#also I named you captain anon because I wanted to say you were the Capt-anon like captain without the i but idk
Good day! It’s that anon again! I’m really sorry if I’m inundating you with asks but could you possibly given me your headcanons for the Gwaith-i-mirdain? (And you can ignore the other ask I sent, if that’s not really your cup of tea) I hope you are having a good day!
Hellooo captain anon! I hope you’re having a great day too!
*glee full clapping* ok I can write *unintelligible brain noise* Ok maybe I can’t write but that’s ok. Kidding, but this got long so I’m sticking it under a cut :)
So I think I’ve made it pretty clear to uh,,everyone,, that I imagine the gwaith i mirdain to be incredibly similar to a college, but dont know what a college Does! So here is all about my imaginary college:
I say a school, but what I really should be saying is research institute. Noldor are able to pursue discoveries there, it’s a space dedicated to finding new things out.
And on the rare occasion (practically every Saturday) a few of the incredibly intelligent and well educated members (reckless idiots) occasionally have experiments that have undesirable consequences (arson) then that is only a Natural part of these scientific pursuits.
In all seriousness, when there’s a new influx of people to the Gwaith, Celebrimbor and the rest of the board often take care that a more... spectacular... failure takes place.
It’s a good ice breaker, and students are a lot less intimidated by their World Famous Astro Physicist Professor when a slight singed smell still clings to them from the “totally safe and non explosive” volcano they and the global expert on continental shifting made the night before.
…I feel the need to defend our boy and say there IS a lab safety course!!! And you have to be trained to use every piece of equipment you interact with!!!! The actual research part of things is very safe!! Just... sometimes you’re in your lab late at night after a few too many drinks and there’s some old lighters, lamp fuel and a random scrap of uranium no one happened to be using... and really, who can blame you? You were left unsupervised!!!
Anyways the way I imagine getting to do research there working is you’re invited by someone who is already a member, then go through some kind of review process by some kind of board of directors, idk. You get a nice salary and access to labs and funding if, every 5 years, you teach a year long class. Or some kind of variation on that.
Learning there, now I would want that to be easy! You show up, you take classes, and in those classes you learn how to make different gemstones, or ... thingy things... idk. Finished products are then used to cover your expenses and the expenses of the Gwaith. The students aren’t gonna get rich, but no one’s hurting for money, and there’s Certainly no. freaking. student. debt. D:<
And like, on the way to being a professor, people can work up some kind of ladder, from, a TA, to a foundational course teacher, to a tutor, for example. And I want research to be accessible so we’ll say that everyone who works at the gwaith has access to materials for their projects/research.
Anyways thanks so much for the asks, Captain anon! I really enjoy them and hope this is what you were looking for :)
Oh also, this started a bunch of investigation into the college I will be attending! And I’m really really glad I did it! They have a fencing club!! And Archery! There’s a waterfall!!!
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outsideratheart · 3 years
Charlie’s First Camp (Alex Morgan x Reader)
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Anon request: Can your write a Alex x reader one with Charlie? They go to national camp with Charlie and basically just moments where reader takes care of Charlie because she wants Alex to have as much practice/recovery time as she can get. Reader is also on the national team.
Today was the day, it was Alex’s first national team camp since having Charlie. You had gone to the last one despite you greatest effort to stay home with your family but that was pre-covid so you were looking forward to seeing everyone.
Luckily the camp was in Orlando so you didn’t have to be in the car long before getting to the hotel.
As you got closer to the hotel you could tell that Alex was getting nervous. 
“Hey” You say reaching over the centre console for her hand.
Alex looked at you and you recognised the look, it was doubt. You had known Alex for over 15 years and you never saw this is look, you may have seen something similar but this was new. Ever since Charlie was born Alex was determined to prove to everyone that you can have a child and still be a world class player.
You saw her push herself to the limit time and time again. You made sure to train with her everyday on top of your pride training. She would get mad at you if you went too easy on her. Alex said she didn’t need you to be her wife, she needed you to be her captain.
“Don’t overthink this Al, we have been to loads of camps and this one is no different. Well it is because we have our daughter with us” You tell you wife.
You look in the rear view mirror at Charlie who is occupying herself by playing with her feet. 
“You ok?” You ask Alex and she nods her head in response. You try and reassure her by kissing hand and you keep you fingers intertwined until you pull up to the hotel.
