#also I think I’d be funny if lance makes fun of Keith for being emo when he is literally the lead singer of an emo band
fayt30l0v3 · 1 year
Lance McClain as a lead singer for a band, lance McClain as Vic Fuentes, lance McClain in an emo band, lance and Keith are in emo band, lance McClain gets too caught up in the music and makes out with his bassist, Keith kogane is a bassist, Keith kogane is thinking about it too much and lance McClain is trying not to make it awkward, the vld band au has been born.
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shastelly · 5 years
Dance - March Klance Prompts from MonthlyKlance - Day 18
Day 18 – Dance
 Lance straightened the bow tie on Keith's sort-of-tux.  
 "There."  He smiled over at the other boy who was blushing like crazy and looked so uncomfortable in the get up that it wasn't even funny.  "You look nice."  Lance offered trying to help.
 "Sure."  Keith practically collapsed in on himself in discomfort.  "I feel like an idiot.  This is not me."
 "Then pretend to be someone else."  Lance offered back with a smile.  "Someone suave and sophisticated and who looks awesome in a tux…oh hey, just pretend to be me."  Lance did a quick spin turn and finished with finger guns.  It had the desired effect as Keith choked on laughter, sputtering something about hell freezing over.
 "It's like going to prom."  Shiro declared from the other side of the room.  He looked stunning in his solid black tux and black tie.  But he was also wearing a frown.
 "What you didn't like prom?  I figured you would have been the Prom King?"  Lance puzzled.
 "I was."  Shiro blushed.  
 Hunk chuckled, "I can totally get why, you were their golden boy."
 "But then why didn't you like it?  I would have loved to have been Prom King."  Lance asked eyes full of stars.
 "Well, I…it…um…so as the guy that was supposed to be the Prom King, I was pretty much expected to take the girl that was supposed to be the Prom Queen."   Shiro managed.
 "You took a girl to prom."  Keith stared eyes wide.
 "Yeah. I did.  I thought we could go, as friends, and just have fun and get pictures and not worry about it."  Shiro ducked his head and rubbed the back of his neck.  "She had, um…other expectations."
 "How? I mean didn't she know?" Pidge had wandered in and joined the conversation.  She was wearing a tux that Coran had altered for her.  The pants legs were overly wide, and the jacket cropped at the waist.  It was actually darling on her.
 "I told her.  I just guess she didn't believe me or thought she was going to turn me straight or something?"  Shiro blushed even harder when Lance practically fell over laughing. "Yeah, that didn't work out so well.  She really didn't like me after she caught me making out with someone else in the hall." Keith snorted.
 "You were the Prom King, ditched your crazy Prom Queen and hooked up with someone else?  Sounds like a great Prom!"  Lance giggled.
 "So, Keith, how was your Prom?"  Hunk asked trying to give Shiro a break from blushing.
 "I didn't go."  Keith frowned.  "I don't like dances or dancing or dressing up or that many people."  
 "Okay, antisocial Emo boy skips Prom.  Not the most shocking headline ever."  Lance teased, though he sounded almost sad.
 "So, what was your Prom like, we know you weren't the King."  Keith turned back to Lance.
 "My Prom was awesome and awesome."  Lance smiled easily.  "Me and my good buddy Hunk here went together."
 "You were his Prom date?"  Keith raised an eyebrow at Hunk.
 "Sort of."  Hunk smiled fondly at Lance.  "I didn't have a date."
 "Their loss, my gain!"  Lance chirped.
 "And Lance couldn't pick a date."  Hunk laughed elbowing his friend.  "So, he suggested we go together, and I have to admit we had a great time. Lance is a pretty good date."
 "I am a great date.  I brought flowers."  Lance corrected.
 "Yes, a great date.  He did bring a boutonniere and he made sure I had fun the entire night.  We danced - he had me dancing with all kinds of girls and he was dancing with everyone.  I'd been to that kind of thing before and just ended up being a wallflower, but not with Lance around."
 "Shiro, you may have ditched your date, but Hunk and I, we stole so many hearts that night it was a felony."  Lance joked complete with crazy eyebrow wiggles.
 Pidge snorted.
 "Sorry, Pidgie, you weren't there for Prom, were you?"  Lance turned regretful eyes to the Green Paladin.
 "She's been to Prom."  Shiro looked over suddenly amused.
 "Yes. I have been." She answered mysteriously.
 "How and why do you know?"  Lance looked confused.
