#also I watched 5.5 hours of stage plays so my brain was like
some-creep · 9 months
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"Do you ever miss her?"
"Hmm... I don't know if that's a fair question."
"...I see."
Had a discussion about the fact there is a 2B in storage separate from the one you play as. On top of that we decided Operators would -have- to know to some extent what was going on with E units. Which lead to a discussion about 6O and her relationship with 2B + 2E. I also like the idea that 2E is very much aware of the fact she's an imposter acting out someone else's role.
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ramp-it-up · 3 years
Fresh Squeeze 9
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Pairing: Daveed Diggs x OFC Linden Marshall (You)
Set in 2023, post-pandemic. Isabela, PR
Warnings: Cursing, implied drug use (marijuana), drinking, Anthony Ramos, Fluff. Poorly described performing, Plot. SMUT,  Graphic depictions of sex. Mature themes and situations.18+. Dom! Daveed, unprotected sex (wrap it when you tap it folks), sex in da club, breeding kink.
Word Count: 5.5 K
Plot: It’s Linden’s birthday and her present is Daveed Diggs. 
I PROMISE, my heaux, I meant for their first time to be all candlelight and rose petals and a nice bed, but… they just took over with their horny selves.  Hope it’s okay. All mistakes my own.
Previous Chapter
Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea, you thought as you watched Daveed’s chocolate, muscled back retreat into his room.
Although you could feel yourself drawn to him like a magnet, you didn’t want to lose yourself to a relationship again. You’d worked too hard and come too far. 
But this attraction was like nothing you’d ever felt before.
You went to the kitchen, getting some water to quench your thirst. You decided to calm down by watching the waves as you drank.
In his room, Daveed laid out what he was going to wear, and take off, that night.  He looked in his bag for his chains and then had a thought.  
He opened his door to see you at the bar in the kitchen, drinking something and looking out at the surf.
Although he wanted to enjoy the view of you, he called your name and strolled out of his room.
When you heard him call your name, you slowly turned around, not knowing whether to expect him to grab you and take you back to his room, or tell you that he’d decided that you should just be friends. 
But all that anxiety was wiped away with that killer smile of his. You smiled back up at him hopefully.
You looked delectable to Daveed, but he came back out with a purpose. He nodded toward what was in his hand.
“Will you rock my chain?…”  
He held it out, a 30 inch Cuban link chain that seemed kinda heavy. You looked at it and then at him, amused.
“What are we? In high school?”
Damn, Daveed sure did feel like it.  You made him so unsure. So he played off his nerves and chuckled.
“Nah, far from it.” 
But when he bit his lip you felt those adolescent butterflies that flew in your belly when your crush looked at you. 
“I just like seeing you wear my stuff. Today it was….”  
The vision of you wearing his cutoff jeans and fingering yourself while he talked you through an orgasm was making him firm.
 “It was... Yeah.”  Daveed gulped and mentally told himself to calm down.
Your face got warm as Daveed looked down at the chain in his hand and then held it out to you. You just stared at it.
“I dunno. What does this mean for this…relationship?”  Shit, you were playing yourself. What made you say the “R” word?
You looked up at Daveed and his eyes lit up, even though he tried to hide it, you could tell. He just cleared his throat and made a joke.
“So, I just thought you could wear it tonight… It’s a loan. Not trying to give you any jewelry or nothing like that.”  
His lopsided smile was everything. But  you didn’t dare show how happy you were in that moment. But damn, you were happy.
Daveed didn’t want you to get offended like earlier, but he thought it was too late when he saw the pout on your face.
“You promised to get me some nipple clamps…”
All Daveed could do was stare at your lips; his mind blanked at the vision of you in sex jewelery.  
All of his willpower was in this moment. He almost bent down and threw you over his shoulder to take to his room, but… 
He laughed and smiled, all cool on the outside.
“I did say that, didn’t I?”  HIs voice was an octave lower and your insides quivered at the tone.
You nodded at him, all wide eyed and ready to fuck.  He cleared his throat again. 
“Well, this is the best I can do. In a pinch.”  
You flashed back to him manhandling you earlier, pinching and rolling your nipples just like you liked it. 
A good Sir. So hot. And he had you right where he wanted you.
