#also I was listening to the vid breaking down exactly - mathematically - why johnny depp's face is attractive
what did you even do to his face in that one manip? did you just duo reflect it? change his nose?
im so shit with faces i can't he just looks normal to me
😅 I guess I should take this as a compliment, if it’s invisible!
I've been watching this fascinating YT channel lately which discusses sexual dimorphism (how the sexes differ) and the anthropology of global beauty standards, and coincidentally also obsessing over a/b/o AUs.
And those two things came together in my head to get me wondering how Bucky would look different as an omega, or maybe trans, or both; just subtly different, without seeming female?
So I was looking up the effects of oestrogen (versus testosterone) which would be the stand-in for omega-'mones in an a/b/o au and it was saying that the various effects are to: broaden the middle face, brighten eyes and skin (called neoteny, apparently it's a big deal), thicken the head-hair, lower the brow bone and plump up the lips.
With this manip; to AyourQ, in line with all this ^ what I did was:
plumped up his lips a teeny bit (no more than they were back when he was a twink, didn't want fishlips; it’s surprisingly tricky to make them look natural!)
lightened the shadow of his brow bone (as if it weren’t so deep, kind of like when trans ladies get brow-shaving feminising surgery?)
then slightly lightened his eyes and his under-brow area to mimic that decreased shadow (but again only a little bit, I still left most of it as-is!)
while simultaneously giving him a dab of mascara, eyeliner, and brow-filler cuz if omegas did minimal make up I figured Bucky would be that kind of lowkey type
and, because all these anthropology vids were saying that repeating-proportions are what makes a face especially attractive (i.e. if it can be vertically divided up perfectly into thirds), and since he should be having thicker hair, (and they should've given him a proper wig from the start gdi!) I lowered his hairline a smidge to make his forehead proportionate to his cute lil nose.
And that's it!
(Apart from adding long hair, obviously).
But his eyes and skin and jaw and his natural symmetry are so ridiculous it looks like I must've added some insane kawaii instagram filter to make him look all unearthly. Nope! His face just did that! 🤷‍♀️
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