#but also used he/they for Emmy iirc?
saintclay · 2 years
Fuck it, D&Dorks time. 
Okay so genuinely, The Absence being a kid is so fucked up in the best way possible. Like Sir Superhero said that The Absence was a kid of indeterminate gender, and (correct me if I’m wrong) around 8-ish which like. Okay. 
Imagine you’re this kid. You’re somewhere between the ages of eight and ten, probably. I mean 8-ish could be anywhere from a tall 6-year old to a 12 year old who’s hitting puberty late, but considering that this kid did find one of the god thrones (and because they were described as being ‘around eight’) I’m going to assume eight years as my lower limit, and guesstimate around ten-ish as an upper limit, all things considered. anyway.
Imagine going on some kind of whirlwind adventure in the chaos realm, full of fantastical things, probably, and finding a throne, sitting on it and then suddenly.
Nobody can remember you. Even if you talk to them even if you ask them to remember you, they just can’t. And this would be horrid enough for an adult, but you’re a kid. You’ve probably never been on your own before, you’ve never really had to go for long periods of time without someone around to take care of you. You are at an age where you actually need a lot of socialization with peers in order to not get, y’know, profoundly fucked in the head. 
And this goes on for millennia. It goes on for so long that you forget your own name, you forget who you were before you were the God of Secrets.
This goes on until you find a party of adventures who come to figure out what the fuck is going on with a city that is suffering because someone broke a pact with you except surprise surprise the entire party except this one old blind dude are gods. Fledgeling gods. (Well okay no it goes on until this one dude comes and asks you to take care of the party of fledgeling gods, but lets not split differences)
And then suddenly, one of them remembers you. They give you a name that isn’t just The Absence. One of them, for some fucking reason, is lecturing you about safety and personal space like they’re your mother or something.  
Like god damn no wonder Skeezvol got stolen as soon as Emmy realized that he did, in fact remember them. Isolation does shit to you, and they’ve been isolated in the most concrete sense for a long time.
also it is so fucking on brand that the ‘Kid NPC’ that this party adopted is both technically older than all of them and is also probably more powerful than all of them
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amaryllisblackthorn · 6 months
spoilers for professor layton and the last specter
one day i'll finally write that ~analysis about how layton treats children esp in pl4 and esp in comparison to emmy that's been in my head for literal y e a r s at this point
i'm going to actually leave some of my scattered thoughts abt it here finally. note that this is all based on the US localization.
for lack of better words, layton treats children with respect and seriously. like of course he's mindful that they're children but he takes what they say and feel with seriousness. vs emmy who's often patronizing, demeaning, or impatient (for lack of better words).
this is prob most apparent with Luke in pl4, though not limited to him.
when first told about the door puzzle, emmy goes 'aw thats so cute let's do it'. like indulging a little kid. which luke is, but i digress. EDIT: briefly checked out the jpn text in the scene and it doesn't seem like Emmy calls it cute, and her tone isn't doing it either. seems like she's just like, 'Professor, let's do it!' which is interestinf
there's a point where Luke is freaking out about the specter and the power it has and how it's corrupted his father. emmy's like 'you cant seriously believe theres actually a specter!' but Layton says to Luke 'I believe the specter has the power you say it has'. Layton doesnt believe there's an actual monster re: the specter, but he believes there is something re: the specter, and that's the important thing. and Layton furthermore immediately goes on to say he's noticed something's up with Clark, himself. Layton is listening to Luke and taking his feelings and fears seriously and is validating him -- and this is so incredibly significant bc of Luke's whole feeling like he's unable to trust anyone during the game which is incredibly related to this but a bit separate so im trying not to digress. THE POINT. is. the difference between Layton and Emmy in this regard.
