hyperventilating again as you went back into the bed. "N-N-No! N-NO! NO, STOP! PLEASE STOP!" 
Your scream was more then loud enough to get the attention of everyone else in the mansion. And after that, the rest of S.E.E.S. came rushing up to Minato's room and saw you curled up in a ball on the bed hyperventilating and crying your eyes out. With Minato trying calm you down, and S.E.E.S. instantly figured out what was the matter.
You were having a flashback. 
And, then they too, started saying things like Minato. That your mother wasn't here, you where nowhere near your childhood home, and they where here for you. Aigis turned on the lights in the room, and everyone tried not to touch you but at the same time, keep you away from the sides of the bed, and hiding any sharp objects. They tried talking you into looking around, but you wouldn't listen. 
It didn't seem to work.
You where having too bad of a flashback. 
Your mind couldn't be reasoned with now. So, Minato simply lifted you off the bed and then pulled you into a hug, and put a hand on the back of your head. He whispered something, and his hand glowed blue and then, your body went limp.  
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When you woke up, you where in a soft, gentle embrace that you recognized. 
Your were in Minato's chest.
Minato had a firm grip on you, his arms and legs were entangled with yours and his head was on top of your own, and he really had a tight grip on you.
That's right. You two got into a fight and then. . . You had a flashback. 
You got into a fight about Minako. 
It's been a long time since that happened. 
But. . .You saw Minato's point of view. . . But your feelings of the situation hadn't changed. 
And now, you were even more conflicted. You did just go missing and you are suppose to be here, but. . . Minako's all by herself.
You curled into more of a ball. You knew what you had to do, but. . . You were unsure now.
Now what on Earth were you supposed to-?
"Ah. . . Minato's fallen asleep." A voice said. You recognized that voice, it was Ryoji's. 
"Are you alright?" He asked as soon as he came over to you, as he rubbed your shoulder after sitting down. 
"I guess." You answered, with a voice still a bit sad. 
"Is Minako's situation still bothering you?" He asked. 
"Is that what the fight was about?" 
Ryoji didn't speak for sometime. "I'm sure Minato feels the same way."
You sat up from Minato's embrace, and faced Ryoji with your sad face looking. . . somewhat surprised.  "You think so?" 
"If they are the same person, why wouldn't Minato felt the same way as she is feeling now? Minato knows what it's like to be alone in the same way she's experiencing now. And he knows how much she wants to see her teammates. But your disappearance scared him. So, he just needs some time with you. Give him some time, and I'm sure he will do something to help." 
"But, what if he doesn't?" You said, looking back at Minato's sleeping body. 
"Then, wait until next year. You'll have one chance to help her out then." He smiled at you.
You turned back to Ryoji, and then nodded with a smile on your face. 
"You're so strange to me." Ryoji whispered. "You're so kind, and yet so broken. So, how can you be so kind when you're more broken then anyone else here?" 
"Huh?" You honestly couldn't hear what he had said, and hoped he'd say it again.
"Nevermind. Come on, Shinjiro asked you to help him today with teaching Fuuka." 
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Fuuka, despite lots of time to improve on cooking, didn't get much better at it. Shinjiro was the local cook, and you also knew how to cook since your parents didn't often cook for you and so, you self-taught yourself how to cook. 
And being the other cook of the dorm, also meant you also where the one who often assisted Shinjiro, with cooking, but also with helping Fuuka learn to cook. 
Which today, wasn't as hard as it normally was.
As everyone was keeping an eye on you, especially after what had happened to you. Fuuka did have her attention on you, but you could tell: She was thinking about you more so than the food.
But by the time you had figured that out, the two of you were almost done with what Shinjiro had asked you to do. So, you decided to finish what you were doing before talking about what had happened. 
But there was one person in particular who couldn't wait for you to open up about it.
"Miss (Y/N)?" Elizabeth said. This did seem to cause everyone to flinch. Because everyone seemed to know what Elizabeth was going to say. After all, Elizabeth wasn't the type to withhold her own curiosities, actions or feelings for the sale of others. 
"Yeah?" You answered her. "What is it?" 
"What happened?" Elizabeth bluntly said, seemingly teleporting in front of where you where standing. 
She wasn't even beating around the bush. She would beat the bush if she could get answers. That's Elizabeth for you. 