 “So will you wear it?” 
You reached and took the chain in your hand, its weight heavier than you’d imagined.
You looked up at him, then the chain, then back at him made him wish the night away so he could do what he wanted with you.  
“Yes. Sir. “ 
The way you looked at him, innocent yet greedy. Damn he needed to fuck you. His dick pulsed and swelled, pulling blood from his brain, making him a little euphoric.
Fuck yeah. That hard dick dopamine.
You felt the control you had over him. The way his pretty brown eyes were blown the moment you said’ Sir’ did something you.
“If I offered to suck your dick, right now, would you tell me no again? I don’t like rejection, Daveed.”
He grabbed you by the back of your neck and hip, and pulled you to him, pressing your barely clothed body to his, making you feel how hard you had gotten him through his swim trunks.
“You trying to control me is not going to work, sweetheart. I’m in control. As far as sucking my dick goes, I’ll tell you when, how and if you can even breathe.”
Daveed’s eyes searched yours, seeing the halfway here, halfway there look in your eyes. 
He looked at your open mouth gasping for air and he took it, covering your mouth with his.
Then he pulled back.  
“Got it?”
“Y-yes Sir.” 
This time, the phrase served to calm him. He rested his forehead against yours. While he cupped your cheeks in his hands.
“Linden, are you SURE that’s what you want? I could really hurt you.” He took a deep, ragged breath and looked down. 
“I-I’m not sure I can control my…..baser tendencies with you. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt this way. I don’t want to think I’m…”
“Daveed, I’m grown. I know what I’m doing. I want this. I’ll take what you give me. I’ll take it all.” You smiled at him as he looked back up at you.
“You don’t have to be gentle with me. I don’t break easy.” You leaned in and whispered in his ear. “I told you what I like.”  
You straightened up and stared straight into his eyes.
He knew you were trying it again. This time he just chuckled and kissed you on the forehead.
“Alright then. Patience….” 
He didn’t finish the sentence because he just realized what he was going to add to the end of it. And he knew it was true, but it would just freak you out.
He let you go and then backed toward his room as you turned around and leaned against the bar to watch him go.  
An hour later, Ant, Rafael and Daveed were gone and you had showered and started to pick out your outfit for the night.  
You decided that less was more, so you opted for a red bandeau top and jean shorts.  
Daveed’s chain was so long that you could double it up as a choker, and you thought that was appropriate for the night. 
You didn’t want to look like you were trying too hard, so you threw your hair up in a messy bun and put on your gold hoop earrings. 
Time in the sun had been good to you so you did minimal make-up.  You surveyed your handiwork in the mirror.
You liked what you saw and if Daveed didn’t, well, it was his loss.
Despite your nerves, you reveled in the anticipation for tonight. But you also thought that you’d be okay if you just fell asleep in Daveed’s arms.  
You cocked your head at your reflection. 
What the hell was wrong with you? Did you want Daveed or not?  Were you afraid of his dom ways or did they make you feel free?  You didn’t know what the fuck was going on inside your brain.
So you just decided to go with what your body told you.
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“Goddam girl!  If I wasn’t engaged, I would fuck you my damn self.”
You laughed at Jasmine whistling at you while Craig shook his head as you came out to them waiting on you in the living room. You put on your fanny pack and your high heeled sandals.
“Are you going to sing tonight, Jas?”
She rolled her eyes. “I’m not really feeling it, but I can't resist when Ant calls me up on stage. I’ll do one, maybe two.” 
“Stop lying Jas. That silly grin on your face matches this bitch right here.” 
You looked behind you because Craig was pointing in your direction.
“Who? Me?” The blood was draining from your face
“Don’t try it, you are already sprung on whatever Daveed did to you this afternoon. It’s over with.  You might as well make wedding plans along with Jasmine.”
You shook your head, a little terrified at what Craig was saying. Jasmine and Craig were busy laughing but you were busy freaking out.
“No, it’s not like that…”
Craig looked into your eyes and saw that you were spooked.
“Okay, Lindy, I’m just kidding. Y’all just kickin it, I get it.” 
He knew you were on edge. “Let’s get ready to go. I want to see a show and maybe find me someone to get sprung on .”
