#also Neon said his hair reminded her of Sun and when I say I froze I really froze smh
spotlightstudios · 11 months
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Hey guys. I'm uhhhh-
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superiordragonlorde · 5 years
Sweet Meet
April 2:  Dreams | Sunflower | Sunshine by Atlas (I listened to this song while writing)
Here we are for day 2 of @kiridekuweek2k19 . I hope you all enjoy!
     Eijirou strolled down the sidewalk, attention divided between gazing at the small shops lining the street and his phone.
     ‘How’s the downtown? Did you check out that cafe Ashido opened up?’ Denki’s text popped up on his screen.
     Eijirou’s thumbs tapped out his reply. ‘It’s cute. There are lots of shops. Haven’t found Ashido’s yet. Still looking.’ He looked up in time to avoid running into a sign sitting outside a store’s entrance, advertising homemade pottery. He glanced into the store, catching a brunette standing at a counter surrounded with ceramic pieces. She gave him a cheery wave, pink tinted cheeks bunched from her smile. Eijirou waved back with matching enthusiasm.
     He scanned the line of shops again, searching for bright colors.
     ‘She said it’s the brightest one there,’ Denki’s text helpfully reminded. ‘So look for lots of colors.’
     Eijirou huffed a laugh. Their friend, Mina, adored bright colors, even if they tended to clash with one another. He had no doubt that she would pick only the most eye-catching colors she could find for her new cafe.
     He turned a corner and almost stopped in mid-step.
     Well, this must be it.
     The building across the street was saturated in bright pinks. There were pots of brightly colored flowers lining the store, filling the space with neon blues, oranges, purples, greens, and reds. Vines heavy with their own flowers covered the edges of the windows and doorframe. If Eijirou had to be honest, his eyes were starting to hurt a little looking at so many colors.
     He crossed the street at a light jog, lips quirked in a smirk as he imagined Mina’s excitement while she’d decorated her shop. If he knew anything about her, then the inside was probably just as colorful as the outside.
     He peered into one of the large picture windows. Just as he’d thought, the walls inside were just as pink as the ones outside and covered with various patterns, modern artworks, and paintings and pictures of flowers. Nothing matched, but it was in a charming way that made Eijirou think of overexcited, well-meaning children.
     His gaze scanned over the people sitting at bright tables with odd-looking chairs, the display cases filled with delicate pastries, and the small line of people waiting at the counter. It seemed like Mina’s cafe was doing really well so far. Eijirou grinned, proud of his friend.
     He was about to turn towards the door and enter, but something different inside captured his attention. Amidst the neon colors and patterns, dark green moved out from behind a customer with a bright, shining smile.
     Eijirou’s chest seized and he froze, jaw growing slack. The man with green hair stepped to the side, picking up a cup and heading to an espresso machine. His mouth moved as he talked with a red-and-white haired customer, corners of his lips still curled up in a smile. Freckles bunched and stretched across his cheeks as he spoke. His smile grew wider at something the customer must have said. Then his head tilted back, his eyes closed, and his shoulders shook with a laugh Eijirou couldn’t hear.
     Oh shit, he’s cute...
     Eijirou shook himself and reached for the doorknob. He entered the shop with a small chime of bells signaling his arrival. He slipped into the line, standing behind a shorter woman with long green hair tied into a bow at the end. The man behind the counter handed the first customer his cup with a beaming smile and a chipper farewell. The duo haired man nodded in thanks and headed to a secluded corner table with a well dressed, black-haired woman and a blue-haired man with glasses.
      Eijirou continued to wait in line, torn between taking in the cacophonous colors or taking in the dark green, sparkling eyes and spatterings of freckles.
     And suddenly, the eyes, freckles, and beaming smile were right in front of him.
     “Hi!” the man greeted. Eijirou almost felt his knees give out at the rich baritone that was directed towards him. “Welcome to Pinky’s Cafe. What can I get for you today?”
     Eijirou opened his mouth, but his voice was trapped in his throat. The man continued to watch him, his head imperceptibly tilted up to accommodate for the slight height difference. His blinding smile wavered and his brows started to furrow as the silence stretched on between them. Eijirou couldn’t help the fleeting thought of softly smoothing out the crease on his forehead with his thumb.
     “Um, sir?” The hesitant inquiry snapped Eijirou out of his stupor enough to realize how much of a dumbstruck fool he must look like.
