#also I would die for Scheherazade but y’all knew that already
magical-misfit · 2 years
More Episode 8 thoughts
Stepmother’s definitely trying to get that ink so she can become an Author. Maybe we’ll get a return to Palimpsests but in the actual definition of a piece of parchment that’s been scrubbed clean.
(Also side note the way I could not move when Brennan was describing the door opening, like this woman has created a fear in me so visceral I am literally paralyzed)
I disagree with Timothy’s statement of “the authors don’t care about us” in the preview. I would argue the authors do care which is why they give them the happily ever after, it’s why they write the stories. It’s whatever’s causing the Times of Shadow that don’t care.
The hairs on my back lifting up when Brennan described the Lines Between as the ship from alien like goddamn. I knew exactly what he was talking about and I shivered.
Aesop is just a tired old man. He’s not a bad guy at least not in the sense other people are. He’s like your parent trying to teach you moral sensibility even though you’re thirty with kids. Or an old white philosophy professor who can’t see past his own personal experiences but that doesn’t make him a villain.
The inkwell is obviously this season’s macguffin and I’m predicting as we get closer to the end that The Lines Between will collapse at some point. Possibly because of the Stepmother but definitely because someone wants to change their story.
I think the wings collapsing are because of the red beads. I don’t know how it relates but that’s my hunch rn
Also I def think the red beads contributed to Ylfa sinking in the Auroratory. I don’t think she would’ve had such a hard time otherwise. Cause PIB failed his wisdom save as well but I don’t think he has as many beads as Ylfa.
In all honestly I find the idea of The Lines Between quite comforting and super cool. An entire world between worlds where stories are constantly written, revised, and recorded? Where every oral tale is constantly playing on a loop until it finishes the story? It’s amazing and I demand to go now.
Obviously the BBEG is Brennan Lee Mulligan for creating this world and Ally Beardsley as Mother Goose will reach out from the pages and strangle him to death with a Nat 20 at some point but for now I guess we can say it’s the Stepmother (but also what a meta moment for Key and Legend to go ‘yeah someone created us and we’re scared of them’.
I am very curious to find out what Ylfa did in the next episode and whether or not more people can get their hands on their books. Does mother goose even have a book? Also what with having the Frog Prince do for Gerard? I have so many questions that must be answered Brennan!
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