#also a mention that the London he is talking about is not London Ontario lol
canadian-riddler · 2 years
reading a book about a lumberjack in BC and sometimes he talks about how other men don't know the value of hard work and how he's happy to work for a boss that works hard
but his boss is also super cheap and everything they have is broken and the boss won't fix it because he thinks men work better when what they have is good enough because it means they have to be like creative about problem-solving
and the narrator has to like. bail out a rowboat while he's rowing, run a steamboat by himself, cut up a tree that's forty feet long by four feet wide to fuel the steamboat by himself, sometimes has to go to bed with wet clothes on, works for a guy who's a huge asshole, and he does all this with a foot that got messed up from logging
but he never describes any of this as hardship. more of an inconvenience. he actually has a very romantic view of his occupation, like it's the greatest job in the world. and the person who wrote it actually was a lumberjack.
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stereax · 1 year
I think MM is cooked, he’s 1 of 2 players to not outright deny his involvement and there’s also the damning picture of him in the hotel room
I'm rolling with the idea of innocent until proven guilty (the report comes out). There's a LOT of moving pieces and we won't know for sure what happened until we get the report - and even then, we don't know how accurate the report will be to what really happened.
Under the cut, I'll explain more. TW we're going to be talking about the 2018 WJC scandal in-depth, so if you're sensitive to sexual assault themes, please don't read forward.
I'm scheduling this post because I'm honestly a little terrified about this one, for (hopefully) obvious reasons. Sorry for the delay on this, in advance. God, fuck, shit, I know this is a bad idea, and I'm reasonably sure this is gonna get me cancelled (as much as a Tumblr account can be cancelled) lol... please be nice?
Before I get into the discussion, a disclaimer: I am not denying the 2018 WJC rape case. I fully believe that it happened. What happened is terrible and disgusting and should never be allowed to exist in professional hockey. I am analyzing one player (Michael/Mikey McLeod) and his possible involvement in said scandal.
Innocent Until Proven Guilty: A Stereanalysis.
Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence. - United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UN UDHR) Article 11 (look, international relations IS a useful major!)
Let's start off with the (very limited) facts of the case, from the lawsuit: At a gala in London, Ontario, celebrating the 2018 gold medal of the Canada World Junior's team, a woman (EM) meets a hockey player (Player 1). She becomes increasingly drunk and ends up going to Player 1's hotel room. They engage in sex (seemingly, at this point, consensual, though EM is intoxicated and possibly Player 1 is as well - the ethics of drunk sex are not my realm to parse out, and I will not be analyzing whether this specific instance is rape or not, as it is ultimately moot). Player 1 then invites his friends into the hotel room without EM's knowledge or consent. The number varies; in the lawsuit there are eight total players, but police say there are "reasonable grounds" for only five players. Important to note here is that most media says the lawsuit is against eight CHL players, among which 2018 WJC players are included. These five-to-eight players then proceed to sexually assault EM, intimidating her and blocking off exits. EM and her mother soon open a case with the local police on this issue. Player 1, upon being informed of this investigation by Hockey Canada, goes so far as to contact EM through Instagram and beseech her to "put an end to" the investigation.
We've got up to eight players (five that are going to be named in the report, it seems) that have raped EM. At least one of these, and likely several, but presumably not all, are members of the 2018 WJC roster. We will assume that all these facts are accurate.
On the picture: I can't find it anywhere. I'm looking. It doesn't help that seemingly ALL of Reddit is shut off with the API protests. Fire it my way, if you can. I've seen mentions of it in other places, so I will believe it exists, but I'd like to see it.
Mikey not saying anything doesn't mean he was or was not involved, in my opinion. It would be, frankly, stupid, to make comments on the investigation while it's pending. Remember how anything you say can and will be used against you? Exactly. Any legal advisor worth their salt would tell you to say as little as possible in front of the media.
Every other player on that team, barring (I think) Formenton and Batherson (both on the Sens), have denied they did anything. Formenton's contract wasn't re-inked and he's playing in Switzerland. Batherson was wearing an A when there was a recent injury on the Senators' roster. If we go Court of Public Opinion and claim Formenton is guilty and Batherson is innocent, we still have four-to-seven players' names to fill in. And it's entirely possible that none of those players were on the WJC roster.
Now, consider the NHL's position on this. They're just emerging from the wakes of the Kyle Beach scandal. Do they really need a second major sex scandal on their hands? Especially one at the hands of players and not staff? Would it not be easier to simply round up the players reasonably suspected to be part of the sexual assault and explain to them that yeah, you'll be taking a "personal" leave of absence or playing in Europe until this is resolved?
"But Stereax!" you say. "Cale Makar! Carter Hart! Those guys might be involved and they would be protected by the league because they're stars!" To this, I simply say: Mikey is not a star. As much as he plays a vital role on the Devils, he is far from a Jack Hughes-esque kind of player. I'm fairly certain they could Europe him with little or no real issues.
"But Stereax!" you say. "They did so little about Kyle Beach, even though Kane and Toews were publicly implicated! Nothing happened to them, and they're all but proven to have known and done nothing about it!" To this, I once again say: Mikey is not the face of a franchise. He is not a star. In the eyes of hockey, he is a replaceable 4C. You remove him from the team, you can put Shango or Boqvist in as the 4C and shuffle the third line accordingly.
Another thing to note is how, from the very limited information Mikey did give us, he stated that he was working with the authorities. If a person sexually assaulted someone else, and then ended up under an investigation, would that person willingly work with the authorities? Would they go so far as to say that on record? I'm doubtful.
Even if the NHL was to take no action, I sincerely believe that the Devils' organization would have done something if they were aware that Mikey was involved in the scandal. Unlike some organizations in the league (coughcoughRangerswhocough), the Devils tend to do things with general respect for humans. Like Fitz, who took the time to sit down with Severson and basically tell him that we'd love to keep him but he's too expensive, then help engineer the sign-and-trade to Columbus, getting Sevo the extra contract year. From a team that outwardly had a gender equality night, it would seem antithetical to the organization's roots to knowingly shelter a rapist. Hell, why would they write a FEATURE PIECE on McLeod in the playoffs? That's just asking for trouble.
