#also LIEUTENANT judy rybinski
wexhappyxfew · 2 months
hiya shannon hope youre doing well 😚 now ill let you pick the pairing because i actually haven't watched mota yet (which is treason and all, i know), but can't miss out on a chance to read some of your amazing writing. i thought these prompts were interesting:
3. “Tell me to leave and I’ll never bother you again.”
29. “Don’t lie to me. I was there.” 
xoxo hope to hear back from you soon and can't wait to read!
HI FRIEND!!!! i hope you're doing well toooo!! thank you so much for stopping by! awe it's no worries, you know that!! i always say watch when you can or want haha!! :D you're too kind, friend, thank you for the love and support and i hope it lives up to it!!! i picked my OC Judy Rybinski and who she is ~eventually~ paired up with, a fav of favs, Robert 'Rosie' Rosenthal, who i have a few more pieces for as well posted and coming in the next few days!! and, i went with the first prompt offered (#3) as it fit the vibes more here! these two have my HEART! and i hope this piece captures that too :) (also: i will absolutely be getting back to you soon my friend hehe 🥹🫶✨)
let it linger
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(a/n): for the judy x rosie girlies again - giving you all the soft, slightly awkward and nervous vibes there is, with a hint of that eagerness and excitement as we near the end of the war! and judy gets a promotion (which she deserves and earns), so please enjoy that! plus, enjoy the slight hint of the imagery of a swan above! they're beautiful!! :D also....just incase i didn't mention it anywhere else (and thinking back i probably didn't) after some of the silver bullets girls get split up, judy gets a position as rosie's turret ball gunner on rosie's riveters!!
"Lieutenant Rybinski, that has a ring to it."
Lieutenant Judy Rybinski. In her eyes, it really did. Lieutenant Rybinski - with her new crusher cap, A-2 jacket fit to the length of her arms and rather tiny form, the Lieutenant bar on her lapel, and the new level of standards she seemed to hold herself to. Judy looked up from underneath that shiny new crusher cap at Rosie Rosenthal and grinned.
"You think?" she asked him with a chuckle, crossing her arms as they approached the mess hall, "I'll be honest, Rosie, I didn't expect it. They don't do that sorta thing real often around here it seems. I know Francis just got the big promotion, but I don't know…." Judy shrugged, "a ball turret gunner doesn't see that sorta stuff." Rosie watched her for a moment, before breaking out into a wide grin and stopping in the path and turning to her, his hands placed firmly on his hips.
"A ball turret gunner like yourself deserves to see that sort of stuff." he said, and then offered her a wink to which she gave him a look. Judy gasped.
"You know something, don't you," she said, leaning forward and popping his shoulder lighting with a finger of hers, "c'mon, spill, what is it?" Rosie watched her and shook his head.
"I just think that Operations really has seen the lengths you've gone in the line of duty," Rosie said with a gentle smile, "your leadership skills, your capability to remain calm under pressure, stepping up to the plate. How you had to come up outta the ball turret and take on tail gunner for the second half of a mission. That sorta stuff doesn't just happen. Some people panic, some stall up. You jumped right in." Judy watched him.
"How would anyone know….?" Judy started, trailing off after his spiel, only to grin like a loon and drop her jaw, when she saw him grinning like he always did.
"It was YOU." Judy managed in a mixture of gasping-whispering-and-excitedly-yelling, before placing her hands on her reddening cheeks and grinning, "You didn't have to!" Rosie laughed lightly and shook his head, before stepping forward and placing his hands on her shoulders comfortably, like they'd been there all her life, his presence both warm and kind.
"I know how hard you work, Judy," Rosie said quietly, the feel of his gaze on her both pleasant and peaceful all at once, "I got mixed up in a conversation with Jack Kidd, he brought up the Silver Bullets, and….well, I couldn't help but bring you up." Couldn't….help? Judy was probably red in the face, but she didn't mind. He couldn't help but bring her up?
"You got that look on your face," Rosie said quietly with a chuckle, "I know you don't like the spotlight, but when people do what you've done, you deserve it." Judy stared at him, fighting back a bit of pent-up emotions that have been living inside her body for months. Despite her feelings towards Rosie as a whole (which had continually grown deeper without fail and had been increasingly harder to hide), and her emotions towards the war (which were ever-present), having someone like himself, taking away her emotions towards him, recognize what she's done, and what her sacrifice has been, made her want to have a breakdown.