i dont remember if it's the same part -- i think it might be later but maybe not -- i think it's when Luke reveals how he can tell where the specter will appear next? -- but basically Emmy's kind of upset for lack of a better word that Luke had been withholding that info and is like 'are you hiding anything else, like what the specter has for breakfast?!' or something iirc. luke mind of apologetically defends himself with 'i didnt know if i could trust you' and Layton is totally understanding
EDIT: (i removed an example bc upon further reflection it wasnt necessarily relevant. i might readd it later)
then there's the part with Jakes' son near the end iirc
also the small part nearer the beginning iirc when Luke goes chasing after the cat and Emmy&Layton are chasing after him and Emmy complains to the professor 'he's acting like a child!' and layton's like 'heh well he is a child c; '
there's also how Layton treats/interacts with the Ravens
also when first meeting Luke and Luke's opening up slightly but then Clark comes in and starts scolding him which has Luke withdraw/angry/turn away and Layton's like, "Clark, please"
there's also the cutscene when they first see the specter, where before it appears. Layton asks Luke, 'well, luke, what do you think? do you see anything?', he says no nothing, and Emmy's like 'I still have a hard time believing this. it sounds like a scary bedtime story. is this even possible?'. Layton says, 'Well, we'll soon find out.' and then Emmy goes on to say 'and a poor boy who predicts where the giant specter will appear' and Luke's unhappy about her comment
ALSO when Layton tries to go after the Specter that scene and Luke grabs onto him and tells him not to go, Layton takes the time to talk to him. same for when Luke's freaking out when the police took Arianna away. Layton puts a hand on his shoulder, gets to his level, and talks to him seriously.
this isn't bashing on Emmy btw I actually enjoy this as part of her character and it makes sense to me the difference between her and Layton in this regard. im also not saying that shes like always like this with kids either. or that it's even kid specific. I genuinely think it's neat. I also think it's a super neat part of Layton's character.
also ive really got to either play through pl4 again myself or watch a playthrough to record all the specific instances again.
also Layton taking Luke's feelings and fears seriously and Luke coming to trust Layton at this time of his life means the world to me
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kainebell · 9 months
So the lead writer of Nightbound wrote that New York Times bestseller book? Is it like Nightbound or something else? How's the plot? Only witches or...
Yes she did! It’s a romance novel before anything else, and while it deals with magic, it’s in a way that’s similar to Kindred and not so much Nightbound. In other words, it’s definitely more “Halloweentown” than it is “Supernatural” but that’s what really makes the atmosphere of the book so fun (imo). As for the plot, it follows a witch who’s returning to her hometown for the first time in years, because she has to be the Arbiter of the upcoming tournament between the town’s four founding covens, which will give the winning family a magical boost. It’s a little silly and definitely pulls from HP, but it works anyway lol.
The MC (Emmy) is from the weakest family (the Harlows), who are basically the town’s magical bookkeepers, and the LI (Talia) is the eldest daughter of the town’s second most powerful family (the Avramovs), who deal in necromancy. Emmy used to date Gareth, who is the heir of the Blackmoore family, the most powerful coven in town, but he broke up with her in high school; she’s also best friends with Linden, who’s from the Thorn family (nature magic users). When she comes home, she finds out that Gareth dated Talia and Linden at the same time while she’s been away, and now they want to sabotage the tournament to knock him and his family down a peg with Emmy’s help. Hijinks ensue, Talia and Emmy fall in love, etc. It’s honestly really cute and atmospheric. In this book, the only supernatural “creatures” are witches, but in the second one ghosts and demons show up, and in the fourth one (which I haven’t read) the love interest is a monster hunter iirc. I think it is similar to Nightbound in some ways, particularly the writing style and also the way Harper creates the atmosphere/worldbuilds, which is something I really enjoyed in NB. Also, the LI definitely gives Katherine vibes, but a bit more femme (although I pictured her as more futch than Harper intended lmao). This turned into an essay but I hoped this answered your questions 😅
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destinyc1020 · 4 years
they are talking on twitter about the line z said that now she refuses to play shallow female characters and people are saying that mj is exactly that but as z is stuck to a contract she has to stay in sm3 and when she accepted the role she was younger and now she changed her opinion. so, she is getting hate for it and there are people saying that mj may even die in sm3 because z no longer want to play her. what do you think of all this?
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OMG...I swear Twitter does the MOST. 🙄  Fans on Twitter are exhausting.   They take one little comment in an interview and twist it to mean whatever they want it to mean.  Z was not saying that she hates the Marvel Spider-Man franchise, OR playing MJ.  She’s always spoken nothing but GREAT things about the franchise and how proud she is to be playing such an iconic character with a great diverse cast.  She’s also playing in Dune, which, quite frankly has her doing the SAME exact thing, and she’s in the film even LESS than she is in the Spider-Man Franchise lol...so why are they jumping to conclusions and only focusing on MJ?? The impression I got from the interview is that she has been sent many scripts her way, but they didn’t have a strong female character arc, so she refused.  I mean, of COURSE the first break-out role on the big screen you chose 4+ years ago is going to be different from the roles you choose years later after winning an Emmy.  That’s a no-brainer.   But Z doesn’t hate playing MJ.  If anything, she enjoys having a bit of a break from all of the emotional roles she’s had to play.  Plus, in the interview it almost gave me the impression she was glad to at least have the Spider-Man franchise as a constant sure thing in her pocket, because who knows what the film industry will look like during and after covid?  But Z loves Spider-Man. It’s her favorite comic character for goodness sakes lol.  She also used to have a Spider-Man in her car dashboard (I haven’t seen her car lately so idk if she still has it there).  The Spidey franchise will always hold a special place in her heart because it was her FIRST role on the big screen.    I would LOVE to see MJ’s character (or just the side characters in general) grow and develop more, and have backstories or at least know more about her (or them).  But I won’t be punching the air if she doesn’t because her playing MJ has put her on the radar of SO many more people.  Not everyone watches Euphoria, and not everyone will see M&M.  But most people SURELY have watched Marvel’s Spider-Man (or a Marvel film period). 