     His face alighted in flames. “Sorry!” he squeaked, cringing at the sound of his voice cracking. “I’ll, uh, I’ll take the... um...” He skimmed over the menu, his brain occupied more on trying to salvage any form of suave normalcy he might have in his embarrassed self than on making a decision. He turned his gaze back to the green-eyed man, clearing his throat before asking, “Is there, uh, anything you’d recommend?”
     That had sounded way smoother in his head...
     The man hummed in thought, placing his palms on the counter and jutting out his hip as his face morphed into deep concentration. Eijirou swallowed hard. “Well, if you like something bitter, I’d suggest the Acid Riser. It’s pretty much three shots of espresso with coffee. It’s great if you have to pull an allnighter for exams, I should know. But, if you like sweeter drinks, then there’s the Pink Cloud. That’s a mocha with at least four pumps of chocolate. We use strawberry milk too so the foam is pink, that’s how it got its name. There’s also the Minty Morning. That’s a cappuccino with peppermint syrup added in and the milk has green food coloring in it too. It’s really popular around the winter holidays, but since it’s spring, you might not be interested in that right now...” He trailed off, a light dusting of pink highlighting his freckled cheeks. A soft, nervous laugh escaped past his lips. He reached up and brushed some curls out of his face.
     Eijirou felt as though his heart would implode.
     “I-I’m sorry about that,” the man stammered softly. “I kind of tend to ramble on about stuff sometimes. Uh, so...” He released a strained chuckle, green eyes flicking towards everything but Eijirou.
     The redhead was sure that his chest was going to explode with the amount of pressure building inside of it. “What’s your favorite?” he blurted out and immediately inwardly groaned.
     That’s it, I’ve ruined any chance of looking cool in front of him.
     The man perked a bit at Eijirou’s question and a softer, shyer smile graced his lips. “It’s not on the menu yet, but... I think you’ll really like it.” He spun around, grabbing a cup along the way. Eijirou watched in quiet fascination as the man seemed to glide from place to another. He had to glance away though when the man bent down to grab milk from the small mini fridge on the ground unless he wanted to look like a perverted creep.
     When he was finished, the man presented Eijirou with a cup filled to the brim and a bright yellow flower sitting on the foam.
     “Woah,” Eijirou breathed, admiring the artwork sitting delicately atop his drink. “How the— This is so cool!” He looked up in time to catch a shining smile that quirked a corner of the man’s mouth. The pink tint had turned into a soft red on his cheeks.
     “Thank you. But please, go ahead and try it,” he urged, eyes alight in expectation.
     Eijirou hesitated, glancing back down at the foam flower. “But... I don’t want to ruin it.”
     The man waved a hand loosely in the air. “If you like it I’ll make you another one. Tell me what you think!” He was practically vibrating, awaiting for Eijirou’s reaction. The redhead hesitated again, taking a few more moments to memorize the design. He finally brought the drink to his lips and took a slow sip.
     The hot beverage coated his tongue with a subtle sweetness that reminded him of summer days eating watermelons. There was a small kick of espresso, like the twinge in his chest when he listened to the green-haired man’s laugh, and then a touch of nutmeg at the end that was like a small reminder of warmth in the middle of winter.
     “So?” Eijirou’s eyes snapped over and landed on the man’s bright, eager eyes. He leaned on his forearms above the counter, smile outshining the sun itself. “What do you think?”
     “I love it!” Eijirou burst out, words scrambling out of his mouth faster than his brain could comprehend. “This is so good! Holy sh— I mean, this stuff, it’s— How did you make this? It’s great! It’s— Wait, what’s it called?”
     The man’s smile grew larger and Eijirou felt like he should lean closer, as though whatever he was going to say was a secret only the two of them could share. “I’m calling it Sunflower for right now, but I think I might change it.”
     “I think it’s perfect.”
     The man’s grin softened and Eijirou half expected himself to melt into a puddle where he stood. The man opened his mouth, prepared to say something, and Eijirou held his breath, excitement bubbling in his chest.
     Eijirou jumped with a strangled yelp at the boisterous yell. He looked towards the speaker and felt equal amounts of joy and disappointment. Mina stood with her arms raised in the air and a monstrous grin taking hold of her face. She laughed, the sound filling the small cafe, and ran towards him.
