#also Prophis 🤝  Emmy for being kinda creepy until its revealed that they're actually pretty cool
saintclay · 2 years
Fuck it, D&Dorks time. 
Okay so genuinely, The Absence being a kid is so fucked up in the best way possible. Like Sir Superhero said that The Absence was a kid of indeterminate gender, and (correct me if I’m wrong) around 8-ish which like. Okay. 
Imagine you’re this kid. You’re somewhere between the ages of eight and ten, probably. I mean 8-ish could be anywhere from a tall 6-year old to a 12 year old who’s hitting puberty late, but considering that this kid did find one of the god thrones (and because they were described as being ‘around eight’) I’m going to assume eight years as my lower limit, and guesstimate around ten-ish as an upper limit, all things considered. anyway.
Imagine going on some kind of whirlwind adventure in the chaos realm, full of fantastical things, probably, and finding a throne, sitting on it and then suddenly.
Nobody can remember you. Even if you talk to them even if you ask them to remember you, they just can’t. And this would be horrid enough for an adult, but you’re a kid. You’ve probably never been on your own before, you’ve never really had to go for long periods of time without someone around to take care of you. You are at an age where you actually need a lot of socialization with peers in order to not get, y’know, profoundly fucked in the head. 
And this goes on for millennia. It goes on for so long that you forget your own name, you forget who you were before you were the God of Secrets.
This goes on until you find a party of adventures who come to figure out what the fuck is going on with a city that is suffering because someone broke a pact with you except surprise surprise the entire party except this one old blind dude are gods. Fledgeling gods. (Well okay no it goes on until this one dude comes and asks you to take care of the party of fledgeling gods, but lets not split differences)
And then suddenly, one of them remembers you. They give you a name that isn’t just The Absence. One of them, for some fucking reason, is lecturing you about safety and personal space like they’re your mother or something.  
Like god damn no wonder Skeezvol got stolen as soon as Emmy realized that he did, in fact remember them. Isolation does shit to you, and they’ve been isolated in the most concrete sense for a long time.
also it is so fucking on brand that the ‘Kid NPC’ that this party adopted is both technically older than all of them and is also probably more powerful than all of them
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