You take the bags whilst she gets Charlie. When you check in you find out that you are the first players to arrive which mean’t you had plenty of time to get settled, or so you thought.
You phone goes off signalling you had a text.
“Vlakto wants to talk. You ok up here?” 
“Yeah, I will meet you downstairs” 
You give Alex a kiss and then give Charlie one too. You hear your daughter beginning to cry as you leave and almost turn around.
An hour and a half later Alex is getting some lunch with the rest of the team.
“Hi Charlie” Rose says as she starts making faces in attempt to make the little on laugh but it doesn’t work.
“Don’t take it personal Rose, she doesn’t like any of us” Kelley says earning a scowl from Alex.
“She doesn’t know us yet Kel” Pinoe responds.
“Also she is in a little bit a mood, aren’t you Charlie?” Alex says to you daughter who just looks at her with a sad expression.
“Why?” Kelley asks.
“Y/N has being in a meeting with Vlatko for over an hour. You miss Mama don’t you baby” Charlie eyes light up at your name.
You come out of one of the side rooms with your coach.
“I’m sure coach. I am here to watch the team and train lightly, my hamstring still isn’t 100%” You tell him. 
You were here to support your team and more importantly your wife. 
You look around the room seeing your teammates but your eyes were trying to find two people in particular. You see Alex and Charlie and make a b line straight to them.
You cannot help but smile as you see your daughter trying to get out of Alex’s arms as she sees you.
“Did somebody miss me?” You say taking Charlie from Alex.
Charlie wraps her arms around you and buries herself in the crook of your neck.
“I’ll take that as a yes”
“You eaten yet?” You ask Alex and she shakes her head.
“Let go say hello to your aunties and get mommy some food shall we?” You ask Charlie.
You lean down kissing Alex. She watches you as you walk away.
“It is so weird seeing Y/N as a mom” Pinoe says. You had always being good with kids but you always said that you would retire before having children.
“She is an amazing, the bond she has with Charlie melts my heart. I wasn’t sure how she would handle being a mom, a wife and being a captain of two teams but she always finds a way to put me and Charlie first” Alex says singing your praise.
The table watches as you go around each table, introducing Charlie to everybody. 
You take Charlie to where the food is and make Alex a plate before going back to her.
“Thank you” Alex tells you. 
“Hey Kel. Wanna see if Charlie likes you yet? I have to run and get her bottle from the room” 
You laugh as the defender comes running over to you.
Kelley reaches for Charlie but your daughter isn’t having any of it.
“Charlie” you say and she goes to Kelley
“How did you do that?” Kelley asks.
You quickly run up to your room and grab Charlie’s bottle and blanket.
By the time you get downstairs Kelley is on the floor with the little girl following her as she crawls around the room.
This is what you wanted in life. You had your wife, daughter and closest friends around you. Happiness doesn’t come close to what you are feeling.
It looks like Charlie has spotted you as you see her crawling her way towards you.
“Hey little one, you hungry?” Charlie reaches up to you.
“I could eat” Kelley says causing you to laugh which then causes Charlie to laugh.
“See, she is warming up to you. She just gets a little shy in front of new people, it was the same with Ash and Ali now Charlie loves them” 
When you get back to the table you see that Mal is in your seat. She goes to get up but you stop her saying that you will sit near Ash.
Charlie lays in your arms as you give her the bottle.
“How’s the leg?” Ash asks
“Not 100%”
You and Ash were really close and have been ever since you met on the U team, since playing in Florida she has become like family.
“How did you know that your ready to be a mom?” She asks and you smile knowing where this conversation is going.
“I didn’t. It was something that me and Alex had talked about but never really put a timing on it then just before the world cup we the decision and never looked back. Honestly, I think it all comes down to who you are starting a family with. I love Alex with every fibre of my being and starting a family with her has been one of the best decisions I have ever made”
Ash goes quiet and you can tell she is thinking.
“You and Ali are thinking about it, aren’t you?” She nods.
“You are going to make a great mom Ash. Just look at how you are with Charlie, she adores you and that is saying something considering she doesn’t like to be away from me or Alex for more than ten minutes”
You both look at Charlie who has just about finished her bottle and is fighting sleep. Meeting all of these new people must have been exhausting.