     Eijirou tensed and took a cautious step back, eyes widening. “Wait, hold on— Coffee, Mina! COFFEE!!”
     By some miracle, his friend stopped just a hair’s breadth away from pouncing on him and bounced from foot to foot impatiently until Eijirou had placed his coffee down on the counter. She wasted no time in lunging for him after that.
     “I’m so glad you made it!” she cheered, arms wrapped tightly around his neck. “Man, you are going to love this town. It’s so cute and small. Everyone’s so nice here, and— Oh, and you met the sweetest of them all!” She released Eijirou to gesture to the green-haired man, whose deep red blush made Eijirou’s lungs freeze.
     “Did you guys introduce yourselves yet?” Mina asked, then barrelled on before either man could reply. “Of course not, you two are such human disasters. Alright, this here—” she looped an arm around Eijirou’s shoulders— “Is my friend Eijirou Kirishima. And this amazing, sweet guy right here—” she held out a hand to the man behind the counter— “Is Izuku Midoriya.”
     The man gave a shy wave before seeming to shake himself and held out a hand. “H-hi. It’s nice to meet you.”
     Eijirou was sure his face was matching his hair at this point. He scrambled to grab Izuku’s hand. “Yeah! It’s great to meet you too!”
     Izuku chuckled, the sound sharp and shaky from nerves as they shook hands. Eijirou’s throat tightened and his heart somersaulted at the firm grip encasing his hand.
     Oh damn, he’s strong. That’s kind of hot...
     “Ok, dude,” Mina sang, a wolfish grin twisting up the corners of her mouth. “I think we’re good on introductions.” Eijirou ripped his gaze away from Izuku to Mina, who gave a pointed look at his hand, which still clasped Izuku’s, no longer shaking. Eijirou quickly released it, a bark of laughter forcing itself out of his mouth.
     This is it. I’ve officially ruined any of my chances...      “Alright, man.” Mina tugged him away to an empty table, saving him from further embarrassment. “You’ve got to let me in on everything! What’s been going on? How’s Kaminari and Sero? Did those two idiots get suspended yet? Wait! Please tell me they didn’t. You know what, tell me about your classes and exams, how did they go? How did that class with that one asshole kid go? What was his name? Momoma? Monama?”
     Eijirou twisted around and grabbed his coffee cup before Mina could tug him out of range. He flashed Izuku a small smile. “It was nice to meet you, Midoriya.”
     Izuku smiled back, eyes sparkling. “It was really nice to meet you too. I guess I’ll be seeing you around, right?”
     Eijirou nodded, chest warming. “Yeah, definitely!”
     “Great!” Izuku chirped and Eijirou felt like he was suddenly weightless and floating across the floor as he trailed behind Mina. He collapsed into a bright green chair, biting his lip to keep an excited squeal from slipping out.
     Mina leaned across the table, sporting an impish grin as she arched an eyebrow. “Fyi, he’s single.”
     The sudden explosion of warmth in his chest combined with his heart flipping and jumping like an acrobat almost made Eijirou call for an ambulance. It didn’t help that Mina’s smothered laughter permeated every corner of her cafe, earning multiple concerned glances from her customers.
     At least when I die from embarrassment I’ll be a happy man...
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sambashua · 7 years
orange sherbet
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHEEPY @chipsandwaffles ??? what url to tag tbh well your birthday is tomorrow but ! here it is~ enjoy this shit show and congrats on being old:D thanks for being a great friendo!
Basically Doyoung works in an ice cream parlor and it’s really cheesy and cliche but the shop is based on the one they went to for the boy video if you want reference i guess❁ this is just...actually 2k words worth of pure trash
Your shoes clacked along the pavement as you made your way home from university. Another long day of classes left you tired, cranky and, of course, hungry.
Ducking between tiny patches of shade to avoid the beating sun did little to help in the relentless humidity, and you sped up to make the stoplight.
As expected, you just barely missed it.
While you huddled in a sliver of shade cast by the traffic light, you spotted a colorful shop out of the corner of your eye. It couldn’t hurt to take a quick peek before the light turned again right?
As you inch closer you can see the delicate pink paint and large windows decorated with neon signs that reveal an inviting ice cream parlor. You glance over your shoulder to check the light, and after ensuring it was still red, you slip inside the glass door.