Speaking of the playoffs - the report is dragging on. It's been months since we were promised it. Devils fans had worried that the report, if it would be indicting Mikey, was being postponed until the Devils were out of the playoffs so as not to mess the team up in the middle of their run. The run's been over for a month now. The report still isn't out. That's perhaps a good sign, that the report wasn't being held just so Mikey could have his "last hurrah", so to speak.
Think now about Ben Johnson. When he was found guilty of rape, the Devils terminated his contract basically immediately. Johnson never played for the Devils, splitting time between the AHL and ECHL affiliates (Albany Devils & Adirondack Thunder). Even so, it was a hard-line and immediate stance from the organization in a league that keeps trying to get Mitchell Miller ice time.
Or Jake Virtanen - though he was found not guilty of sexual assault by court, his contract was bought out and then he hauled ass to EHC Visp in the Swiss NL, where he got in enough fights with his teammates that the team basically told their manager they'd walk if he stayed. Recall Virtanen was a 6th overall pick in the NHL, probably the best non-lockout-era player the NL had ever seen, and he was that unpopular and much of a jackass.
Contrast this with Mikey, who the entire team seems to love. Take the Desert Island interviews, where every player asked says they'd take Mikey or Nate (the Superbuddies) or both onto a desert island for entertainment. Or how Luke's first dinner with the Devils was with the Superbuddies, Jack, and Dawson. Or generally how Mikey (and Nate) seem to parent half the young'uns on the team. Is Jack "our parents raised us to believe in gay rights and support the queer community" Hughes going to knowingly associate with a rapist? Is the team, which Jack has outright said was excited and had no issues with pride night and were looking forward to supporting that - is this a team that would all stick by someone who's committed sexual assault? Hockey culture and all, but I'd hope the Devils would be better than that.
And here we get to the most intriguing part of Clouder's Defense, what I call the 7+1 Theory. There have been whispers of this in the media and among circles of those in the know. The 7+1 Theory, most simply, is: Eight players were in the room where it happened. Seven sexually assaulted EM. One walked in and out, "unaware" of what was going on. (How "unaware" is up for debate. Some sources say that Player 8 was unsure whether whatever was happening was consensual and just resolved to stay out of it.) If this is the case, was Player 8 Mikey? We have no way of knowing.
And that's the long and short of it - we don't know. And we won't know until the report is released. And even when the report is released, how much will it say? How accurate will it be?
Now, if Mikey IS indicted in the report, all of this speculation is moot. However, I wouldn't go so far as to assume he is involved until we get the report - there are significant factors playing in his favor, which I've outlined above. I'm sure there are more that I'm forgetting, but I've spent way too long on this post already...
When the names are named and the information is released, only then will I pass judgment. Until then, I'm going to stick with the UDHR and presume innocence, both for the sake of legal thought and for the sake of my own sanity.
Once again, please do not take ANY of this as me dismissing or belittling sexual assault in any way. What happened in that hotel room in Canada was horrific and should never be even implicitly approved of by the NHL. I hope this report comes out sooner rather than later and justice can finally be served.
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anewbeginningagain · 6 years
What are the questions that article raised for you?
First (and in order to prevent drama) I’ll start with saying I think the article was great LOL. They came across as very mature and level-headed and like they are embracing this new part of their lives with this creatively clear path they would like to follow. I also loved how aware they are of everything around them, especially Scott mentioning the Molson fridge - it was always obvious how uncomfortable he was with the attention but most of all of how this specific incident (that most people found harmless and even entertaining) portrayed him in away he does not like since it doesn’t represent who he is and he does not like to set that example for young kids who look at him as an example. It truly shows what an honorable man he is and how much he matured (and also answers all the whining about why he haven’t posted a pic with the fridge for those who kept complaining and even had the nerve to blame Tessa for it).
I think most of the questions that it raised for me was aboutthis article maybe a bit contradicting other things that they said? Forstarters, Montreal was never brought up when they were hinting about thepossibly of staying there for a while. This time it felt like they were hintingon being more Ontario based perhaps. Now maybe it’s because it was an interviewgiven to a London based press. Also they talked about touring for several yearswhich will prevent Scott from full time coaching and Tessa brought up Scottpossibly setting up a competitive school which is something huge andalso raise the question of where will it be based. And opening your own schoolis interesting because you need a rink and to be able to have all other necessities(physiotherapists, nutritionists, gyms and so on) within reach. But maybe it reallywill be part of a collaboration with B2Ten, who knows :)
But most of all I hope it will put an end to all the constantnagging and complaints about Scott not getting enough media and the crap peoplegive Tessa about having her own career aspects when Scott clearly want to have his own career as well. But most of all it’s super obvious from each and every interview they gave that eventhough they are planning on pursuing individual opportunities their number 1priority remains their work together. It also made it very clear that Scottdoesn’t want in any way to go viral and rather have an image he feels comfortablewith. So I hope all those who keeps tarring them apart will let them be fromnow on.
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oratorealis · 7 years
Dimepiece :: Dana I.D. Matthews
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Why poetry? Why not? It's great for emotional relief, and an easy way for you to reflect on those emotions. I first fell in love with rap and hip hop culture. Rapping is itself a form of Spoken Word poetry. With that in mind I brought a rap verse to the London, Ontario Poetry slam. With the awesome performances from the other poets, and the kindness of a friend after not fairing as well as I'd hoped in competition. Here I am, still doing it.