The mood was lightened a bit and ya’ll decided to depart.
Three hours later:
You and Jasmine were turnt up close to the stage in a teeny weeny VIP section in the small club. 
You had your drink in your hand and were feeling Anthony’s set.  Daveed and Rafa were drinking and watching from the side of the stage.
“Why don’t you just go down there, take her back stage and kill all this tension, man.”
Rafael peeped Daveed clocking you.
Daveed grinned his shy grin at his friend.
“Nah, man.  This feeling is everything.” 
He made eye contact with you, winked and took a sip of his drink, sure that he looked cool even though his stomach was doing flips.
Rafa just smiled and drank some more himself, enjoying all of this playing out.
Craig was chatting some guy up at the bar and you and Jasmine were just enjoying the show.
Why do I push through the day/Like tomorrow's gonna figure it out, figure it out, figure it out/ Like someone else will figure it out, figure it out, figure it out..
You were singing louder than most of the crowd and Ant was laughing at you from the stage because you were loose and loving it.  Your arms were spread out and you were swaying with the music.  
Someone came up and embraced you from behind, swaying with you and you opened your eyes to see Jasmine’s face beside yours.
You grinned, turned around and started slow dancing with her, each of you singing and looking up at Anthony.  
He looked over at Rafa and D. They just shook their heads.
He managed to finish the song before cracking up and said.
“Ay, where’s the bouncer, this chick is tryna steal my girl.”  
Everyone looked at you when he pointed but you just flipped him off and then tried to kiss Jasmine on the cheek.
She turned her head at the last minute and you kissed her full on the lips.  You two went with it and hammed it up for effect. It was a classic movie make out scene.
When you separated, Anthony was just staring at you two.
Daveed and Rafa came out on stage to get a better look and you could hear Craig shouting, “Get it, Ladies!” from the back of the club.
Ant’s eyes were wide and he said, “I think I just forgot the lyrics to all my songs.”
Everyone laughed and then he said, “But I’m having too much fun, yo, I don’t want my set to end, so let’s go “One More Hour.”
Everyone sang along for the intro and turned up for the chorus.
Let's go one more hour/ Lovin' this encounter/ Usually I'm gone now/I'm not ready/ I don't really wanna go
After that fun, Anthony called Jasmine up to the stage, and she gave you a wink as she went up.  
It was so sweet watching her give him a peck on the cheek and him adjust the mic for her.  
Jasmine’s voice. Was every. Thing.  
You just stood in front of her on the floor as she sang on stage and you were just blown away. And when they sang together,
Cause they can write stories/ They can sing songs/But they don't make fairytales/ Sweeter than ours
You just about melted.
“Ok guys, we’re gonna take ten so my boys can get set up.  Order a drink from the bar.”
Jasmine came down from the stage with you again.
“Our little smooch got Ant riled up! Zaddy gonna zick me down goot tonite!” 
Jasmine was hyped and you laughed at her lust.
“Wingwoman activated!”  You thought they were so cute together.
Her eyes were sparkling.
“Time to return the favor.”
Jasmine nodded her head and you looked behind you to catch Daveed checking you out.
She grabbed your hands. “Come up and sit in the wings with me!”
You knew what she was doing. “Oh no. I want to experience the show.”
“Trust. For the Boys, especially Daveed, you need up on the stage.”
You giggled, your drink and the fun getting you loose, and followed her on the stage.
Ant and Rafa approached. You couldn’t decipher the look on Anthony’s face.
“About you making out with my girl...” 
He and Rafael looked at each other and Anthony broke out into a grin. 
“Do it any time you like, as long as I get to watch.”
Rafa nodded vigorously as you and Jasmine broke up in laughter.
You couldn’t handle Anthony’s antics tonight. Your nerves were everywhere. Rafa seemed to sense it and led you over to a stool. 
Rafael bowed and kissed your hand, keeping his eyes on you. You giggled.
“In all seriousness, though. You look amazing tonight.”  His eyes were something.
“Thank you, Rafa.” 
You smiled up at him, taking the fact that he was being extra smiley tonight. You could smell some of that premium PR indica. 
Rafael glanced behind you. 
“Enjoy the show,”  he said, before kissing your cheek and buzzing back to the mic.