The rush of cool air was enough to knock you off your feet, but you merely stumbled in from the humid air. You faintly register the delicate ring of a bell signaling your entrance.
An overwhelmingly sweet scent clung to the air and enveloped you in a blanket of icy sugar.
The shop was empty, which could be expected on a late Thursday afternoon in that heat, and surprisingly small. A metallic counter took up the majority of the space with shorter counters along the windows lined with seats.
Just as you were mustering up the strength to go back outside and brave the heat once more, a door behind the counter swung open and a beautiful boy stepped out.
Well not a boy, a young man? He looked to be near the same age as you. Just as you were about to run out to avoid having to interact with a real person, he spoke up.
“Hi! can I help you?”
Instead of letting you respond he listed out the day’s specials and gestured to the different cup sizes all while smiling brightly. Your mind cranked, trying to string together enough words to form some sort of coherent sentence in your overheated and sleep-deprived state, but the ice cream boy prattled on.
“So you could get one flavor or a mix of two for the same amount!” his voice dropped and he leaned closer and cupped a hand around his mouth. “I can even throw in three flavors if you want. It’s been a super slow day and I’m the only employee here.”
You opened your mouth to respond, but he was off again, running his mouth at an impressive speed.
Damn does this kid ever stop talking?
His sentence trailed off as he tried to explain how every flavor was made in-house and their ingredients were imported from the finest blah blah.
“I’m so sorry, ah, my friends always tell me I ramble when I-“ he blurted out awkwardly.
Your jaw slacked when you realized why he changed topics, “Oh, shit did I say that out loud? Fuck- shoot sorry for cursing.”
He shook his head and laughed a bit at your equally flustered state, “I’m Doyoung by the way. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you here before?”
You offered your name in return and shrugged, “I guess I’ve never noticed it.”
The growl of your stomach echoed above the soft music playing, reminding you that you had places to be.
Doyoung smiled again (or had he ever stopped?), offering his services once more.
Choosing your favorite flavor and sitting at the window, he settled down beside you and continued to strike up conversation. Or rather, continued to babble as you listened. He was so damn cute you didn’t even mind.
“Really, do you ever take a breath?” you teased.
“Usually no one has anything interesting to say,” he shot back.
You rolled your eyes and shifted your weight so you faced away from him to continue eating your ice cream.
You could sense Doyoung’s pout before you turned to look. His lips sunk down at the corners with eyebrows furrowed above sad, dark (and cute) eyes. Despite yourself, you felt a tug at your stupid heart.
His face returned to a blinding smile as you punched his arm and told him to go on.
“You’re cute when you’re annoyed,” he said.
Your shoes clacked along the pavement as you made your way to Doyoung’s ice cream parlor, like every afternoon after your classes.
The bounce in your steps reflected your excitement to see the talkative boy. But you’d never let him know that. His ego was already big enough. You simply pretend you need a place to escape the heat and your obnoxious roommates.
Although you’d never admit it, your daily visits to the shop were the highlight of your day.
After sitting at the corner near the window all afternoon studying and savoring the ice cream flavor of the day, you now perched atop the counter beside the cash register and watched Doyoung count the money and rush around the shop clearing surfaces, sweeping and straightening every last chair.
“You know this would go a lot faster if you helped,” your friend complained.
You scoffed. “You’re the one getting payed Dodo! And I’m busy.”
He rolled his eyes are you turned back to tapping away at your phone. That didn’t keep you from stealing glances at him and smirking to yourself.
A soft laugh escaped you as he bumped his head as he tried to stand after reaching a paper underneath a table.
He turned sharply and pointed a finger, “Wipe that shit-eating grin off your face, punk.”
One hand instinctively slapped over your mouth and you saluted with the other. “Yes, sir!” you said with your eyes still crinkled in amusement.
Your shoes clacked along the pavement as you hurried to the parlor, later than usual.
Upon entering the shop one afternoon, you registered Doyoung wore a baseball cap which partially covered his orange (;)))) hair that you’d definitely need to steal later. You also noticed that the usually quiet store bustled with movement.
Nearly twenty boys crowded around the small counter, practically blocking Doyoung from view. Dodging elbows and shoulders, you narrowly managed to squeeze through the throng and darted behind the counter to hide behind the safety of Doyoung and the cash register until the group dispersed.