What are you working on right now? Everything! Long story short, trying my best to expand the Dana I.D. Matthews brand. Making the story a litter longer. I'm working on an ongoing talk show, an ongoing review show, and an ongoing rap/hip hop music remix series where I take popular instrumentals and try to out-lyric the original songwriter and/or performer. All of this is on my YouTube channel. On top of this I'm also creating original mixtapes and albums in between everything else, releasing only 1 song and/or video at a time in an attempt to maximize my reach and relativity. What is your routine for writing? Do you have one? None at all, I always end up writing at least a little tidbit everyday. Perhaps in the first 2 years upon entering the spoken word community I wrote full 3 minute poems everyday. However now I find myself taking more time and leisure in constructing my poetry. Makes it feel more natural for me. I don't always feel like sharing, so I shouldn't expect myself to. What is the best advice you've received as a poet? Don't stop. A simple tidbit, but you'd be surprised how important that is. People often do things in spurts or short bursts. In my opinion I don't think this gives the craft the respect it deserves. Keep at it. If it matters, don't stop. Why do you live where you do? I live where I do because that's where my family is. There's also a whole mess of stuff I could get into but......naahhh. Where is the wildest place poetry has taken you? Wildest........inside myself. The things that poetry has allowed me to learn about myself are extremely valuable to me. I thank it for this. Always. What artists most inspire you, and why? I will mention my favorite as to not ramble: Ian Keteku. Between his world class poetry, educator skills, dedication to the craft, overall intelligence and great personness, I just have a hard time not listening to everything the man says. I've attended a workshop, heard his rap, watched his TED talk, and really listened to his latest poetry album (Love & Lumumba) . In my eyes, he's a blessed individual who genuinely cares about people. He's a good person. What was the last book you finished reading? Stick to Your Vision: How to Get Past the Hurdles and Haters to Get Where You Want to Be by Wes Williams, aka Maestro Fresh Wes. He's a Canadian hip hop legend and the book was all about teaching how to stick to your vision through the people you surround yourself with, to your own thinking. As another black man in Canada, I was very inspired by this book. Coincidentally, so was Drake. What has been one of your favourite moments on stage? To be honest I don't have a favorite, I enjoy performing, but I don't enjoy being on stage.....but I do and I'm good at it....you know? lol. Like I've said before. Since taking up boxing, I've learned that I'd rather take a punch to the face than perform on stage. But they are both equally fun. If I had to pick one I'd say it was the experience of my first CFSW. On and off the stage. My memories of that week changed my life as a person. I'll never forget it. What would you like to be doing five years from now? Exactly what I'm doing now but on a larger scale with a little acting on the side...and with everyone involved outside of myself provided for in ways that make for a comfortable way of life. 
Dana I.D. Matthews, a Haitian-born poet & MC, was adopted and raised in Canada. Now an independent Vancouver based artist, Dana has a voice that naturally commands the attention of anyone in the room. His diverse lyricism springing from his unique upbringing & extensive spoken word poetry background. Currently, he is working on expanding his resume, focusing on building his brand that surrounds his recording, engineering, & editing skills.
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I live In London Ontario and I'm 16 I'm about to get my g1 if I pass use my parents car for a year and do drivers Ed and if I buy a Honda civic 2009 manuel transmission, hOw much would insurance be ? Please list a bunch insurance companies and tell me the price thanks!""
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In other words, how much does it really cost to rebuild this house? My homeowner insurance company insures the dwelling for X, and another company suggests I insure it for 76% of X. So who is right and how do I find out? Another important question -- do most people try to get 100% coverage in case the house is vaporized, or do smart people go for, say, 75% coverage because the entire house probably won't be destroyed? Advice, please.""
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Hi, I'm turning 16 in September and is planning to get my licence right away. I haven't bough a vehicle yet, however, I'm planning to buy a car with a price range of 1000-2000 for used car. I didn't take any drivers training, I live in Alberta and I'm also a male. Around How much will my insurance be per month?""
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Does the 2004 RX8 (lol used for racing) have higher insurance than the 2004 BMW Z4?
How do you get insurance on a scooter you don't know the make/model of?
I bought a scooter off of Craigslist, no title, just bill of sale. I want to get the title for it, but my state requires you to first have insurance on the bike/scooter before you can register it. I have no idea of the make or model, I know it's a 49cc and it is Chinese made. I checked the VIN and it is not stolen but does not give any other information on it. How do I go about doing this? Can I use a cheap insurance company like The General or something? Also, I am located in Colorado but I think it's pretty standard around the country of the same process. I'm looking to register it in my name, get the title and get a Low Power Scooter sticker for it. 10 points to the best answer!""
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Should I get health insurance for psychotherapy?
Assuming that each visit with a clinical psychologist is around $100-150, what is the cheapest method of getting coverage for therapy? I have no health insurance and don't think I could afford it at this time. It seems that the cost of plans with no deductible would be around the same price as paying for treatment out of pocket. Are there any other options for those that can't afford insurance? Something that would involve low monthly payments over a longer period of time? (Hopefully with a low interest rate, if there is one.) If it matters, I am an otherwise healthy 21-year-old and living in southern California. No history of physical illness. I hear that insurance company's can be fickle about pre-existing conditions. Any advice is much appreciated! Thanks! BTW, I don't know anything about health insurance, so excuse the obvious naivety :)""
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If you had a slight bump with another car down a one track country lane. And you both claimed on insurance and the damage was about 200. When you next go and insure yourself how much more would it be approx. If you were 18
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If my annual premium is 6043.23, what is monthy car insurance cost?""
Car insurance Voluntary Excess?
hi just got a quote from a insurance broker for cars and i put down 100 Voluntary Excess but what does this mean?
How much would insurance cost. The car is a 2000 Lincoln Continental.?
How much would it cost I would mostlikely be put on my parents policy. Just wondering how much it would cost. Im 16.
Car insurance lowering (LEGALLY!!!!)?
right, i best tell the whole story. im 17 in a few months, so my parents have given me 5,000 for a car and insurance, which i thought would be plenty for something decent. however, as i have to insure the car myself (no fronting), and even a group one pile of c**p costs over 3,000 to insure. i know i could take pass plus, but are there any other ways to lower the insane premiums legally? and are there any insurers who give a good price for new drivers? thanks for the help :)""
How do you get flood insurance from the NFIP?
I already live in a community that enforces the floodplain management ordinances, but how do I get the insurance?""