"People don't usually tell me that sort of thing," Judy said softly back to him, smiling up at him with her rosy cheeks, "so thank you." Thank you for seeing me, like you always do, Judy thought to herself. Rosie smiled at her genuinely, and then squeezed her shoulders.
"It's always my pleasure, Jude, you know that." Rosie said tenderly, before dropping his hands from her shoulders and crossing his arms, nodding to the mess hall, "Ready for breakfast?" She nodded, but felt rooted in place, eyes somewhere towards the ground.
"You okay?" he asked her, reaching forward and bumping a pointer finger lightly under her chin as she looked up towards him, his hands going back to his hips. The longer she stared at him, the more she couldn't contain her thoughts inwards.
"You're really amazing you know?" Judy managed out, with a nod, "And you've probably been told that a million times, by a bunch of guys, as well as a bunch of girls wanting to have your last name, but, genuinely Rosie, meeting you has meant everything to me. Please know that." Rosie watched her, his turn to get rooted in place as a silence fell around them. Judy's cheeks grew a darker red just as the realization of what she had said to him and she suddenly wanted to take it all back with that look on his face.
"I…" Judy started, "listen, tell me to leave and I'll never bother you again, but, you do so much for me and everyone else around you and you put so much of yourself out there to better others and help other people. And you make sure people are cared for and comforted and doing well and are healthy, which damn, I barely look out for my own health, and you just…" Judy fell at a lose for words as Rosie stood there soaking in her jumbled mess of speech that he was definitely trying to decode in some sort of way. There she goes again, just saying whatever came to mind, right in front of Rosie Rosenthal, her emotions edging her on even more so in recent days it seemed.
Even if all he saw were friendship between them and they'd never be able to explain what all those touches and lingering looks were for whatever was to come, he'd know that she thought he was incredible and someone who has genuinely changed her life. He'd know that for as long as he lived, even it meant embarrassing herself until the point she was red in the face. She noted his slightly red cheeks and the wheels working in his head to speak.
"Thank you, Judy," Rosie said quietly with a nod, catching her gaze as she stared at him, whatever was swimming in his eyes enough to get a smile on her face, at the way he seemed breathless enough without words to stand there in front of her and look at her like that, "it's the right thing to do. Here. Right now. In the world. Help people. Make them know they're an important part in all of this. I….wow, bit of a loss for words, Jude." Judy watched him and then smiled grandly up at him.
"You take a minute to catch your breath," she whispered, before stepping forward and pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek, where she might've lingered a little longer than needed, but the spark of connection with that gentle touch was enough to keep her boldly functioning, "I'll meet you at the mess hall." Pulling back she looked at him and so up close, she could see every bit of his eye that you never saw from far away, and it made her smile softly within his general gaze, enough to keep him smiling, himself.
"Even if there are a lot of girls who'd like my last name," Rosie started, referencing her rather bold display of emotions, "none of them have ever kissed my cheek like that."
Judy froze up as she stared at him, her heart pounding so loud in her ears, she swore she had imagined that last part. She stared at him, swallowing her words and thoughts to try and get her body functioning and looked up into his eyes again.
"Maybe because none of them ever had the courage to really get to know you," she whispered back, holding his gaze like a sun to the moon, "and know how much you deserve to be loved like that." And then Judy was stepping away from him, trying to tell herself not to regret every word she was saying, spilling out of her mouth in that moment.
They could go down any day of the week - she was done watching her friends fall in love and then get their hearts torn out of their chests. She was done with the war getting what it wanted. She was tired of people letting the war take away the one thing that was ever-present. Love. Even if it meant a few bold, rather embarrassing forms of half-confessions and awkward, nervous laughter.
And Rosie.
Rosie deserved to know. She just had to find the courage to tell it straight to his face all these feelings she had wrapped up deep inside of her. For now, she'd let those thoughts linger longer.
