#also akira seeing the hamsters; awww :)
tricksheart · 2 years
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@celestiialnotes said: "Curious... your aura feels different than any other mortal here..." - Gundham
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"Maybe because my talent is basically average? I really don't know what to tell you about my....aura was it? You watch too many movies my man to insinuate that my soul is different than the ones in this classroom".
Or maybe because Akira was trying to pet and feed the hamsters or how the ultimate animal tamer called them, the destructors of devas or something like that. Too much edge and middle schooler vibes for his tastes.
Then again Akira might call the hamsters by the show Hamtaro so he's not in a good position to judge anyone at this moment. "If anything, Komeda is more of a suspicious inner persona than I am, I assure you".
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