"Eh? What do you mean by that?" You asked her, honestly confused. "I don't understand what you mean by that." 
"That day you disappeared. Where did you go?" Elizabeth asked. 
Now you had everyone's attention. 
Even Shinjiro seemed to be paying attention now. 
You took a deep breath. 
"Ikutsuki, well, kidnapped me." You answered. "But---" 
"Ikutsuki?!" Yukari jumped from her seat, seeming to scare everyone. "That little---!" 
"Yukari, just a moment. Let's hear the full story first." Mitsuru said. 
"Sorry." Yukari said, sitting back down on the couch. 
"I was saved." You said, with an unsure voice. "By someone who knew me by heart, and was just like Minato. But she was a girl." 
"A female Minato? But, how?" Junpei asked. 
"I'm not sure, but she said and felt just like she knew exactly what it was like to be Minato, but she was from someplace else. But her situation is different then ours, she can't see her friends." You said. 
You didn't mean to spill out that much information, but your feelings must have gotten the best of you.  
There was a silence for a solid minute, then Elizabeth spoke up. 
"She's from another time." Elizabeth said. "Her name was Minako Arisato, correct?" 
You nodded slowly. 
"She is from another world, another time than us. The person you encountered is the guest of my brother, Theodore. It is true she is very similar to Minato in many ways, and what she has told you is true. She is in the exact same situation, only without her comrades." Elizabeth stated. 
There was so much you wanted to, so much you wanted to say, but you felt that you shouldn't say it.
Your face wasn't as anxious anymore but you still seemed a bit shy. 
Elizabeth, however, is great at reading her guest and their friends. 
"You want to help her, don't you?" Elizabeth said. 
Almost as if on instinct, you almost dropped what you where doing. "Yes!" 
Elizabeth scanned your face of desperation and honest want to help, then go close to your face. "While I cannot directly help you due to my own journey, I can give you this. Find a Plume of Dusk." 
You nodded at Elizabeth, and then there was footsteps coming down from the stairs accompanied by a familiar yawn. "Hey, what's for dinner?" Minato asked. 
"Ah! We are having Sukiyaki with Sashimi!" You said, running up to him and grabbing his hands. 
Minato's face, while his eyes and mouth were still heavy from his sleepiness, smiled at your energetic and happy tone of voice. 
The room's mood, while different then the suffocating tension it once had, was tense now it was unsure tension. But it seemed to settle down, and the night went on as it normally did. 
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A few days had passed, and Elizabeth had helped you locate a Plume of Dusk. There was a place on your boyfriend's world where a stash of them was. 
It was. . . A cave. A cave that Elizabeth said was under the lake. 
You stared intently at the water, seeing you and the bridge's reflection in it. 
But there was a slight problem. As the lake is an actual lake, there wasn't a way to go under it. And, Minato still controlled it. So, how on Earth where you going to-
"[Y/N]? What are you doing out here?" Your boyfriend asked. 
"Gah!" When you turned, your boyfriend was behind you. Hugging you tightly as soon as you saw him. "Minato! What's the matter?!"
"I wanted to be with you. For some reason, I don't want to be with them right now. I want to be with you." He said, plainly. 
"Ah-" You weren't sure what to say. 
And for a while, the two of you stood in silence, until you had an idea. 
"How about a date, then?!"
"To where?" He said, lifting his face off your shoulder to look at you.
"Mmmmmmm. . . . . . How about a cave?!"
"A cave?" He asked. "Why there?"
"Because it's pretty! And we haven't been to one as a date! And we'd be alone! Please?!" You seemly bounced in his arms with a goofy smile on your face.
A kiss was placed on your forehead, which caused you to calm down. "Okay, okay. If it means we'll be alone." 
And then, the world changed. 
You where indeed in a cave.
It was indeed a cave. It sparkled and shined with gems you'd never seen before, and with gems have, and it reminded you of Minako's place.
There was a pool in the center, with water dripping down from the ceiling like an upside down fountain. 
"Wow! It's so big!" You exclaimed, getting yourself out of your boyfrenid's arms and running around the cave. "It's as big as the house! And the crystals shine so brightly! It's like a. . . A. . . Oh! Like stars and fireworks!"