 "Matt took her."  Shiro supplied.  "He told me about it."
 "Really? Why?  I mean, you're great and all, but you're his sister."  Lance looked dumbfounded, no doubt imaging taking one of his siblings.
 "His date dumped him, literally the day before Prom."  She supplied, her smile was sad but fond.  "He'd already made reservations that couldn't be cancelled, had a limo and a tux and the whole nine yards and she dropped him for a football star."  Pidge sniffed her distaste.
 "That is cold."  Hunk sighed.
 "Yeah, but Matt, he's not the type to let someone get the best of him.  So, he knocked on my door, and asked me to accompany him to the Prom.  I was going through a phase, so I happened to have something to wear."  Pidge blushed a little.
 "Wait. What kind of phase?"
 "I believe Matt called it the Disney Princess years."  Shiro supplied slyly and Pidge chucked a comb at him. He dodged it easily laughing. "The dress was lovely Pidge, you looked nice in green then too."
 Pidge smirked mollified for now, "Anyway, he was sweet, and I had a good time and that bi…"
 "Not nice person,” Pidge correct with an eyeroll, "got drunk on spiked punch and spent most of the evening puking in the bushes outside."
 "You spiked the punch didn't you."  Keith stated looking over at her grin.
 "There is no proof."
 "Proof of what?" Allura asked as she breezed into the room.  The pink ball gown she wore would put Cinderella to shame.
 "Wow!"  Lance jumped up.  "You look beautiful!"  
 "Don't drool."  Pidge elbowed him.
 "Thank you, Lance."  Allura smiled at him.  "You all look wonderful as well.  Are we ready?"
 "Do I get to dance with you?"  Lance asked with a wink.
 "I'm afraid not.  As the official negotiator of the alliance we propose, I am not permitted to enjoy the dancing, I must sit at the negotiation table.  It is up to you all to mingle and dance and make friends with the people of Umbelan."
 "So, we have to dance?" Keith asked.
 And at the same time, "I'm sorry you'll miss the fun." from Lance
 "Yes, you must dance.  Thank you again Lance, but there will be other parties.  The people of Umbelan are convinced that dances are the best way to get to know anyone.  You will be observed by many and asked to dance many times.  The dances are simple, and they are aware you are not from their planet and will not be familiar with them, so do not be worried about being judged for your dancing talents."  Allura gave Keith a soft smile as he was clearly uncomfortable. "Use the dance time to talk and get to know whomever you dance with.  It is expected that you will ask them questions as well as answer questions that they have for you."
 "Great."  Keith muttered.
 "Keith, if you could at least do, two dances?"  Allura offered.  It was clear the situation was distressing for him, under his usual forceful nature was an undercurrent of uncertainty and genuine discomfort.  
 "Okay. I can do that."  When he met her eyes there was gratitude there and she smiled back at him.
 She did not miss the look of relief on Shiro's face or the way Lance's shoulders relaxed.  
 Lance's first dance was with an older Umbelan.  She said she was an ambassador for a nearby planet.  She asked him about the alliance and what planets he had visited and about earth and its culture.  No military secrets, just diplomatic questions about languages and cheeseburgers.  Lance smiled and laughed and when it was his turn, he asked about the dancing custom and manners and what was okay to ask and what wasn't.  By the time they had finished the dance, Lance bowed gratefully, he felt like they had both learned a lot.  He didn't have to look far for his next partner.  A smiling young man was waiting to step up.  
 "Hi, I'm Rex."  He bowed.
 "Lance."  Lance bowed back and moved to take his partner’s hands as the dance began.  He found the steps easy enough and was soon able to focus on his dancing partner.
 "You learn fast."  He complimented.
 "Thanks, I like dancing."  Lance smiled easily.
 "So, I'm Rex, like I said already.  My mom is a general in our military.  She's in charge of security tonight."  He offered.  "So um, you're the Blue paladin?"
 "Yes. I pilot Blue.  She is awesome, one of the legs."
 "So, the lion is a she?  Does she talk to you?"  Rex asked eyes wide.
 "Yeah, I feel like she's a she and she doesn't like talk out load, more like in my head."  Lance tapped the side of his head with his finger.
 "That must be weird."  Rex frowned.
 "Sure, but no weirder than finding out about this war and fighting Galra and 10,000-year-old evil guys."  Lance shrugged.
 "So, your planet did not have space travel?"