How do i get car insurance with a suspended registration and license ?
I had a lapse in insurance & in turn the cars rgstn. & my lic has been susp.-now it seems after i pay restoration fee for each, dmv wont reinstate my reg for the car w/o proof of ins. and ins. wont insure w/o proof of rgstrtn. HELP.""
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hi there, i plan on buying a car soon but im a new driver and i have no one else to help me insure a car so i have no choice but to insure it on my own. I've checked and looked around geico, state farm, all state, and they were all to expensive, anywhere from 5-6k to insure the car for a year (way to expensive). So do any of you guys know any NY auto insurance companies that are affordable? Thanks""
First car ideas? I'm going to be 17 so insurance is a problem what car is cheapest to buy and insure?
I'm not interested in a Nissan Micra or Ford Ka. Need a cheap car to insure and to buy..
How do you get proof of auto insurance?
i just got my driver's license, (i'm 17) but i haven't been able to drive yet because my dad says i need to get an insurance card as proof of insurance. It was supposed to come in the mail a week ago. No one else i know had to do any of this, and they could drive as soon as they got their license. is there a faster easier way to get proof of insurance? thanks""
Will I be able to get health insurance to cover this?
I am about to graduate from college and have not been covered by insurance regularly in many years, for a short time I was on a California county-supported low-income type of insurance program but it automatically runs out every few months if you don't reapply evidently... Anyways, I'm about to graduate and move back to Oregon. I have some kind of hip/tendon injury that I need to go to the doctor for and have checked out...but because I don't have insurance, and this is an old injury already, is there any way I'm going to find health insurance to help me pay for this? Or am I just completely screwed and destined to limp around for the rest of my life??? because there's no forseeable way that I'll be able to afford my own health care any time soon, I'll be paying off my student loans for the next few years. I also doubt that I will be able to find a job that offers health coverage in my field so that's not looking very likely either.""
If i have insurance on my driver s license do i have to have insurance on my car in Maine?
I am now told that it is mandatory for me to have insurance ON my license... does that mean I need it on my car as well?? I could use all the help I can get on this. THANK YOU!
Has anyone purchased car insurance online?
I want to purchase geico online but would like some input on any experiences with online auto insurance policies?
Will a minor speeding ticket cause your insurance to rise.?
i read that speeding tickets can be a traffic offense and have you lose points from your lisence and pay a fine, it did not see it mentioned that your insurance rates would rise. i am intrested to know if this is true or what situations it applies to?""
Am I able to check the status of my husbands car insurance claim ?
Last October , I sold my car so I would be able to buy a more gas efficient car. I found a car that I wanted that was a stick but didn't no how to drive stick. My husband talked ...show more""
Cheap car insurance for first time drivers????!?
im from the UK, and the insurance for first time drivers can be about 1000+ for the first year.... i know someone who got theirs lower but the company has strings that come with it.... Does anyone know any companies that a fairly reasonable for first time drivers???? Thank you if anyone answers =)""
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""Is there a GOOD, HONEST, RELIABLE, AFFORDABLE Health Insurance (in TN), that individuals can acquire?""
I have a job that has an option for health insurance, but the insurance in terrible & expensive. My boss has agreed that if we can find a good health insurance company, that he would be willing to pay 1/2 of our premiums. There are too many health insurance companies out there & not all of them are just for individuals or small businesses. If you know of one, please tell me. I live in Tennessee (East TN). Thank you!""
How much is your liability car insurance?
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What is the estimated cost of a pool monthly in California including insurance?
What is the estimated cost of a pool monthly in California including insurance?
Where can I find the cheapest car insurance?
I'm living in Arkansas (working in Texas and in Arkansas). I'm an 18 year old male. I need to obtain FULL coverage on a 2000 Mazda Protege. The cheapest quote I had found (through Geico I believe) is $585/month for full coverage.. that's over $7000 a year... I have two tickets on my record. That quote was done without listing any tickets at all. I work 65 hours a week, so the only place I really drive is to my jobs and back. Unfortunately, I need a car in a hurry.. which means I'm going to finance one, which means full coverage is required. Any recommendations on places to get quotes from aside from geico and progressive?""
I'm 17 - Insurance on a 1985 Corvette? - Please help!?!?!?
Hey all - i have a quick question.. I want to know how much insurance would be if i get a 1985 Corvette - - i am 17 years old - i am a male - i live in New York - i have VERY good grades (i heard you can get discounts if so) And just to get everyone off my back now (lol) -.... I AM going to be paying for the CAR as WELL as the insurance.. i just worked my butt off this year and managed to save up around 10k for a car / insurance - so please dont state how i am just spoiled using my parents money and etc. I am responsible and i DONT need to read about how its a fast car and what not. This has been my favorite car for years now and i want to have it not to race, show off, impress others.. but just to collect it as a goal that i have had and use it as a daily car to get to school and work! I dont need sites where i can get quotes, because i already know all that gibberish (lol) - i just want a close estimate of how much it can be for full insurance on a 1985 corvette if i am 17, male, in NY, with very good grades. Thanks so MUCH in advance!""
More expensive insurance?
Is insurance more expensive for a new car than a used one assuming that it's the same model from the same manufacturer?
Car insurance payments?
I'm slightly confused over my car insurance. I took out a 12 month policy in December 2008 (paid a deposit at the time) and then paid by monthly installments. I then continued this policy in December 2009. However I have now cancelled this policy as another company could provide it cheaper. But I've been told by relatives that I won't be charged my monthly fee this month (i.e my pay day tomorrow!) because I have already paid the full amount for the 2 years. Is this correct?
Where to go for cheap car insurance for first time driver in Miami?
Where to go for cheap car insurance for first time driver in Miami?
Financed a car- car insurance went WAY up?