You place the bottle on the table and Charlie sits up a little bit getting her blanket off the table with the help of Ash.
Charlie cuddles into the side of you but still refuses to go to sleep that is until you reach into your pocket and give her the pacifier. You watch as her little eyes close.
“Team meeting” You hear carli shout from behind you.
“Sorry’ she whispers. 
Although the apology isn’t necessary you still appreciate it. Once Charlie was asleep there was no waking her up, she took after Alex for that.
You head into one of the conference rooms with your daughter fast asleep in your arms.
“You want me to take her while you talk?” Alex asks and you shake your head.
Vlatko talks for a few minutes before letting you talk to the team.
You hear a few awe’s coming from your teams as you head to the front of your room with your daughter.
“I know, we’re adorable” You say.
“This camp will be a little bit different. We are not her to work on certain set pieces or prepare for a specific opponent. It has been several months since we have all played or practiced together so we going to to spend this time building back up to the team we were. As you can see things are little bit different this year” You say looking at Charlie.
You knew that several players were nervous for this camp. Playing at national level and club level were two completely different things. You continue to tell the team how the camp will work before handing it back over to Vlatko tells them about this afternoons training.
Everyone heads back to their rooms to get changed and ready.
You lay Charlie down in her travel cot whilst you get a quick shower and change into your USA training gear.
By the time you have finished Charlie is awake and Alex is playing with her on the bed.
“You’re staring” Alex says not taking her away off your daughter
“Can you blame me?” You join the both on them on the bed.
“Thank you” You tell your wife and you can tell by her face that she is slightly confused.
“Thank you for her, for choosing me, for giving me the family I always wanted” 
You move closer to Alex, looking from her eyes to her lips before leaning in. You are surprised when Alex deepens the kiss, you both get lost in each other. That is until a you hear a little giggle from under you.
You place loads of kisses on Charlie tummy causing the little one to burst into a fit of giggles.
“Now as much as I want to lay here with you both, you have training to get to” You tell Alex.
“You know you can be a little bit pissed” You furrow your brows “I know you want to play with the team despite what the medic and no doubt what dawn will tell you”
So far your injury was kept a secret. Only your pride teammates, Vlatko and Dawn knew about it but that was soon going to change.
You got the baby carrier out of the suitcase and strapped it to your chest and Alex put Charlie in.
You were about to leave before Alex stopped you.
“Forgetting something?” You rolls your eyes when you see Alex holding up your compression sleeve.
“You’re going to have to put it on me since I have the child” You say playfully and Alex does just that.
With that the Morgan Y/L/N family are on their way to training.
You watched Alex train and anybody else would think she was back to normal but you could tell she was hesitating, doubting herself. 
They came for a drinks break and you asked dawn if you could play a small scrimmage and although she wasn’t happy she allowed it.
You noticed that ash was benched as Jane and Alyssa were the keepers.
“Want a different kind of practice?” You say as you take Charlie out the carrier.
“Yeah sure” Ash says “wait you can’t play?”
“Course I can” You look at dawn who sends you a glare “Well I can play until she tells me I can’t” you salute to the team trainer.
You are tie your cleats and run onto the pitch surprising everyone.
“You can’t play” Becky says.
“Watch me” you run towards Tobin.
“Swap vests with me” she doesn’t respond immediately “You get to be on Chris’ team”
You swap vest and run over to your wife.
She begins to speak, no doubt telling you off for playing but you weren’t having any of it.
“Stop doubting yourself Al. It’s me and you, time show to them what your made of” You whisper to her.
You look over to see Vlatko looking at you and he blows the whistle. You and Alex work perfectly together just like you always have. You give Alex the ball as much as you can even scoring a couple of goals yourself, as the game goes on you feel you hamstring pulling more and more but it is worth as you see the luck in Alex’s eyes, she is getting her confidence back.
You breathe a sigh of relief as Vlatko blows the whistle. “That’s enough Y/N, Mal take her place” 
“Worth it?” Dawns asks as she can see you limping off the field.
“Absolutely” you say making your way to Charlie.
“She didn’t stop cheering watching you both play” Ash tells you.
You go to reach for Charlie but you she doesn’t reach back.
“See, like I said you are going to be a great mom” Ash smiles as Charlie settles into her. You see dawn walking towards with ice and cling film and you knew what was coming “you happy with her whilst I get wrapped” Ash nods.