Minato was laughing at your antics and cute thoughts so hard he had to summon a chair to steady himself.
The laughing he made went unoticed as you danced so happily around the cave like a child in a candy store. Splashing with the water and messing with the crystals. You felt you could do it for hours, in this cave. 
"Minato! Minato! Look! I can walk on the water! and it's so warm on my skin!"  You said, with your soaked body as you ran to him and saw his chair.  "Minato?" 
"Hahaha! [Y/N], I-Pffffft hahaha! Forgot how funny you can-hahahaha! Be! Pffft-Hahahahaha!"
You confused face only added to his laughing cycle, and after a few moments of you expressing your worry and trying to calm him down, he stopped laughing and got up from the chair. 
"Ha. You never fail to make me laugh, [Y/N]." 
"And you never fail to find new ways to make me do that! You know that right?!" You smiled at him. 
He let out a small laugh, and then walked over to an area with crystal and took a large crystal off the ground and in a glowing blue light, it turned into a beaded manitee necklace with a small hearts and butterflies around the necklace.
"Take this." Your boyfriend said. "It's a gift."
"I know that," you sighed as he put the necklace on you. "But why?"
"Because you came back." He said, pulling you into his arms again. "And I want you to know that isn't happening again."
You laughed. "You don't have to worry about me! I'll be fine!" 
You then saw a decent-sized crystal of Plume of Dusk, and walked towards it and picked it up. "Hey, can I have this?"
"Why?" He laughed at you, and you then walked up to him with the crystal in your arms.
"Because I want to remember this place." You said, looking towards the cave and then turned back to him and smiled. "It's such a beautiful place! And it's our first date in your world!" 
Minato laughed again. "Okay, okay. It's yours then." 
And then, the cave disappeared and you two were back on the bridge again.
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The sun had gone down, and you were currently in your room, holding the crystal that Minato turned in a ball.
Elizabeth said I needed one of these, but why?
Wait, maybe the Plume of Dusk could be given to the underworld gods to appease them. 
Or it could be to help you find Minako again. 
But what on Earth could---?
"You found one. And so quickly, too." A voice you recognized said, and when you turned to the voice, there sat Elizabeth. Sitting on your bed. 
"Elizabeth, what am I suppose to do with this?" You asked. 
Elizabeth smiled at you, and then stood up the bed. "May I see it?" 
You nodded, handing over the ball. 
After Elizabeth took the ball from you, she said something and the ball broke into two pieces. One part turned into a crystal copy of you. The other turned into a box. 
"This," Elizabeth said, gesturing to the copy of you, "Will give you time." 
"Time to speak with the gods, right?" You said. 
Elizabeth nodded. "While I don't know how much time, it will be enough to least get you to speak with Minako to tell her what is happening." 
You nodded, and walked over to your copy. It looked at you for a moment and then hugged you. It then gained color and looked like you. It stopped hugging you, and you then knew what your copy was. But before you could say anything, it spoke. "Go on, [Y/N]. You have things to do." 
You nodded at it. "Thank you, [Persona/Name]." 
"Then, this way, [Y/N]." Elizabeth said, gesturing towards a black door. You nodded, and walked through the door, with Elizabeth behind you. 
Your copy then sighed, and went to bed. 
And, on the other side of your room's front door, someone leaned against the door and smiled. "You really are a strange one."
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When you got out of the portal, you where in Minako's place once more. 
"There should be a place Minako stays." Elizabeth said, walking a bit. "I'm not sure what it looks like, but you have time." 
You nodded, and started walking away. "Thank you, Elizabeth." 
She simply smiled back. "Thank me when you get back." 
And just like that, she disappeared from sight, taking the black door with her. 
So, you begin to walk. You weren't exactly sure where to go, but that was all you could do right now.
You walked for seemlying for hours, and the place looked exactly the same. 
You sighed. How much farther was it? 
"Come on, we have to-"
"What it a girl like you doing in a place like this, [Y/N]?" A gentle voice said to you.
When you turned, there stood a blonde haired man with a blue tuxedo-like outfit, and a worried look on his face.
"I'm looking for a girl named Minako Arisato. Do you ow to find her?" You asked, plainly.
"Yes, but you're---"
"I know. I shouldn't be here. But that's not important right now. I need to speak with her." 
