#also a big fan of queerplatonic relationships so theres also that
mispelled · 2 years
you are literally one of two people who made posts with a wilem x simmon tag in the kkc fandom
i am the other one
ship them harder, please
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Any other headcanons you wanna talk about? For Ford or others? I’m always free to listen!
hi sorry this took a while, i was trying to figure out which headcanons i wanted to talk about here- thank you for the asks! :D
i have yet to post any queer headcanons for the pines family and im still excited about ford using it/its pronouns, so here you go!
mabel - i headcanon her to be panromantic and aspec. maybe demisexual? havent quite decided yet. she's also transfeminine and xenogender. xenogenders. she cannot be contained in just one. also a neopronoun user- she/they and a bunch of nounpronouns. she collects them like pokemon cards.
dipper - had to think on this one a bit (ive seen two different headcanons for him that i really love). i headcanon that he's biromantic arospec and bisexual (possibly aspec? still not completely sure.) he's transmasculine! i think he'd tell people his pronouns are he/him, but he wouldn't mind people using they/them or neopronouns for him
stan - bisexual biromantic for sure. also somewhere on the aromantic and asexual spectrums, im just not entirely sure where exactly he'd fall. he doesnt know either. he's trans, and he's not sure if he's transmale or transmasc. he doesnt really care about finding out. he/him but he's fine with they/them too.
and i saved ford for last because i wanted to say- there's actually a specific reason i headcanon all these things about his identity. which is that i saw other people talking about him with these things in mind and went "oh shit thats me isnt it".
moral of the story- the below headcanons were all stolen directly from other people and this is how i realized i was trans and aroace. the gravity falls fandom really can be wonderful. also i would die for aroace ford.
anyway- i headcanon ford is aroace. specifically, he doesnt feel any romantic attraction (im sure theres a word for that but i wouldnt know it) and he's sex-repulsed (i know the word for that one- apothisexual). he may or may not have a queerplatonic relationship with fiddleford. this is something mabel and stan have been trying to figure out and they just havent yet.
he's transmasc! real big fan of the idea that he realized that simply not gendering was something he could do after going through the multiverse. he uses he/they/it and, like mabel, collects neopronouns like he collects anomalies
bonus headcanon for fiddleford - biromantic bisexual and transmale. may or may not be in a queerplatonic relationship with ford. he's okay with whatever pronouns you want to use for him but does lean towards more masculine or gender-neutral ones.
i wouldve included soos and wendy and melody but i havent quite nailed down my headcanons for them yet
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