 "Well, yes, but very limited.  Nothing like what Blue or the Castle of Lions are capable of doing.  We didn't really even know there were other inhabited planets. So, coming out here was a really shock." Lance laughed a little.  The young man across from him was purple, as all the male Umbelans were. They were basically humanoid in shape, but about an average six inches taller and completely covered in fur. His fur was shaved short over his face and neck, but long at the top of his head which was plaited into a long braid that hung past his shoulders.  The shaving of the furs seemed to vary a lot between individuals and offered a lot of variety in hair styles.  He wore a plain black tunic that hung past his knees and was belted with a simple gold cord.  Clothing seemed to be more uniform and functional.
 "That would be a shock.  I've grown up around space and wars.  I think it might be nice to not have to focus on anything like that for once.  Mom is always so worried about what might happen and planning for the worst."  He rolled his deep blue eyes.  "I love her, but I don't think she has any idea how to relax."
 "What kind of things do you do to relax?"  Lance asked.
 "Oh well, I love painting and riding Herxbirds."  Rex smiled.
 "What's a herxbird?"  
 "Well, they are about half the size of your lion and covered in fur that is super long and soft.  They come in all colors and have big leathery wings, two on each side and four legs. Their heads are long and narrow and the have big noses and tongues.  We strap a seat onto their backs, and you can ride them.  They are trained to follow commands, but really good riders learn to communicate with them with their minds."  Rex explained excitedly.  It was clear that he was really into this.
 "I would love to see one, sounds like a giant horse with bat wings."  Lance returned the excitement level.  He was setting up a time to go flying with Rex when something caught his eye.  Keith was dancing with a very large Umbelan male.  The guy was a foot taller than Keith.  This fur was shaved short in a stripe between his eyes and down to his chin. There were several small braids hanging from his chin.  And Keith, well Keith just looked pissed.  He wasn't talking, he was barely moving and everything about his body screamed he didn't want to be there.  
 "Who's that?"  Lance asked Rex, not really an appropriate question, but his worry over rode any worry about decorum.
 "Oh, that's General Wythop."  Rex answered with a sneer.
 "Don't like him?"  Lance turned with concern.
 "No. He's a pompous ass."  Rex frowned.  "He danced the first dance with your friend, he shouldn't still have him."  
 "Oh."  Lance looked over even more concerned.
 "I would get him out of there if you could.  Wythop has a lot of power in the government.  And…" Rex seemed to shrink back into himself.
 "What? And what?"  Lance pressed something dark circling in his gut.
 "He's…um…forward?" Rex's face turned a shade of green.  Lance wasn't sure if he was blushing or nauseous.
 "Forward?  Like pushy or mouthy or forward like he's capable of hurting my friend." Lance asked turning serious.
 "I…we should get your friend away from him."  Rex looked down.  "No one's ever come forward to speak against him, but there are rumors."
 "Okay, well Allura, told Keith he only had to do two dances, so after this one, he should be out of there.  I'll keep an eye on him.  Thanks for the dance, Rex, and I do hope to see one of those Herxbirds tomorrow."
 The song ended and Rex bowed to Lance and Lance returned the gesture.  He turned to watch Wythop bow to Keith and Keith glare back at him.  The Ubelam had Keith's wrist grasped firmly in his hand and was not letting him go. Keith frowned and tugged and the Ubelam said something while frowning.  Keith looked down at the floor with another glare and the next song started. Wythop grabbing Keith's other arm and starting the dance.  Keith didn't even pretend to move.  He just stood there and didn't speak.
 Lance frowned and scanned the crowd.  He saw Pidge over by the punch bowl and rushed over to his side, apologizing to the young woman that had started to walk up to him with a grin and a wave. He practically grabbed Pidge and pulled her out onto the dance floor.
 "Lance!"  She protested trying to pull away.
 "Shush."  He whispered, getting her attention.  He watched the dancers around him and soon fell into the appropriate steps for the song. Pidge struggled but tried to match. "We have an issue."
 "What?"  Pidge narrowed her eyes and looked around.
 "See that guy with Keith?"  Lance asked quietly maneuvering so that she could see them over his shoulder.
 "Why is he even still dancing?"  Pidge asked frowning.  She knew he didn't want to be out there, and he'd filled his quota.
 "I don't think that guy let him go.  He had ahold of his arm when the last song ended."  Lance frowned.  "The guy I was dancing with explained he's a real jerk and we ought to get Keith out of there, but he's also really high up in the government.  So, we need to get Keith away without letting him know that's what we are doing and not piss him off."