My husband and I recently sold our old car and financed a used low mile 2007 ford fusion. Our car insurance previously was around 60 dollars a month, now it's over $200.00. The reason our rate increased was our finance company requires certain insurance (comprehensive and collision) that we didn't have before. My question is, do we have to keep this insurance on the car throughout the financing period? They sprang this little tidbit on us right before we signed. We tried to get financing three weeks ago and suceeded, but the person working with us went out sick with swine flu and no one from the bank let us know. We ended up calling last week and they put us with someone else/ It put us in a time crunch since my husband was leaving for Naval OCS the next day. If we have to pay it, it's not a big deal, but we're a young couple and it's money we could be putting towards our student loans.""
""Ex has name on log book for car but i own it, it was put in their name for cheaper insurance, but now i want ?
The car back can I just take it
What do the insurance companies(in Maryland) consider a sports car?
I'm looking into getting a 1997-2001 Mitsubishi eclipse or a 1997-2004 Toyota celica. I've talked to different people around here and some say they consider them sports cars and others r saying that they r family cars because they have 4 seats and you can put people in the back. So I'm thinking that cars like Nissan 350z's and corvettes are sports car to them. Pls help me! I don't want to pay the insurance of a sports car. Is there a way I could get around it if they are considered sports cars.
""Car insurance, can't find answer anywhere and insurance companies not helping?""
Hi, Basically the car i currently have is costing me a lot of money and my insurance didn't go down as much as id hoped. Anyways I took out an insurance policy because it wasn't convenient to sell it when my old agreement expired, I'm paying monthly around 70. I'm looking to sell my car next month and buy a new car (something a lot cheaper!). The question is since i'm paying monthly for my insurance will that go down depending on the value of the insurance? I find this confusing because there are so many hidden charges. many thanks!""
How do I get health insurance for my newborn?
I am 6 months pregnant and 21 years old. I am still on my parents' health insurance, as I am an unemployed student. My boyfriend, who is an independent, is an unemployed student as well. He is currently uninsured and, as we have found, is uninsurable due to the fact that I am pregnant. My parents' health insurance WILL NOT cover grandchildren (dependents of dependents) and so my baby will not be covered on their plan. Individual health insurance plans will not cover my infant until up to 30 days AFTER he is born (and we can apply for medical insurance for him). How do I secure health care coverage for him BEFORE he comes so he can start going to the pediatrician immediately?""
How up to date is DMV information used by Car Insurance?
Hi, California DMV screwed up my driver's record causing my car insurance premium to go up. Now DMV says the problem is corrected, but agent (Farmers) says their direct access to DMV record says it's not corrected. How up-to-date is the information they're accessing? Are they really accessing DMV or some 3rd party supplier like ChoicePoint? Thanks""
Question about car insurance for young people?
I am nearing the end of my driving lessons and i am seriously thinking about cars.Can someone tell me a list of cars that are cheap to insure for a 17 year old male?Also my Mother told me that when i pass my driving test and get a car i will be going under her insurance policy and she said that it will be a lot cheaper than getting insured by myself.So my question is , is it better to get insured under a parents name so it will be considerably cheaper also i want to pay monthly for insurance and not yearly.Also what cars are generally cheap to insure under a parents name for a 17 year old? Thank You.""
Give three or more reasons why americans should not have health insurance?
what are three or more reasons why americans should not have health insurance
What is insurance?
What is insurance?
How much does insurance cost for a 17 year old with a old car or new car??
How much does insurance cost for a 17 year old with a old car or new car?? Does it make a difference?? and by how much??
Mandated Health Insurance is different from Mandated Auto Insurance how?
The Supreme Court will be deciding if the government can force us to buy health insurance from a private corporation. The government forces us to buy auto liability insurance from a private corporation. I am at a loss to see the difference.
Can i still be on mom's Car insurance?
So over a year my mom and I bought a car in her name when I graduated college. The car is registered in her name but I make the payments. Well my parents are divorced and I moved in with my dad due to the fact my ex lives down the street from my moms house and other family issues. I have live with him for almost a whole year, no problem. My billing address is still my moms house and my driver license has her address on it. My mail still goes to her house and it is the residence that I claim. Well now my mom is saying that unless I move back in I can't be on her car insurance. She says they are going to come out to the house and see if I actually live there. My mom hates my dad and hates that I live with him so she's been trying to get me to come live with her. I recently lost all 3 jobs that I was working so she's been really pushing moving in with here lately I just way to know if I can still be on her insurance legally. I can't get on my dads till October because of financial issues. I just turned 20 last week I live in CA I'm still under her health insurance She's changing car insurance which is why the subject has been brought up I'm not sure what company she's going to but we did have Horace Mann Thank you""
Which auto insurance companies offer road side assistance and what exactly do they cover?
Which auto insurance companies offer road side assistance and what exactly do they cover?
What are your rights if a person's car hits you and they don't have auto insurance?
This was a non-reportable vehicle accident. The person's car who hit mine was a manual and somehow came down the hill and hit my car. No one was in that person's car. But it rolled down and hit my car. I went to a dealer to get an estimate and it was about $955. I have car insurance, but the other guy doesn't. I have full coverage, but my deductible is $1000. What are my options? The owner of that car who hit me said that he is a mechanic and can fix my car. What should I do? Should I allow him or should I ask for his certification/license? I don't know if I can trust them either. I would rather have someone else fix it. Or should I just ask him to pay for the accident since he doesn't have car insurance? Is there a way where I don't have to pay anything? Any information what so ever will help out so much. Please give as much feed back as possible. I'm really looking for some possible answers.""
How does insurance for a scooter in florida work?
I was wanting to get a scooter a little like the one on this site: http://gainesville.craigslist.org/mcy/1167379006.html So anyone have any info that might help me like will i need insurance, would i need a special tag or license that costs more, are there any laws towards scooters in florida, would i need to get something from the owner like any type of paper work? Any tips would help a bunch!! thanks!!""
Ive been looking into pet insurance and Im a bit confused.?
Ive been looking into pet insurance and Im a bit confused. When it says: wellness exam (split between two visits per year) $40 vaccinations $30 heartworm test $25 fecal test $15 deworming $20 microchip $20 flea and/or heartworm preventive $50 blood screen or x-ray or EKG $50 Is the dollar amount the price the insurance pays all year or per visit?