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wexhappyxfew · 3 months
next time i wake
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(a/n): because i am very much in 'loving rosie rosenthal hours' and judy rybinski of silver bullets is deserving of light and love and i just think the two would be a good fit for each other; whatever direction that leads them in. please enjoy!
Everything around her was warm, fuzzy and somewhat bright, but also peaceful and quiet and tranquil. It was a feeling she couldn't really remember feeling in quite some time.
She shifted around a bit, the blanket tucked up under her chin and the pillow under her head insanely fluffy, and there was a gentle whir of a fan somewhere above her.
Slowly she opened up her eyes and rolled onto her side, a small yawn sneaking out, a bit of pain somewhere in her leg, and then focused in front of her and was surprised to find none other than Captain Rosenthal there.
Judy's eyes slowly widened.
He wasn't looking at her at the minute; he was working his way through a book that she couldn't see the title of - bent over forward, staring down at the book propped between his fingers, a hand under his chin, deep in thought.
He couldn't have looked more glorious to her.
A stretch to even wonder what her current state was, how she had gotten here, and what was going on.
But, she was staring at Captain Rosenthal and for a moment, everything was okay.
"Sir?" she tested, her voice croaking and dry, her mouth tasting like saw dust. A crackling cough escaped her system and Captain Rosenthal looked up from his book and a soft smile grew on his face; he immediately went to grab for the water at her bedside and slid the chair closer forward.
"Hey," he said quietly, "how are you feeling?" She watched him and slowly nodded.
"Okay?" he asked her, "Let me help you sit up, get some water in you." She nodded again. He placed the water down and she let him take her hands and slowly sit her up.
"Here, you're good," he said, reaching over to adjust the pillow a bit more upwards behind her back, "there ya go, lean back a bit, there, good." Judy slowly, weakly if she could admit, let go of his hands and laid back against the pillow and then glanced towards the cup of water. She felt so weak it was honestly horrible. And in front of Captain Rosenthal.
"Want some water?" She nodded. He picked up the cup, and helped to adjust it in her hands - once she got some sips going, a few wet coughs to follow, she could get her voice going.
"Thank you, sir," she said looking up at him, and he smiled. There was something in his look that brought her comfort in a moment of time where she felt she had absolutely no idea what was going on. And he seemed to understand that right from her looking at him.
"Silver Bullets took a hit, at the ball turret," Captain Rosenthal said quietly, "they pulled you out, unconscious, got you to the ground. Lieutenant Montez made sure you got to a stretcher safely, got your leg fixed up and in bed. You've been out about a day." She blinked. She could hardly even remember that mission, getting in the ball turret - any of it.
"Where is she?" Judy asked quietly, "Lieutenant Montez?" Captain Rosenthal regarded her for a minute and glanced over his shoulder.
"She's not doing great," he told her, voice low, "I think Sergeant Harlowe convinced her to get some food, but she's been by your side a majority of the day and night - Lieutenant Carlisle and Lieutenant Achterberg, too." Judy stared at him.
"And you, sir?" He offered a quick smile.
"I've been here, too," he said, "keeping watch." There was something in his gaze far more comforting than that of others, that she trusted, something she wanted to reach out and grab hold of and never let go. He was convincing enough of that even with a few words. He seemed to be quite good at that.
"Judy!" Judy looked away from Captain Rosenthal and looked towards the entrance to the Med Bay; Judy was almost more relieved that she could say for - Lieutenant Bradshaw stood there, looking far better than she had in days, the stress under her eyes still more prevalent because of all the recent happenings, but looking cleaned up and slightly more well rested than before.
"Hi, Lieutenant," Judy said, her voice pathetic almost as Lieutenant Bradshaw came up to her and gently wrapped her arms around Judy's rather weak frame and gave her a soft squeeze before leaning back, face filled with relief and worry all at once.
"Look at you," Lieutenant Bradshaw said, "I just came to check in on you, stop by, give Captain Rosenthal here some company and instead I find you here awake." Judy grinned.
"The universe puts people in places for reasons," Lieutenant Bradshaw said and Judy chuckled slightly at her words, before Lieutenant Bradshaw glanced at Captain Rosenthal.
"How ya doing, Captain?" Captain Rosenthal - Rosie, Judy told herself - smiled.