The man studied you for a moment, and then quietly nodded. "Alright. This way." 
And before you and the man appeared a path. A silver path, at that.
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The man walked you towards a cottage.
A really pretty one at that. It looked like something out of a fairytale. 
With its' dark brown and white exterior covered in the crystal vines that shined, and small garden out front. 
It really was small, and it felt much different than your home. You could feel it was warm and friendly, like it wanted you to be there. But, there was an air of loneliness there too.
"Say, [Y/N]." The man asked.
"Yes, um. . ." You looked at him, nerioisly, realing you didn't know his name.
"Yes, Theodore?"
"What are you doing here? You're not even from this timeline." He stopped in his tracks, and looked at you. 
You paused for a moment, then continued walking. "I want to help her." 
"Help her?" 
"She. . . Saved me. I want to do something to her kindness."
Theodore looked at you, confused this time, but then sighed helplessly. "You sure are strange." 
"Yes, I mean, I am dating the Great Seal of Nyx." You smiled, passing the Velvet Room attendant. "I think I kinda have to be to do that."
"Theeeeeeeoooo!" A voice yelled as it came closer to you two, and out of the cottage, appeared Minako in the same outfit as before. She happily ran up to the two of you but then stopped when she saw you.
"[Y/N]?" She paused. "What are you doing here? How did you even---?"
"I want to help you meet your teammates. I asked Elizabeth for help." You replied.
"[Y/N], I appreciate the sentiment, but it won't help. I've already tried." She smiled sadly.
"But I have something that may help." You said, pulling out the Plume of Dusk fragment, which now was a bouquet of flowers, whereas it used to be a solid crystal. 
Minako and Theodore both gasped at the flowers. 
"[Y/N], where did you find this much?" Minako asked you. 
"My boyfriend said I could have it. Will this appease the gods?" 
Minako laughed at you. "As stubborn as I remember you. I'm not sure. You want to try it?"
"Huh?" You said.
"If you got this many, there is chance. But I will need you, too." 
"What does that mean?"
"I'm saying you're coming with me. You seem really determined about this. Then, we'll go together." The goddess said, making a red door appear. 
You nodded, and walked with Minako and Theodore through the door.
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"You're really needy today, [Y/N]." Minato said to your Persona as the two cuddled on couch. The living room wasn't full of people, as everyone else had decided to go swimming outside. 
"What's wrong with that?" Your copy smiled, snuggling inside your boyfriend's arms. "Am I not allowed to?"
"No, I'm not saying that." Minato said, kissing your copy's forehead, causing the Persona to make a happy sigh. "I'm not used to you being so cuddly." 
"Well, if you can be cuddly, why can't I? It's not fair I have to share you with other people."
This, got Minato to stop for a moment. You've never said something like that before. 
"Minato? What's the matter?" Your copy asked. 
"Can I ask you something, [Y/N]?" He face got serious at your copy. "Do you remember what we had for dinner last night?"
Uh-oh. Your Persona was in trouble now. 
"Why the sudden question, Minato?" The Persona asked. 
"Please answer me." He said, with a more serious voice.
Hmmm. . . We had Sushi. Fuuka and Shinjiro said they wanted to celebrate." the Persona said. 
Minato was silent for a moment, and his face changed from worry to anger. He threw your Persona out of his arms, and pinned to the table. 
"Ow! Hey! What was that---?"
"Where is she?" Minato growled. "What did you do with her?!"
The Persona sighed, and said, "What do you think?"
Minato's expression changed, and he was now very upset. "No. . . He didn't." 
"She's not gone, Minato. She's just with Minako." Ryoji said, appearing behind Minato.
Minato turned to the scarf wearing boy. "She. . . What?"
"She went to see Minako. I heard her speaking with Elizabeth." 
Minato let go of the Persona for a second, and spawned his trademark sword, and then slammed the sword by the Persona's head, which the Persona didn't even flinch to. "Where. Is. She?" The god demanded from the Persona. 
"She's speaking with the underworld gods. She's trying to convince them to give Minako's team back." The Persona said, simply. 
Minato sighed, and stabbed the Persona, causing it to shatter into pieces. "[Y/N], I should have known." 
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This was bad. 
Really, really bad. 
The underworld gods had heard your plea, and got your gift, but refused. And now, they said you would be taking back their deal for your insolence.