Then you realized what was up.
Daveed was right there, standing behind you, radiating his heat. 
The subtle rich texture of his voice made the butterflies try to fly out of your throat, but you kept cool.
Daveed inhaled the scent of your hair. You were intoxicating. He didn’t need indica.
"Hey yourself."
You didn't turn around, but you could tell that he was smiling.  
“I’m glad you’re right here for the set. You’ll be able to feel… the music so much more intensely.”
Daveed moved even closer to you.  You could feel his breath. He was leaning down near your bare shoulder and alllllmost kissing it, but instead coming so close as to cause a feeling to begin between your legs and travel up your spine to your neck which he was so close to.
The music started as he straightened up and began to say something in a low voice, meant for your ears only. 
"I love what you’ve done with my chain. Looks like a choker. Beautiful. Makes me think about tonight.” 
Your eyes closed, because those words were hot.
“Hmmm? What about it?” 
You were trying to concentrate on Rafael hopping up and down. You were frozen to the stool, torn between wanting to hear what he was going to say and not wanting to at the same time.
"Mmmmm. About wrapping my hand around your throat and cutting off your breath while I dig out that indecision of yours. About making you so high that you forget about everything but us in that moment.”
You closed your eyes and inhaled a cleansing breath, because you felt like getting filthy. Right now.  You decided to play coy.
"Maybe,” you responded. If you said too many more words, he would hear the trembling in your being. He sensed it anyway.
“Definitely,” he countered, so sure. You tried to get mad, but failed. You two remained in this crackling energy between you, even though you couldn’t see each other’s eyes.
You couldn’t stand it anymore, so you stretched and craned your head backwards to look up into his baby browns. You didn’t know it, but everyone in your crew was watching, mesmerized by the vibe between you. Y’all glowed together.
Daveed’s heart was beating an accelerated rhythm. He didn’t need to warm up with you here. Before he knew it he’d kissed you on the forehead, then jogged out on stage.  He was so hyped.
“Awww!” Jasmine was smiling and clapping.
You rolled your eyes at her as the set began as she sat beside you.
“Don't front.  I have never.”  She looked you in the eye. “And I mean NEVER, seen D with anyone like that.”
You just shook your head. A little afraid of what she’d just said. You just pointed to the stage while she laughed at you.
You were very attentive as Daveed and Rafael worked the crowd. This was an entirely different side to them. You’d seen them act and seen videos of performances, but being here in person while they did music together was quite the scene. 
Rafael’s virtuosity shined first. He performed “Bad Egg”, and you melted when he sang “Oxygen.” Then, Jasmine got out and helped  
Jasmine helped the Boys out with “Program,” which was amazing and funny and awe inspiring. You and Anthony and Craig, who had joined you were busy jumping around and singing for the short song in the wings.
Rafa came off stage in mock outrage into your mini mosh pit. You were having a ball.
He grabbed a water bottle and raised his eyebrow at you.
“Wait for it.”
You had no idea what he was talking about.
Daveed took a swig of water and laughed into the mic. He cut his eyes over to you quickly and then back out to the audience.
“So I’m in a band called Clipping.”  The crowd went wild. Daveed smiled as the opening noise of “Wriggle” came up on the sound system.
“We’re about to take a journey through some of our more ‘pop’ songs, if Clipping. songs could be called pop. That adorable fucking laugh.
And then it all changed as Daveed started spitting out words that you hadn’t noticed before tonight were highly sexual.
Is it tight enough, is it wet enough?..../You always hoped to experience domination/….ass up/ don’t move/ Don't move/ Get slapped/ Can't run/ Bring it back/ Tighten up/ Stay strapped/ Make it red/ Make it clap, clap/ Clamp that mouth shut, bounce for your boy
You tore your eyes away from him to the audience and saw that they were going crazy. You were hella impressed.
Everyone in this club knew the words or at least heavily vibed with the music.
And Daveed looked so happy, his finger indicating the cadence of the music and his smile getting wider and wider as the music crescendoed, then he started jumping and the experience was amazing.  He rapped with his free hand and his whole body. He was a tall chocolate ball of energy.
The music started to transition to an all too familiar beat.