Dawn sprays your hamstring with ice spray before putting actual ice on it, you wince at the coldness.
“You’re going to hate me later” she says tells you.
Training finishes and it is soon time for the team meal, it goes by quickly as each table has their own conversations.
You, Tobin, Mal and Sam get called over to go for recovery and you decide to take Charlie with you so that Alex can spend some time with the rest of team without worrying about your daughter.
As soon as you get there Mal runs for the remote, knowing that whoever gets it first can choose what everyone watches.
“I think Charlie wants to watch Frozen” you laugh as Mal’s generous thought.
“Sure thing Mal, Charlie would love that” you say sarcastically.
You lay down on on the bed, Charlie by your side as dawn begins to work on your hamstring immediately causing you pain.
“I told you that you shouldn’t play”
“I know” you reply. You didn’t regret playing with Alex and the team but maybe you should dialled it down a bit.
You all stay in the room a lot longer than you need to because you wanted to watch the end of the film.
You are still on the bed but now Charlie is laid on your chest, her eyes glued to the film.
Without knowing it Tobin takes a picture of the two of you and sends it to Alex.
By the time the film finishes, Charlie, Mal and Sam had fallen asleep. You wake them and go back to the rest of the team who have now finished eating and are playing a game whilst having a drink.
You and Alex call it a night and take Charlie to bed.
The next morning Charlie wakes up at 4:30am and shows no sign of going back to sleep.
You quickly get changed deciding to go for a walk just like you would if you were at home but instead of going round the neighbourhood, you would be walking around the hotel.
After an hour you go to the conference room to watch some game film. Just because you couldn’t play doesn’t mean that you cant help the team.
You look at Charlie as you watch the soccer match between the US and Sweden. It was a game that you wasn’t proud of and overall it wasn’t a good team performance.
“You see that Charlie, Mama missed it again” You tell your daughter as you write the details of the play down.
“Why did we get that ball?” You ask as Charlie mumbles something back which you had no chance of understanding.
“I agree, we weren’t aggressive enough”
Ten minutes later Carli joined you. This is how camp was normally, you always watch film together because you understand each other in a way that no one else did.
“What was up with me that game?” You ask your co-captain.
“Alex was on bed rest” she tells you.
“Still I should have been focused on the game” 
“You still scored”
“Yeah but I missed 3 easy shots”
Once again Charlie says something that you don’t understand but it seems like she is mad.
“I agree Charlie, your Mama needs to be easier on herself” 
You and Charlie had fallen asleep by the end of the game. 
You go into mama bear mode as you feel someone taking Charlie out of you arms so you tighten your grip.
“Baby, it’s me” your hear Alex say.
She takes Alex from you and you both go to the rest of the team.
You look to your left and you see Carli reading your notes.
“You mind if I keep them?” You shake your head not fully awake enough yet to talk.
When you get to the table Christen gives you a coffee.
“Thank you” 
“You look like you could use it”
“The joys of taking the early morning shift” you say as you sip on the warm liquid.
“You love it” Alex tells you.
“I do” You say leaning on Alex’s shoulder and she kisses your forehead. You close your eyes and soon find yourself falling to sleep.
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artreider · 3 years
Daughter is down for the night, let's see if internet will allow me to watch and live blog the next episode.
Travis is so hurt and that just hurts me. I'm glad we are getting his backstory with Michael.
Okay so if Michael died in 2016 and it was 2009 at the start of the episode, then they were together for at least six years. So travis has been a firefighter at least 11 years at this point in the series. So what station was he at, and how did he and Michael meet. Im just curious because theo calls his buddy michael probie and then doesnt say travis name. Travis tells him name and instead of calling probie as well making me believe he had been either a firefighter for a bit longer than Michael or he is from a different station, because surely if they were all at the same station he would call him by name or maybe travis is from a different shift at the station.
I love this episode but it still left me with questions.
Also so i didnt even make it five minutes in, thanks internet let's restart it.
Also are they all in the same academy class because it sounds like it.
I'm not okay with travic being not a dynamic duo at the start, i love their friendship.
Hey look the captain has returned lol, also this sushi conversation i have had with my coworker. Leftover sushibis just wrong, fight me on this. Im glad maya agrees. Also i agree with sulluvan its from the grocery store, i dont eat my sushi from anywhere but a restaurant thats gross, and making it day old is worse.