Which insurance is cheaper for 19 years old person?
Which insurance is cheaper for 19 years old person? is it state farm(the one i have now) or geico. or please tell me what is the cheapest insurance company?
quote for homeowner insurance in texas
quote for homeowner insurance in texas
What kind of medical insurance can an unemployed 19 year old get?
I am 19, currently unemployed and i am living with my mom. I go to the doctor often but we are becoming pretty broke. What medical insurance can i get that can lower the cost of doctor visits and prescriptions. Ive already tried medi-cal but i have a share of cost for some reason.""
How much a month for car insurance for a beginning 16 year old driver?
How much a month for car insurance for a beginning 16 year old driver?
I currently don't have a car what kind of insurance can I get? ?
I would like to buy insurance for when I rent cars, because the car rental insurance is just too high nowadays. What kind of insurance can I start to look for. I called a couple of places for a non-owner policy, but they were saying that I need a car first, to place the insurance on.""
Traffic Citation for no car insurance What should i do?
Hello I have a question concerning a Traffic citation that i got 13 days ago. On the 21st of November i got pulled over for a blinker that was out on my car. I had bought this car from a friend 3 months ago and hadnt didnt redgister it into my name or have current tags. I had insurance for the first month that i had the car but then due to finacial problems couldnt afford the extra 220 a month for car insurance. So the State Trooper gave me a citition which written under the description only said no proof of insurance. So the a couple of days later i went and got insurance, redgistration, tags, license plates the whole nine yards and i went into the trooper station to clear the citation cause it is correctable but the lady tells me i have to show proof of insurance from the day of getting the citiation. so my only opition is either take this to court or pay a whooping 540$ and 6 points off my Driver's license i was wondering if i should take this to court?""
How much does car insurance cost for a 16 year old?
I drive a 98 Toyota Avalon, I heard ur grades affect the rates but I'm not a straight A student, I don't really do really well in school so you don't wanna know my grades. But how much would my parents have to pay for my insurance? We live in California""
How much lesser is car insurance every 6 months ?
I pay car insurance every month. ON AVERAGE do you think I would pay less every 6 months?
What is the average car insurance cost for a 20 year old in Maryland?
I tried doing quotes but it asks for too much information. I dont wanna keep receiving calls from car insurance places annoying me to get it with them. I have a 1998 Chrysler ...show more
How much does your insurance go up when you get in a fender bender?
My brother got in a fender bender. He is 16 and got his license about 9 months ago. The other car wasnt badly damaged, just minor. We live in California. Anyone know about how much his insurance policy will go up?""
""How much would auto insurance cost for a $17,000 Bentley?""
Yes, I was looking around and someone was selling a bentley for $17,000. It is a 2005 Continental GT. If I were to buy that for a 16 year old, how much would insurance be? I know it is a bentley but it is an a low price tag of $17,000. And he would be covered under my insurance which makes the price go down lower, also he has taken the test,etc. Any insight would help greatly.""
Could a 17 year old new driver get insurance for a 1.8-2.0 litre?
Hi... If i was to get a car lets say a 1.8 to a 2.0 litre could i put this car on one of my parents policies and be able to get affordable insurance... My parents have many years no claims discount... Would the insurance firm grant me permission to be insured for a car with a big engine under my parents policy? I was thinking of a VW golf Gti (Mk3) or maybe an old BMW ... Please don't suggest sh!t cars like puntos,saxos nd all those because they are for the boy racers...""
If your a 20 yr old female in florida how much do you pay for your car insurance?
I just moved here and want to buy a car but i was wondering how much someone my age pays for insurance. A little help please? actual numbers would help
How much would insurance be for a 16 year old in GA?
I'm 16, I own a 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier LS Sport- 2 door, live in Athens, GA, drive less than 7,000 miles annually, drive to and from work and school 5 days a week... haha. I just want to know how much it would be monthly for car insurance on any of the companies. Any help would be appreciated. :)""
Whether to wait for up-to-date No-Claim-Bonus certificate before applying for Car insurance in UK?
Till date, I have 4 years NO CLAIM BONUS and I will get this as 5 Year NCB on 7th Dec 2013, when I complete another year. I have now changed my car - got a new car and will sell my old one. I have now got to get the insurance for my new car within 7 days. All quotes I am getting is based on 4 yrs NCB. The question is - a) Do I go for a 1 year insurance with 4 yrs NCB and then change the insurance again after it expires? OR b) Do I get into a 4 yrs insurance and then change it in Dec 2013 when I get 5 yrs NCB? Which option works out cheaper? I have to get the insurance within 7 days but then I don't want to miss out on the bargain i can get when I have 5 yrs NCB. Also will my current (old car) insurer provide me a NCB certificate for 4yrs 10 months as I was not with them for the whole year? please advise as to which is a cheaper option.""
What are the pros & cons of employer-sponsored health insurance?
In almost every other country health insurance is provided through the government or through private industry directly to the policyholder. America is unique in that health insurance is most often provided through your employer. What are the pros & cons of this system.
Car Insurance - 17 Year old!?
part time motor trade insurance - That's the insurance policy that my dad's on, would it be possible for me to be added onto this policy then drive the cars that are insured on it. If not what's the best way about getting cheaper insurance policies? The way I thought I got cheaper insurance was that my dad would start a policy then add me as a named driver, is it still the same? Thanks in advance!""
Why would my auto insurance increase?
The insurance on my 09 Mitsubishi Lancer went up over $100 since last year. I did not make any claims, was in any accidedents or anything like that. I did not move. I did not have anything done to the car which could cause the insurance to increase. So why would my insurance increase? I am over 40 yrs old and ever since I've been driving and with all the cars I've owned, most of them new, I never had an insurance increase on the same vehicle. It always decreased from year to year on the same vehicle. Never went up. I want to get some opinions here first and maybe get a legitimate explanation before I call my insurance agent and ask why they increase my rate or look to find a different insurer.""