The minute Daveed spit the first line, the crowd went apeshit. He held his finger up to his lips and everyone got quiet.
Don’t move nothing/ Statue..
And this was the interactive part of the performance.  Daveed jumped and moved so much that he was covered in sweat.  
"Man, it's hot up here under these lights."  Daveed lifted his shirt up to wipe his forehead. The crowd went crazy again.
You had never felt the urge to faint before just from a human being, but damn. You smirked as he glanced at you and ascertained your situation. He grinned, wiped his face some more and then took it completely off, throwing it toward the wings, right at you. 
Everyone dove so that you were the only one in range to catch it, which you did.  It was wet with his sweat and his smell and you struggled not to bring it to your face.  
You trembled a bit as you stared at his sweat covered body, getting wet and just  wanting to lick his abs clean. 
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Daveed transitioned into a medley, beginning with Work, Work,
Holler out your city if you ride for it/Let em know why you die for it… 
He continued through the chorus, 
“Get that work/Make that work work…” 
and then transitioned to “Body and Blood” and then to “Enlacing.”
The lyrics 
“Get your ass down to the floor,” 
served to do just that.  You were hypnotized by the rhythm, despite the subject matter, you were being seduced by Daveed’s tone and cadence. 
When he turned to you for a full 10 seconds while performing, you were locked in.
He finished his set and you didn’t know how to feel.  
Jealous of all the people screaming for him to bone them then and there?
 Nah, you could certainly understand that.  
Embarrassed that you felt like a groupie that wanted to take him back stage and suck his soul out? 
Again, understandable. 
You just didn’t know what to do with these feelings.
You looked over and your friends were huddled up whispering, and you were sure about you.  You straightened up in the stool as Rafael and crew caught you looking. Daveed came off stage and grabbed the water bottle out of your hand. He stood there, just glistening and shit. 
"I really like your thighs in those shorts." 
Daveed wanted to trace the line that the shorts took across your thighs, but didn't dare do it with everyone watching. He just stared at them and thought they would look nice around his shoulders.
You flushed even hotter. 
"Thanks, I get ‘em from my mama." You laughed with him. "I really like those guns." You were bold and traced a finger down his biceps. You felt his slight shiver and tried to hide a smile.
"Thanks, my Dad passed them down." He laughed again.
“Genetics, man. Thank God for genetics.” You were serious. 
Daveed lifted the bottle to you in a toast before taking another swig. He offered you some. He looked into your eyes and you knew he wasn't offering you just a drink.
"Yes please. I'm very thirsty. Sir." 
You stared back at him. He held the water bottle to your lips, praying that his hand held steady while you tilted your head back and drank. 
Daamnnn! Daveed thought. He wanted to give you something else to drink, but he still had work to do. Rafael was there to remind him too.
Rafa cleared his throat and nodded his head toward the stage. Daveed nodded in response and grabbed his t-shirt.  You grasped to hold it fast before you realized that it was his and let it go with a little laugh.  You watched Daveed’s body as he put his shirt back on and he winked yet again before he turned to go on stage.
Your panties were ruined.  But you thought he knew that.
Jasmine came up beside you. “He did that shit on purpose,” you whispered.
Jas laughed and said, “Most definitely.”  
You were doomed.
You thoroughly enjoyed Daveed and Rafa’s set and even joined them on stage for “Microdosin.”
As soon as they thanked the crowd, Daveed grabbed your hand and led you backstage to the dressing room. It was standard fare, as you looked around, and you went to the mirror to check your lipstick as you watched Daveed lock the door.
You turned around and leaned against the make up mirror counter, watching as he took his shirt off again. You just stared.
The sight of you standing there with those fucking wide, innocent looking eyes got Daveed even harder than he already was. He was rock hard the entire time during that last set, and he knew he gave a great performance.
“I just…” 
He looked you up and down, then he moved quickly and grabbed your waist as you leaned back, hands bracing yourself on the counter. Daveed looked at you hungrily and even licked his lips. Like a wolf.
“I  just can’t wait to get you back to the beach house.” 
Daveed’s thumbs were on your belly, and as his hands moved up, they dug under your top, and not gently.  You gasped as his thumbs insistently reached your nipples and pressed.  You put your hands on his bare chest and there you felt beating a mile a minute.  You looked at your right hand, which was over his heart.