Instead of the look of stress you expected to see etched on Doyoung’s soft features, you saw a look of calm and even… anticipation?
“Y/N!” Doyoung grabbed your wrist before you could reach the alcove between the wall and the freezer and pulled you into his side. “See, guys? I told you I had a girlfriend!”
“Gir-?!” Doyoung quickly pinched your bicep with the arm he had wrapped around your shoulders, cutting you off.
“Can you believe these dorks thought I could never find a girl to tolerate me long enough to date me, babe?” Before you make a second exclamation he continued on. “Y/N, these are my friends from my uni club I told you about? Remember?”
You leafed through your memory and vaguely recalled one of Doyoung’s long rants involving the boys in his performance group teasing him often.
Playing along, you wrapped your arms loosely around his waist and nuzzled your head into his chest.
Fuck he smelled so good.
“Doyoungie, why didn’t you introduce me to your friends earlier?” you whined and put on a pouty gaze to look up at his chin.
You felt him exhale a breath and smile proudly. He owed you, like, at least five free ice creams.
Doyoung tried his best to introduce all his friends but the seemingly endless smiling faces began to blur together. You vaguely remembered a Mark and a few J names and a Tae-something? It didn’t matter much because Doyoung looked so happy to be talking with his friends. Your hand fisted into the fabric of his shirt as you saw a grin light up his face and adorably crinkled his eyes. Fuck.
The tallest boys smiled broadly, “I’m so glad you finally got together with Y/N, Doyoung. You haven’t shut up about her for months!”
You couldn’t stop your jaw from dropping, but, luckily, Doyoung’s hand was right there to shut your damn mouth.
As soon as Doyoung closed the shop door behind the last of them, he turned on his heel and looked at you grimly. Your foot tapped rhythmically on the tile and you crossed your arms expectantly. Doyoung offered a sheepish (ha) grin and laughed breathily.
“Heyyyy-“ he scratched the back of his neck, while drawling on. “Hmm… wasn’t that something…”
“Oh, so now you have nothing to say?” you asked with raised eyebrows.
He looked anywhere but at you, and made a move to the register, but you stepped in his path. With a quirk of your head he stopped mere centimeters away. His proximity almost made you want to catch your breath and step down and drop your questions. Almost.
“Don’t you have anything to say?”
“Y/N,” he lifted his cap to run a hand through his hair, still avoiding eye contact. “I have to close up the shop.”
You scowled as he tried to move past you one more time. A hand on his chest froze him in his tracks.
“Doyoung, I swear to fuck. Fucking talk to me, you loser.” You couldn’t keep the scowl on your face from turning into a pout as he finally looked into your eyes.
“Why hadn’t you just told me to act as your girlfriend or whatever before? You could have given me a heads up!” you said.
Doyoung let out a sigh and his hand ran along the back of his neck, “I just-” he paused. “I just didn’t know how you would take it… I don’t know it’s dumb. I’m sorry.”
“Doyoung, it’s no big deal really I don’t-”
“It’s a big deal to me!” he cut off sharply.
You took half a step back in surprise. Why was he so worked up about this? But you let your hand fall that you hadn’t even noticed was still rested on his chest. He sucked in a sharp breath and closed his eyes slowly. His face scrunched up and he let out a long sigh.
“I just, fuck. I really like you, Y/N. Okay? But I don’t want to make things weird between us, so I act like everything we do isn’t a big deal even though I think about every second we spend together and think about how it would be different if I could just kiss you or hold your hand or tell you how much I like you. I want to grab your face and tell you how fucking cute you are when you pout or when you get mad at me or when you’re studying or watching me work while you pretend to be on your phone. I wish I could tell you how much you mean to me when you make me laugh or how much joy you’ve brought into my dumb life when you walked into this stupid store. But I don’t want to do anything because you just think I’m a loser and a weirdo and I-”
You cut him off abruptly by pressing your own lips roughly against his and unabashedly throwing your arms around his neck.
The force of your sudden act caught Doyoung off balance, and caused a chair to topple over loudly. But he somehow was able to keep upright, and wrapped his arms tightly around your waist.
“You are a weirdo, you loser.” You breathlessly managed once you broke apart. “But that’s why I like you, too.”
Doyoung smiled so brightly heart began to swell with joy.
He brought your lips to his again.
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