Can a vehicle get insurance by someone other than vehicle owner?
Can a vehicle get insurance by someone other than vehicle owner?
Best insurance company for a 16 year old driving a v6 or v8 camaro?
best insurance company for a 16 year old driving a v6 or v8 camaro? my thought is that while a v6 camaro might be reasonable to insure a 16 year old driver with, the v8 wouldbe some unuearthly figure in the 8 digits. i know its based on SO many things, but im just asking if anyone has a HUNCH about what insurance company is the best/cheapest for a teen driving a camaro? assume its a v8, ad it cant get any worse if it ended up being a v6, if you know what i mean. btw dont say american faimily. they wont even insure a person with less than 5 years driving experience driving a v8 camaro AT ALL, let alone at a huge rate. finally, do you think there is any way on earth for insurance for a 16year old driving a (2000 lets just say for example) camaro v8? including all the little bonuses like good grades, clean record, etc. all of which i have. thanks so much for your answers! they REALLY help!""
How much typically does car insurance cost per year if i'm a first time driver and car is brand new?
How much typically does car insurance cost per year if i'm a first time driver and car is brand new?
How much cost an insurance car in North Carolina?
How much cost an insurance car in North Carolina?
What number do you call to file an insurance claim with Verizon?
I flushed my phone down the toilet. sounds ridiculous but i managed to do it. i have insurance, what number do i call to file a claim?""
""If i have no income will obamacare subsidies 100% of my health insurance, and co pay?""
If i have no income will obamacare subsidies 100% of my health insurance, and co pay?""
How much would insurance for a Lamborghini cost?
I'm most curious about the Sesto Elemento which I believe is being ordered for $900,000. Also license plates if anyone knows how much those would cost. I'm just curious, I'm mot rich.""
I can't help wondering who is going to pay the Doctors when everyone is paying for affordable insurance ?
And there are safety nets for drugs costing 100s of dollars and hospitals that cost billions of dollars to run. Who is going to pay for it? Seriously. The ACA? The small amount of money the Insurance companies collect because I assure you it's much less than the Cadillac Plans of yesteryear
""CAR INSURANCE, i live in a bad area and its doubling my quotes.?
I've got a mini 1000 1974 that im restoring and ive lost all motivation to finish it after reciving quotes starting from 7.5k and going up to 18k. Im guessing the reason being is that I live in a F rated area. its a proper s##t hole. Is there anything i can do to help reduce the quotes to a figure that i can realsticly afford. 7.5k is more than im earning.
quote for homeowner insurance in texas
quote for homeowner insurance in texas
Recommendations of car insurance for someone who is an experienced driver but it is their first cover?
My husband has held a driving licence for 10 years. We don't own a car and never have done as we couldn't afford it but fortunately we lived in London so we had good use of public transport. Over this time we have rented a car numerous times and have driven all over England up and down motorways and country roads plus on all our annual holidays abroad. In addition, we have loan of a car for 7 months every year of a family member who goes abroad for the winter (and are on their insurance). We've just moved out of London and have now bought a car but when we've got quotes for insurance (looking at direct quotes as well as websites as via GoCompare) they are expensive ranging from 715 - 1695! When we called up a few insurers to find out why it is this high, they say it's because it's the first insurance he has had and it looks like he's an inexperienced driver. They say that they need proof of his experience to be able to bring the premiums down however when we say we have proof of him being on the family member's insurance as well as being able to show previous car hire rentals they won't accept this. I was wondering if anyone had any advice or know of any insurance companies they'd recommend for situations like this. Many thanks.""
How much will insurance cost for a 16 year old?
im 16 years old and i wanna get a 1965 mustang and im wondering how much insurance would cost even if under my parent's plan
Car Insurance and deductible payment?
My car window got smashed in and my windshield got cracked from vandalism. Nothing was stolen. I am taking my car in for inspection today. My question is, if my car deductible is $500, and if the resulting cost of the repair is less than the deductible, do I have to pay the deductible? It just doesn't seem correct to pay $250 each month, and then have to pay on top of that $500 for a repair that we could have saved up to pay for? Does anyone know if we have to pay the deductible if our repair cost is less than the deductible?""
Good car insurance for a teen?
in the summer im going to get my first job (yay!) and my parents are in a bit of a financial rut so with my paycheck im gonna pay my insurance so i was wondering...which insurance would be the cheapest or have the most deductibles im going to be 18 in october, never got a ticket, never got in a wreck and i have had my license for two years any helpful answers are appreciated :) also if you need any more info let me know!:) ..oh and btw its a 1999 hyandai elantra that i drive""
Pittsburgh car (auto) insurance?
Where can I get auto insurance in Pittsburgh? What do you recommend? I bought a car recently and I'd like to find a cheap way to insure it.
Progressive auto insurance problem !?
I need an opinion on what should i do in this case. 3 weeks ago , as I was driving home , on the freeway , from the truck in front of me fell big peace of ice and hit my car from underneath. Less than 1 minute later i noticed blue smoke behind , luckily there was and exit with gas station right there. By the time i pulled up to the gas station car was barely moving. After staying parked for 20 min , it leaked oil and tranny fluid . I called towing , had them pick the car up , called progressive made the claim. All of that happened in WI near Milwaukee , before i used to leave in Chicago , so I never dealt with progressive from WI. After couple days adjuster came out and gave shop 1100$ to start the repairs , shop diagnosed everything and came to a conclusion that its the transmission leaking because of the damage inside. Adjuster was extremely slow to give shop any kind of approvals to do anything , So after 3 weeks they finally allowed them to take transmission apart , another adjuster came out took pictures , then shop owner want around , called me and said that he will call me next day. Next day shop owner calls me asking if I heard anything from progressive ? I call that guy back , but he went on vacation. Call my first adjuster , she says that the guy who went on vacation concluded that it wasn't related to impact , so they wont pay for anything and I owe 500 for taking down transmission. I called shop owner right away asking if its possible , not being related to impact , he says of course not , otherwise your car wouldn't break after impact. He also said some technical explanation what caused it to break , i just don't know what. he also said that no one ever called him and asked him what was the cause if that. I dealt with progressive in Chicago twice , when i lived there , and i had greatest experience ever , but it seems that in Milwaukee , they are playing games , making me pay , and not taking responsibilities. I figured somebody might know what should I do in this case , I just want them to do what they should do , especially when Im paying 200$ a month.""