 Pidge nodded agreeing with the plan so far, "So, what do you have in mind?"
 "Going to break in at the end of the next dance.  Accuse Keith of hogging the General and say that he forgot he promised to dance with you.  Then you use the next song to dance him out of here and figure out what exactly is going on."  Lance plotted.
 "Yeah, and what about you?"  Pidge narrowed her eyes.
 "I'll just dance with General Pushyface there and then when the song ends explain I have to go and that will be that."  Lance nodded.
 "Okay, but aren't we getting Keith away because the General might be dangerous? Why is the plan for you to put yourself in danger instead?"  Pidge hissed.
 "Well, I'm better with people.  I'm sure I can talk my way out and if not, Shiro and Allura are like right here, I'm pretty sure a good yell for help and they'd be right on the guy."  
 Pidge nodded slowly.  She didn't like it, but she didn't have a better plan.  "Okay, I'll do it, but if Keith says anything wonky, we are going straight to Allura and if you don't get out of that dance at the end of the song, I'm sending Shiro over."
 Lance smiled, "Okay Pidge."
 Lance moved them across the floor until when the song ended, they were right next to Keith and the General.  When the guy bowed and still held Keith's arm again, Lance went into action.
 "Oh, hey Keith!"  Lance moved to stand between them.  "You have totally been hogging this big guy's time.  That is not good manners, man."  Lance winked at the general.  "On top of that you promised Pidge a dance and she's pretty upset."
 Pidge put on one of her angry faces and crossed her arms and tapped her foot.
 Keith looked completely confused and when he got Pidge's glare, he sputtered an apology. The general's grip had loosened on Keith's arm in the confusion and Lance slipped his hand in between, pulling the general's hand into his.
 "Go on, Keith.  I've been waiting for my chance to dance with General Wythop here."  Lance waved his other hand at him over his shoulder dismissing him.  Keith frowned and glared back at the general while Pidge slipped in front of him and pulled him away.
 Lance pretended not to notice the glare the general was now directing at him.  He didn't however appreciate the near bruising grip the guy had on his hands.
 "Hey, big guy, lighten up."  Lance tried to wiggle his fingers to loosen the general's grip.
 The general narrowed his eyes and tightened the grip, stopping Lance from moving his hands at all and smiling at the wince he saw in the young man's face.  
 "Why did you interrupt my dance?"  He growled.
 "Oh, well, I'm sorry.  As I understood, it wasn't nice to keep the same partner dance after dance." Lance answered evenly.
 "It's also not nice to interrupt or to not answer questions.  Your friend was quite rude to me.  He wouldn't talk or dance."  The general growled, looking down at Lance.
 "You are in luck because I love to talk and dance."  Lance plastered the best fake smile he could.  This guy was giving him some serious creeps.  
 "Perhaps."  The general smiled then, and it was not pleasant.  "Please tell me about the Castle of Lion's defensive capabilities."
 "Oh, hey now, that's like top secret military stuff, man.  If you are a spy you need to work on subtlety." Lance blanched.
 "This is supposed to be an open discussion.  I think I find you paladins to be closed and defensive.  I'm not sure I can vote in favor of an alliance." The guy had the nerve to tighten his grip even further and Lance ground his teeth together feeling the bones in his wrist grind together unpleasantly.
 "Now don't be that way.  I'm sure there is something we can talk about.  For instance, the Castle of Lions has some great medical technology that I know Coran will be happy to discuss with your people and very efficient food production.  You must understand handing out a list of our defenses to just anyone isn't feasible. You wouldn't hand me the defensive playbook for your team either."  Lance tried to reason out of the anger he could feel building in the other guy.
 "I don't know what this playbook is that you speak about, but I assure you that I am not playing."  The general growled and Lance realized he'd been moving him slowly to the edge of the crowd.  "I want you to call your friend back.  I was not done talking with him and he owes me a proper dance.  I will not let him leave until he has satisfied my demands."  
 "That is just really not going to happen.  If you keep this up, we are going to have a situation here.  I mean, have you seen the Black Paladin.  You do not want to mess with Space Dad." Lance pulled uncomfortably at his wrists, his hands were turning purple and tingling from lack of blood flow.  