Without your Persona, and Minako desperately trying to fighting off the servants of the gods, you where stuck. Theodore left, and you had no way to defend yourself. 
You where a sitting duck, and starting to panic at that. 
What the Hell where you doing to do. 
"[Y/N],  you left again. I thought I said it wouldn't happen again." You felt a pair of arms surround your chest, and your necklace glowed a bright blue.
And behind you, appeared Minato. His hair, his eyes. . . Was a different colors. His hair was grey, his eyes were black with purple pupils, and his clothes were now black. It looked like Ryoji's Thanatos like form. With a black cape, silver chains around him, and a skull-like face. 
He grabbed you, and pulled you into his cape and gave you the cape to wear. "You are staying there. Understand?" 
You nodded at him, and Minato turned to the gods. "Forgive my lover. She is quite foolish." 
"Foolish!" One of them sneered.  "She's out of her mind! Such insolence is unforgivable! Especially a mortal as herself!" 
"Indeed, but she won't stop until she gets what she wants." Minato said. 
"No! We refuse!" Another god said. 
"I see. What a shame." Minato said, and sighed.
And then, faster than you could see, pulled out a sword and stabbed the gods. "Then I'll take over."
"Huh?" You breathed out, as Minato stabbed the gods to death, which Minako didn't let you see by walking over to and pulling you into her chest. 
A little bit later, after Minato had in essence destroyed them, he put his sword away and walked towards you and took you out of Minako's arms. 
"Minato, did you---?" You said, before he kissed your forehead. 
"There, [Y/N]. Are you happy now?" he sighed at you. 
"H-Happy? You just killed the gods!" You practically yelled. 
"Well that would have been the only way. Those stubborn gods don't listen to humans." Minato said, hugging you again. 
"B-But! Won't you get in trouble?!"
"Not if we're the new gods."  He smirked. 
You stopped for a moment, "You mean, you and Minako?" 
Your boyfriend nodded. "It'll take some getting used to, but yes." 
You seemed confused for a moment, then gasped and dorkily smiled. "Really?! That's so amazing!" You hugged your boyfriend tighly.
"It seems it's the only way for me to keep an eye on you." 
"Hey!" You pouted.
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding." He said, as he kissed your forehead again.
Minako started laughing. "Go on you two, you've got to get before every else becomes worried." 
Minato nodded at her, and a portal appeared behind you. Minato tugged you towards him, and you waved at Minako. "Farewell." 
"Farewell!" The goddess said, as you disappeared into the portal. 
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You where in Minato's room again. Minato then sat you down the bed, and in a flash of blue light, Minato's eyes, hair and outfit changed back to normal and Ryoji appeared beside Minato. Minato sighed and then flopped unto the bed, taking you with him.
"Gah! That hurts!" You said.
"As punishment for pulling that kind of stunt, I sentence you to be by my side for the next two weeks." Minato said, plainly. 
"Huh?! You can't do that!" you said. 
Minato smirked at you. "Oh, but I can. Watch this." 
And he kissed you on the lips this time. 
You pouted again. "It's not fair catching me off guard like that."
"That's too bad. Now, you don't have an option with my affection." 
"Ah!" You said, as Minato started bombarding you with kisses, and Ryoji sighed. 
"I'll be downstairs." He said.
"No, wait! Ryoji! Help me!" You said as the scarf wearing boy closed the door. 
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A few minutes later, Minato had stopped kissing you and the two of you were watching a movie together, cuddled up against each other watching an old movie Minato wanted to watch badly with you. 
About halfway through, you fell asleep in Minato's arms. 
But he didn't notice until the movie was over. "See? That wasn't so---Hmm?" 
Your gentle breathing and cute face you made while you slept made Minato realize you had fallen asleep. He laughed quietly for a moment, then carefully got you out of his arms, and turned off the TV. 
Seeing you sleeping like this. . . Was one of the things enjoyed in this lifetime of solitude. 
Because God, you were so, so cute like this.
Wrapped in his arms, and Minato would forget his job.
Which was one of the best things you gave him.
"Sleep, [Y/N]. You deserve it." He kissed your forehead which more and crawled into bed with you. "You've worked so hard for it." 
And the boy closed his eyes and fell asleep. 
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