Do I automatically have to get car insurance right after I get my license?
I'm 18, I live with my parents...In order for me to get my license my mom wants me to pay for car insurance (since I'll be under her name) which is understandable, but I don't have a car yet, and I just want my license in case of an emergency...like I won't even be driving around her car rarely. She told me that even if I wanted to get my license and not get car insurance yet, I can't because I live in her house?? Does that sound right? Can't I just get my license without car insurance until I actually have my own car?""
How much would the auto insurance go up if I got my drivers license?
Im about to turn 17 Im not going to get it right now but during the summer when I am 17. And I want a car but my mom says that its too expensive. I wouldnt ask for a car if i didnt need it but I need it for this program at school starting next year that I want to take. So I just want to know How much would the insurance go up. We have farmers auto insurance. so please tell me asap < = \
Insurance question on jeeps! help?
Im moving out in a month and a half and am very worried about insurance because i don't know if i can still be under my parents insurance if im not living with them. Questions: 1) Can i still be on my parents insurance if i move out? 2) looking to get a 90's jeep tj wrangler or sport. what one is better on insurance? 3) how much is insurance on a jeep? (wrangler and tj sport) ** im 16 years old in GW drivers training which lowers my insurance. im turing 17 soon my parents have not had any car accidents and i haven't either and don't plan on getting in an accident lol.**
""If you buy a refurbished phone from at&t, can you get insurance on it?""
I am wanting to get the black blackjack II, and I was also wondering if it would be worth it to get insurance, since its only $60.""
""17 yr old in uk, looking for any tips to get cheaper car insurance.?""
looking for helpful tips to legally lower the price of my car insurance ie what company to go with, whether i should put my mum on my policy etc.""
I dont understand my car insurance??!!?
My car is insured by progressive. There was a break in attempt about a month ago. Unfortunately, i was out of town and my husband didnt file a report. Upon attempting to break in, our window would not roll up or down anymore because they set it off track. Today, our whole lock came out of the door! (I dont know what its called, the place that you put your key in the door in order to lock your car, it came out of the door.) We are broke and cant fix it because BMW parts are SO expensive. Ive been extremely worried about my car being stolen and have been trying to understand my policy. But i dont! What happens if my car gets stolen? Which part of the policy talks about it being stolen? My car was financed to my husband by Navy Fed, depending on the insurance, do they pay off the bank?""
Best Car For Cheap Car Insurance?
I am looking for a used car that will be of good quality, reliability and value. In addition, I would like the insurance to be as low as possible. Any thoughts on specific models that meet these requirements?""
Average cost of auto insurance for a truck per month?
Average cost of auto insurance for a truck per month?
What is the best health insurance for my family?
We are started to look for health insurance for our family and I was just wondering what everyones opinion was. We have 2 young children.
Do any insurance companies do insurance on two cars uk only?
Why is it that if a person has two cars you can not get insurance for two cars on one policy If like me you have more than 9 years no claims bonus you must put your no claims on to one policy and start a new policy for the other car. but you can only drive one car at a time Is this just another insurance rip off
Cheap Moped Insurance?
Does anyone know where to get VERY cheap moped insurance? I'm 16, just passed my CBT and I need cheap insurance for my moped... Does anyone know where to get this... Or does it not exist?""
What car is very cheap to insure? Im 17 and really want a car!?
I was thinking about the peugeot 106 before ad the saxo but apparentley its too expensive, i just want to know a car that i can get quite cheap insurance for, bearing in mind im 17!""
What are some good life insurance companies in New York?
I am looking for a affordable monthly life insurance company for me and my wife, I have multiple scelerosis as a pre existing condition?""
Van with low insurance? HELP?
My car broke down, and i need a van pronto. I am a professional dog walker and need wheels all the time as cover a large radius. This is a perfect time to take the step into have a van. I only want something small. which i can split the back into two sections so can carry two dogs at a time. similar size as a renult kangoo, transit connect, vahxall combo - that sort of size van. It needs to be a low insurance group - as i have 4 years driving but no commerical No claims only car no claims - which ive been told doesnt count on a commercial policy. also needs to be diesel and a very small engine like 1.3 or something as i do so many miles and fuel costs atm. I have around 3000 to spend on a van. Any direction as to a suitable van, that fit my requirments would be fab! Ive been looking all night and cant find anything :( Thank you!!!!""
Will my insurance be higher if my car doesnt have airbags?
I'm about to buy a mustang and I know how much insurance will be already, I've talked to my insurance agent and there is a mustang with low miles, and its a nice deal but needs a little work. The main thing it needs is Airbags. Will my insurance be higher because it has no airbags? And how much does it cost to get airbags replaced?""
""I'm a 17 year old, I have to pay my own car insurance. What's the cheapest? Can you give me your rates? (:?""
I'm specifically asking teens, 17-23, who pay their OWN insurance. My mom isn't going to include me on hers, so I'm on my own. Give me some rates! How much do you pay? Monthly/yearly, and HOW do you pay it? Every 3 months, monthly, or yearly? THANKS!""
Best car for a first time driver in terms of insurance etc?
Hi, My girlfriend is taking her test soon and if she should pass was wondering which would be the best car to get her in terms of cheap insurance? Is there any sites that list insurance by car model? And any other general first car advice is welcomed. We are in the UK by the way. Thanks guys!""
Good car insurance sites?
Would like to know if any of you know of any good car insurance sites. I am a student who will be driving a fiat punto/ maybe even a skoda fabia.
How much will my brothers insurance go up after his accident?
How much will my 18 year old brothers car insurance go up after a 3,000 single car accident? Thanks! :o)""
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quote for homeowner insurance in texas
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