 "I don't care about your father or the Black Paladin.  I am not afraid.  Get your friend now."  The general growled.  Lance started to respond when the jerk twisted his left wrist sharply and Lance was certain he actually heard the bone snap.
 "Let me go!  That's enough."  Lance pulled away with his other wrist, his eyes flashed angrily.
 "No."  The general sneered squeezing his broken wrist so hard that Lance felt his knees go weak and struggled to stay standing.  
 "You have like two ticks and then I'm yelling, and you can explain."  Lance spat, his eyes dancing with spots.
 "Scream. No one will hear you in here." The general laughed and Lance realized they had entered a hall.  
 He looked around wondering if anyone could hear him.  After all he could be pretty loud, and the guy might be bluffing.  Talking a deep breath, he screamed at the top of his lungs.
 "LET ME GO!"  
 The general growled and letting go of his broken wrist swung a fist into Lance's stomach knocking the air out of him.  After a few ticks when no one came, the general laughed and hit Lance again.
 "See. No one heard.  Now take me to your friend."  He pulled Lance up by his good wrist and lifted him off the ground.
 Lance groaned, but he'd seen movement behind the general.  Someone had heard him.
 "No."  Lance spat and the general shook him by his arm.  The pop that sounded from his shoulder seemed really unfortunate to Lance. He saw movement again.  His breath was coming in gasps from the pain and he was having trouble keeping track, but if someone was back there to help, then he needed to give them an opening and maybe get out of the line of fire. Gritting his teeth against the pain he knew it would cause he swung himself back and kicked forward with all his might, aiming for what he hoped was a sensitive spot on the Ubelam people. Apparently, it was.  The general's face turned a shade of blue and he flung Lance away from him.  Lance collided with a wall and slid to a stop at its base, not moving.
 "Lance!"  Pidge's voice echoed as she ran for him.  The general turned to grab her and was surprised when his hand went straight through the hologram.
 "Hey, asshole."  Keith appeared from around a corner, bayard drawn.
 "There you are."  The general growled.  "We could have been friends.  Why do you insist on making this difficult?  Perhaps you just enjoy pain."  
 "You aren't interested in being friends and I'm not interested in what you are offering."  Keith spat.
 "Well come on then, if you think you can take me."  The general crouched into a defensive posture drawing a large knife.
 "Oh, I'm not going to attack you.  I'm the distraction."  Keith grinned as the Green bayard connected with the general's back sending jolts of energy convulsing through his body.  When he fell to the ground Pidge was standing behind him willing the bayard to shock him into unconsciousness.
 "Nice, Pidge."  Keith complimented as he passed the fallen general on his way to Lance.
 Pidge kicked the guy in the knee for good measure as she went to join Keith.
 Lance was groaning and moving when they got to his side.
 "Oh hey."  Lance winced. "This prom sucks, can we go home."
 Keith smiled softy and Pidge smirked.  
 "Come, on."  Keith managed to get under Lance's good shoulder and help him up.  Pidge snaked an arm around his waist.  
 "Let's let Shiro know what is going on and get you back to the castle." Pidge spoke softly eyeing his obviously broken wrist and the bruises forming.
 Lance nodded.
 "Now you know why I don't like dances."  Keith muttered.
 "Seriously, this is why you don't like dances?  This has happened before?"  Lance asked eyes wide.
 "No, I mean, sort of, she wasn't that big, but she had some seriously sharp nails and promised to ruin my reputation at school."  Keith answered blushing.
 "I."  Lance blinked mouth opening and closing.  "That sucks."  He finally managed.
 "Yeah it would, but I totally just made that up."  Keith looked over at Lance face bland.  "Seriously, I'm just a bad dancer and I don't like doing it."
 Pidge snorted and burst out laughing.  
 Lance shook his head, "Okay, you got me.  Thanks for confusing the guy with the concussion."  
 "Sorry."  Keith smiled.
 "No, you aren't."  Lance huffed. "Just for that, you owe me a dance."  
 Keith's smile softened and he met his eyes, "I owe you more than that.  Thank you."  
 "Yeah well, I'll be cashing in on this dance, don't forget."  Lance leaned further against Keith as they entered the ballroom.  He could hear Shiro yell over the crowd and Allura demanding answers.  He caught Rex's wide eyes and the young man nodded to him.  It was going to work out.  
 Keith leaned over to whisper into his ear, "I'd like dancing with you I think."
 Lance smiled feeling a blush rise in his cheeks, yeah it was all going to work out just fine.
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