"Just fine," he said, "keeping Rybinski company." Lieutenant Bradshaw smiled and turned back to Judy.
"How about I get you a cup of soup, huh?" Annie said before glancing at the near empty cup of water, "And more water. Liquids are always important. You were running a fever for a bit, but still, we'll hydrate you up."
"Forgot you were a nurse, Lieutenant." Rosie said with a chuckle, looking up at Lieutenant Bradshaw as she smirked and shook her head.
"My Ma is, so let's just say, I get it from her," Lieutenant Bradshaw said and then squeezed Judy's shoulder, "I'll be back."
Judy watched Lieutenant Bradshaw go - she really was the best - caring, kind, tough as nails, and if you mess with her enough, you'll have it coming. Judy would always admire Lieutenant Bradshaw - especially with Captain Brady going down.
Judy knew that she had gone and taken time to get those emotions out somewhere in the middle of the night, where no one could hear her or see her. And in the morning, she'd been just as she always had, strong as she always had, smiling like she did, crooked and toothy. You would've never known. But Judy knew - the few times Lieutenant Bradshaw had let on that there was something with Brady that hadn't been there before. Judy knew.
"You okay?" Judy watched Lieutenant Bradshaw disappear out the doors and then refocused again on Rosie, who was watching her rather intently, like if a gust of wind blew in, she'd blow over and he'd have to lay himself out to keep her from crash-landing on the ground. Which, in hindsight, she appreciated.
"Fine, sir," she said, and pulled the blankets up more, "it's chilly." Rosie watched her and then leaned forward and placed a hand on her forehead. It caught her off guard - his nearness, his aftershave, his presence there beside her, this sudden mother-hen dotting nervousness exuding just from that movement.
Maybe she still had the fever.
Judy slowly slid her eyes towards Rosie's face, which was closer than it had been before and she tried to dissect it, but like Major Cleven or Lieutenant Bradshaw, he schooled whatever he was feeling pretty well.
"You're a little warm," he said, "maybe you didn't break the fever yet." Rosie slowly stood to his feet and glanced around.
"Let me try and find a towel…." he muttered under his breath before moving towards where a few of the nurses were, quietly discussing something with them. Judy watched, that smile itching on her face to continue to grow wider. She shook her head and glanced towards the book.
"Of Mice and Men." she said out loud.
"It's a good one," she heard Rosie say, suddenly appearing again, "a lot of emotion though. Pretty heavy." Judy looked up towards him and bit back her lip a bit and glanced back down at the cover.
"I mostly stick to Jane Austen, I'll admit," Judy said and then smiled, "but I'd happily take some recommendations though, sir." Rosie grinned at her, where his eyes grew all glowy and soft.
"I'll promise to lend it to you when I'm done," he said, "I'd like to hear your thoughts." Judy did blush, but she outwardly blamed it on the fever and just went along with Rosie believing the same.
"Here," Rosie said, holding up the cloth, "was sitting in ice cubs, asked one of the nurses if you could use it, cool you down."
"Thank you, sir," she said as she laid back a bit, and he laid it against her forehead. She let out a quiet sigh at the relief of the cold cloth there on her skin and shut her eyes.
"That feels wonderful," Judy said quietly, "thank you." She could almost sense the quiet smile lingering on Rosie's face, though she had her eyes closed. Her heart bounced a bit inside her chest.
"Let me know when it starts drying out," he said, and she peaked her aching eyes open to see him settling again down on the chair beside her. He caught her gaze and smiled slightly.
"Get some rest, I'll be here when you wake up. Or whenever Annie gets back." he said, a slight chuckle at the end of his sentence at his words. Lord knows Annie could come back with more than she bargained for and fill Judy up with goodness. Judy watched Rosie for a moment, bathed in sunlight, and grinned.
"What?" Rosie asked, his voice tender in a way that reminded her of home. Judy grinned wider instead and shut her eyes.
"It's a secret, sir," Judy said and she heard Rosie laugh slightly.
"What does that-" Judy cracked an eye open and held a finger to her lips with a chuckle.
"I'll let you know when I wake up." she said and then shut her eyes and fell asleep to the soft laughs of Captain Rosie Rosenthal.
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