“Feel what you do to me?”  
You knew he wasn’t talking about his erection, which was pinning you against the makeup mirror.  You looked up into his eyes and saw the emotion there. You opened your mouth to speak and he kissed you.
When you separated, breathless, Daveed was resting his forehead against yours.
“I want to take my time with you, but right now, I…”
You pecked him on the lips again.
“Daveed. Fuck me...now.”  You started moving your hip against his, causing him to respond in kind.
"If I do that, I'm going to tear that ass up..." He planted a kiss below your earlobe.
You rubbed your palms against his nipples, rubbing in circles. You felt him shudder.
You could feel it in the pit of your stomach. "You promise?" 
You looked him fully in the eye. Daveed reached down and hiked up your thigh so that he could feel the warmth at your core. He palmed your cheek and you turned your head into it, giving him a kiss.  He put his thumb into your mouth.
“Just… wait… shit… suck… damn…” Daveed almost lost it as your lips enveloped his thumb and your tongue swirled around it.  You sucked, hard and your saliva began dripping down his hand.
There was no logic in Daveed’s head. Only sex.  He pulled both hands away from you and began fumbling with his belt. He grabbed his dick and started stroking, using your saliva to lubricate.
“Fuck, Lindy, I need…”
All you could do was stare. It was fucking BIG.  Long and thick and everything you dreamed. The juicy precum you saw made you thirsty.
You put your hand on it to gather some with your own thumb and brought it up to suck. You closed your eyes as you tasted him.  You moaned and then pulled off your top.
“Please, please, fuck me Daveed.” You were panting, your lips open. Daveed wanted to insert various body parts, his finger, his tongue, his cock. 
“Shit, Lindy.  I don’t have any condoms here.  I purposely left them at the house…”
You smiled at him and started unbuttoning your shorts. 
“You didn’t listen to me earlier.  I can’t have kids, D. And I haven’t had sex since, you know who.  But…” 
You pulled down your shorts, turned around and presented your panty-clothed ass to him.  
“I don’t know if you want…” 
Daveed stared, practically drooling, still stroking himself and now, pulling your panties to the side and slapping his dick on your ass. He looked at your reflection in the mirror, grabbed his chain and pulled you upright so that he could speak in your ear.  He pinched your nipple while he stroked up and down your slit from behind as he spoke.
“I want to hear you scream." His voice in your ear was deep and sexy.
You closed your eyes and moaned softly as Daveed reached in and inserted first one finger, then two inside you. Shit you were tight. He looked down at the sight of his fingers inside you.
"Nah, you gotta see this. This shit is beautiful.” His voice was so sweet, then it completely changed. “So keep your fucking eyes open.”
He pulled your hips back as he used both thumbs to open you up as he advanced the head of his cock to your cunt. It met the breach and he pushed tentatively, and when you both felt that he was thicker than an easy entrance, you both sighed. He retreated.
“No!  Please please please please please! I can take it. I promise I’ll take it all!”
Daveed grunted. “Begging already.” He sucked his teeth. “ Lindy, we have such a long way to go.” 
With a forceful push, he entered you. And it stretched painfully at first, but after that first split second, the transcendent feeling of him inside your wet canal, molding you to him like a glove, made you want to cry. And when he started moving...
“FUCK! This isn’t supposed to feel this good. Shit, Lindy…” you could feel his cock pounding inside you and you fully agreed with it.
“Yesssss! Daveeeeddd!”  
Daveed started speeding up and going deeper and deeper, pushing your head down to the counter and pulling your hip back to meet his thrust and you began to scream when he started meeting your cervix.  
“Lindy, don’t judge me by this first encounter.  Because, I have to...” He grunted, because as he started to tell you, he started to feel himself losing control. “I have to get this…”  He moaned. “Shit, I NEED to get this nut.” 
“Fill me up Daveed. I want your cum.” 
With that, he slapped your ass cheek hard, and that delicious pain added to your pleasure as he started fucking you like he hated you. You threw it back and Daveed went crazy.
The mirror started banging against the wall.
You were lost as your screams and moans were surely able to be heard by anyone who would listen. But neither of you cared.