Even Tom won’t be choosing the same roles he chose 4+ years ago.  In fact, Uncharted was something that he chose even prior to him landing CA:CW IIRC.  So obviously he will be doing a variety of different roles and will probably be more discerning when choosing certain roles in the future.  
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youtuberswithalex · 5 years
Aight Imma do a rundown, the others will add on when they’re out
Alter: Alex Mettleson
-Age: 22 (Aging linearly) -Formed:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Been around for a while. Been the host since 2016 after he and Emmy split in half, so technically since 2013-ish? -Theme color: Blue (although Red’s been coming WAY high up on his favorite list since starting his Youtube stuff) -Career choice: Youtube! -Side most like: Logan -Queer stuff: Trans, aroace! -Fun facts about him: Only one who’s out during Phi Mu Alpha stuff, and the only one who “knows” anything of it in the system!
Alter: Emmy Seymour
-Age: 20 (Aging linearly; originally the same age as Alex, but when they split, she went dormant until 2019, so she’s two years younger now, but they still call themselves twins) -Formed:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Again, been co-host since last summer, but technically since 2013-ish -Theme color: Pink!!! But she also really loves yellow -Career choice: Artist~ -Side most like: Roman -Queer stuff: HUGE LESBIAN -Fun facts about her: Chose her birthday to be the same day as the NASA moon mission because she loves space, and, coincidentally, we got to celebrate her first birthday on the day of the 50th anniversary!
Alter: Turner Imin (that’s me!)
-Age: 23 (Aging linearly) -Formed: 2003/2004-ish? -Theme color: Greeeeeeen -Career choice: I’d love to be a park ranger, but god knows the body could not handle that, nor could all the alters after we had a traumatizing hiking situation (not like, getting attacked by a bear, but we were hiking for like two days on a church mission trip, and we got severely dehydrated and nearly had to go to the hospital, and we had severe panic attacks on the nights we had to camp out, so. Yeah. Honestly, it’s not that big of a deal. I just like being able to hang out with Alex again) -Side most like: R E M U S -Queer stuff: Bi, or something. Also this doesn’t technically go in this category, but I know it causes a lot of confusion-- I’m a girl. (I think.) Always have been a cis girl. My name’s Turner because I named myself after our 1st Grade teacher, and we didn’t know it was a boy’s name until, like, 6th grade, at which point I was too attached to it to change it. I might be an enby, I dunno. Maybe it’s just because of Emmy being so femme, but. I’m a girl, I go by she/her pronouns forever -Fun facts about her: I was the first alter to form! I’ve been around for, like, ever. Alex and I grew up together, and when he was “””too old””” for “””imaginary friends””” he made me a character in a lot of his stories, so if you see me in some of his old fics, that’s why!
