#also all of the commercial breaks during amok time had some sort of sex or penis commercial in there
worfs-fabulous-hair · 2 years
It's time for the famed episodes I've heard alot about and to meet my favorite boy!
Series I'm currently on : the original series
Episodes watched: 02X01-02X02
Episode names:
Amok Time
Who Mourns for Adonais
Amok Time
Ok so right off the bat they get into the fact that Spock's been acting strange , not eating , ect.
Chapel coming in with the plumeek soup ( please I don't know how to spell it it's a made up soup )
I wonder who had to throw that soup across the hall seems fun
Also it's kinda brushed over they Spock threatened to snap bones' neck and McCoy seems very amused by this threat
Screams at you like it's a violent threat (and by all means might be ) " I'M NOT FEELING WELL AND I WANT TO GO HOME"
Slightly new intro , this is the intro that I'm used to from childhood
He's not even getting reprimanded for being violent towards chapel he's just like " you never take a break , that's how I know something is wrong " , really Jim that's how you know something is wrong ?
Also the comment about how a woman shouldn't bring a man who isn't her husband lunch and that is inherently sexual somehow is just brushed over like it's nothing the 60s were wild
Why does he start shaking so bad the second that Jim leaves ?
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also the event that they were supposed to go to and took a detour from is now a week earlier then before
They decided to not detour to Vulcan
Spock changed the course back to Vulcan
Spock is yelling at Kirk to lock him in his room
Spock's getting a physical
Jim's gonna get the pon farr talk
" Spock's not gonna tell anyone what's going on not even you" " I'll make him tell me "
" the birds and the bees are not vulcans captain "
" haven't you wondered , how vulcans choose their mates ?" Jim looks so much like he's trying hide excitement and curiosity at that , like shatner played this man to be so gay
These little tidbits between Sulu and Chekov about the course constantly being changed is so cute
Kirk is really risking everything to keep Spock alive
Chapel's happy little smile when Kirk says they're going to Vulcan
" your face is wet"
Spock is flirting with chapel
Spock asking Kirk and McCoy to be his best men at his wedding
Imagine working with this guy for like years you consider him a close friend and then one day there is like video call in the middle of the conference and this woman comes on the screen and says hey to the guy and you ask him who that was and he just goes "my wife " like you should know that already but he's never once told you he has a wife like this shit is so wild
Marriage or battle to the death
All of those fucking bells
I love Vulcan wedding fashion all of the metallic clothing
T'pao talks like and looks like my grandma
Damn imagine showing up to a wedding and the bride rejects the groom before it starts and tells him he has to fight someone to the death or he'll die
Spock sounds like an edgy teenager while he's saying that Kirk doesn't know what he is getting into
Why is stonn always making that face it makes him look so stupid
Weapons wrapped in purple velvet
" oh so no one was gonna tell me this was a fight to the death ?? Until I already accepted that bullshit "
Oof the way he fell on his arm I know that's gotta hurt
Pulled that medicine out of now where
Kirk being handed different weapons and having the face of what the fuck is this , what is this for ?? Is the best
Kirk's dead
" tell Chekov to find the nearest prison so I can turn myself in "
Man t'pring is kind of a bitch
" I shall do neither "
Jim's alive
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Look at that smile
And then he immediately pretends like he's not happy and excited
Ay ! T'pao coming through with helping the enterprise crew from being reprimanded by star fleet for going to Vulcan
" I don't know what your talking about I didn't have an emotional reaction when I thought I'd killed the captain not at all "
Who Mourns for Adonais?
Scotty's got a crush
Hey it's crazy hand and master hand
The giant hand has grabbed the enterprise
Does the hand belong to a giant phantom space baby ?
What's the name of that movie where they all have the flower crowns ?? Is it midsommer?
This floating head entity looks like he's from that
He's gonna crush the ship because they wouldn't listen to his bible reading
" you and your officers are invited but not the one with the pointy ears he looks like this one guy that I used to know who was sooo boring "
Man this lady hasn't slept in over 24 hours and they brought her along for this shit , I'd be so peeved off
" I am Apollo " " and everyone in Russia thinks I'm incredibly attractive , yeah sure bud"
" Chekov please not right now "
"earth women mmmmm"
Just , just this :
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He's also not letting them leave because he wants to be worshipped
Apollo is doing some Cheshire cat shit
He's also basically throwing a temper tantrum
Chekov and Scotty are ready to shoot a bitch but can't
Damn Scotty just got back handed so hard he was sent flying
Apollo kidnapped Caroline
Wait how do they know that he's Apollo on the ship he only said so to the landing party after they got there
So according to this dude all of the gods left the planet rather through death or in search of new worshippers
" Spock's contaminating this boy jim "
Apollo shocked Scotty with lightning and is force choking Kirk
" like that cat in the Russian story "
"We're gonna sacrifice one of us so the just of us can jump on the off handed chance he doesn't disappear "
The plan has failed because Caroline jumped between them and basically did what those high school couples do when the boy gets into a fight and then the girl jumps in the middle and holds his face going " this isn't you babe , you don't need to do this , look at me babe I'm all you need "
" how old are you ? " " I'm 22 sir" " then I'll handle it by myself "
Like what does that have to do with anything
At this point the lieutenant probably thinks this is all a dream she hasn't slept in over 24 hours and hasn't had any coffee either
" your a human you need to help out your fellow human "
Why do they keep having the women of the ship falling in love with a very obviously terrible person they have known for only a few hours
" Tell me more about yourself " " what more is there to tell I am Apollo " " yeah but like tell me about your childhood , your hobbies there's got to be more to you then just what your name is " " but ... I'm Apollo??"
" I've been studying you this entire time , your nothing more then a test subject" lmao get wrecked
They destroyed his shit and now he's real mad
He became so depressed from rejection that he died
I like how gods just exist in star trek like that's just a thing
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