He pulled your hair and forced you to look at him in the mirror.  He felt himself about to bust, but he wasn’t going out like that.
“You gonna give me what I need? When I tell you to?”  Your eyes were barely open and you couldn’t speak, but you nodded as much as his grip on your hair allowed.
“Good Girl.”  Your pussy fluttered around him even more at that; he felt it and moaned.
And I don’t care how good it feels you better not come until I tell you to.”
“Fuck!” was all you could say.
“You like being a good girl for me?”
“Mmhmmhhmmhm!”  You couldn’t form words.  Daveed slapped your ass again. “Use your words, Linden.”
“I-I-I love being a Good Girl for you Sir.”
“Mmmmm You gonna take all this cum I have for you and wear it until we get back like a good girl?”  
“Y-yes, Sir. I’m going to keep all your cum inside me Sir.”
“Good Girl. Good God.”
Your whole body felt like it was tingling and about to explode.  Your legs were shaking.
Daveed reached around with his long arm and found your clit, the minute he pressed, your body convulsed.
“Ah, ah, ah….mmmm.” Daveed was trying to stop you, but he couldn’t stop himself. 
“Shit Lindy. Cum. Fucking Cum. Right gotdamn now.”
You shattered around his cock as he pumped into you, sending streams of cum against your cervix.  That sensation and the fact that Daveed didn’t stop circling your clit prolonged your orgasm for a good while.
You collapsed on the counter, as Daveed continued to stroke softly, making sure his cum stayed inside of  you.  He watched himself go in and out, still semi hard, and rubbed his thumbs along the column of your spine as he blew air on it to cool you off.
“You’re so fucking beautiful.”
He bent down and kissed your shoulder near your neck, causing you to arch your back at the sensation. Must be your spot. He took note and then slowly pulled out, pulling your thong back to cover your pussy.  He bent down to take a look at the moisture seeping through the material and he smiled at it.
Daveed pulled his pants up and went into the bathroom to wash his hands and came out to see you dressed and adjusting yourself in the mirror.  Your eyes met and you smiled shyly at him.  You turned around as he approached.
“I am going to judge you by what just happened, because that shit was amazing.”  You smiled up at him and Daveed was blinded for a minute, then smiled back down at you.
“You good?” he nodded downward.
“Yeah, gonna be a little uncomfortable keeping all of it in, but I will try.”
Daveed’s expression darkened.  “You better do it. Or else.”
Your look was mischievous in response.  “Or else what?”
“Don’t be a little brat.”
“Why not?”
“If you're going to act like a little brat, then I’m going to treat you like a little brat.”
“How’s that?”
“Don’t push it Lindy.”
You just grinned at him as he tried to keep a stern look on his face.  You were going to be his dom downfall. He was too soft for you. But you were making him hard again.
He caught his breath while you washed your hands.
What the fuck was he going to do? Daveed was in love with you.
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avidgladiator-blog · 7 years
smartphone compare
A smartphone can be a cellular telephone that not really just features as a phone but also as a small pc, offering messaging, internet gain access to, camcorder, Gps navigation, etc. For starters - it's the best-looking phone we've ever seen, with those gorgeous curves and that all display front catching gazes. From simple features such as producing phone calls and sending text message text messages to capturing high quality pictures, hearing to music and GPS selection, a smartphone is usually an essential gadget that has replaced several other devices over the course of time.
Home windows Mobile phone marketplace talk about also oscillated between 1.5% and 0.3% during the same period body. EnglishThe heads-up screen can be a smartphone that shows program guidelines. Obtain a telephone that's component personal associate, entertainer, existence recorder and family members planner. EnglishThe headset links wirelessly to an iPad or a smartphone.
The Moto Z2 Play is an incredible smartphone for £379. Unlike the teens of my generation, who might possess spent an night tying up the family landline with gossip, they talk on Snapchat, the smartphone app that allows users to send photos and video clips that quickly disappear. Accidents involving a driver being distracted by being in a contact on a telephone possess started to become prosecuted as negligence identical to racing.