Alter: Eddie
-Age: 16 (permanent age... for now) -Formed: 2011-ish? -Theme color: Red or black and white -Career choice: “I don’t fucking know, I’m a goddamn teenager, what do you want from me? I want to fucking exist” -Side most like: Virgil -Queer stuff: N/A -Fun facts about him: He’s got a tongue piercing, and when he aged up from 14 to 16 last November, he went from being a cute kid version of Alex to this sick punk kid (and grew into himself a lot)
Alter: Evan Polters
-Age: 38 (permanent age) -Formed: Late 2019 -Theme color: Black/white (mostly white) -Career choice: Doctor (Medical practitioner, specifically) -Side most like: Logan. Hands down -Queer stuff: I think he’s gay? I dunno. He’s a single dad and doesn’t talk about having any partners or anything -Fun facts about him: He’s British and is in charge of our hygiene. The first thing he did after forming was take over and make the body brush its teeth for the first time in months. That was fun to explain to our therapist
Alter: Boulos
-Age: ????? Maybe ageless??? -Formed: Late 2019 -Theme color: Purple? -Career choice: Philosopher -Side most like: Deceit -Queer stuff: N/A -Fun facts about him: He’s the first Alter that gave us a SUCKY split. Spent the whole night trembling and having horrible anxiety, until we got a bad headache and then there he was! Took him a long time to settle on a name, too. Liked Boulos bc he wanted a “Paul” name and it’s the Arabic version of that (iirc). Also based his appearance off of the name, so, dude’s Middle Eastern
There’s two more that don’t want to be introduced, but, those are the main ones for now, I guess. We had some others in the past, and we’re still learning more about the system (There are definitely others that Alex hasn’t met yet), but, like I said, we’ll update this as people want to. Hope you like the intro!
-Turner :P
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I agree that for Jon as a character to make any sense and for his past journey through the GOT series to make sense, political Jon has to be there. One thing I thought was off, maybe I'm crazy, is Kit saying between filming S7 & S8 that he didn't know when Jon fell for Dany. If the scripts he was given for the end of S7 WERE the ones used during the filming, then how could he not have known? Also, as you pointed out, what the script says and how Jon acts on screen don't match up. Fishy maybe?
Hi, Anon!
I don’t think you’re crazy at all. I completely forgot that Kit had said that (thank you for reminding me!). Which brings me right to the point that I actually agree with you 100%. Something fishy definitely went on bts. I just don’t know exactly what since no one really spoke on it or confirmed it. I know D&D talked about the show when they were in Austin but I think they only did it in general terms? (I could be wrong on this) I do remember back before the Emmys happened and they uploaded the 8x06 script for the nomination - I remember reading that and going “wtf?” with everyone else. Lines like Sansa and Jon looking at each other when Arya asks what’s west of Westeros because they “both failed geography” (that line still makes me laugh). Or Daenerys in that dragon wings shot being regarded by everyone as Her Satanic Majesty (like what? lol) or Drogon accidentally melting the IT in a fit of rage and grief. But I think during this, iirc, people were able to point out that the script didn’t fit to what we saw on screen. I don’t remember the exact examples and if they also included 8x05 in this but I do remember there had been something.
So for me, there is definitely something fishy. You would think Kit would have known exactly when his character fell for Dany or even who he was politically manipulating kindly in season 7. Not to bring another show into GoT discourse, but him not knowing reminds me of another show that had a bad ending that I’ve also been heavily mired in recently: Supernatural. One of the characters confessed that he loved another after years of clues in the narrative and moments that showcased he had though the show never confirmed it and actually tried to deny it at times or even shut the conversations down. When the actor who plays that character was asked just when the character fell in love with the other, he claimed he didn’t know. Kit is a very similar type of actor to these two actors (as well as Emilia I think) - they’re fully in their character’s skin and very interested in the arcs for their characters. I find it hard to believe that Kit didn’t wonder just when Jon fell for Dany if the romance was meant to be a genuine epic sweeping love saga that it was being portrayed to be in the main narrative, especially if his character was going to be sacrificed in the end so to speak. So, these two shows with these types of actors really kind of mirrored each other in a way - GoT was trying to prove a romance was there and SPN was trying to prove there wasn’t and in the end, they got the complete opposite effect but one similar theme: what they showed on screen did not match what was in their scripts, editing, and acting regarding those two relationships. At the end of each series, things had changed in the narrative. Jon has to kill Dany and the SPN character has to confess his love to the other character. This to me proves not everything is as it seems when it comes to the Jonerys romance for Jon’s character. In the end, yes something is definitely off.
Thank you so much for the ask. <3
Edit 3/20/21: in 7x06 script, in the boat cabin, when Jon sees Dany mourning Viserion, this moment is written that this is when he realizes he has feelings for her.
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lola-just-lola · 7 years
Idk James seems to have some grudge because he thinks she did Harry wrong, which is sad and petty, since neither Tay or Harry seem to have bad blood. James is also friends w hiddles and he made some comments on his show (implying) Taylor used him for pr iirc. He's a shitstirrer
Taylor Swift used Tom for PR?.... i mean no offense to Tom but the only one who had anything to promote and who was campaigning for the Emmys and GG and Bond etc was Tom... like can James just use his brain, Taylor didn’t have anything to promote LMAO 
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