Of course travis agrees with the sushi talk, they are truly two peas in a pod. Im surprised vic didnt ask to stay at maya and carina's for a few days.
I like theo and jack this episode.
Vic looks tripped out by travis showing her his scars lmao. Travis and this scar analogy is fantastic and makes me giggle, so dramatic.
I still dont know how i feel about these two drug addicts.
First commercial and i just want to add that the sushi scene i love, the family feel is wonderful.
Michael and travis are so cute. Also how long was theo a captain before michael died?
Listening to libby you can tell how troubled travis is by the look on his face. Its like he's thinking what if something were to happen to Hughes and we weren't in a good place.
Im glad jack came to talk to theo. It's good for them both.
Emmett you cutie. Im glad he is speaking truths to travis.
This proposal is so cute, the double proposal makes me so happy.
Travis needs to become a dad, he so wanted that future with Michael.
Its so cute that theo was there for the proposal and his best friends. Who stood up for travis at the wedding and who married michael and travis? Im headcanoning theo marrying them.
I totally get travis's feelings about theo in light of Michael's death but with how involved he was with the two i wish travis had found some way to heal with his friend sooner.
Vic trying to discuss Emmett, oh i love you.
This scene by the trees is so tough.
I bet they had so much fun shooting this even if it was difficult material.
So travis is in a apartment instead of his house with michael, howd that happen.
The things they are saying to each other are so hard. Everyone grieves differently.
Okay how long was theo a firefighter before he became captain. They were possibly in the academy in 2009, he was training for lt in 2010 and in 2012 he was put up for captain. So it seems he was on the fast track like maya. Okay he was only at lt for 6 months with may he a bit longer than maya.
Though she definitely made better decisions as captain. Also i love that ripley put up for it and ripley is who told maya to become lt and that she'd be a good captain.
Theo's joke about dying in a fire is just wrong.
Theo did make a bad call like travis worried but his being green should be a reason to find forgiveness for him.
Im glad michael stood uo for his friend. Also travis asked if it was a good idea theo being michaels captain, not ours. That further leads me to believe that travis was at a different station. I really cant shake the thought that he was at station 19 by this point for the simple fact of capt hererra saying he hand picked all of them.
Its nice that travis is finally talking to vic about his anger and sadness over michael, his grief and apologizing for his comments about ripley.
Okay so based off the past episodes for the characters, gibson and miller have been at the station longer than andy and maya and it appears travis has been as well. So that just has me questioning how long hughes has been, did we get dates when we learned how she became a firefighter, i cant remember.
Who notified travis that Michael was gone? He wasn't on scene otherwise he'd already have seen theo.
Theo was so good to own up to his mistake to the higher ups and travis.
The house vs apartment thing bothers me about station 19. Like maya's apartment always felt like a house and then we see its an apartment. Travis lived in a house with Michael and now has an apartment filled with Michael's things. Then Jack had an apartment or something in season 3 and now lives with martha and co. Then vic is basically homelessx had an apartment then jumped from friends homes. I dunno why i bothers me so, i guess it just feels so inconsistent, i dunno if that makes sense.
Ugh the ruiz and Gibson scene here is so good for them once again and im glad it helped marcus. Im sad marcus wont be a part of jacks life anymore.
Theo why did you decide to talk to vic about ripley? Not that it was a bad talk just curious what sparked it.
Travis im so proud of you, this talk here is so important for your healing. Vic i love your joke. Yay my travic is healing.
Okay so hughes was probie in 2016 after michael died. Ugh i need to know more about travis time at station 19 before during or after whatever michael died. Also when did andy and maya graduate im blanking on the year.
Travic's first scene at the station together is so lovely.
Ugh travis's phone call is so rough.
So travis cant vacation very well either, no wonder he told maya to enjoy her trip with carina in sesson 3.
The station 19 actors are so phenomenal. Such a wonderfully acted episode.
So as im sure my followers and anyone else reading this has gathered, i decided to do this live blog as one whole thing since the anon was upset by my previous posts. If you hate this and think i should go back to the other way let me know or if i should take their suggestion and creatr my own tag let me know. Basically if you are interested in my live blog please let me know what you think.
The anon has been weighing on me leading me to almost not want to finish my live blog of the series.
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