Mettre l'ensemble des deux produits au panier put bénéficier de la remise. It's simply because fast as those flagships that'll price you double simply because very much, and its gorgeous brand-new appearance makes it an overall stunner. It was my initial clever mobile phone...in this range it is certainly better in all stage of watch...I will little disappointed about battery pack life only 3000mh it less in acc to price... Read the full review.
Today you have got the equipment to make accurate cinematic masterpieces, as you encounter the future of filmmaking, with features like Cine Effect, which delivers 16 unique presets so you can color level your videos, set the firmness, and better express disposition and emotion-helping your movies attain pro-like position. Kid's Toys & Video games Actions Statistics Plaything Disciplines & Build Bikes & Scooters Educational Playthings & Tablets Electronic Playthings Kid's Musical technology Equipment Remote control Control Playthings Various other Child smartphone compare.
Possibilities are you usually are as well familiar with Meizu, but that's no reason to ignore its most recent smartphone - the Meizu Pro 7 As well as. The Sixth is v20 was LG's follow-up to the Sixth is v10 and sports activities an all-metal style. The biggest difference between the Millennials and their predecessors was in how they viewed the world; teens today differ from the Millennials not just in their views but in how they spend their time.
Provided you're not put off by the size, the Moto G4 is usually an absolute masterpiece and a more-than-worthy upgrade over the third-generation Moto G. We likened all of Apple's obtainable mobile phones, and the iPhone 8 with 64 GB of storage space is certainly the greatest gadget for anyone who wants a great iOS phone. Windows 10 Mobile (formerly known as Windows Phone ) is usually from Microsoft It is usually closed supply and proprietary.
Get the H8 if you're after a proper smartphone investment. Little Devices Drink Preparation Cooling & Heating Combining And Blending Cooking Toasting Ironing And Laundry Vacuums Other Small Appliances. The iPhone 8 As well as is certainly a true giant of a mobile phone, thanks to Apple's blazing A11 Bionic chip. Poor smart phone battery life has negatively affected customer satisfaction.
Image 12 Mpixels grand position et testosterone levelséléobjectif - Appareil picture frontal 7 Mpixels. Ending Thursday at 3:37AM PDT1deb 15hFrom ChinaBrand: LG. Designed to help you make life good, our smartphones can transform you into a filmmaker, help you stay connected 24/7, show you the world through a different lens-and do it all with the latest technology right at your fingertips.
It's not really a poor mobile phone, per se, it simply does not have the level of shine we normally anticipate from top-tier smartphones currently. They feature powerful multicore processors, access to the latest apps through Android, and peerless display technology. The iPhone 8 and its Plus-sized equal are the most costly iPhones however, but it's the In addition that makes this list credited to its dual 12-megapixel camera.
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Appareil picture 2 Mpixels / Micro SD - Bluetooth - Radio FM. Skype availability is normally favored mainly because well as a good video camera for business discussions. Discover the new Huawei G Power phone that comes with amazing battery power and allows you to charge other mobile devices as well. Lenovo Smartphones are fashionable, industry-leading products.
If you have a tendency brain paying out a little even more, the recently obtainable Moto G5S i9000 Plus offers a bigger 5.5-inch display and dual rear video cameras for $279 (and an introductory price will conserve you $50). While picture quality isn't very a huge step up from what we saw on the Galaxy H8 and H8 Plus, the extra 12 MP sensor with OIS allows you to take clear, concise photos and impressive bokeh shots in just about any situation.
Whether you favour Google android or iPhone, we've spent hundreds of hours on analysis and tests to discover the greatest smartphones about. Third parties could develop software for Windows Mobile phone with no restrictions imposed by Microsoft. Écran tactile Multi-Touch 13,9 cm (5,5'') - IPS Retina HD 1920 a 1080 pixels. Also important to this group, fast surfing of the web, ability to watch movies on the smartphone & employ on public applications like WhatsApp, facebook, twitter, Instagram and snapchat.
Following a successful launch of the Galaxy S i90007 and S i90007 Advantage , Samsung appeared to have got a quite great idea as to what users desire in a smartphone. The Apple iPhone offers been acquiring the world by storm since it first appeared in 2007, thanks a lot to its great looks, intuitive handles, and easy efficiency. Opaska jest bezprzewodowo połączona z . iPadem lub smartfonem.
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